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Conor: #2 (Kelly Clan) by Madison Stevens (8)

Chapter Eight



It had been a long night, and her eyes were paying for it. Claire checked her makeup one last time in the rear-view mirror. She’d done a fairly good job covering the red, but there wasn’t much to be done with the bit of puff that still lingered.

She climbed out of her car and sighed. The upcoming day had to be better than yesterday. Today, Harriet had her arraignment hearing, and that was good for Claire and the campaign, as she was the ‘whistleblower’ who took on her boss’s corruption. Finn had even arranged a viewing for them all, including Anna in the mix.

Claire took a deep breath and climbed the steps to Finn’s house. The door swung open before she could even touch the bell.

“Finally,” Alyssa said. The short, pixie-like woman stood in the door, looking as impatient as she could. Claire still had trouble believing this woman had ended up Finn's fiancee. She liked the woman, but she just had never imagined Finn would end up with a woman like her.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Claire said and stepped in the door. “You know I’m right on time.”

Alyssa gave a loud sigh. “Don’t you know you’re supposed to come early, so you can dish on the latest with Conor?”

Claire snorted. “I think I missed that rule.”

Anna came into the front hall and crossed her arms.

“You’re late,” she said and tapped her foot.

Claire laughed and moved around Anna. “I’m not late,” she said. “You were just early.”

Alyssa sighed. “She just doesn’t get it, Anna.”

Claire turned around and frowned. “Get what?”

Anna groaned from the door to the living room. “Don’t play stupid. Make with the gossip already.”

Claire stopped and stepped back a little. This was all a little overwhelming.

“Wait,” Alyssa said and stepped forward. “I’m thinking we might need to skip the chit-chat.”

Claire stared at the little blond woman, and it was clear she could see her misery.

“Why don’t we talk after?” Claire offered. She could only hope that it was old news by the time they finished watching the arraignment.

Anna shrugged and turned around. “Let’s settle in,” she said.

Alyssa winked at Claire when Anna was out of sight.

“I still want details, but maybe not where Finn can hear.” She wrinkled her nose. “I’d hate for Conor to end up hurt over this.”

“That makes one of us,” Claire mumbled.

Alyssa laughed. “I can understand the feeling. I think we’ve all been there.”

Claire nodded. Alyssa of all people would understand men being assholes. Finn hadn’t exactly been so dashing when they first got together. It took some time for him to wise up. Maybe there was still time for Conor, but she’d already dealt with this shit once. Claire wasn’t so sure she wanted to do it all over again. The real question was if she was going to wait that long, and there was the not insignificant matter of him working for Ennis. If he had put some of his pride aside in the past, it would have never been an issue.

Claire looked into the living room and frowned. “No Haley?”

Alyssa grinned. “Noel isn’t here, so she didn’t see much of a point.”

She couldn’t hold back the laugh that bubbled up. The idea of someone chasing Noel was about the funniest thing she’d heard in some time.

“So, she’s still at it?” Claire grinned.

Alyssa rolled her eyes. “I tried to tell him that Haley was a determined woman, and I’d never seen her not get what she set out to. And she’s got her eyes on him.”

“And I take it Noel isn’t so fond of this.”

Alyssa sighed. “He’s hard to read anymore. He doesn’t hardly talk to anyone. In all honesty, I hope she can break through to him.”

Claire’s heart hurt for her cousin. Noel had suffered more than anyone she ever knew. The wounds and burns he suffered at the hands of Boris ran deeper than what they saw. Maybe sweet Haley would be the balm for his soul.

“They are getting ready to start,” Finn called from the living room.

The two hurried their way to the couch. Several of Finn’s men had gathered with them. It seemed that he was beefing up security. Probably for the best. Even if Ennis could be somewhat restrained, which wasn't saying much, Boris certainly wasn't. The fact that only a few people had died in the various battles and counter-battles was almost a miracle in of itself, but that didn't mean the streets wouldn't fill with blood in the future.

She glanced over to the side and was surprised to see Riley had made it into the inner circle. Claire never really knew what he did for Finn, but then, she wasn’t sure she wanted to know. He turned her way, and she gave a small wave. They were second cousins or something like that, seeing as they shared the same black hair, so she’d spent a decent amount of time with him until he turned fourteen. Then, it was as if she never existed. Over the years, he just seemed to grow bigger and become meaner looking. Looking at him now, she was surprised Anna hadn’t taken off running.

Claire glanced over at her friend, who was intently staring at the screen, waiting for court to go into session.

“Drink?” Finn said from behind her.

