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Edge of Retribution by Jacob Chance (24)

Chapter Twenty-Four


“Do you want to explain to me who the fuck this guy is and why I’m here right now?” Karyn’s on fire as she arrives at the dispensary.

“You wanted quick and dirty.” I try to answer without sounding like an asshole.

“Well I’m certainly not fond of quick,” Belfast complains. “But you can definitely call me dirty, love.” He smiles and holds out his hand. “Brennan Collins pleased to make your acquaintance.”

“I wasn’t speaking to you, crook,” Karyn snarls at him.

Belfast laughs and turns back to Georgia with a raised brow. “Your mum works for the FBI too?”

Georgia struggles to contain a smirk. I don’t bother trying to fight mine.

Karyn ignores Belfast. “Garrison, come with me.” I follow her out of his office into the display room. “Bring me up to speed.”

Two minutes later we’re back in the office. Karyn is all caught up and giving orders. “This room works, get it set up,” she orders Georgia, who instantly begins moving the desk and chair around to suit our needs. “Nash, you two are in the room first.”

She turns to Belfast “Irishman, have your men bring him in.” She softens her tone. “You and I will wait outside the room.”

Belfast smiles and holds out his arm, leading the way. “Ladies first.”

“Play this straight and he’s all yours.” She accepts his gesture, walking out of the office in front of him. “But only after we get what we need.”

As soon as the door shuts Georgia is at my side. “You did hear that, right?”

“I damn sure heard it,” Martin replies over our comms. “And for once, I’m glad to be on backup.”

“Tighten up. And keep your heads in the game,” I speak so they both can hear me, but not loud enough to be overheard by anyone outside the room.

A minute later, with still no sign of Belfast’s men or the Chechen, I call back to Martin over the comms. “What’s the holdup?”

“Gimme a sec.”

Twenty seconds pass, slowly.

“Package is on its way in now,” Martin reports.

“What was the problem?”

“No problem. They were slapping him around out here for kicks. I stopped them.” Martin doesn’t fuck around when it’s go time.

Belfast’s men burst through the door seconds later with Nicholas still bound and hopping to keep up without the use of his sight. They toss him onto the floor and laugh at the bright red and purple marks swelling up on each side of his face.

“Pick him up, now.” I throw a little extra bass in my voice to let them know I’m not fucking around. After a brief pause they concede and roughly lift him up off the floor. Dragging him into the center of the room, they force him down onto the chair, shaking their heads in disgust as they exit through the doorway. Nicholas angles his head back, struggling to catch a glimpse under the tape after hearing a new voice, one with some authority over the rest.

Georgia steps in and three pain filled, Chechen obscenity laced minutes later, the tape is unwrapped and removed from around his head and face. Tears streaming down his cheeks, his eyes blink repeatedly as he deals with the pain from the tape removal and now the sudden change in light, all without the use of his hands.

“Where am I? What is this? Who are you? What do you want?” He rapid fires his questions all at once, not pausing for an answer until he’s asked them all.

“Your name is Nicholas Ruslan,” I start.

“Ha,” Ruslan shouts. “You are cops, right?” He smiles through blood covered teeth. “This is good. I like American police.”

“We're not cops,” I clarify for him.

“You must be Feds.” He holds out his already bound hands and laughs. “Even better, I’m ready to speak with my lawyer now, thank you.”

“You may be right. We might be federal agents.” I smile and lean in close. “But I’m afraid it's just not that simple, Nicholas.” It’s time to bring him up to speed. “I think maybe you should take a look around you - does it look like we’re going to be calling your lawyer?” Stepping back, I give him a chance to glance around and let it sink in.

Nicholas slowly moves his eyes around the room. “What is this?”

“You’re finished asking questions.” Moving in quick, I slap him, hard. “I’m asking the one and only question left to be answered here today.” I bring my arm back down across the other side of his face with a vicious backhand. He tries to contain his reaction, but it doesn’t last long. “Fuck you,” he cries out in agony after the second slap.

“And you better think carefully before you answer.” Grabbing a handful of his hair, I pull up and back until his eyes are wide open and he’s looking straight at me. “Because I’m only going to ask you once.” I cock my arm back to slap him again. “Once.”

Nicholas instinctively pulls his head back and cries out, “don’t.”

I’ve got him and we both know it.

“Ask your question.”

Georgia steps in, opens a bottled water and empties the contents on his head, face and neck. “You’re gonna want to pay attention.” She steps back without another word.

I allow the water to bead up and run off his face before stepping in again. “Where is he?”

His expression is puzzled. “Where is who?”

“Don’t play dumb with me,” I demand. “Where’s Popov?”

Nicholas laughs, loudly. “That’s what this is about? You are cops. I knew it.” He laughs and spits fresh blood on to the floor.

“Last chance.” I step closer, warning him on the way.

“Relax, relax. I’ll tell you everything I know about Marius Popov. But it won’t matter.” He sits back in the chair, suddenly appearing much more comfortable.

“Explain yourself.” Grabbing hold of his badly broken nose, I squeeze.

“Ow. Okay - okay, alright.” Ruslan snarls, shaking more fresh blood from his face. He takes a deep breath and drops his chin to his chest.

I wait, never taking my eyes from him.

He sighs loudly, before raising his head and looking straight into my eyes. “So, you are the FBI man, right?” His gaze flicks over to Georgia and he smiles. “Is this her?”

“Who?” I blurt out without thinking.

Nicholas’ smile widens as he turns his head back to face me. “Now who’s playing dumb? Marius has come a long way to find her.” His gaze returns to Georgia. “He spoke of you often girl, it’s Zoe, right? I know he’s looking forward to seeing you again.”

My head spins hearing him say Zoe’s name. “Where is he?” I pull Ruslan up from the chair by his throat. “Tell me where he is.”

“I don’t know. I don’t know.” Nicholas struggles to get words out of his closing windpipe before I finally let go and watch him fall to the floor.

Nicholas coughs and hacks. “Marius didn’t tell me where he was going.” His voice is a hoarse croak. “Marius only said to tell the FBI man he was back in the U.S. He said he would tell the girl himself, when he sees her.”

I grill him for another sixty minutes, but his answers never change. I’m thinking we’ve gotten all we can when two quick knocks on the office door let me know Karyn is thinking the same.

“There’s no meat left on this bone. Popov is the priority.” She keeps it short and sweet. Walking out into the display room, she heads for the door. “I was never here.”

“What about Belfast?” I follow her through the main shop.

Karyn stops to think about it. “I’m gonna flag him as an asset. You never know.”

“And Ruslan?” I call out as she reaches the door.

“Who?” She continues out the front entrance without looking back.

As I retrace my steps into the display room, I nearly walk straight into Georgia. Belfast is standing behind her with his gun at her back and her gun in his other hand. Fuck.

“All right now, take it easy.” He backs up and lowers his weapon slightly, so I can see it. Georgia and I respond simultaneously, disarming him and leaving him pinned face first to the floor before he can react.

“Big mistake, asshole.” I rest my knee on the back of his neck.

Belfast is submissive and calm. “Just looking to keep everybody honest.”

It takes me a few seconds to catch on before I realize what he’s doing. “Oh shit.” I run for the office but by the time I make it back there Nicholas Ruslan is gone.