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Dancing with Fire by Ellie Danes, Lily Knight (11)



When I got back to the shelter, I was a mess. Between feeling overwhelmed about what had happened with Remy and myself, and how vast the gulf was between my social and financial standing and his, and being followed by the scary tattooed guy yet again, I was feeling like I needed to get away from it all.

I had a shower and got dressed and put my red cocktail dress, the only item of formal or semi-formal attire I owned, back in my locker, along with the rest of my meager collection of possessions. Then I got out a novel and found a quiet spot in the church grounds and just lost myself in it for a few hours.

That was a good way to recharge, and I felt a little better after doing that. I couldn't get Remy off my mind, though; the connection between him and myself had been extraordinary, and I couldn't say that I had ever felt anything like it with anyone else. The kiss had been magical as well, and I kept on replaying it in my mind.

But despite how intensely I was attracted to Remy, it was hard to get over the fact that he was a multimillionaire, and I was... well, I was just a step above a homeless person, really. If he found out the truth about my life and my past, I couldn't imagine he would ever want to see me again... but how could I spend all my time with him living a lie and trying to put on an illusion, faking that I was someone I clearly wasn't? Ugh... it was all such a mess, such a terrible mess.

I checked the time on the church clock, seeing as I was still too scared to turn on my phone. I just didn't know what to say to Remy yet. It was almost time for me to leave for my shift at La Casa, so I sighed, went and got my waitressing uniform out of my locker and got changed, and then left.

After a long, crowded ride on public transport, I arrived fifteen minutes early. Thankfully, Tessa was working today, so I had someone I could kill the time with. Naturally, she wanted to know all about how my date with Remy had gone.

“It was... well, it was a pretty amazing date,” I admitted, because truthfully, it really had been. “But I... I just felt so incredibly out of place.”

“Like how?”

“Well, the restaurant we went to, Dorsia—”

“Oh, man, that is one swanky place!” she exclaimed.

“Yeah – and everyone there was dressed in designer fashion, and there was me with my thrift store dress. I'd never heard of about ninety percent of the items on the menu, and the tiny portions of food were ridiculously priced – I think the bill came to over a thousand dollars!”

“Jeez,” she exclaimed, smiling and shaking her head. “If I had to add up all the dates I've been on this year, I still don't think it'd be more than a thousand! I'm guessing he paid?”

“Thankfully, yes. And then we took a walk in the park... I felt so much more comfortable doing that and didn't feel like all those rich peoples' eyes were on me, judging me. We kissed—”

“No! Seriously?!”

I laughed. “Seriously. And it was amazing. He's a brilliant kisser.”

“Ooh, and then, and then?”

“We went back to his place.”

Her jaw dropped with shock. “Did you... did you, you know! Did you guys do it?!”

I laughed and shook my head. “No... but part of me wanted to. He's a very attractive man and very charming. But he was a total gentleman as well. Didn't try pull any moves, didn't make me uncomfortable or suggest anything at all. It was really nice.”

“That's great, Dani. So, when's the next date?” she asked eagerly.

“Ha-ha. I don't know... I haven't even turned on my phone yet.”

“What?! Why not?!”

“Well... I just don't know what to say to him.”

Just then, another voice interrupted our conversation – the manager, Eric, a short, balding middle-aged man with a sharp temper.

“Hey, you two! Your shift started two minutes ago! Get inside and start serving the clients, come on move, move!”

“We'll chat later,” said Tessa with a smile as we hurried inside.


I was on my ten-minute break, just chilling in the kitchen, when Tessa walked in. She looked kind of worried.

“Hey, Tess, what's up?” I asked.

“Someone called asking if you worked here and when your shifts were. They wouldn't say who they were.”

“And did you tell them?” I asked as dread starting creeping through my veins.

“I didn't answer, and you know I wouldn't have said anything – but that new girl answered and told whoever it was everything.”

My heart sank, and I began to feel fear flooding through my system.

“Do you have any idea what this is about?” she asked.

I nodded. “I think so. Some creepy guy has been following me. He looks like a gangster or ex-con or something – he's heavily-tattooed and has a lot of fight scars. I don't know who he is or what he wants... And I sure as hell don't want him to find out any more about me than he already knows.”

She shook her head. “That sounds terrible, Dani. Dammit, I wish I could've taken that call instead of that stupid newbie.”

“It's not her fault,” I said with a sigh. “She didn't know any better.”

“Well, it was dumb to just give out information like that,” she said. “Anyway, now you know, so just keep your eyes open – and let me know if you need anything or see anything, okay? My boyfriend has a gun, and I can get him to come pick you up after work.”

“Thanks, Tess,” I said and gave her a quick hug before we both got back to work.

Things were starting to get more and more scary... How long would it be before this man, whoever he was, managed to corner me? And what would I do then? I tried to force these terrifying thoughts from my mind as I got back to work.