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Dirty Bastard (Grim Bastards MC Book 1) by Emily Minton, Shelley Springfield (9)


AS BREW turns to take Trix and her friend out of the office, I grab a beer and sit down at my desk. I wait until the door is shut behind them, before looking at Crank. “What the fuck were you thinking?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Pres.” He shrugs before walking over to grab his own beer. “I picked up the bitch, just like you told me to.”

“Well, let me see. I told you to grab Trix, not her friend. I also told you to make sure the pick-up went clean, but you took her in the middle of a fucking mall parking lot!” I end in a shout, letting my anger show.

Sitting down across from my desk, he shrugs again. “I saw the opportunity and I took it. Figured we got a two-for-one kind of deal.”

“I don’t give a fuck what you figured. You follow orders!” I growl, losing what little patience I have for the fucker sitting in front of me.

“I don’t see what the big fucking deal is,” he spouts off, a cocky smile on his face. “The job is done, and you got what you wanted.”

Standing up, I place my nearly-full beer on my desk and walk to Crank. Grabbing him by his cut, I bring him closer, eye to eye, so he gets my point. “The big fucking deal is you didn’t follow orders. If this shit happens again, your ass is out. I’m not gonna have a brother I can’t trust.”

Shoving him on his ass, I walk away before I strangle the bastard, leaving the fucker lying on the floor. Walking straight to the bar, I plant my ass on a stool and grab a bottle of Jack and a shot glass. I pour a shot and down it, chasing it with a swallow of beer to calm the fire in my gut. I’m just setting my drink down when Brew walks out of the hallway.

“They give you any trouble?” I ask him as he sits down on the stool beside me.

“Nah, but I didn’t give them a chance to. Took them to the room, locked the door, and left ‘em there. Gonna give your girl time to cool down.”

“She’s not my girl,” I say instinctively, but the words leave a bitter taste on my tongue.

He cocks a brow at me. “Not yet, but I have a feeling she’s gonna be.”

“What the hell are you talking about?” I ask, taking another swallow.

Grabbing his own shot glass, he pours himself a drink, one side of his lip tipping up. “I haven’t seen you look at anyone like that since first meeting Cherry.”

I can’t hold back my snort of amusement. “Cherry and I just got done having another fucking argument, right before you got here. I figure the only thing you see when I’m looking at that bitch is pure hatred.”

“It wasn’t always like that, though,” he says before taking a drink. “You used to look at her like she was the reason you breathed. I was so glad my brother found someone who could give him that. I was hoping one day I’d find something like that for myself. Got over that feeling real fast when I realized Cherry was a crazy bitch. She may be Smoke’s sister, but I know crazy when I see it.”

I laugh again, then change the subject. “Do you think being locked in the safe room is gonna calm Trix’s ass down?”

He shakes his head. “No, it won’t. She’s gonna buck every step of the way. She’s not gonna stop running her mouth, either.”

“I’m not gonna lie to you, Brew. Her attitude pissed me off, but I like the fire I see in her. I like it a lot. I wouldn’t mind having a woman that looked like her and had her fire in my bed.”

“I’ll agree with that. She’s a fine piece of ass. Hell, they both are,” Brew agrees, but goes quiet when Crank finally comes out of my office and takes the stool on the other side of him.

He smirks at us, obviously hearing the end of our conversation. “It’ll be nice having some different pussy hanging around this place. I can’t fucking wait to get inside Trix. When I’m done with her, I’ll give the redhead a go.”

Just the thought of someone besides me getting anywhere near her pussy pisses me off. “Keep your hands and your dick away from Trix.”

“That goes for the redhead, too. Stay the fuck away from Addy,” Brew says, laying his claim to Trix’s friend.

I look in Crank’s eyes, making sure he sees how serious I am. “You pass that around to the boys. If anyone, including your ass, touches either one of them, they’ll answer to me. Is that understood?”

“Loud and clear, Pres. Loud and clear. I’ll pass it around,” Crank smirks before standing up and walking away.

“There’s something off with that motherfucker,” Brew says, watching Crank walk away.

“Did he say anything about the shipment while y’all were out getting Trix?”

Brew shakes his head. “Just the same stuff he already told you. He keeps repeating the same story, word for word. It’s like he practiced that shit.”

“Yep, I noticed that, too,” I agree, downing the rest of my beer. “Something’s just not adding up. I’m getting a bad feeling about all this.”

“I’ve known Hoss for a while, and I can’t see him doing this shit. I have to wonder if we haven’t jumped the gun a bit,” Brew says before taking another drink.

I’m starting to agree, but I don’t tell him that. Instead, I start to list the problems off in my head. First of all, why would Hoss want to take our shipment? His crew is bigger, has a longer history, and they sure in the hell have more in their pockets than we do. Taking the shipment makes no sense. Not only will they have to deal with us, but they’re gonna have to answer to the Slayers, and as far as I know, they’re allies.

“Have you heard about any issues between Hoss’ boys and the Slayers?” I ask, hoping that I missed something.

Brew shakes his head. “Nope, not a damn thing. I even asked around a bit last night, and no one knows shit. In fact, I heard that Vince and Hoss traded some girls a couple of months ago.”

Both the Revenge boys and the Slayers sell pussy. We do too, but our stable is still small. Hoss has enough girls to service the entire 101st Airborne. Hoss and I both recruit only willing women, but I can’t say the same for Vince. Every so often, we all switch girls. It’s a good way to keep them fresh for the clients. I quit trading with the Slayers, because more than one girl ran as soon as his crew dropped them off. I’ve done some bad shit, but forcing a woman to whore herself is a step too far for me.

“Have you heard anything about Hoss or his crew? Has anyone been bragging about this shit?” I ask, already knowing the answer.

“No, brother. Not a peep.”

This is what bothers me the most. When a club does shit like this, there is always talk. Someone wanting to spout off about fucking with another crew, or at least a leak about an unexpected shipment coming in. No matter how tight you pull ranks, shit slips out. We’ve had people snooping, even had some of the whores giving out freebies for information. Still, we haven’t heard shit.

I look back over to Brew and say, “I’m not sure what the fuck is going on, but I can guarantee we’ll figure it out.”

Brew nods his agreement, then waits for me to go on. “First things first, we gotta get word to Hoss that we’ve got his girl. We need to make sure he knows it’s retribution for the guns. His reaction will tell us a lot.”

Finishing off my beer, I say, “I’ll make a call to him as soon as I get a little closer to figuring out what in the fuck is going on.”

“He’ll do whatever it takes to get her back, even if he has to kill everyone that stands between him and her,” Brew says while finishing off his beer.

“Yeah, he will,” I mumble, already second-guessing my decision to take on Hoss’ crew. “But we’ll be ready for whatever he throws at us.”

“I’ll make sure that word gets around to Hoss, see how he reacts, and let you know,” Brew says, before tossing his empty bottle into the trash can and getting up to get another.

Realizing there’s nothing else I can do right now, I decide to have a little fun. “I’m gonna go make sure Trix is adjusting to her new room.”

Brew laughs and says, “I didn’t figure it would take you long.”

I cock a brow and smile. “I plan on spending a lot of time making her adjustment as smooth as possible.”