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Cockloft by K.C. Lynn (16)



Pride fills me as I finish totaling today’s sales. Not bad for a Sunday. I’m certain these numbers will only increase once my men’s line is up and running.

The grand opening is less than a week away and I cannot wait. There are some big names coming to the launch party. Including a reporter from Vogue, the biggest fashion magazine in this country.

My dreams are finally coming true.

I glance over at the stack of invites sitting next to me. My plan is to hand deliver a select few and my first stop will be to Gabe. After all, I need myself a hot date and he is the perfect candidate.

Hopefully he doesn’t mind me showing up at the station unannounced, but he works late tonight and I don’t want to wait to give him this. Besides, it’s been three days since I last saw him. That is too long. I need to see him and kiss his handsome face.

With that thought in my mind, I finish tidying up and reach for my purse when the door beeps with someone’s arrival. I bite back my annoyance, knowing I should have turned the open sign off.

Perfecting a smile, I walk around to greet the person but come to a hard stop when I see who it is. My feet remain planted, shock anchoring me to my spot.

“Mom?” I whisper.

She stands just inside the door, a warm smile on her face, but there is no denying the tears forming in her eyes. “There’s my baby girl.”

Her arms open for me and I don’t hesitate, my heart exploding as she wraps me in a hug. The subtle scent of her perfume invades my senses, warming a part of me that’s been cold since she left.

“Oh, honey. I’ve missed you,” she chokes out, her hand stroking down the back of my hair as she holds me close.

“Me too.” Stepping back, I wipe the tears from under my eyes while she does the same. “What are you doing here? I thought you weren’t getting back for another week.”

“I took an earlier flight. I needed to see you.” She pauses, her chin quivering as she tries to maintain her composure. “I’ve been so selfish, CeCe.”

I shake my head. “Mom. No.”

She puts her hand up, stopping me from going further. “Yes. I have. I’ve been thinking a lot since our talk and I’ve had to face things, things I’ve been avoiding. Like…reality,” she whispers, sorrow thick in her voice. “I’m so sorry I’ve left you so often. I guess I just thought if I wasn’t here so much, I wouldn’t hurt all the time, but the truth of the matter is, no matter where I go it hurts. But it’s even worse because I’m not with you. I’m not here where I belong.”

The admission has me pulling her in for another hug. “I miss him too, Mom. Every second of every day, but we can be here for each other.”

“Definitely.” She releases me, her eyes meeting mine. “I made an appointment with a grief counselor, you’re welcome to join me if you want.”

I smile. “I’d like that.”

“Good. Now that we have that settled. How about dinner?”


She nods. “We can go to the country club and you can fill me in on everything that’s been going on with you.”

The country club suggestion has my stomach twisting with dread, the chance of running into Graham there is too great to risk. He and his wife go often and I never want to see that man again for as long as I live.

“How about Fredrick’s instead?” I suggest.

I’ll fill her in on Graham when the time is right. She needs to know what a sleazeball he is but not tonight.

“That works, too.”

“Great, can I meet you there in a half hour? I have a quick stop I need to make first.”

“Of course, but if you’re busy, honey, we can do it another night. I shouldn’t have assumed you’d be free.”

“No. I don’t have plans. I just need to stop by the fire station to drop off an invite to my…friend.” My hesitation has her mother sensors going off.

She lifts a brow, curiosity smothering her face. “Friend?”

“Actually, more than a friend,” I admit, deciding now is as good a time as any to tell her about Gabe. “It’s a guy I’ve been seeing.”

“You have a boyfriend?” she shrieks.

I nod, a massive smile stretching across my mouth.

“How long have you been seeing each other? Is it serious? Tell me everything right now,” she demands, excitement lighting up her whole face.

“It’s fairly new. A couple of months but…” I hesitate as I try to put my feelings into words. “It’s serious. I like him, Mom. A lot.”

“Oh, honey, this is wonderful. I’m so happy for you.” The happiness in her voice mirrors the one in my heart. “When do I get to meet him?”

“Soon,” I promise.

“I would have never guessed firefighters are your type,” she says, waggling her eyebrows.

“Me neither, but it turns out Hispanic firefighters are my favorite.”

We both break out into laughter.

“I cannot wait to hear more,” she says. “You go on and do what you have to. I’ll head over and grab us a table.”

“Sounds good. I won’t be long.”

She’s about to run out the door but ends up turning back and pulling me into her arms for one more hug. “I love you.”

Tears burn the backs of my eyes again but I do my best to blink them back. “I love you, too.”

Once she leaves, I lock up the store then head to my car. On the way over to see Gabe my smile never deters and neither does the love in my heart.

Everything is finally right in my world.

When I pull up to the fire station, I find the overhead doors open and two trucks pulled out where a few firefighters are spraying them down.

