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Dirty Bastard (Grim Bastards MC Book 1) by Emily Minton, Shelley Springfield (2)

Part Two


Eighteen Years Old

WALKING INTO the yard, I paste a smile on my face as my eyes take in my family, my father’s MC. Dad decided to throw me a going-away party tonight, and everyone turned up. All the brothers are here with their old ladies. Even a few of the nomads showed up to help me celebrate.

I’m leaving for college next week, and there’s still a lot of shit to do. I haven’t even started packing yet. Not to mention, we still haven’t bought anything I’ll need: sheets, towels, and all that other shit. A new wardrobe is also in order. I’m not sure how the students will feel about biker bitch chic. Still, none of that is happening tonight. Tonight, we party.

Looking around the yard, I notice there are a few other clubs here tonight. Most of the local clubs have at least a few members here, but I could care less about them. The only club I care about is the Grim Bastards. Well, it’s really only one of their members that means shit to me: Boz. My eyes automatically seek him out. The moment he comes into sight, my heart skips.

I’ve had a crush on this man since we first met. There’s something about his smile that just gets to me, gets to me in a way no other man has. He’s absolutely gorgeous, but not in an average way. No, he’s rugged, a total bad-boy type. Boz is taller than most of the other guys, standing at least a few inches above six feet by the looks of him. He’s not huge, but he’s not small, with more than enough muscles to make any girl happy. His hair is dark brown, like rich coffee, with hints of highlights from the sun. It’s shaggy, curling around his ears. On anyone else, I would think it needed to be cut, but it looks good on him. He’s covered in tats, even more than the first time we met. His face is angular, with a strong chin and a deep dimple on his right cheek, and his skin is smooth, but I would love to see what he’d look like with some whiskers.

I try to be discreet as I continue to stare, but he notices me anyway. A huge smile spreads across his face as our eyes meet. Seeing his smile, I am in pure heaven. My pussy convulses at the sight, and I have to hold back my moan. When his lips cock up a bit more, a blush covers my face. I’m about to walk away, embarrassed of my reaction, when he nods to the man he is talking to and starts walking my direction.

As soon as he steps in front of me, he says, “Long time no see, little Trix. Whatcha been up to?”

“Nothing much,” I reply, unable to keep the cheesy grin from my face. “You haven’t been around in a while.”

Boz takes a slow look from my head to my feet. When he gets back to my face, he shoots me a wink. “Way too long. You’ve grown up while I’ve been away.”

I roll my eyes at him, trying to pretend his words don’t make me giddy. “Are you still trying to make me laugh, funny man?”

“Always,” he replies with another wink.

“ I haven’t changed that much, really. I’m still the same old Trix,” I tell him, for lack of anything better to say.

“I’m sure that’s not true. You were just a kid the first time I saw you. Still in high school last time. Now, you’re a woman. Eighteen, right?” He waits for me to nod my head before continuing. “Which means you’re no longer jailbait. I can touch you however I want.”

Since hitting puberty, I’ve had men sniffing after me. Even some of the brothers my dad trusts with his life have tried to get in my pants. Normally, I just shake it off, chalking it up to men being dickheads. With Boz, it’s different. I want him to want me. Hell, I need him to want me.

I laugh, still doing my best not to show how much he affects me. “No, you don’t have to worry about jail. You just have to worry about my dad killing you for even thinking about me.”

“Oh, I’m not worried about your father. Hoss knows me, and he knows I wouldn’t be after your ass unless I wanted more than a quick fuck. Plus, who said he had to know about it, anyway?”

My heart skips another beat when he says he wants more than a quick fuck. Could he really mean that? I’m so new to this game that I’m not sure if he’s telling the truth. I hope he is, though. I hope he wants me as much as I want him.

Shaking my head at him, I mumble out nervously, “Whatever.”

“I thought you were interesting when you were only fourteen. From what I’ve seen over the years, you’ve grown into a woman I’d like to get to know. Just by looking at you, I know you’re a woman I’d like to have in my bed.” He tells me this as he pushes a piece of my hair away from my face and strokes his fingers gently down my cheek.

His slight touch causes my body to shiver. “I’d like to get to know you better, too.”

I would like a lot of things with Boz. I’d like to hand him my virginity on a silver platter, let him teach me what it means to be a woman. Still, I don’t want to be used. As far as I can tell, most of the brothers like to use women. The only women that get any respect are old ladies, and that is given grudgingly.

