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Cocky Senator's Daughter: Hannah Cocker (Cocker Brothers, The Cocky Series Book 8) by Faleena Hopkins (7)

Jealousy’s Map - Hannah

Sofia sighs after I kick the bag. “Harder! You’re not going to do damage if you lightly tap a guy.”

As I fix my ponytail beads of sweat are dripping down my neck. “I didn’t lightly tap it. I kicked it really hard!”

Sofia’s eyes flicker with stifled amusement. She motions for me to back up, then kicks the bag and proves her point. The bag grunts and sways like it doesn’t know what hit it. She’s also shorter than I am.

“Fine,” I mutter, facing it again.

“Fists up. Always be ready. Don’t make me keep reminding you!” The private boxing gym is crackling with people training behind her as she squats down in her black workout clothes to watch. Jump ropes zipping the air. Coaches egging people on. The place smells of healthy sweat, its air charged with purpose and determination.

I love being here more than I remember loving anything athletic. I’ve tried all kinds of trending classes that were too boring to name. A lot of my cousins liked them, because everyone’s got their thing that inspires them. None got me to the gym more than twice. This, though? I can’t get enough of punching and kicking this thing, even if I’m a slow learner.

I never want to feel helpless again.

I’m no victim.

At least, now I won’t be.

“Hey Tobias, you back from Greece, man? Thought you were gone until summer.”

My glance flits over Sofia’s head to watch as some guy interrupts Andy, the owner, from talking with that man who keeps staring at me, the one with raven-black hair and stormy blue eyes. I haven’t seen him working out here before. He’s enormous, like he could lift both the men he’s talking to.


I love that name.

Suits him perfectly.

As he nods to the guy asking about Greece, there’s a lot of mystery behind his steady gaze, like he’s sizing this guy up. I think they’re strangers or slight acquaintances.

“You sticking around for awhile?” the guy asks. “Back to show your hometown some love?”

“Came back for a fight,” Tobias says, blue eyes sneaking up to me again.

Sofia glances back, long ponytail falling over her shoulder as she whispers, “Well, hello there mountain.”

Though he couldn’t hear her quiet words, he sees her looking and so he gives her a nod. She returns it.

“Who you fighting?”

Dragging his gaze back to the guy, that shadow over his face deepens as his voice lowers to a rumble. Sofia and I strain to hear him say, “Vance.”

“No way, man! I never thought I’d see that happen again. That’s some badass shit. When’s the match?”

Andy answers for him, “Tomorrow night. How do you not know this?”

The guy glances away and runs a hand over his head. “Some stuff went down with my family. I’ve been outta the loop. Shit, bet it’s sold out, huh?”

Andy nods, “You’re outta luck.”

“Close your mouth, Hannah.”

I glance down to find Sofia grinning at me. Snapping my jaw shut I focus on the bag but my mind is elsewhere. He’s a professional fighter. So that’s why his body is so insanely hot. I’m from a family of well-shaped men, but this guy looks like he could carry them all on his back.

“I wouldn’t mind him training me to do a few things,” I mutter to her in between hooks and jabs.

“Right?” she chuckles.

“What fight is he talking about?”

She looks over her shoulder at him. Tobias glances her way at that exact moment and stares at her.

Am I holding my breath? I am. Fuck.

But what if she’s more his type than I am?

Focusing on the bag, I grit my teeth and try to let it go.

Even though Sofia Sol and I are first cousins the only things we have in common are big boobs and light colored eyes. Other than that, she’s exotic and I’m not at all. She’s badass and I’m just normal.

Also, she’s five-five and easy to pick up.

I get put down with the words: this looks easier on T.V.

“Breathe, Hannah,” she smiles.

Irritated and feeling worthless, I punch the bag.

She’s suddenly excited. “Good! Like that! That was the hardest you’ve hit that thing so far!”

Under my breath I mutter, “Because I was picturing it was you.”

“Picture it’s me under that guy and kick it!”

Snarling I kick harder than she did a few minutes ago. My eyes go wide and a grin flashes on my face as the bag groans and sways. Pointing my boxing glove at it I cry out, “Did you see that!?”

She chuckles, “Phew girl! I’m not messing with you again! Dayum!” Rising up from her squat she leans in to privately tell me, “You just needed a reason. It’s the passion!” Laying her hand over my heart she holds my look. “When you’re feeling weak, you look in here. What pisses you off? What gets you furious? Use that! Understand?”

“Yes,” I whisper, listening to every word.

“Good. Again!”

This time I picture Joe on top of me, pretending to be inexperienced just so I wouldn’t see his deception. And the training goes up to a whole new level.