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Fixing Forever (Quinn Valley Ranch Book 4) by Caroline Lee (9)




True to his word, Andrew did indeed stroll through Quinn Valley with her on his arm, and he even crossed Second Street for her. But where Rachel should have been excited, instead, she was filled with an odd mixture of pride and nervousness. Pride, because she’d come to love this town and its people, and wanted to show it off and make sure Andrew could appreciate it to its full potential. But nervous, because as much as she loved Quinn Valley, the town belonged to Andrew in a way it would never belong to her.

Even though he claimed to have not been raised here, even though he seemed to think there wasn't anything for him here, his ancestors built the place. His blood, his heritage, was in every street sign, every little shop. Half the phone book in Quinn Valley was made up of Qs; half the population were Quinns. And he might be proud to be a McIver, and raised on McIver land, but his mother was a Quinn. These were his people, and this was his town...

And that's why Rachel was nervous. What right did she have to show off Quinn Valley to him? What right did she have to point out the beautiful views, or show him her favorite spots?

Still, he was a good sport about it. He walked arm-in-arm with her through the old part of town, and if he was a little quieter than usual, if his smile was a little forced, then that was okay. She knew what a big step it was for him coming back here... Even if she didn't know why.

It was probably foolish of her to think they could do this without any trouble. But coming here had been his suggestion, and she loved that he was willing to do something he obviously didn't want to do…for her. So no, she hadn't expected trouble.

Boy, were you wrong!

“Have you been to Ambrosia’s shop yet?” she asked when they turned down Main Street.

“Ambrosia...? She's the crazy hippie lady with all the jewelry, who believes that magic crystals can solve everything?”

“Yep,” Rachel said. “That's the one!”

He gave her an exasperated look. “I'm an engineer. I fix things through good ideas and hard work. Do you think I've ever been in a place like Ambrosia’s shop?”

She giggled at his bland delivery. “Excellent! I can't wait to see your expression when you see this place!” She tugged him along by one gloved hand. “It's called Earth Mother, and it’s like a circus and a church and a gypsy fortuneteller’s wagon all rolled into one.”

“You're not really selling it.” But he allowed himself to be pulled down the street towards Ambrosia’s shop, which was on the first floor of a Victorian house she’d painted an outrageous purple color.

But when Rachel saw who was coming out the little store front, she skidded to a stop. What was Brooke doing in a store like Ambrosia's? And more importantly, what would Andrew do when he recognized his cousin?

Turns out, Brooke was the one who hailed them.

“Hi, Rachel! I was just, um…” She looked a little guiltily over her shoulder at Earth Mother. “I was just looking around. You know. To see what she’s got in there…”

It hadn’t occurred to Rachel that her friend—a doctor—might’ve been embarrassed to be seen in a place like Ambrosia’s shop. But Rachel had bigger things to worry about.

Subtly, she stepped closer to Andrew, trying to block him with her shoulder, hoping Brooke would be too wrapped up in her own conundrum to notice.

Fat chance, and now you look like a bigger dork, trying to hide a guy who’s so much taller than you.

Her subconscious was right. The movement had only drawn Brooke’s attention, and her face cleared and her eyes lit up when she saw a way to change the subject.

“Oh! Is this the guy you were telling me about? The one you like so much? I’m so glad it worked out, because you seem to really— Wait…”

When Brooke frowned thoughtfully at Andrew, Rachel resisted the urge to close her eyes and groan. How long had it been since Brooke had seen her cousin? And what was Andrew thinking right now? Rachel could just imagine him standing over her shoulder, stone-faced and full of dread.

Sure enough…

Brooke squinted.

Andrew?” she gasped.

From over her shoulder, Rachel heard Andrew’s gruff voice. “Brooke, right? Good to see you.”

It was a lie if she’d ever heard one—how incredibly awkward this must be!—but Brooke didn’t seem to notice. She turned to Rachel with a big grin.