“You like that, darlin? Do you like my touch?” he asks, stepping even closer to me.

“Yes,” I whisper, almost breathlessly.

The man has no idea how much his touch affects me. Let’s hope he never finds out how wet my panties got as soon as his hand made contact. It’s like my body went up in flames the second I noticed him. At that moment, everyone else ceased to exist and nothing else mattered to me but him.

“There’s a lot more I could give you that you’d enjoy. All you have to do is say so, darlin’. Just give me the chance, and I’ll have you moaning and screaming my name,” he says with a cocky grin, proving he has one thing on his mind.

“Is that all you want?” I ask, hoping it isn’t. “You just want someone to fuck?”

He steps impossibly closer to me, bringing his chest flush with mine, then leans down to look in my eyes. “Is that all you think I want, Trix?”

I shrug my shoulders as my heart pounds against my ribs. “I don’t know.”

“It’s not,” he says with a slight shake of his head. “I want you under me, over me, and any other way I can get you. But, I also want to see where this leads, see if the reality of you is nearly as sweet as I think it will be.”

I’m about to respond, but he cuts me off. “Do you want the same thing?”

I don’t hesitate a second with my reply. “It’s all I’ve wanted since the first time I met you.”

In all honesty, I’ve thought about him way more than he could ever imagine. He was my childhood crush, and my feelings only grew as the years passed. Every time I caught a glimpse of him visiting the club, my infatuation with him skyrocketed. Somewhere along the way, my feelings became more real. They were no longer just a fascination with his looks, his cut, or his ink. Instead, they became an all-out obsession for the man.

He quickly takes a look around and says, “Let’s get out of here.”

Wishing I could but knowing it’s not smart, I shake my head. “I can’t just disappear. Dad would freak the hell out and come looking for me. Him catching us wouldn’t be good.”

“I know just the place to go,” he says with another cocky grin before grabbing my hand.

I look at him for a couple of seconds, replaying his words in my head. How the hell does he know where to go at my dad’s club? I’ve never noticed him going off with the whores, but obviously he has. I’ll be damned if my first time is going to be in some corner where he fucked a skank. As much as I hate to, I take a step back.

I bow my head and try to keep the irritation from my voice. “Never mind. There’s no way you’re taking me someplace where you’ve fucked a club whore.”

He steps closer to me and lifts my chin to look directly in my eyes. I try to jerk my face back down; no way I want him to see the hurt in my eyes. His hold is firm, though. He keeps me right where he wants me and searches my face. I watch as his eyes soften and one side of his lips cock up.

A smile plays on his lips as he says, “I’ve never taken a woman anywhere at this club, so don’t pull that shit on me.”

Again, I start to say something, but he cuts me off. “I’d never treat you like a whore. Don’t ever think I would. You’re worth more than that, better than the bitches that spread their legs for anyone with a cut. It’s up to you to let me prove what I’m saying is true.”

I am stunned so it takes me a second to answer, but I finally mumble, “Okay.”

He lets go of my chin but moves his hand to my cheek. “Go grab us a blanket and meet me at the side yard in ten minutes.”

I nod my agreement to him, turn, and rush inside before I lose my courage. Running straight to my room, I grab a blanket off my bed and pull my phone out of my pocket. Then, I shoot a quick text to my best friend. My V Card is dust!

After that, I sneak back outside, doing my best to avoid any prying eyes. I may be a grown woman now, but I will always be my dad’s baby. If he thought I was even considering having sex, he would lock my ass up. There’s no telling what he’d do to Boz, but I can guarantee that he’d be feeling some pain. I don’t want either of those two things happening.

I reach the side yard and find it empty; Boz isn’t there. My excitement slowly dies as each second ticks by. As the seconds turn into minutes, humiliation crashes down on me. He seemed so sincere, seemed like he wanted to be with me. Now, he doesn’t even show up. After a few more minutes, tears start to fill my eyes. I’m debating on going back to my room when Boz comes out of the shadows at the back of the club house.

When he finally reaches me, he says, “Sorry, darlin’. I got slowed down by my dad. He’s drunk off his ass and needed to be settled down. Glad you didn’t give up on me.”

“Never,” I tell him honestly. “But, I did think you had changed your mind.”

He shakes his head. “Not a chance, Trix. I was on the verge of killin’ Dad if he didn’t shut the fuck up and let me come find you.”

