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Dancing with Fire by Ellie Danes, Lily Knight (35)

Chapter Eleven


“So, it looks like today is a good day for you to surf. The waves are supposed to be near perfect.”

I looked at my phone, my emotions running on high at the thought of getting out there in the ocean and letting my entire existence melt into the waves. After meeting Cooper at the grille at noon sharp, we rode together to the surf shop to get him fitted with a wetsuit.

“You mean it’s a good day to die, then,” he joked from behind the dressing room door, his voice muffled as he tried on one of the wetsuits Greg, the shop owner, had recommended. I grinned a little, my heart light despite the rough two days I’d experienced with Tim. Cooper’s easy-going manner had me feeling that maybe this was a good idea after all. I had wrestled with the thought all last night, wondering if I should call it off. I had enough problems with Tim as it was. I wasn’t sure even a friendship with another man was a good idea. But when I awoke, I was eager at the thought of just hanging out with Cooper. So far it had been pleasantly refreshing to do so, and I was glad I hadn’t called it off.

“You won’t die. Maybe start to drown a little, but . . . yeah, you won’t die. Wait. You can swim, right?”

“I can keep myself from dying, if that’s what you mean, yes,” he replied. I heard him breathe heavily and blow it out. “Good God, you don’t have any room in these things, do you?”

“Nope,” I laughed. “All modesty goes out the window. Now hurry up or all the waves will be gone by the time you get done looking at yourself in the mirror.”

“I’m having second thoughts,” he responded. “I’ve never surfed before. I’m not sure I can walk in this thing, much less stand upright on that thing you call a board.”

I thought about him attempting to stand and giggled, knowing it was going to be a fun day. “I will teach you everything you need to know. If you ever leave that dressing room, that is.”

“Fine. I’m coming out,” he said as the door opened and he stepped out. “How do I look?”

I almost wished I’d told him to stay in there. My head tilted as I took in the image before me. The man was gorgeous in a wetsuit. I was aware that he was built by the way he’d filled out his jeans and T-shirts, but in a wetsuit it was more than clear that his body was honed to perfection, the tightness of the material showing off every muscle in his arms and toned abdomen, right down to his—

I looked away, my cheeks aflame as I realized I was checking out his package. But, in my defense, it was a very nice package. The clothes I had seen him in had nothing on this wetsuit. I was officially of the belief that he should be required to wear a wetsuit to work.

“Emma? How do I look?”

Realizing I hadn’t answered his question from my ogling, I cleared my throat and forced myself to look at him again. “You look . . . well, it fits you really well.”

“Are you sure my butt isn’t too big in it?” he teased, turning around for me to see his backside. Lord, he looked just as good from the back as he did from the front. “Ummm . . . no, it looks fine.”

“Alright then,” he responded, gathering his clothes from the dressing room. “Guess I’ll take it then.”

He walked over to the counter, and I realized he meant to wear it outside the store. “Aren’t you going to change into your clothes, Cooper?”

He looked back at me, handing his card to the cashier. “Not if we are going directly to the beach. Do you not recall how long it took me to get this thing on? We are going directly to the beach, right?”

“Sure,” I replied.

He grinned and turned back to the cashier, giving me another great view of his butt. It was suddenly painfully clear that my problems with Tim or my dad’s health were not going to be what kept me distracted all day. It was going to be the man who looked like he belonged in a wetsuit or nothing at all. I was in trouble.

* * * * *

“Come on, Emma, get it together.”

I gave myself a little pep talk as I drove to my favorite spot on the beach, a little further down from the grille than I usually traveled. It was an easier spot for newbies, and I wanted Cooper to have an enjoyable first experience with the activity that I loved so much. I just wished I hadn’t been so affected by him. I had to make sure that didn’t keep me from giving him a good first impression of surfing.

After I dropped him off at the grille, he hopped into his car and was following me to the spot, giving me time to think and breathe. I didn’t know why I was feeling so much around him, much more than I cared to admit. Maybe it was because he’d stood up to Tim on two different occasions without batting an eye. Or the way he had treated all of his customers yesterday with a quick grin and a laugh that caught my attention every single time I heard it. And judging from the amount of tips he had garnered in the jar at the end of his shift, it looked as though I wasn’t the only one affected by his charm. The funny thing was that he didn’t cut it on and off like so many I’ve seen before. It seemed to be him all the time. It was refreshing.

