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Edge of Retribution by Jacob Chance (14)

Chapter Fourteen


Sweat trickles down the nape of my neck and continues rolling along the middle of my spine like morning dew on a blade of grass. My hips rock in time to the electro dance music pounding through the sound system and the thrum of the bass pulses heavy in my chest. EDM has never been my thing, my tastes run more toward pop, but right now I don’t care. As Tash informed me earlier as I was getting ready, tonight is all about FUN. She mentioned something about it meaning fucked up and naked. Regardless of the meaning, getting a buzz on seems like a great place to start. With all the shots we’ve done I’m well on my way to acing the first two letters of that acronym. The third one will have to wait. At least that’s the plan.

Strong fingers grip my hips and warm breath drifts along the curve of my shoulder. “When are we gonna get out of here, Zoe?” Max, my ex-boyfriend, questions with his mouth pressed against my ear.

I spin around, my rocking hips keeping time with the beat and clasp my hands behind his neck. My eyes move from his thick chest to his masculine lips.

What would it be like to kiss him again?

Max and I were a couple for junior and senior year of college and broke up shortly after we graduated. He went to work in the corporate world and I continued at B.U. for my master’s degree.

We somehow managed to remain friends, but this is the first time we’ve gone out in ages. He’s been busy travelling for the tech company he works for.

My tongue glides out between my lips, tracing along the plump curve. His gripping fingers flex on my hips, urging me closer. Sweeping a quick glance upward, I catch his green eyes watching me and they look iridescent in the multicolored flashing lights of the club.

He clasps my wrists, pulling my arms from his neck. “Come on, let’s get out of here.” Releasing one of my hands, he keeps holding the other, leading me through the club and out the front door. We start down the sidewalk and the cool spring air feels refreshing against my heated skin. When we reach the end of the brick building, he pauses and pulls me against his chest. “I’ve missed you. Have you missed me at all?” His fingers trail up and down the middle of my bare spine.

“You bet I have. You’re one of my best friends.”

He sighs and tangles his hands in my hair, tipping my head back. “I want you so bad. What do you say we go back to your place and catch up?”

He wants to have sex with me?

This is unexpected and I’m not sure how I feel about it. There’s only one guy I’m interested in right now. Nash Garrison - Mr. Schoolgirl Crush himself. Even though I shut him down at lunch, to be with anyone else wouldn’t be fair to myself or the other person. Resting my hands on his chest I’m about to speak when I hear a deep voice bark out my name.

“Zoe,” the voice repeats, more urgently.

Pulling myself free from Max, my hands drop from his chest as I take a step backward, placing distance between us. My head swings toward the curb where Nash leans back against his truck. His arms are crossed over his broad chest, muscular forearms on show and flexed with tension.

Glancing back at Max, I hold up a finger. “I’m sorry. Can you give me a minute?”

“It’s okay.” He smiles and caresses the curve of my bare shoulder before his hand ends our contact. Patting his arm, I move along the sidewalk. Nash’s narrowed eyes are locked on Max and remain there until I’m standing in front of him.

“What are you doing here?”

“What are you doing here?” He turns my question back on me.

“I’m on a date, not that it’s any of your concern,” I huff, crossing my arms over my chest.

Straightening up, he pushes off the truck and runs a hand through his black hair. “Why are you out with him?” His eyes dart over my shoulder in Max’s direction once more.

“What’s wrong with Max? He’s a great guy.”

“Where’d you meet him?”

“He’s my ex, not that it’s any of your concern.”

“Zoe, don’t lose your focus now. You just started at the Bureau.”

My eyes narrow, glaring at him. Lose my focus? Who does he think he is?

“Nash, you’re not my keeper and as far as losing my focus goes, you don’t ever have to worry about that. I’ve been waiting my whole life for this job. No one wants me to succeed at it more than I do.” I step forward and poke him in the chest. “Have you forgotten that the man responsible for both of my parents’ deaths is still out there somewhere? It’s not like I could ever forget about him.” I poke his muscular pec, again. “Don’t tell me what to do. I’m a fucking adult.” My arms cross and I groan with frustration. “Your being here like this is weird. What are you doing?”

He doesn’t answer, just growls out something unintelligible and continues to glare at Max. My head swivels to find Max typing on his phone and I feel bad for ignoring him. “I have to get back to my friend. Take care.” I press my lips together and start to turn away.

“Zoe,” he rasps, catching my hand in his, stopping me from moving further away. A tingle engulfs my body, bathing it in warmth from head to toe. How can his touch still affect me so? “Be careful.” He squeezes my hand, leaning forward until he catches my attention. His warm irises sear into mine. “I mean it. Keep your eyes open and pay attention to your surroundings.”

My eyebrows press together wrinkling in the middle of my forehead.

“Nash, what’s going on?”

He shakes his head. “Nothing.”

“Nash. If there’s something I need to know, I trust that you’d tell me.” My eyes stare up searching his for some sign of what's happening with him. “You would tell me, wouldn’t you?”

His hand releases mine as he grips my shoulders, holding me in front of him. “A beautiful, young woman like yourself can never be too careful.”

My stomach flutters from his sweet words.

“Nash, you shouldn’t be worrying about me. I mean it. This isn’t necessary.”

He nods, solemnly.

“I’m out with someone else and I’m being horrible company.” I watch his Adam’s apple bob in his thick neck as he swallows. He remains silent, but the muscle ticking in his cheek tells me he’s not unaffected by my words. “I’ll see you at work tomorrow.”