“I’m glad you came,” I say, hoping my nervousness doesn’t show.

“Me too, darlin’,” he says as he reaches out and brushes a hand over my cheek, leaving me completely breathless.

His hand slowly moves down, pushing my hair back. Then, he slides his fingers through my long locks, before grabbing the back of my neck. There is something about his touch that is different this time. It’s gentle but also electrifying, sending a zap of pure energy through my body. It’s also possessive, as if he is marking me as his own. I want to be his, more than I’ve ever wanted anything in the world.

Grabbing my hand, he asks, “Are you sure about this?”

“Yeah,” I mumble, fear creeping into my voice.

As much as I want him, my mind is running in overdrive. Being a virgin, and the daughter of an MC President, I have very little experience with this shit. Other than a few kisses from high school boys brave enough to risk my father’s wrath, I’m completely naïve about this stuff. Well, as naïve as a girl that grew up in a biker clubhouse can be. I’ve always wanted Boz, even dreamed that he would be my first, maybe only. But now that it’s about to happen, my ass is freaking out in a major way.

“Don’t be nervous. Nothing will happen that you don’t want to,” he says, reading my mood.

He then takes my hand and leads me into the treeline behind the clubhouse. With each step we take, the sounds of the party grow more faint. The only light is the shining of the moon, making it seem as if we are in a world of our own. We walk in silence for a few minutes, until we come to a clearing just beside a creek. It’s a place I know well.

He takes the blanket from me, and as he spreads it out on the ground, he says, “No one should bother us here.”

My eyes stare at the moonlight reflecting off the water and ask, “How did you know this place was here?”

“Your dad showed it to me a while back. The fucker made me go fishing with him,” Boz says, surprising the shit out of me.

This spot has always been special to me; it reminds me of Mom. We lost her to breast cancer, not long after I met Boz for the first time. Losing her nearly killed Dad and me both. Being here brings back a ton of wonderful memories of her and our family. It’s where my mom taught me to swim, where we would have tea parties and talk about girly crap. It’s also a place my dad would take us, just to get away from the club for a few minutes. He said it was our spot, a place for our family to be together. The last time Dad brought me here was the day after Mom’s funeral. We sat by the creek, and I cried in his arms until I fell asleep.

“I know it’s no fancy bed, but I always liked it out here,” Boz says as he sits down and pulls me down beside him. “I hope you’re okay being out here.”

The sound of crickets chirping reaches my ears as a huge smile spreads across my face. I’m more than okay; I’m absolutely ecstatic. I have the man of my dreams by my side, and we are in the most beautiful place God ever created. How could it get any better?

I look up at him and, with all honesty, say, “I think it’s perfect.”

He raises his hand and runs his thumb along my cheek. “Good. A woman like you deserves perfection.”

I know he’s running a game on me. I can tell that these are lines he’s used a million times before. Still, it doesn’t matter. He is saying everything I need to hear, everything I’ve ever dreamed he would say. I want more, more of him.

He then leans down and places his lips on mine, igniting a fire deep inside me. A nearly silent whimper escapes me, allowing his tongue to sneak inside. His lips are aggressive and fierce, his tongue gliding against mine as he devours me. It goes on and on, before he finally pulls back and leans his forehead against mine.

“You taste fucking amazing,” he says with a groan.

Not guarding my words, I tell him, “I will remember that kiss for the rest of my life. I will never forget the way your tongue feels when it’s wrapped around mine.”

He lifts his head just a little and simply stares at me for a second, as if he can’t believe what I just said. Finally, his lips come back to mine. He slowly pushes me backwards, until I am laying flat on the blanket, and continues to kiss me as his body comes down on mine. We kiss for a few minutes, our hands all over each other. Touching and caressing, we get as close as we can to each other with our clothes still on.

Finally, he starts to lift my shirt. As soon as his hand touches my stomach, I go wild. Sitting up, I pull off my shirt. I do the same to him, trying to jerk his shirt off.

“Slow down, darlin’,” he says, slipping off his cut and tossing it on the edge of the blanket.

He then pulls off his shirt, giving me my first glimpse of his ink-covered chest. I reach out to touch the massive Grim Bastard tat, but he stops me, going in for another kiss. At the same time, he reaches up and rubs his hand along the seam of my bra, barely touching my breast.

Slipping a finger inside the cup, he whispers, “So fucking beautiful.”

