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Going Down Hard by Carly Phillips (8)

Chapter Seven

Cassie couldn’t wait to get back to Derek’s apartment and finish what they’d started. What he’d started and she intended to finish. Twice, she’d climaxed hard in his arms, and he’d expected nothing in return. She was desperate to feel him skin to skin, to give back and watch him come.

First they had to get past greeting Oscar. The dog, who she really thought was adorable, met her on his hind legs, begging for pets and kisses. She gave him plenty of each on his furry head before Derek excused himself to walk him.

Once she was alone in his apartment, she headed straight for the master bedroom, having already decided how she would welcome him when he returned. She kicked off her shoes, tucking them beneath the bench in front of the bed. She pulled off her blouse and laid it on the brown leather bench cushion, then gathered her courage and removed her bra. She moved on to her skirt and panties, folding them and placing them over the rest of her clothes.

A quick glance at the bed told her he wasn’t a multi-pillow guy, so she merely folded down the comforter and settled herself into what she hoped was an alluring position, propping herself against the headboard, one knee bent. She waited, her nerves at an all-time high as the time ticked by slowly.

According to the clock, however, he took the dog for a short walk and returned quickly, hopefully because he was as eager to resume their activities as she was.

“Oscar, bed,” she heard Derek say.

“Cass?” he called out, his footsteps growing closer, his deep voice causing her nipples to pucker into tight peaks.

She curled her fingers into the sheets. “In here,” she replied.

He stepped into the room, shutting the door behind him. He leaned against the wooden frame, taking her in. His gaze slid from her face down to her chest, lingering on her bare breasts, her stomach, pausing at her sex before moving on down to her toes. When he finished his slow perusal, he worked his way upward again.

“Wow,” he finally said, appreciation in his gaze.

The long stare gave her time for arousal to take hold, for her body to light up with sparks of need.

“You like?” she asked.

A sinful smile eased across his lips in reply. He lifted his sweater over his head, tossing it to the floor, revealing his broad, muscled chest. A light sprinkling of hair dusted his skin and traveled a path down into the waistband of his jeans, which he quickly removed, taking his underwear with them. One strong arm was tattooed, covered in a gorgeous sleeve, but her gaze quickly moved lower. At the first glance of his large erection, she swallowed hard, her entire body trembling with desire.

He wrapped a hand around his straining length and pumped his hand up and down the long shaft. A drop leaked out of the head, and it was all she could do not to moan out loud at the sight.

She patted the bed beside her. “Join me,” she said, her skin tingling with the need for his touch.

“With pleasure.” He strode over to her slowly, clearly more comfortable with his nudity than she was with hers.

He slid a hip on the bed, and then he was beside her, pulling her into his arms. His cock pressed insistently against her thigh, causing tremors of awareness to shoot through her body. The desire to feel him took hold, and she reached over, wrapping a hand around his cock.

He groaned at her touch. He was long and thick, and her sex contracted at the thought of him gliding fast and deep inside her. She took pleasure in the sleek feel of him gliding through her hands.

And when his mouth came down on hers, his tongue began to thrust and tangle with hers. She pumped her hand along his length in time to the momentum of the kiss. Her palm glided over the velvety-soft skin of his erection. Over the rigidness beneath. She couldn’t wait to feel him thrust hard inside her.

With care, she slid her thumb over the sticky pre-come on the head of his cock, and he tore his mouth from hers, gasping for breath. “Damn. I don’t know what’s better. The feel of your hand or your mouth.”

She grinned. “Decisions, decisions.” She definitely wasn’t used to having power, and she liked that she could cause this sexy, confident man to shake with need. For her.

He grasped both wrists and pushed her back against the pillow, throwing one leg over her waist and straddling her body with his stronger one. “You’re teasing a man on the edge.”

From the way his cock glided over her damp sex, leaking from the tip, he wasn’t joking.

“Far be it from me to tease you.” She lifted her hips and rocked her pelvis against his, intending to tempt him further. Instead she was tormenting herself, need washing over her in unexpected waves.

He ground his hips into her body, and he felt so good, his hips pressing into hers. “Princess, you are killing me.”

“But what a way to go, right?” she asked, her gaze holding on to his. And soon they were lost in another soul-touching, spell-binding kiss.

He gripped her wrists in his hands and rocked into her, simulating sex, his cock gliding over her clit, back and forth, over and over until she began the climb toward climax. Her body undulated beneath his, his erection rubbing against the exact right point of contact.

Pleasure took hold, her body quaking, on the precipice of ultimate gratification. “Oh God.”

He released her hands and grasped his cock, gliding it over her sex hard, and she shattered, her climax rolling through her in delicious waves. She lost herself to sensation and his ability make her orgasm last.

And last.

Until she finally opened her eyes, small contractions still racking her body, to find him staring at her, a pleased look in his eyes. One that immediately turned hungry.

He obviously wasn’t finished with her yet. He rolled to the side and pulled open his nightstand drawer, producing a condom, which he deftly rolled on. And then he was over her again, the head of his erection poised at her slick entrance.

“Ready?” he asked.

She nodded.

“Then hold on because I’ve been dying to get inside you for too damn long.”

He started gently, pressing into her, and she felt him, the head of his cock parting her sex, then filling her completely, pressing into her, inch by inch until he was as far as he could go. She gasped at his size, so big she felt him everywhere, and she arched up, her inner walls contracting around him.