I park across the street, making sure I’m not in the way if they get a call. My nerves kick in again as I climb out of my car. A few of the firefighters spot me as I approach, their eyes widening in appreciation.

“All right, which one of you wonderful assholes bought me the birthday gift?” one asks, his gaze drifting down the length of me.

As nervous as I am, I can’t help the amused smile that stretches across my mouth, my confidence climbing just a little bit higher.

Another steps forward to greet me, extending his hand. “Hey. Can we help you with something?”

“Hi. I’m looking for Gabe.”


“Yeah, Gabriel Martinez,” I elaborate, hoping I’m at the right place.

How embarrassing would that be? I’m certain he said this is the station he works at.

Another firefighter pokes his head out of the truck and I recognize him as the one who brought me the blanket that first night. Banks, I believe Gabe called him.

Recognition dawns in his eyes as he jumps out of the truck. “Holy shit. It’s purse girl.”

Purse girl?

“I didn’t recognize you with all your clothes on.”

Heat invades my cheeks but I do my best not to cower. “Ha, ha,” I say dryly.

“Wait,” birthday guy cuts in, holding a hand up. “She’s the girl who Martinez found that night?”

“The one and only,” Banks confirms.

“That fucker gets all the luck,” birthday guy grumbles.

Clearing my throat, I get back to the task at hand. “Right, well now that we all have established I am the girl who Gabe found in her underwear. Can I speak with him please?”

A smirk breaks out across Banks’s face. “Yeah, hold on. I’ll get him.” He walks a few steps over to a steel door and opens it. “Yo, Martinez. Get your ass out here. You have a package.”

Everyone else remains where they are, staring at me awkwardly. I’m certain this moment can’t get any more uncomfortable.

Seconds later, Gabe walks out, looking as sexy as ever in his station uniform. “What the hell are you shouting about?”

Banks points to where I stand.

“Hey.” I wave lamely, shifting from heel to heel.

The smile that breaks out across his handsome face eases some of my apprehension. “Blondie!” His strides are purposeful as he starts toward me. He shoves birthday guy—who is still gawking at me—out of the way, hard enough that he falls into the truck. “Put your eyes back in your head, asshole.”

A giggle slips past my lips before I can stop it.

Gabe curls an arm around my waist and lays one heck of a kiss on me, right in front of all the guys.

“Show off,” birthday guy grumbles.

Smiling, I peer up into his mesmerizing brown eyes. “Hope you don’t mind I stopped by like this.”

“You’re always welcome here, Bella.”

“Yep, anytime,” birthday guy says. “Bring all the hot friends you want.”

The intrusion has Gabe turning to face the group. “Did these yahoos introduce themselves to you yet?”

“No, but we established I’m purse girl and the one you found in her underwear.”

“Roman here thought she was his birthday gift,” Banks says, amused.

Gabe scowls over at birthday guy. “You fucking wish.”

He nods. “I do.”

Gabe grunts and starts the introductions with him. “This delusional asshole is Roman Bradley. It’s his birthday today and he’s made sure everyone knows it.”

“Happy birthday,” I say.

“Thanks, but it’s not as happy as it was five minutes ago when I thought you were single.”

His honesty has me bursting into laughter.

Gabe dismisses him with a shake of his head then moves on to the next guy. “This is Kurt Nguyen,” he says, pointing at the guy whose hand I shook when I first walked up.

I greet him again with a wave that he politely returns.

“The one in the back by the truck is Blair Davis.”

The guy nods at me.

“And lastly, Kevin Banks. I’m sure you remember him.”

“I do. Thank you for the blanket and for taking good care of my dog.”

“Anytime, purse girl.”

I guess “Purse girl” isn’t the worse thing he could call me, especially since I was in my underwear.

Gabe dismisses the group by pulling me in close again. “You wanna stay for dinner?”

“You’ll get to have pizza and birthday cake,” Roman adds temptingly.

Gabe shoots an annoyed glance at him for the interruption.

“Thanks for the invite but I have plans already,” I tell him regretfully. “But do you have a minute to talk?”

“Yeah, come on. I’ll walk you to your car.”

I bid the others a good-bye that they all reply to, but Roman has to throw in one last parting comment. “If you ever decide to break up with him, call me,” he shouts to my retreating back.

I laugh but Gabe doesn’t seem to find him as funny as I do.

“It seems like you all get along for the most part,” I say, smiling up at him.

“We do when they aren’t checking out my woman.”

My brow lifts. “Jealous, Martinez?”

Something dark flashes in his eyes, something that has my breath skipping.

Reaching my car, he turns me around and pins me against it, his arms going on either side of my hips. “No, Bella, I’m not jealous because we both know that no one gets you but me.”

I push to my tiptoes and wrap my arms around his neck. “That’s right. I’m all yours, Fireboy.”

He claims my mouth in a long, deep kiss that pales in comparison to the one before. By the time he pulls back, I’m unsteady on my feet.