He reaches around and unsnaps it, allowing my bra to drop to the ground. “Oh yeah, more beautiful than I ever imagined.”

His lips meet mine again, stealing my breath away. His hand caresses my breast as he takes my puckered nipple in between his fingers and squeezes, before giving it a twist. My pussy convulses with anticipation of what’s to come. I am soaking wet with desire. Unable to stop myself, I rub my thighs together just to get a little friction.

He tightens his fingers on my nipple and says, “Fuck, darlin’, you’re gonna have to quit doing that. I can feel the heat coming off of that sweet little pussy everytime you move. My dick is already so damn hard, it’s about to bust out of my pants.”

“I want you.” I reach down and rub my hand over his jean-covered cock.

At first contact, fear starts to fill me again. He’s hard as hell and so fucking huge. I may have never touched a dick before, but I’ve seen my fair share around the clubhouse. None have been this big. The thought of him trying to fit in my body is as terrifying as it is exciting.

My hand works up and down his length, squeezing tight each time I come to the tip. With each squeeze, he lets out a grunt. The sound is driving me insane with need. He pulls back enough to unbutton my jeans. He slides them down, taking my panties with them. As soon as they join my other clothes, he comes back down on me.

As his tongue invades my mouth once again, a moan of pure pleasure escapes me. As if he knows what I need, his hand slides between my legs, tweaking my clit. Instinctively, I lift my hips to meet his searching fingers. I need his cock to be inside me.

When he finally rubs his fingers in between my folds, he mumbles, “Fuck, Trix. Your pussy is soaking wet. I can’t wait to feel it wrapped around my dick.”

“Please,” I beg, not quite sure what I am asking for.

One of his fingers enters me, curling up to touch the bundle of nerves hidden deep inside. It feels so damn good I almost come from the pressure alone. As he slides his finger in and out, he uses his thumb to rub small circles over my clit. Unable to hold back a minute more, I let out a long moan.

I grab onto both of his shoulders and pull him toward me, needing his lips on mine. As his tongue enters my mouth again, he pushes another finger inside, stretching me to my limits. My hips keep moving against his hand, until fireworks explode in my body.

As my pussy convulses around his fingers, he groans. “Your pussy is so fucking tight. I’m afraid I’m going to hurt you.”

Placing my lips on his, I say, “I need you inside me now.”

He kisses me one more time before getting up to unbutton his jeans. “I’d like nothing more, darlin’.”

After he gets his pants unsnapped and the zipper down, he kicks off his boots. Just as he starts to push his jeans down, the sound of someone walking through the woods hits my ear. “Boz, brother, get your ass back to the club house.”

Boz stops, zips his pants back. “What the fuck?” Reaching over for his tee, he hands it to me. “Put that on, darlin’.”

“Who is that?” I ask, covering myself up as quickly as possible.

He just shakes his head, before walking to the edge of the clearing and shouting, “What the hell do you need, Round?”

I hear heavy footfalls hitting the ground, just before an older man steps into the clearing. He doesn’t even bother to look at me as he says, “It’s your dad.”

“What the fuck did he do now?” Boz asks, walking back to the blanket and shoving his boots back on. “You do know I’m not his keeper, right?”

The older man doesn’t answer, just turns around and starts back to the clubhouse. Over his shoulder he says, “Hurry the fuck up. He’s hurt bad.”

Leaving me without a word, Boz takes off at a run. I jump up, pull on my jeans and head after him, not even bothering with the rest of our stuff. As soon as I step into the clubhouse, I see Boz in my dad’s face.

When I get close enough, I hear Boz talking in a menacing whisper. “Who the fuck shot him?”

It’s at that moment, I see Boz’s dad lying on the floor, his vacant eyes staring at the ceiling. His chest is covered in blood, and there is no doubt in my mind that he has drawn his last breath. Unable to hold it back, my stomach revolts. Leaning forward, I heave today’s lunch onto the floor. One of the old ladies comes over and grabs my shoulders, pulling me into her arms. She leads me out of the room, away from the dead body.

Just as we step outside, I hear Boz shout, “I asked you a fucking question. Who shot my father?”

“I don’t know,” Dad says with a shake of his head. “He’s been running his mouth all damn night, putting his hands on the old ladies. You know this shit was bound to happen sooner or later.”

That’s the last I hear before I am jerked outside. Peeking at Boz just before the door closes, I see his eyes on me. From the look on his face, I can tell that any chance we had is gone.