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Eric's Inferno: A Rescue Four Novel by Tiffany Patterson (16)

Chapter Sixteen


“You’re really going to do it? You’re going to walk into the lion’s den again?”

I frowned at how dramatic she made it sound. I hit the speaker button so that I could talk while I continued to apply my makeup at the vanity in my bedroom. “Yes, Janine. I’m going to go to dinner with Eric over to his parents’ home. And stop calling it the lion’s den.”

“But what if she invites his ex over again?”

“Eric’s not thinking about her, and I doubt his mother would do that again. He was so pissed the first time.”

“If you say so.” She sucked her teeth.

I laughed at her sarcasm. “I’ve already been assured she wouldn’t do that.”

“From Eric, but what about his―”

“Not from Eric. From his mother. She got my number from Eric and personally called to apologize for our last encounter and invite us to dinner. No surprises this time.”

“At least she had the class to invite you personally.”

“Right? I think that was a good sign. So tell me what’s going on with you.” Picking up my black eyeliner, I stuck my head closer to the mirror, pulling on my cheek to make my water line easier to access, and began applying the liner. I heard Janine sigh through the line.

“Same ol‘, same ol‘. Matt is still acting a fool. I think I’m over it. I’m so over his shit and this city in general.”

I snorted, switching eyes. “I’ve heard that before.”

“I think I’m serious this time. Matt obviously isn’t in the mood for marriage anytime soon. Boston is full of yuppie professionals who are more into playing games than building a family. Maybe it’s just me.”

“Well, if you're for real, you know my cousin still rents out her place and is looking for a tenant while she travels. You’d have plenty of opportunities to find a job in interior design here in Williamsport.”

There was a pause on the other end of the phone. I pulled out my powder brush, dabbed it in the brown powder that matched my skin perfectly, and tapped it a couple of times on the edge to remove the excess before I applied it.

“Hello?” I called, swirling the powder around my chin, cheeks, nose, and forehead―my typically shiny areas.

“I’m thinking.” Janine’s voice was pensive. “Can I get back to you? How long before your cousin rents out the place?”

“I don’t know. Her current tenants are moving out at the end of this month, and I think she has someone staying for a month after that, but she wants someone long-term.”

“Hmm, I need to think about this.”

I could picture my friend biting her thumbnail, contemplatively. She rarely made a decision without thinking about it in a thousand different ways.

“Okay, I have to go, but I’ll give you a ring this weekend.”

“’K, bye.”

Just as we hung up, that familiar rhythmic knock on the door sounded. I cursed, wishing he was just five minutes late.

“Coming!” I yelled, rushing to the door still in my tan camisole and high-waist jeans.

“Hi, I’m running a little behind. Oh, sorry,” I said, pressing a kiss to his lips. “I was talking with Janine and got a little sidetracked.”

“How is she?” Eric asked, stepping in and shutting the door behind him. I took a second to admire the black pants he wore instead of jeans and a blue Polo shirt. We’ve talked before about Janine and the many good times we had in college and afterward.

“She’s still hung up on her guy. But I think she’s considering moving out of Boston.”

“Change can be good.”

“Yeah. Okay, let me finish getting dressed. I’ll be right out.”

“Sure, but first …” He grabbed me around the waist, pulling me to him. He first nibbled at my bottom lip, using my gasp to give his tongue entrance. My arms ended up around his neck. We kissed for what felt like forever, and still not long enough.

“Good thing you hadn’t put on your lipstick just yet.”

I grinned. “I don’t know, I think you’d look pretty good with my Ruby Woo red lipstick smeared all over your lips.”

“Yeah, I don’t think so.” He released me, taking a step back to allow me to pass by to finish getting dressed.

I decided on a sheer, sleeveless top and my long, light grey cardigan that stopped just above the floor in the four-inch heels I chose to wear. It was getting close to early October, and the fall weather was breaking here in Williamsport. I applied my favorite nude lipstick and grabbed the overnight bag I packed earlier since I was staying at Eric’s place tonight.

“All set?” he asked when I rounded the corner.

“Ready, Freddie!”

He stopped, hand on the doorknob, looking at me crazy.

“What? It’s a saying. Let’s go, we don’t want to be too late. Your mother already hates me,” I joked.

Eric didn’t like my joke much if the frown that marred his face was anything to go by.