Claire shook her head. “Better not,” she said quietly. “I’ve still got work to do. Anna?”

“Nope,” Anna said. She smiled at Finn. “Goes right to my head. Thanks.”

Finn nodded and took his seat next to Alyssa on the couch opposite them.

“Finally,” Anna whispered when the legal teams started to file in.

A hush fell over the room as she watched Harriet step into the room with her legal team. She didn’t look quite like the same woman Claire had worked for, and a piece of her felt sorry for this woman who had just gotten wrapped up in something beyond her.

“That’s weird,” Anna said next to her.

Claire turned to look at her. “What?”

Anna tore her eyes from the TV. “That blond looks a little like a woman Jason works with.”

Claire squinted at the screen. “Maybe Harriet hired her, and Jason didn’t know,” she offered.

Anna shook her head. “Maybe I’m just wrong.”

The judge walked in at that moment, and the camera panned to him. They listened intently as the bailiff called out the judge and asked the room to take a seat. The judge read a long list of charges to Harriet and her team.

“How do you wish to plead?” the judge asked.

The camera fell on her lead attorney.

“Not guilty.” Jason stood clearly on the screen.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Claire said and turned to Anna, who sat wide-eyed in shock.

“That bastard.” Anna turned to look at Claire. “All those nights. For this? I’m going to twist his dick off and feed it to him for dinner.”

“You know him?” Finn asked.

Some minor legal back and forth followed on the screen.

Claire opened her mouth to respond when Anna spoke up.

“That’s my fucking husband.” She glared back at the screen.

“Any chance he didn’t know?” Finn asked.

Anna shook her head. Her eyes were already brimming with tears.

“Drink this,” Riley said from behind Anna and shoved a drink in her hand with some tissues.

Claire turned and smiled at him, but he was already walking away from them. It was surprisingly sweet of him, so maybe he hadn’t changed all that much.

Anna downed the glass.

“Unfucking believable,” Anna muttered. She shook her head as she looked at Jason.

The judge stood, and they adjourned for the day.

“Wait, that’s it?” Claire cried.

Finn shrugged. “She should have pled,” he said. “It’s a solid case, and she’d get less time that way. Looks like her lawyer is trying to work out a little bit of fame in this.”

Anna gave a short laugh. “That I believe. He’d sell off his own mother to make partner. Little fame would be just the trick.”

Finn nodded his understanding.

“So, what now?” Claire said with a frown.

Finn looked to the TV. “We keep watching, and she’ll get hers in the end.”

Claire shook her head. This was all going to take too long, and if it continued to drag out, it would only make her likely look bad, despite her whistleblower reputation.

Anna stood and swayed a little. “I going to go home and wait for my amazing husband.”

Claire popped up next to her. “Why don’t you let me take you home?”

Anna tried to focus on her and then nodded.

“Good.” Anna stamped her foot. “I can plan how I’m going to make him pay.”

They made their way to the door, and Claire sighed when she was outside. It had gotten dark out in the short time she’d been there.

“Think she’ll be all right?” Finn asked as Alyssa helped Anna get in the car.

Claire sighed. “Yes, but it’s going to be hard. I think they’ve only been married a few years. Not really the ideal situation.”

He nodded. “Keep an eye on her.”

She nodded and looked to the car. Anna sat quietly wiping her eyes.

“How’s Conor?” he asked quietly.

She turned to him and wondered how much he heard from earlier.

“Being very helpful,” she said, her voice tense. “He said they are watching us. Ennis wants me on his side, and Conor is just trying to keep Teagan and me out of the mess.”

Finn shook his head. “Never going to work. He’s going to have to make a choice.”

She stood back and gave her cousin a hard look. “I thought he already did that.”

Finn sighed and scrubbed a hand over his face. “That wasn’t a choice. Not really. It was desperation.” He stood a little taller. “Stay smart and keep an eye out. I’ve got sources that are telling me that things aren’t going well for Ennis. We all know Ennis doesn’t play well when it doesn’t go his way.”

Claire crossed her arms over her chest. “What sources would that be?”

Finn offered her a half-cocked sly smile. “Wouldn’t be wise to play all my cards at once.”

She watched him walk inside and sighed. Just like Conor said. Plans A, B, C, D and E. That was how Finn played things, and it had worked for him thus far.

Claire glanced back to the car. Now, she just had to get her friend home, so she could go wallow in her own misery.


* * *


Claire gave a final wave to Anna from the car. Try as she might, Anna insisted that she be in the living room waiting for Jason. Claire couldn’t really argue with her on it, but she still thought sleep would be the best thing for them both.