Andrew is the mystery man you’ve been dating? No wonder you didn’t tell me his name! And you were asking about him before that, weren’t you? Oh my gosh, just wait ‘til I tell Robyn and Mom!”

Rachel hid her wince and forced a smile. “Hope you have a great weekend!”

Brooke was already waving as she hurried away. “You too! See you around, Andrew!”

It was unlikely his cousin heard his muttered “I doubt it,” but Rachel didn’t bother hiding her wince this time.

“Come on,” she said quietly, and tugged him into movement. “Let’s get off the street. Scentiments is right up here.”

“That’s the aromatherapy place?” He sounded less excited than he’d been about Ambrosia’s place, but at least he was still talking to her.

“Yeah, but don’t knock it ‘til you’ve tried it!” She did her best to sound cheerful. “Certain scents do work to make us feel better. I like going in there, because the place always smells amazing.”

She pushed open the front door and waved to the lady behind the counter. “Hi, Lindy! We’re just going to browse.”

The woman behind the counter waved back. “Take your time!”

Rachel ducked around a display and pulled Andrew down the aisle where the soaps had been set out, hoping it would help him feel better if they were alone for a few minutes. “Lindy is the niece of the owner, Celeste. She’s been helping her aunt since Celeste hurt her back.” She was short of breath and speaking too fast. “Lindy’s actually from River’s End Ranch.”

“I know,” Andrew said dully. “She was a waitress at the café.”

“Oh.” She bit her lip, wondering if there was a way to cheer him up. “Well, we don’t have to stay, I just thought…”

She trailed off as she saw him reach for a display of soap. Too late, she recognized the logo on the bar he picked up.

“This is my sister’s soap.” Andrew turned it over in his hands and inhaled deeply. “I guess I’m glad she’s found so much success doing what she loves.”


It seemed like no matter what she tried, he was reminded of his past and his family.

Well, what do you expect? You brought him to his family’s hometown!

Reminding her subconscious that it had been Andrew’s idea didn’t seem very effective.

With a sudden movement, he thrust the bar of soap back into the display. “Let’s get out of here.”

This time it was him who pulled her out the door and along the street. But as they did, he saw another face he must’ve recognized, judging from the sudden stiffening of his shoulders.

Coming out of Fresh Brew was a couple. Rachel recognized the guy as the one Brooke had pointed out as dating her cousin. What was his name? Oh yeah, Logan. And if that was Logan, then the woman holding his hand and laughing at whatever he was saying must be…

“Georgia,” Andrew said in a quiet acknowledgment as the couple approached.

“Andrew? Wow!” The pretty lady’s eyes were wide. “I didn’t expect to see you in town.”

No one did.

The moment of silence stretched a little too long, until it became clear Andrew wasn’t going to help her out. So Georgia fumbled Logan’s hand, and held it up a little too exuberantly. “This is Logan. He’s my—my boyfriend.”

Her stumble over the word told Rachel that Brooke might’ve been on to something when she said she suspected there was a bit more to the story than Georgia was letting on. But at that moment, Rachel had other things on her mind. She glanced back and forth between the cousins—each with an awkward expression on their faces and not looking one another in the eyes—and wondered if she should be polite and say something.

But Logan caught her eye and shrugged apologetically. She nodded once in appreciation, understanding it was up to the two of them to break this up.

“Well, we have to be going—” she said at the same time he said, “We’re late for that thing, honey.”

And as he tugged Georgia into motion, past Andrew on the sidewalk, Rachel watched the two of them bend their heads towards one another and begin to whisper.

“This was a bad idea.” Andrew’s voice was hoarse, and when she looked at him, his eyes were wide with something which looked almost like panic.

“What?” Although she knew the answer.

He turned to her, his confusion and anger and fear slamming into her when their eyes met. “I shouldn’t be here,” he whispered.