“I’m kidding.”

“Yeah,” he tutted, opening the door.

Forty-five minutes later, we were pulling up to the home of his parents. Though I was hesitant, I knew whatever the issue was Mrs. Kim had with me it wouldn’t be resolved by my refusing ever to see the woman again. Eric assured me that it wasn’t my fault, or rather that his mother’s issue wasn’t personal, but something all her own. He said they had a good talk over breakfast a few weeks back. I certainly wasn’t about to be the wedge standing between Eric having a good relationship with his family, so it was an easy choice to make when his mother called. But that didn’t mean I didn’t have my doubts.

“Come in.” Eric’s mother waved us in, once we rang the bell. Her demeanor was more affable than last time.

“How’re you, Ma?” Eric asked, leaning down to kiss her cheek.

“I’m well. Hi, Angela, how are you?”

“I’m well, Mrs. Kim. Thank you for inviting us again.”

“You’re welcome. And what do you have there?” She tipped her head to the plate in my hands.

“I didn’t want to step on your toes again, but Eric said you like these ginger cookies, so I made some.”

She hesitated, but then said, “Thank you.”

Her eyes moved to Eric and then back to me. “Will you follow me and we can set them in the kitchen?”

I briefly peered over at Eric, noting the surprise and then doubtful expression, before I followed, placing a hand on his wrist when he tried to follow.

“Eric, your father’s in the dining room. He’s expecting you,” Mrs. Kim called.

He hesitated, but I urged him with a nudge of the shoulder, and after a pause, he finally moved in the opposite direction toward the living room.

“You can set those right on the counter.” Mrs. Kim pointed, and I did as requested. “I wanted to talk to you alone, before dinner,” she said, stating what I already guessed.

I remained quiet, waiting for her to make her peace.

“I know Eric told you that he and I spoke.”

“Yes, he did.”

“It was a good conversation,” she sighed, wiping her hands with a dishtowel. “Probably long overdue. Eric’s father and I weren’t there like we should’ve been when he went through the Academy. I’m sure he’s told you about his schooling and former job.”

I nodded.

“Yes, well, Eric obviously had other plans than what we set out for him. And we’re still coming to terms with that. You just got caught up in the middle of all of that.”

“I see,” I stated, still not really understanding.

“I don’t think you do,” she retorted. “I think once you have children you’ll understand. You do want to have children, right?”

“Yes. Three,” I answered, quickly, then slapped my hand over my mouth.

Mrs. Kim laughed.

“Don’t tell Eric I said that. We haven’t discussed children,” I implored.

“Your secret’s safe with me,” she whispered, laughing.

“Mrs. Kim, I don’t know what it’s like having a son who’s a firefighter, but I do know what it’s like having a father, brother, and now the man I love as firefighters. It’s scary thinking about the fact that every time they go to work, they put themselves in harm’s way. I’ve seen the bruises he walks away with, and it makes my heart stop.”

Mrs. Kim gasped slightly.

“I’m sorry. I didn't―”

She waved my apology off. “No, it’s okay. Well, it’s not okay. His job terrifies me. My husband and I intended for him to grow up and taking over as CFO of Townsend Industries once his father retired. And if not there, somewhere else.”

I remained silent, nodding.

“But he had other plans.” His mother lips pursed, her eyes appearing regretful, making me even sadder.

“Mrs. Kim, I know you and I didn’t get off to the greatest start, and I wouldn’t presume to know more about your son than you do, but … Eric was born to be a firefighter. It’s just in him. I see it. The way his eyes light up when he talks about his job. The way he reaches for his radio scanner in the car, even when he’s not on shift. The joy he expresses when talking about his colleagues. Even in how intensely he’s been studying for the lieutenant's exam. He’s a natural. At least from what I see. And it’d be a shame to try to persuade the person I love from not doing what he’s called to do. While his job scares the hell out of me, it also makes him who he is. So I can accept the fear because I wouldn’t want to change him.”

I twisted my fingers in front of me, feeling like once again I over-spoke. Here I was telling a mother about her son, in her kitchen. I was trying to make a good impression, but I couldn’t hold back what was in my heart.

The wrinkle around her eyes increased as she narrowed her gaze at me, folding her arms across her chest. “I think you just might know him better than I do.”

