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Forbidden Kisses by Annie Rains (22)

Chapter 22

Grace stared at the invitation on her desk. She was invited to the Watson and Sawyer Coastal Builder’s grand opening on Friday. She’d been avoiding Jack, just like she’d done since their parents’ divorce, but maybe they could be friends.

Grace’s chest caved at the thought of just being friends with the man she loved. But the man she loved hated her mother, and that would never change.

Grace closed up her computer and collected her purse. It was time to go home, but first she wanted to swing by and make sure her mother was behaving. Grace couldn’t help herself. She was working on “getting a life”—even without Jack—but that didn’t mean that she had to stop caring for or loving her mom.

Grace drove over to Mrs. Smith’s old house and walked up to the porch. She admired a new ramp that had been built where there had been a set of steps before. It was professionally done and much safer for her mom to navigate. Well, good. That was one less thing she needed to worry about for her mother.

Grace stepped up on the porch and rang the doorbell.

Her mom opened the door a minute later and clucked her tongue. “I’m fine. I took my medicine. I haven’t fallen, and I’m not lying on the floor unable to get up.”

“Glad to see you still have your humor.” Grace went to walk past her into the house and her mom blocked her with one shaky arm.

“I have company,” her mom said.

Grace blinked. “Okay.”

“Male company,” her mother clarified. “I love you, but you can come back tomorrow.”

Grace’s mouth dropped. “You’re on a date?”

Her mom shoved her hands on her hips. “You’re not the only one with secret lovers. Like mother like daughter.”

Grace covered her ears. “Mom!” She stepped away from the front door.

Her mom looked pleased with herself. “Speaking of secret lovers, you need to make up with yours. You were much more easygoing when you were getting some.”

Grace nearly stumbled down the ramp. She noticed the pale blue bicycle leaning against the railing now, guessing it belonged to her mother’s new beau. Maybe her male friend was also responsible for the renovations. Grace didn’t have time to ask right now, though. She just wanted to get out of here. “That’s not up for discussion, Mom. I’ll come back tomorrow.”

Her mother nodded. “And why don’t you call first before you do.”

“Good idea.” Grace slunk back into her driver’s seat and started the engine. She shuddered at the thought of her mom and the mystery man inside. Then she smiled to herself. Good for her. Her mother deserved whatever was going on in there, which Grace absolutely did not want to know about. Grace drove her car back out of the driveway. One of the Donner women deserved to be happy with a man. Apparently that wouldn’t be Grace. She and Jack were over and he was it for her. There was no one else. There never had been.

She glanced at the invitation for the grand opening in her passenger seat. If she and Jack couldn’t be more, she’d settled for being friendly. She was proud of him for going after his dream of opening a new business and she wanted to be there to support him.

So it was decided. She’d go. She’d be friendly and try to forget how much she loved him.

And from now on, she’d always call before visiting her mom.

Jack put the final nail in the small boat he’d been building over the last couple of months. It could only seat two people who didn’t mind cozying up—those two people being him and Grace.

If his plan worked.

Standing back, he admired what he’d created. Satisfaction ran through him, thick and sweet like honey.

“She’s a beauty,” Noah said, coming up behind him. Jack hadn’t even heard him drive up—too engrossed in his work.

“Yeah. Thanks. I’ve been working on it on the side. Might take her out later to see if she can handle the water.”

Noah pulled a Mountain Dew to his mouth and drank. When he brought it back down, he shook his head. “So Grace’s heart didn’t turn to mush over us fixing up her mother’s place?”

Jack looked over. “That’s not why we helped Tammy. Tammy needed those things done and we took care of it. Out of the goodness of our hearts,” he added. “Thanks for helping, by the way.”

“Of course, bro.” Noah grinned. “Tammy wasn’t the monster I’d thought she was. She was actually pretty nice.”

A smile twitched on Jack’s lips. “Bunch of stubborn brothers we are. Only took us fifteen years to forgive her. We must be growing up.”

Noah gave his head a hard shake. “Never!” he quipped playfully. “So, what are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be groveling at Grace’s feet or something? Thought you wanted her back.”

“I do.”

“So what’s the problem? You still scared I’m going to kick your ass for dating my sis?”