“Andrew. Andrew.” They were still holding hands, so she reached up and cupped one of his bearded cheeks with her palm. “Breathe.” She inhaled and exhaled slowly until she was sure his breathing had slowed. “That’s it. It’s okay now. We can leave Quinn Valley if you want, but…”

He blinked, his earlier panic receding with the deep breathing, and frowned down at her. “But what?”

The deep breath she took then had nothing to do with helping him, and everything to do with preparing herself. She knew what she was about to say could break whatever trust they’d hesitantly built up between them.

“But I think you might feel better if you told someone,” she said quietly. “You keep saying you think what we have between us is special, but this is my home, Andrew. I’d really like to know why it causes you to—to freak out.”

He closed his eyes on a wince. “It’s not the place, Rachel. It’s…” He exhaled. “It’s the people. It’s my family. I see them, and I wonder— I can’t help but think they agree with Bob. They think…”

When he swallowed, and didn’t continue, Rachel looked around for inspiration.


“Fresh Brew has great hot drinks. Why don’t we go sit down, and I’ll buy you a coffee and a Milky Way bar and we can talk?”

When his eyes opened, she saw something new in their green depths. The worry was still there, but now there was…thankfulness? As if he was thankful to her for the suggestion.

“I think…” He inhaled slowly, holding her gaze. “I think that might be a really good idea. Thanks for remembering my favorite.”

It took a few minutes to get inside, divest themselves of their coats and hats, and order. The familiar bustle calmed Rachel’s nerves, and seemed to help Andrew as well. But all too soon, they were seated across from one another, her with a hot cocoa and him with his coffee-and-Milky-Way-combination.

Andrew gripped the mug between his palms, staring down into the dark depths of the liquid. He breathed deeply, but Rachel couldn’t tell if he was trying to steady himself, or was just inhaling the coffee scent. Finally, he began to speak.

“My sister Heather and I have always been close. We both got jobs in Riston while our younger siblings were still in school, and we’ve always been there for each other. But when she got married—pretty young—we both realized she no longer needed me. She had Roger, and her life began to revolve around him, the way any young couple does, I guess.”

The way he was staring at his coffee made it clear he wasn’t seeing it.

“I saw less and less of Heather, even when she was pregnant with Sean. I remember visiting her and the baby in the hospital, and holding him, and realizing this kid was going to be one of the most important people in my life. That’s when I told Heather I wanted to be a bigger part of his life—the way we used to be. And she…” He winced, and lifted the mug finally. “She wasn’t enthusiastic about the idea.”

He sipped the coffee, and finally met Rachel’s gaze. She’d been sitting there, wide-eyed and attentive, wondering if she was finally going to hear what had Andrew so angry at his family. She gave a little nod to let him know she was listening.

His tongue flicked out over his lips, catching the last few drops of coffee. “I’m sorry. This is…” Exhaling, he put the mug down once more. “It’s hard. Okay, so fast-forward a few years, Sophie is born, Heather is still in her own little world, and she became…” He shrugged. “Withdrawn, I guess. Kept coming up with excuses not to see me, or when she did, it was always without Roger. I figured something was wrong, you know?” His green eyes were full of pain.

Rachel nodded again, her stomach already churning. She knew where this story was going. “I think I understand,” she whispered, pushing the cocoa away from her.

He nodded. “Yeah, Roger was—” One hand was still gripping his mug, while the other slowly clenched into a fist beside it. “He was hurting her. Not the kids, thank God, but she was ashamed. By not telling me, or anyone, I think she was protecting him. I don’t understand it, and don’t think I ever will, but we ended up arguing a lot. I wanted her to take the kids and leave, and she wouldn’t.”

Her heart ached for Heather, and what she’d gone through. “Maybe it was some sense of loyalty?” she offered.

Andrew nodded and sighed. “It took a lot of arguing—I was so worried she’d choose him over me and just shut me out!—but finally she agreed to go to the family. If she wouldn’t accept my help, maybe she’d listen to them. But instead of going to our parents, she went to the ranch to talk to our grandparents. Bob was there, and I don’t know who else, because she went alone.”