I exhaled, totally not expecting that. I shook my head. “No, I don’t―”

“Yes,” her head bobbed up and down, “you do. That’s what happens when you fall in love with someone. You get to know them inside and out. For the men in his family that seems to happen in a relatively short period.” She let out a sound that strangely mirrored a laugh.

I cracked a smile. “Eric said you and his father married two weeks after meeting each other.”

Her cheeks turned a rose color as she blushed. “It was more like thirteen days. But that’s a story for another time.” She waved her hands around. “Would you like to help me set up the table?”

“Just point me in the direction of the silverware and plates,” I offered.

Ten minutes later the table was covered with the food his mom prepared, and Mr. Kim and Eric sat at the table with us. This night was markedly different than the first time around. Both Mr. and Mrs. Kim asked questions of Eric and I. Not in an interrogative way, but conversationally. I felt more at ease and welcomed. When Eric squeezed my hand under the table, I squeezed his right back feeling as if we successfully passed this little hurdle in our budding relationship.




“That wasn’t so bad, was it?” I questioned, as we stepped out of the elevator to my floor. Angela’s hand was in mine while her overnight bag was slung over my left shoulder.

“I guess not,” she sing-songed, stepping out in front of me, hands still connected as she twirled herself around. I grinned at how carefree she seemed. A marked difference between the somber mood she was in after we left my parents’ house the last time around.

“I see that look you’re giving me. You’re thinking about the last time we had dinner at your parents, or rather, how that night ended.”

We’d just arrived at the door to my condo. I turned her by the shoulders, pressing her back against the wall, and leaned in. “Guilty as charged.”

She sighed against my lips, and I moved my head lower, kissing down the line of her jaw, reaching her neck.

“Don’t think I’m just going to let you have your way with me anytime you want,” she slurred.

I chuckled into her ear before biting it. I laughed when I felt her tremble. “You sure about that?” I licked her neck.

A sigh accompanied a small moan.

“Y-yes, I’m sure. You have to study. Your test is coming up in less than two weeks.”

“I plan on studying. All. Night. Long.” I completed each word of that last sentence with a kiss.


My body stiffened at the sound of the female voice coming from farther down the hall. I slowly raised my head from Angela’s neck to see Brandi striding toward us, dressed in a short black dress, showcasing her long legs. Anyone else would see this was obviously a private moment and have made their way past without drawing attention to themselves, but not Brandi. I cursed myself for not taking this party inside, behind closed doors. The sneering look Brandi was giving Angela said this wasn’t going to be a friendly encounter.

“Brandi,” I stated. Pulling my keys from my back pocket, I began inserting my key into the door.

“And you are?” She spoke directly to Angela.

I tightened my grip around Angela’s waist when she started to pivot in Brandi’s direction. “I’m Angela.” On the surface her introduction sounded personable; I’ve memorized every inflection of her voice. However, the small hitch when she said her name told of the challenge she held.

“Oh, Amanda. Nice to―”

“Angela,” she cut off Brandi’s catty reply, and I was over this little showdown.

“That’s enough, Brandi. You have a good night.” I finished unlocking and then pushed my door open, using my hand on Angela’s waist to push her toward the doorway.

“He’ll dump you soon enough once he’s done with you. Just like he did me,” Brandi spat.

“Look, Bianca, it’s time you let it go,” Angela retorted, breaking free of my hold. “Whatever you think you two had is over and done.”

“It’s Brandi!” she yelled.

Angela shrugged. “Bianca, Brandi, same difference.”

“What the hell makes you so special?”

“For one, I’d never pair that dress with those heels,” Angela mocked, her eyes peering down at Brandi’s feet.

“You bi―” Brandi’s angry retort, hand high in the air like she was about to hit Angela, was halted by my hand and body pushed in between the two women.

My grip was firm enough that Brandi’s nudges couldn’t pull it away but not tight enough to the point of pain.

“Don’t ever try that bullshit again,” I growled. “Don’t fucking darken my doorstep with your presence again.” With narrowed eyes, I slowly loosened my grip on her wrist and watched as she backed up a few steps, then headed in the direction of her door. Once she disappeared behind her door, I pushed my own open, following Angela inside.

As soon as the door shut, I was pushed back against it.

“You keep that hussy away from me. You actually dated her?”