Even Betty had remarked on how nice Cooper was when she had gotten there. “He’s just dreamy,” she had sighed as we’d watched him interact with the customers at the bar. “A nice guy who is drop dead gorgeous? I mean, I need to thank Chris for the eye candy. How did we get so lucky?”

I didn’t know, but the more I looked at him, really looked at him, the more I worried. Cooper was a hard worker, a nice guy who clearly enjoyed doing his job. He was nearly the perfect guy, and I couldn’t get involved so soon after Tim. If my last relationship was any indication, I was a poor judge of character. There had to be some secret Cooper was hiding. Weren’t serial killers all nice guys at some point in their lives?

“You’re being ridiculous,” I snorted, taking the next turn to enter the parking lot. Cooper wasn’t any of that. He was just a nice guy I felt a deep attraction to. It was up to me to decide what to do with it and I honestly had no idea.

I pushed the gear into park and cut the engine. The California sun greeted me as I stepped outside. I watched as Cooper parked his car and stepped out as well, my heart pounding in my ears as I realized he had shed the top part of his wetsuit, his bare chest on display for all to see and just as well-formed as I’d expected . . . right down to his rippling abs. I couldn’t help but lick my lips before turning away, a knot forming in my core. Focusing was going to be extremely difficult now that I knew with certainty what was hidden underneath that wetsuit.

With burning cheeks, I quickly shed my own clothes, revealing my bathing suit underneath before I began stepping into my own suit as Cooper approached my car. “I think you are right. This is a perfect day to learn how to surf.”

“I told you,” I said, grabbing my board and drawing in a calming breath before hiding my key and turning around. “Ready?”

Cooper looked around and held out his hands. “I think I am missing a very important piece of the surfing equation. Is there any place I can rent one of those?”

Realizing he was talking about a board, I bit my lip, thinking about the small shop on the pier. Sure, I could have taken him up there to rent one, but those boards were awful and he would spend more time trying to get a feel for the board than for the waves. “You can just use mine,” I blurted out, surprised by my own answer. I’d never let anyone use my board before and didn’t know why I was making this decision, other than it felt like the right one.

“Are you sure?” he asked, surprise in his voice. “Isn’t a surfboard like a bat or a glove? Like one size fits one owner?”

“It will be easier for you to learn on a seasoned board,” I said quickly, covering my surprise. “Those rentals aren’t very well cared for or waxed regularly and my board is ready to go on a moment’s notice.” I then threw in a smile, trying to lighten the mood. “Besides, I’m sure I can trust you not to break it. Remember, I know how much you make at the bar.”

He laughed. “Yeah, I guess you do. If you insist, I will use yours. But only if you let me carry it down to the beach.”

“Deal,” I said, holding it out to him. He took it carefully, his hand rubbing it gently as to get a feel for it. I had to look away, my cheeks flaming once more as all sorts of inappropriate thoughts ran rampant through my mind. What was wrong with me?

“Ready?” he asked, bringing me back to the present. I nodded and together we walked down the beach, the warm sand settling between our toes as we made our way to the spot I had picked out. Luckily, the area was still clear of beach goers and other surfers. A perfect day to learn.

“How long have you been surfing?” he asked as I looked the spot over, trying to decide where to start with a newbie.

“All my life,” I admitted, dropping the towels I had brought along in the sand. “It’s ingrained in my blood now.”

“I don’t think I have ever held onto a hobby for that long,” he joked as he held onto the board. “Bartending maybe. Is that a hobby?”

“With the way you do it, it has to be.” I grinned, holding out my hand. “Can I have the board now? I am going to show you just a few things to start.” I didn’t know how he was going to react to my surfing. In retrospect, Tim was kind of an ass about it, making the comment on more than one occasion that it was a guy’s sport. But Cooper seemed genuinely interested in learning. “Just watch what I do.”

