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Falling for the Hitman by N. Alleman, J. Chase (26)


The last four months have passed in a haze of questions—from the police, from the reporters, from the public... everyone. Fortunately, I’ve got my mind clear, and I’ve navigated it successfully. I feel like I’ve become the strong person I always strived to be, and I can’t help but be proud of myself.

Of course it helps having Karen as a friend now. She has been a real help for when things have gotten challenging. I’m surprised how much I like her, but now that my petty jealousy is gone, I’ve realized she’s an awesome person.

We bonded over our investigation to find her daughter, and thankfully because of my insider knowledge of the family, it didn’t take long to locate her. We found Lily living with Damien and Dimitri’s uncle, as promised, and she was actually doing fine. She’d been well cared for, and it felt so good to get her back. While the cops investigated the drug business and all the murders surrounding the Novikov family in recent years, I spent more and more time with Karen. I was glad of the investigation, because it gave me something else to think about besides Alexi.

The court cases were rushed through due to the high profile nature of the case, and the verdict is supposed to be delivered today. As I get dressed for it in my most severe suit, I’m not at all nervous. It’s pretty clear how this is going to go, so it feels like nothing more than a formality. There was so much evidence at Dimitri’s house that his defense wasn’t able to refute that the prosecutor is quite confident of a conviction.

During the trial, I’ve become something of a celebrity, which is not something I’m comfortable with. I much prefer blending into a crowd over being the one in the spotlight. And as intense as it is, I know it won’t last forever, so I’m doing my best to soldier on through it.

Because of my new-found fame, my parents reached out to me, wanting to reconnect, but since I don't know what my father’s motives are, I’m not ready to respond just yet. I’ve had enough manipulative men in my life to last me a lifetime.

One day I will respond, if only for my mother’s sake, but for the time being I’ve pushed it aside.

On my to the courthouse, I can’t help but wonder if I need to go and see the verdict being read out after all. I mean, I already know that he’s going to be found guilty, and I’m sure to be bombarded with questions afterwards—the press will want to know how I feel about it all, and I’m pretty sure that ‘numb’ won’t be an acceptable answer, even if it is the truth. In my mind, I’m done with it all now. I’m ready to move on to a better future, and I cannot wait until the day comes that I can just have that.

Once I get there, and I see the huge crowd surrounding the place, I slip into a nearby alleyway, just needing a moment to catch my breath before I go inside. The media coverage is always so crazy and intense, I just don't feel like I need it today. Maybe I should run away...

I lean my back against the nearest wall and close my eyes. For a split second I imagine Alexi’s face and I imagine what he would tell me to do. That’s how I’ve gotten through most of this, channeling him and telling myself what he would advise me to do.

This time, I visualize him so clearly that I can almost feel his breath against my cheeks. When I open my eyes and my vision becomes clear, I can see him, standing right in front of me.

Have I lost my mind? It’s like I conjured him up...

“Alexi,” I whisper lightly, running my fingers across the light stubble of his jaw. If this is what madness feels like, then let me give in to it. “You’re here.”

“Of course I am,” he grins, before kissing me lightly on the lips. “I told you I’d be back, didn’t I?”

Wait! This is real? He’s really here!

“Oh my God,” I gasp, throwing my arms around his neck. “I can’t believe you’re here. I’ve missed you so much.”

He nuzzles my neck, which makes my heart sing. “Everything is okay now, we can finally be together.” I don't ask him what he means by that, because I have the feeling I don't want to know. “We can go anywhere. I know you want to get away from here.”

But as I pull back to stare at him. I know it’s time to reveal my own news. “I think I want to stay,” I say, completely stunning him. “I mean, I’m losing my house in the next few weeks, but I do have my own money now. Plus, Karen is here, and my parents... should I ever want to reconnect with them. I mean, I know it won’t be easy, but I think this will be best for all of us...”

“Wait,” he stops me suddenly, picking up on my subtle hint. “All of us?”

I take his hand, and rest it on my belly. It seems like our last night together left us with more than just fond memories. “I’m having your baby,” I whisper to him. “Our family is finally going to be complete.”

“Oh my God!” His eyes shine with love.. “This is the best news ever! I love you so damn much.”

“I love you too.”

As we lose ourselves in one another, I finally feel whole. I don't need to go to court for the reading of the verdict.

That is my past.

This is my future and it’s all I care about. Alexi, me, and our baby... a real family, together forever.

* * *

Want another sexy hero who happens to be an ex-con? Try WANTED, a super hot romance from USA Today Bestselling authors Normandie Alleman and Jani Kay. Keep reading for a free sample.