She pulled away from Anna and Jason’s cute little house. It was quite a distance from her home, but she didn’t mind the drive. Maybe she’d be able to clear her head of Conor and all his nonsense. She drove quietly along the road. These suburb areas were far more quiet than she was used to. She liked a bit more excitement.

The streetlights were few and far between, but the moon was out and helped along the way.

Bright lights nearly blinded her from an oncoming car.

“Turn your lights down, asshole,” she mumbled.

The closer they got, the brighter the lights seemed to get. It wasn’t until they were nearly on her that she realized they were driving in the center of the road. Claire hit the horn a few times.

“Get out of the way,” she shouted.

Claire swerved to the side as the car barely missed her.

“Asshole,” she yelled at the passing SUV.

Her hands shook as she righted the car back onto the road, and she could only hope that hopping the curb hadn’t done some sort of permanent damage.

She gulped in deep breaths to try and calm her nerves.

“Yet another reason why the suburbs suck,” she said and glared in the mirror behind her.

She watched as two bright headlights whipped around and came racing back in her direction.

Claire turned down the first street she could and then made a quick left. She pressed the gas and hoped her little car could make it to the next turn before they hit the street. Tires squealed behind her, and she knew they were gaining fast.

“Fuck.” She hit the steering wheel.

There had to be another option. She considered the police, but there was someone she trusted more than the police.

She pulled her phone out and hit Finn’s name.

“Claire?” Alyssa said sleepily into the phone.

“Get Finn,” Claire nearly shouted into the phone.

She took another turn and then quickly one more.

In her ear, she could hear Alyssa breathing hard. Claire could only guess that he was downstairs somewhere.

“What’s going on?” Finn’s clear voice set her at ease a little, but the bright lights popped up in her mirror again.

“Fuck,” she mumbled and made another quick turn.

“Claire,” Finn’s voice rang in her ear. “Tell me what’s going on, so I can help.”

“SUV is on my tail,” she said. The words shook as she spoke them. “Came at me and then made a U-turn.”

“Where are you?”

She glanced at a housing development sign. “Willowbrook.”

“Fuck,” he said. “They still on you?”

Claire made another turn. Each time the headlights gained some ground.

“They are getting closer, Finn,” she cried out.

“Shit,” Finn mumbled. She could hear him take a deep breath over the phone. “Listen to me. You’re going to hang up and call Conor.”

“What?” she shouted. “How the hell is that going to help?”

Claire made another turn and pressed the gas. She needed to go faster, or they were going to be knocking at her door.

“He’s the closest one to you.”

“How would you even know?”

“Jesus Claire, just do what I’m telling you.” He shouted, and she heard the click of the line going dead.

Still racing down the street, she pulled up the number Conor had called her from the other night.

“Please don’t be a temp,” she pleaded.


“Oh, thank God,” she nearly wept.

“What’s going on, Claire?” Conor was clear and alert as he spoke.

“I’m being chased in Willowbrook. Finn said you’d be able to help.”

She took a sharp turn and gripped the steering wheel hard as it shook.

“What streets?” He sounded like he was on the move.

Claire glanced over to the streets. “Evans and Murphy.”

“Make a right,” he said, his voice clear and firm. “Can you drive with the lights off?”

She glanced behind her. The lights were still there, but she’d been able to get some distance between them at least.

“Yes,” she said and flipped them off. “Done.”

“Good. Now, turn right at Woods. Can you make it?”

“To Woods, yes, but they keep gaining on me,” she said quietly. “I can’t hold out for long.”

“You’re close, baby. Just keep your eyes out,” he soothed.

Without her lights, it made it more difficult to see the signs. It wasn’t until she was right on Woods that she saw it. Another sharp turn followed.

“On Woods,” she said.

“Good,” he nearly shouted. “Now take the first left and then another left into the alleyway.”

Claire turned quickly on to the road and then again into the alley.

“This could be a really bad idea,” she groaned.

“Just trust me,” he said. “I got you.”

Claire bumped along the alley road. The lights were no longer in her mirror, but that didn’t mean that they hadn’t gone dark like her.

“Perfect,” he said. “Now pull in to the right and find a spot.”

Claire did as he instructed and waited. No cars came by. It was like nothing had been happening all night.

She jumped when something tapped on her window. Although she shouldn’t have been, Claire was happy to see Conor.

“I’m not seeing anything, but you should get inside,” he said.

Without another word, she raced into the door he held open for her.