“With pleasure,” he responded with an undertone in his voice that threw me back to my inappropriate thoughts. I kept myself composed and turned toward the water. With sure steps, I walked out into the ocean, allowing the cool water to seep up to my neck to allow for my body temperature to adjust to the change. With ease, I then slid onto the board and paddled out with my hands, hoping Cooper was still watching from the beach. This was the easier piece of surfing.

When I had positioned myself just right, I paddled back toward the shore, feeling the wave catch my board and propel me forward. I quickly transitioned to a standing position, moving with the board as I glided with the wave to the shoreline before crashing with it, easing back into the water and grabbing my board with a smile on my face.

Cooper walked to me as I was pulling myself out of the surf, the saltiness of the water stinging my eyes a little. “That was awesome. You made it look like a piece of cake.”

“Thanks,” I responded, wiping the hair out of my eyes. “Are you ready for your turn?”

“To wipe out?” he teased, as I handed him the board. “Sure, let’s get to it.”

I noticed he had already pulled up his wetsuit, hiding his chest from my view. Thank God. At least I wouldn’t be distracted by that. He was distracting enough without it.

I detached the tether from my ankle and handed it over. I couldn’t help smiling as we walked out into the water, hearing him traipse behind me with the board until we were about waist high. It was then that I turned around and patted the water. “Go ahead and put the board in.”

He did as I asked and I moved close, explaining the difference between the top and the bottom and how to know the difference. When his arm brushed mine, I fought the need to shiver, his touch exciting me more than it should. It was an innocent touch, but inside I was on fire. He turned and gave me a grin, and my heart hammered in my chest as I looked at him. It was too soon. I shouldn’t be like this even if he really was this sweet, funny guy.

“So now what do I do?”

I shook my thoughts, angry with myself for daydreaming so much about Cooper. He was just a friend, a nice, wonderful friend whom I really needed at this time in my life. “Sorry,” I mumbled, patting the board. “Go on and climb up on it just like I did.”

With ease, he straddled the board, his feet dangling on either side. I patiently went over the art of getting it out into the open water, swimming alongside him as he practiced paddling over the water in a circle. He splashed me playfully as I grabbed the point of the board, rewarding him with a grin. “That’s not fair. You shouldn’t do that to your instructor.”

His eyes glowed with laughter as he stuck out his bottom lip. “I’m sorry, please don’t make me do laps.”

I shook my head with laughter, giving him a splash back. He caught my wrist, and the dull thump of my heart nearly ceased to exist as his fingers touched the tender flesh, searing my skin. His eyes changed from laughter to the heat I was feeling in my own body, his thumb rubbing over my pounding pulse. My eyes locked with his; he was feeling it, too. Palpable, like no pull I had ever felt before. In that moment, all I could think about was how it would feel to have his lips pressed against mine.

Cooper’s thumb made one more pass before he let go, clearing his throat. “I’m sorry,” he said immediately, looking away. “I—”

“It’s okay,” I replied quickly, a bit flustered myself. Okay . . . a lot flustered. I didn’t know how to react. All of that from one touch? I swallowed hard and refocused. “Shall we continue?”

He nodded and I pushed the thoughts into the back of my mind. I would just have to sort them all out later.

After several hours of surfing, I giggled as I watched Cooper peel the top of his wetsuit down and collapse into the sand, his chest heaving with exertion.

“Oh God, I’m going to feel every bit of that in the morning. Why did you torture me so? I thought it was supposed to be fun.” He grinned a little, so I knew he was joking at least a little.

After I’d taught him the finer points of surfing, he’d spent more time in the water than he actually did on the board. Still, he was a quick learner and I was fairly certain he’d be surfing in no time. If he actually wanted to try it again, that is.

“I’m sorry you’re such a wimp,” I teased. “But, hey . . . if at first you don’t succeed—”

“You throw it out and pick an easier hobby,” he finished, opening one eye up at me. “Isn’t that how the saying goes? I’m pretty sure that’s how I’ve heard it.” He smiled that sexy-as-hell crooked smile of his. “I swear I’ve swallowed enough salt water to fill a bathtub.”