Jack stepped up to the boat and ran his hand over the smooth wood as he talked to his brother. “I was never scared of having to kick your ass back.”

Noah laughed. “Good. You’re two of my favorite people. You deserve each other.”

“I’m glad you feel that way, because I’m going to need your help getting her back.”

Noah set his Mountain Dew down. “First you ask me to do hard labor for an ex-stepmother I used to loathe and now you want help getting back with my sis?”

Jack didn’t cringe when Noah referred to Grace as his sister anymore. It was weird, yeah, but it didn’t matter. Grace deserved a brother. She also deserved a man who was willing to fight for her, and that man was Jack.

“I invited her to the grand opening. I’m hoping she’ll come, but I wouldn’t blame her if she didn’t want to. Do you think you can ask Krista to help make sure she shows up?”

Noah grinned. “Of course, man. Krista will make it happen. No worries.”

Jack nodded. “I need your help, too.”

“What do you need me to do?” Noah asked.

Jack clapped a hand on his back. “You know that ex-stepmother that you used to loathe?”

Noah’s eyes narrowed. “Yeah.”

“I want Tammy and Mrs. Smith at the grand opening, too.”

“You want me to chauffeur two old ladies to your event?” Noah asked.

“It’ll help the cause, bro. Please.”

Noah grabbed his drink and headed toward the door. “Fine. But you’ll owe me and I’ll collect when you least expect it.”

Jack laughed. “Thank you,” he called as Noah disappeared.

Checking her reflection in the mirror one last time, Grace headed out the door to wait for Krista, who’d insisted on driving today. She didn’t trust that Grace wouldn’t change her mind about going to the grand opening at the last moment and leave. And Krista was probably right.

Grace wanted to be there today, though. For Jack. He’d accomplished a dream for himself and his late friend. She was on her way to doing the same. She’d gotten word yesterday afternoon that she’d been officially enrolled in the local community college. She could start for the winter semester. She’d need to get a student loan, of course, but with any luck she’d also get a scholarship.

Krista pulled around to the curb where Grace was standing—absorbed in her own thoughts, mostly of Jack—and honked. Hopefully Grace would be able to rein in her thoughts before classes started. Otherwise, she’d be sure to flunk out.

“Ready?” Krista asked as Grace plopped into the passenger seat and shut the door behind her.

“I guess. He’ll probably be too busy to notice I’m even there.”

“You and Jack are like magnets. He’ll notice,” Krista said, which didn’t make Grace feel any better. She didn’t want him to notice. Nothing had changed between them. There was nothing left to say or do. All they could hope for was friendship now.

Ten minutes later, Grace and Krista pulled into an empty lot, the future home of Watson and Sawyer Coastal Builders. A nice-sized crowd had already formed around the ribboned-off area where Jack would be talking.

Grace’s heart sped up at the thought of seeing him. She was so in love. How was she ever going to move on?

“Look. There’s even a news van here,” Krista said, pointing across the parking lot at a BB News media van.

“This is great.” Grace smoothed her hair nervously. Krista was wrong. Jack would be too busy to notice her. They got out and crossed the lot where Abby was standing with Joey. Grace spotted other people she knew from town. Even Tina from Castaways was here.

“I’ll be right back,” Grace said. “I want to say hello to Tina.”

Krista glanced across the crowd. “Tell her hello from me, too. We should invite her to sit with us for one of our Thirsty Thursdays.”

“Then who would serve the drinks?” Abby asked, pulling a pair of dark sunglasses over her eyes as the sun rose higher in the sky.

Grace laughed. “I’ll be right back.” She headed over and tapped Tina on the shoulder.

“Hey!” Tina said, wrapping her arms around Grace.

After a quick hug, Grace pulled back and smiled. “How’s it going?”

Tina beamed. This was maybe the first time that Grace had seen her ex-coworker without the dark circles under her eyes. “Loving the new job and it’s all thanks to you, my friend.”

“That’s terrific.”

“How’s it going for you?” Tina asked.

Grace shrugged. “My job is good. And I got a new dog.”

“Aww! That’s great! What happened to the guy?”

“Dogs are better,” Grace said, forcing herself not to look around the crowd for Jack.