“So what do we need to talk about?” he asks.

“Talk about?” I repeat, having a hard time grasping reality. My mind and heart are still stuck in that kiss.

His lips kick up in a sinful smirk. “You said we needed to talk. Or did you just come here for a kiss? I’m fine with either one.”

I shake my head, trying to get rid of the fog clouding my mind. “Right, I came for both but the main reason for my visit is to give you this.” I reach into my bag then hand him the sealed black envelope.

“What’s this?” he asks, taking it from me.

“Your personal invite to my launch party. I need a hot date. Any chance you can help me out?”

“Hell, yeah. There’s no way anyone else is going to be by your side.”

His possessive words dance along my skin, creating a flock of butterflies in my tummy.

“When is it?” he asks.

“This Saturday. I was thinking you could invite your mom, too. Do you think she would come?”

He shrugs. “I don’t see why not. How fancy is it? My mom is simple and so am I. We don’t own anything worth three thousand dollars.”

I refrain from rolling my eyes. I swear he is never going to get over that Vera dress. “You don’t need to worry about that. Some people will be dressed up and others more casual, but I got you covered.”

Uncertainty masks his expression. “What does that mean?”

“It means, I’m hoping you will wear one of the suits from my new line and show it off for me…” I say, looking up at him hopefully.

“I don’t know, Blondie. I’m not much of a suit guy. I’m more of a jeans and T-shirt kind of dude.”

“And I love that about you but no one will look as good as you in the suit I have picked out. For me…please?” I add, batting my lashes at him.

“Fine,” he groans.

I launch myself at him, planting a hard smooch on his cheek. “Thank you.”

“Anything for you.”

This man does all sorts of beautiful things to my heart.

“So what are these dinner plans you have going on tonight?” he asks, setting me back down to my feet.

“Actually, I’m meeting my mother,” I tell him, happiness soaring through me all over again.

“I thought she didn’t get back until next week?”

“Me too, but turns out she took an earlier flight. She couldn’t wait any longer to see me.” My voice softens along with my smile.

He reaches up, brushing a strand of hair away from my face. “Glad to hear. I know how much you’ve missed her.”

“I have, and I told her all about you. She will be at the party.”

“Good. I’m glad I’ll finally get to meet her.”

We gaze back at one another, our need rivaling the other’s as my fingers clutch the starch material of his uniform shirt.

“Come over after your shift tonight,” I whisper.

His chocolate eyes darken further, arms tightening around me. “It’ll be late. After midnight.”

“I don’t care. I miss you and I want to sleep in your arms.”

“I miss you too, baby.” He pulls me in closer and there’s no denying the feel of his erection against my stomach. “I’ll be there. Give me a key so I don’t have to wake you.”

I give him the spare one I have on my keychain. Afterward, he leaves me with another spellbinding kiss before strutting his sexy ass back into the station.

My heart is full as I drive to meet my mother at the restaurant and the night only gets better. We have a wonderful dinner together that lasts for hours. I tell her more about Gabe and what’s been going on at the boutique. She fills me in on her trip and the crazy shenanigans she and my aunts got into. But best of all, we talk about my dad. Sharing some of our favorite memories of him. It’s the best medicine for our healing hearts.

Later that evening, I crawl into bed wearing the sexiest pair of bra and panties I own. A red lace set with a jeweled clasp between my breasts and matching rhinestones at my hips. It takes a good hour before I’m able to fall asleep, my body and mind racing in anticipation for what’s to come.

The next thing I know, a noise startles me awake, yanking me from sleep.

“It’s just me, Bella.” Gabe’s deep voice washes over me, soothing my frantic heart.

He switches on the lamp next to my bed, the soft glow illuminating his handsome face. He reaches out, skimming his fingers across my cheek in a gesture that has my heart fluttering in my chest.

I cover his hand with my own and turn my face to the side, pressing a kiss to his palm before shifting the blankets off me and revealing what I have beneath.

His sharp inhale penetrates the room as his eyes turn to liquid fire, traveling down my half naked body. He removes his shirt then pants, his eyes never leaving mine as he climbs on top of me. Every bit of air is stolen from my lungs, the hot feel of his darker skin upon mine altering my world.

His hands are painstakingly slow as he removes the garments from my body. He spends time loving me with his mouth, bringing me to a mind-blowing orgasm before he enters me, claiming not only my body but my soul as well.

Grabbing my hand, he interlocks our fingers before bringing it over my head, his eyes never straying from mine as he makes love to me like never before.

It’s gentle and intimate, every stroke more heart stealing than the last.

His lips brush the shell of my ear as he whispers phrases in Spanish. They roll off his tongue in the most beautiful way. I have no idea what he says but I don’t need to because his touch says it all.

In this moment, I know without a doubt that I have irrevocably fallen in love with Gabriel Martinez, and I’ll do whatever it takes to keep him forever.