I laughed. “I hope I haven’t scared you off to a point that you plan on throwing this one out then.” The day had been, by far, the most fun I’d had with anyone in quite some time. Attempting to teach Cooper how to surf was a blast, and I’d found myself laughing more at his commentary during the experience than at his expense. He fell a lot, but he’d taken it all in stride.

He propped up on one elbow in the sand, his chest glistening with water. He was going to be covered in sand, and it didn’t look like he really cared either. This man was the polar opposite of Tim. He hated to have sand on him, which made this particular pastime extremely difficult. The one time I’d suggested him coming surfing with me, he laughed in my face and told me that it was a pointless activity so I never asked him again.

“Why the long face?” Cooper asked.

I forced a smile, shaking my head slightly. “Nothing important.” The sun was just starting to sink beyond the ocean, the last rays of the day casting shadows on the nearly deserted beach. “I guess we better get out of here.”

Cooper pushed himself off of the sand and tried to brush the mess that was clinging to his wetsuit, shrugging when he couldn’t get it to come off. Clearly he didn’t care about the sand. The scenario made me like him just a little bit more.

“So,” he said as we walked toward the cars, carrying my surfboard under his arm after not even giving me the option to carry it. Another mark in Cooper’s favor. His list of positives was getting pretty long. “How did the rookie do today?”

“Not bad.” I grinned, bumping my shoulder playfully into his. “Not bad at all. You’ll get the hang of it in no time.”

“So, that means you’ll let me come back then?”

“Most definitely,” I replied with a laugh. “And maybe you can stay on the board longer than thirty seconds.”

“Funny,” he responded, that smile spreading over his handsome face again. “Emma…” He hesitated for a second. “Will you let me take you out tonight?”

I stopped in my tracks, my heart pounding in my ears. Had I heard him correctly? Had the man who was starting to look a little too good to be true actually asked me out on a date? “What?” I said without thinking, just a reaction.

He stopped and turned to look at me, his expression somewhat embarrassed, and he shoved a hand through his hair roughly, making the ends stick up as he did. “It’s too soon, isn’t it? I shouldn’t have put you on the spot. I’m sorry, Emma.” The way he looked at me was nothing short of heartwarming. He truly felt bad for putting me on the spot. Only, had he really? Or was I just being gun-shy?

I stared at his back as he began to walk on toward his car, my thoughts and emotions scrambling around in my head. Was it too soon, after Tim, for me to start thinking about dating again? Hadn't that relationship been over the day I had found out he was lying? It had been over a month since I’d said my goodbye to Tim. I couldn’t help it if he couldn’t get the picture, right? So why would I pass up on a great guy like Cooper?

“Hey, Cooper, wait up,” I said, hurrying after him.

He turned and gave me an awkward smile. “I’m sorry, Emma. I hope this doesn’t ruin our friendship. I like you, but if you don’t want to go out tonight, I completely understand.”

“I-I like you too, Cooper,” I breathed, throwing caution to the wind. Why not? I deserved it and if I didn’t take advantage of this offer, someone else was going to. Men like Cooper didn’t stay single for long. “And I would like to go out with you tonight.”

He tried to play it cool, but his eyes widened a little and his lips curved into a smile. I immediately knew I’d made the right choice. Nothing about Cooper sent any red flags flying for my internal radar to pick up on. He was a nice guy, a guy that — from what our interactions had led me to believe — would know the value of trust. And wasn’t that what I’d been looking for?

“I, um, great! Where should I pick you up at?” he asked.

I pulled my surfboard from his grasp, sliding it into the backseat of the car before turning to him. “How about the grille? It’s a good place to meet up since we both know where it is. We can pick a place after that.”

“Great,” he responded. “Say two hours?”

“That will work,” I answered. Two hours was plenty of time for me to get ready.

“Okay, see ya then.” He gave me a smile and a little wave before heading toward his car. I stripped off my wetsuit and grabbed the sundress I used as a cover up, sliding it over my wet bathing suit before climbing into the car, a grin on my face. I was going on a date . . . with Cooper.