Tina frowned. “I wouldn’t know. I have neither. I’m sorry it didn’t work out for you, though. I’m rooting for you to be happy. You deserve it.”

“Thanks. It’s for the best.” Grace put on a smile. “Anyway, I’m going to head back over to the friend I rode with, but I’ll see you soon. Maybe we can do dinner or something.”

“Sounds great.”

Grace started to walk back to where Krista and Abby stood when she caught sight of someone from the corner of her eye. “Mom?” Grace walked faster. Was her mother completely crazy? Jack would flip if he saw her at his grand opening. “Mom?” Grace called in a harsh whisper, weaving through the crowd of people.

Her mother looked up and smiled. “Oh, hi, honey. I wasn’t sure if you’d be here.”

“What are you doing here?” Grace asked, looking around. She saw Mrs. Smith standing nearby talking to Noah. Grace froze, wondering if she’d entered the twilight zone.

“I’m here for Jack’s grand opening, of course. Isn’t that why you’re here, too?”

“Yes, but—”

“Jack was so sweet to send little Noah over to get us.”

Grace’s brow furrowed. “Jack knows you’re here?”

“Well, of course he does. He invited me.”

Maybe Grace was losing her mind. “Jack invited you?” she asked. Her mother nodded. “My Jack?” she asked without thinking. Because if she were thinking, she’d remember that he wasn’t hers anymore. Maybe he’d never been hers at all. “When?”

“The other day. After he left Mrs. Smith’s house.”

Grace nearly fell over. “He was at your house?” Why was this the first she’d heard that Jack had been to visit her mother?

“I assumed he would’ve told you that,” her mother said.

Grace shook her head as the crowd thickened around her. The turnout for this grand opening was a big one. The community loved the Sawyer family. So did she.

“Jack, Sam, and Noah came over the other day,” her mother continued. “They built me a ramp to walk up. Don’t you remember seeing it?”

Grace’s mouth dropped open. She’d seen the ramp, but she didn’t know how it came to be. She’d been too rattled by her mom’s visitor the other day. Then, when they’d spoken next, she’d been fixated on making sure her mom was taking care of herself. “They what?”

“And Jack fixed a loose footboard on the floor. He changed the lightbulbs. He’s a regular handyman, that one.” Her mother winked. “A good thing for a woman to have around.”

Grace’s head was spinning. Jack had done all of these wonderful things, but hadn’t mentioned a word of it to her—not that she’d spoken to him or given him a chance. “I just assumed your new friend did all that work for you.”

Her mother waved a hand. “No. Tim has other talents, dear.”

Grace’s face soured. “Okay,” she said, backing up. Well, if you need me I’ll just be standing in the back with Krista.” Hiding. Because she didn’t know how to feel or act around Jack anymore. She was so confused. He’d helped her mother and then invited her here. What did that mean? If he’d done it for Grace, wouldn’t he have told her?

Someone tapped a microphone at the front of the lot, soliciting the crowd’s attention.

“I’ve got to go, Mom. Love you.” Grace kissed her mother’s cheek and started weaving away from the commotion. A moment later, she took her place standing next to Abby.

“What are you doing back here?” Abby asked.

“I’m hiding. And as soon as that ribbon is cut, I’m out of here.”

“Don’t you want to hug Jack or at least congratulate him?” Abby asked.

Grace turned to her. “He fixed up the house my mom has been staying at. He invited her to come today. Why would he do that?”

Abby laughed under her breath. “You two are like stupid teenagers. You know why he did it.”

Grace stared at her.

Then someone tapped the microphone again. Jack stood at the front of the applauding crowd. Grace couldn’t help but smile watching him. She’d registered at the local community college this week. She’s gotten herself a dog. Those were baby steps in getting what she wanted in life. But Jack was the biggest desire of her heart.

He cleared his throat into the microphone. “I appreciate everyone coming out. I’m going to make this short and sweet here today. There’s someone very important to me missing up here behind this ribbon. Chris Watson was my best friend. He’s the one that dreamed up this business, not me. He should be here. I have no doubt that somewhere he’s cheering us on, though.” He paused for a long moment, tipping his chin to his chest as if swallowing down his emotion. Grace wished she could put her arms around him and provide him some comfort. “There’s someone else who should be here beside me.” He looked up into the crowd, his gaze quickly zeroing in on Grace.