His hand began to shake, and his voice deepened with gruff anger. When he met her eyes once more, there was bitterness and disgust in those green depths. “She told them what was going on! She said she told them Roger was hurting her, and you know what our uncle told her? Bob told her marriage is forever!” He slammed his fist down on the table top, making Rachel jump. “He sent her back into hell! He sent her back to Roger’s abuse, because marriage is forever and she needed to work it out with her husband!”

He was breathing heavily, and Rachel’s heart was slamming against the inside of her chest. “No,” she whispered, shaking her head. “No, he wouldn’t do that. He has daughters.”

“And I thought he was a decent human being, until I heard that.” Andrew’s lip was curled in disgust. “He—the whole family!—is so wrapped up in this idea of the perfect marriage, he didn’t stop to think that maybe, maybe staying married wasn’t the best idea. It’s been years, and I still can’t believe he did that.”

Rachel shook her head again. “I’ve worked with him closely since his health scare—he wouldn’t do that. He wouldn’t knowingly hurt his niece—hurt anyone! He’s not like that.”

Andrew didn’t seem to care about her protests. He leaned over the table, his fist still between them. “After she told me that, you know what I did?” He didn’t give her time to answer, but continued, “I bought Sean a cell phone and told him to hide it from his father. The kid was seven, and I had to do that for him. He knew my number was programmed in it, and I’d drop everything and come get him and his sister if they ever needed it. He was seven!”

Breathing heavily, Andrew sat back in his chair. His eyes, which had been flashing in anger at Rachel, slowly lowered to the coffee mug. Rachel stared at him, her pulse hammering, not sure what to believe.

You know Bob’s a good guy.

You know Andrew wouldn’t lie.

Who did she feel more loyal to? Her boss or her—her boyfriend?

No, what she felt for Andrew went beyond “boyfriend.” This was the man she was falling in love with, wasn’t it? This was the man who was finally opening up to her, and explaining why he’d avoided his family for so long.

And the horrible part was; she totally understood.

It took two tries to make her voice work, but she wanted to hear all of it. “Did he use it?”

Andrew’s knuckles whitened on the mug, and he nodded. “A month after she went to the family for help, a month after Bob sent her back to Roger, my phone rang. I’d started leaving it on at all hours, and this was at midnight after a fourteen-hour shift.”

When he closed his eyes on the memory, Rachel found herself dreading whatever he was about to say.

“Roger had broken Heather’s leg, badly. Bad enough she had surgery and used a walker or cane for a while after. She was on the floor, screaming in pain, so Sean called me.”

“Stop,” Rachel whispered, shaking her head again. “I understand. I’m so sorry.” Without thinking, she lunged across the table and closed her hand over his fist. “I’m so sorry,” she repeated, willing him to believe. “But I don’t think Bob knew—he wouldn’t have—”

He did,” Andrew all-but-snarled. “He might not have known, but he didn’t bother to find out, and he sent his niece back into hell because of it.”

She was close to tears now, for his pain and her frustration. “He’s a good man,” she whispered.


Without any warning, Andrew stood up, knocking the table and causing the mugs to wobble. “Fine!” He was breathing heavily as he stared down at her, his hands still clenched into fists. “You think he’s such a good man? You think he’s innocent? Let’s go see how much he really knows about Heather, yeah?”

And without waiting to see if she would follow, Andrew wrenched his coat from the back of his chair and stormed out of the coffee shop.

Rachel watched him go in shock, wondering if he really meant to confront Bob like this. Wondering what Bob would do or say if his nephew suddenly showed up and accused him of something so horrible.

Whatever was about to happen, Rachel knew one thing: She needed to be there. She needed to stand beside Andrew, to show him her support. She needed him to need her.

Jolted into motion, Rachel scrambled for her own jacket and scarf, then raced out the door after him. Whatever happened, she needed to stand beside the man she was falling for.





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