“Define dated?”

Her eyes narrowed, and she pushed away from me when I went to pull her to me by the waist.

“Cheap ass dress,” she mumbled while swatting my hands. “You should’ve let her try and hit me. I would’ve whooped her—” Her rant was cut off by my mouth on hers. I spun us so she was pressed against the door, and I let my hands run up and down the sides of her body. I pressed my full weight against her.

“Are we done talking about her?” I asked once I pulled back.

“Talking about who?” she sighed.

“Good answer.” I kissed my way up her neck until I made it to her mouth, where I sucked on her tongue and lips.

“You haven’t even given me a tour of your place,” she purred, head tilted upwards for better access, eyes closed.

“In the morning,” I murmured into the column of her neck. I held her by the waist and walked her backwards to my bedroom. This was Angela’s first time at my place in the months we’ve been dating. I generally went over to and spent the nights at her place just because hers felt more like home than my condo.

I felt her hands go to the buckle of my belt, fiddling with it until it came loose.

“I want you in my mouth first.”

That was enough to make any man just about come in his pants.

She pressed one kiss to my lips before heading down south, easing my pants down as she went, having undone the button and zipper already. Her soft hand made its way into my boxer briefs, cupping my cock before pulling me out. When she puckered her lips and pressed a kiss to the tip a chill ran through my entire body. She began swirling her tongue around the head, and I felt myself growing harder with each passing second. I groaned, helplessly, needing her to end this torment. Moving my hand to her hair, I urged her on. She giggled before opening and fully sheathing me with her hot mouth.


Heaven on Earth.


All of those descriptions felt too shallow to describe the feeling of her lips gliding up and down my shaft. Her tongue ran along the veins, creating tingling sensations throughout my entire body. My hips began pistoning involuntarily, seeking more pleasure. My Angel took it like a pro. I reached down, cupping the sides of her face, and began pumping harder when her hands went around, gripping my backside. Much too soon, my body tightened up, and semen shot from my cock. To my surprise, Angela didn’t budge. Instead, she took it all, swallowing my load. I almost came a second time when she pulled back and licked her lips.

“You have way too many clothes on.” She stood up, pulling my shirt overhead.

“I’m not the only one who’s overdressed.” I stepped completely out of my pants and shoes, falling back on the bed when Angela pushed me onto it. She quickly straddled me. I frowned.

“You’re still wearing too many clothes.” I sat up to rid her of the camisole and bra she wore but was stopped by her hand on my chest.

“I need to tell you something.”

“Now?” I asked impatiently, trying again to reach for her clothing.

“Yes, now,” she insisted. Her hands pressed against my shoulders, pushing me onto my back again. “It’s serious.”

I observed her. The space between her eyes was wrinkled, brows slightly furrowed, lips pouty. She was heavily contemplating her next words.

“I love you.” She blew out a breath, looking relieved at hearing her own words. “I’m in love with you.”


Oh? That’s it? That’s your response?”

I chuckled, hands going to her ass. “I’ve been waiting for you to say it.”

She blinked. “Excuse me?”

“I’ve been waiting to hear you say it,” I reiterated.

“Me?” She sprang up but remained straddling me because my grip on her wouldn’t let her move. “What about you?”

I screwed my face up. “What about me?”

“You could’ve said it if you were waiting on me. I mean, if you feel the sa―”

“I did.”

“What? When?”

“In the shower when I told I wouldn’t come in you until we were married.”

Her eyes looked as if they’d pop out of her skull. “That was you telling me you love me?”

I frowned. “Of course. What else would it mean?”

She covered her face with her hands, shaking her head. “You seriously need to work on your communication skills, Mr. Kim.”

Grinning, I tugged her hands from her face and brought them to my mouth, kissing her knuckles. “I can think of something else we need to work on.” I adjusted, flipping her onto her back and moving on top of her, so now our position was reversed. I leaned in, placing a kiss on her forehead, tip of her nose, and finally lips. “I love you, too, Angel.”

Her face opened up, and I swear I would’ve said those three words much sooner if I could get her to make this face over and over.

“But make sure you’re only saying it because you want to. Not because you think I―” Her response was cut off by my tongue in her mouth.

“You’re talking too much,” was the last thing I said before taking her mouth again and removing the rest of her clothing.





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