Her entire body warmed as their eyes connected.

“Grace. You want to come up here for a moment?” he asked.

She shook her head without thinking. She didn’t do crowds. She liked to disappear into them.

“Please,” he asked, lowering his voice. Everyone turned to look at her.

Grace swallowed and started walking toward the front of the crowd. She dipped below the ribbon to take her place beside him, then looked up. “What are you doing, Jack?” she asked in a whisper. Tears burned her eyes.

He grabbed her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. Then instead of answering her question, he addressed the crowd again. “This woman is another reason this business is opening today. She believed I could do this. She encouraged me and never gave up on me.” He looked at her. “This woman is amazing. And that’s why the first boat ever constructed by Watson and Sawyer is named Grace. What do you think?” he asked the crowd.

In response, everyone cheered.

Grace laughed, even as tears slid down her cheeks. “You named a boat after me?” she asked, noticing the small boat off to the side now. It appeared to be made of oak wood. Her name was painted in calligraphy on the bow. “Oh my God. It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” She knew he’d been working on a boat in his garage, but they’d rarely gotten out of the bedroom and the kitchen.

“I’m glad you approve.” Jack grinned at her. Then he held up a pair of silver scissors ceremoniously and cut the large red ribbon in front of them. The crowd went wild, and after a few more words from Jack, they started to disperse. The ceremony was over, short and sweet as promised.

And Grace was more confused than ever. He’d fixed her mom’s place, invited them here today, named a boat after her. What did it mean?

“Hey,” he said, turning to her.

“Hi.” She swallowed and dared to meet his blue eyes. She’d always loved those eyes, that mouth, that man. “Thanks for inviting me here today.”

The corner of his mouth lifted. “I want you here for all the important moments in my life. Our lives.”

Grace swallowed thickly, stepping toward him. Krista was right. There was a pull between them, like magnets. It was an undeniable force. “You and my mom?”

“You were right. She’s changed,” he said, running a hand down the length of Grace’s arm. “I have, too.”

Grace tore her gaze from his, reminding herself of why they couldn’t be together. Why was that again? She sucked in a deep breath. “This is a really great location. Your business is going to thrive here. I’m sure you’ll have more work than you can handle.” She was rambling.


“Hmmm?” She looked up at him again.

“I’m sorry. I was a huge idiot.”

She lifted both brows in surprise. “I won’t argue with you on that.”

The other side of his mouth kicked up now, too. “And it probably won’t be the last time. But I can promise you that if you give me another chance, give us another chance, I’ll never let anything come between us again.”

“Not even my mother?” she asked.

“I’m starting to tolerate your mother. Maybe even like her a little bit.”

Tears flooded Grace’s eyes. “You’re just saying that because you know that’s what I want to hear.”

He smoothed Grace’s hair off her cheek and stepped closer, until their bodies pressed against each other. He draped his arms around her waist, holding her captive, but she didn’t mind. “Tammy is headstrong and opinionated, and impossible to love sometimes. Her heart is in the right place, though. And she’s pretty damn funny.”

Grace smiled up at him. “Really?”

“Yeah. She’s a lot like you with one exception. You are the easiest woman in the world to love.”

Grace fought off her tears. “You love me?” she whispered.

“So much.” His finger traced the side of her cheek. Then he dipped and pressed his mouth to hers.

The whole community could be watching right now and she didn’t care. If they were going to try this again, which she really wanted—more than she’d ever wanted anything—then they weren’t going to hide a thing.

A single clap came from the crowd. Followed by another.

Grace slunk back, but Jack continued to hold her tightly.

“Now that I have you, I’m never letting go.”

She melted back into him. “Me neither. I love you, Jack Sawyer.”

He grinned and kissed her mouth. “I like the sound of that. Does this mean you’ll give us one more shot?”

Grace went up on her tiptoes and kissed his lips again. “Third time’s a charm.” Her heart swelled to the point that it felt like it might burst inside her. This was her heart’s biggest desire, not just a moment with Jack, but a lifetime.

And she planned on chasing this desire all the way to her happily-ever-after.




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