“Derek,” she whispered in awe as he lodged deep.

“I feel it, princess.”

A perfect fit, she thought, and then she couldn’t think at all because he began to thrust. In and out, faster and harder, and she raised her arms and grabbed on to the headboard, grounding herself.

He braced his hands on either side of her shoulders, arching his back, and he pounded into her. It was as if he’d been given the okay, and knowing she was braced and could handle it, he had the freedom to let go. Because she could handle him.

And she could. She wanted to. Every hard thrust took her higher. He altered his angle, bringing his cock into direct contact with a spot deep inside her she hadn’t been familiar with until now.

“Derek,” she said in awe as stars lit up behind her eyes and a harsh roar began to echo in her ears.

She wasn’t inside her body anymore; she was part of something bigger than herself. Lost to sensation, only aware of his cock hitting that one glorious place, his big, damp body rocking over hers, his voice encouraging her to fly. And suddenly she did, peaking, screaming as she came harder, faster, and longer than she ever had before.

Her climax released his, and he came with a roar, his flesh slicked in sweat, his shoulders shaking, body trembling as he took her over the edge once more.

Time eluded her until finally he collapsed, but she hardly felt his weight, was barely aware of her surroundings. Her breaths came in short pants; her own skin was damp. She felt completely sated and wiped out.

After a time, she wondered if she’d passed out. It was as if all the years of waiting for him, which it felt like she’d done, and the current wondering of what could be between them had built up and exploded in a blinding flash. She curled her fingers into his shoulders, grounding herself in the reality of having Derek in her arms.

Without warning, he pushed himself off her and headed for the bathroom. As she lay in his bed, the air around her cooling her skin, she listened to the sound of running water as he moved around the other room.

Finally he returned, standing beside the bed, arms folded as he stared down at her, an unreadable expression on his handsome face.

Self-conscious, she pushed herself up against the pillows, wondering what the protocol was here. It was the middle of the afternoon, but this wasn’t her apartment. “Umm, I can go—”

“What? No.” He sounded surprised she’d offer. “Why would you say that?”

She shrugged, her face heating. “You never know what the other person wants … after. You looked… I couldn’t tell what you were thinking.”

“I was just admiring you, in shock that we were together in my bed. After so long.”

So his thoughts had mirrored hers, she thought with a smile. As if to silence her doubts, he dove onto the bed, smothering her body with his, kissing her until she was breathless again.

“I’m not going back to the office today,” he said, settling himself on top of her. He held himself up enough not to crush her, but his heavy bottom half pressed into her pelvis, making her plenty aware of him. “In fact, I plan on spending the afternoon in bed. You?”

She laughed. “Well, considering I’m shadowing the billionaire tech god, I guess I’m staying in bed too. Although I don’t want to make a habit of lounging around. I can’t exactly write about the time you spend here in bed.”

“Don’t you think it’s just as boring? My life isn’t exactly titillating. I came from a poor background and I helped create an app that caught on. Big deal.” He rolled to his side, wrapping himself around her.

She relaxed into him, and he played with her hair, sifting the strands beneath his fingers.

“I don’t think your life is boring,” she said. “Your background, how you accomplished your success… It’s a big deal. People go to sleep at night and dream of winning the lottery. They make plans based on what they’d do with billions of dollars. You lived the American dream, and people want to know how you did it. That’s exciting for them because they think if you can do it … so can they.”

He groaned. “Well … when you put it that way, I understand the need for the interview a little more.” She could tell he still wasn’t comfortable with the idea.

“People are going to read, be fascinated by you. But there is an ironic part to all this.” She breathed in the musky smell of his skin, her body automatically softening. Wanting him again.

“What’s the ironic part?” he asked.

“Despite what people think, despite the sense that they want to be able to relate to you, to be you, the truth is, they can’t replicate what you did. They only wish they could. You had the brains to create the app. You and your friends had the courage to act.”

He smoothed a hand over her cheek. He cupped her jaw, turning her face toward him. “You’re just flattering me so I’ll do this thing. I already gave you my word.”

She shook her head. “I’m serious. You are an example of preparation meeting opportunity. So even though I’ll write the story, and people will dream as they read, they’ll still know the truth. That you’re special.”

“You’re biased.” He brushed his lips over hers, distracting her from her mission of convincing him of his uniqueness, explaining why she wanted to write about him.

“No. I just see something special in you,” she murmured. She always had.

When she’d hung out with him all those years ago by the pool, she’d seen something in him. Something that made her show up again the next night, even though she’d fully expected him to blast her with his anger after what she’d said about him.

Later, she’d watched his meteoric rise, all the while knowing he had that it factor. Brains, good looks, the right timing, and knowing how to capitalize on all of it.

All his partners possessed the same thing. Except in her eyes, Derek was beyond unique. He was loyal to his family, humble in ways she hadn’t expected. He’d rocked her world in bed… And she was falling for him.

And though he hadn’t kicked her out after sex, she didn’t delude herself. Nothing good could come of them being together. They had too many outside obstacles working against them.

But that didn’t stop them from being together now.

*     *     *

Derek didn’t want to talk about himself. Not when he had a pliant, warm woman in his bed. Not when he could pick up where they’d left off. And his cock was ready to play again.

“Let’s shower,” he suggested, knowing full well they’d be doing a lot more than cleaning up in his oversized stall.

“Good idea. I can’t stay too late. I have to take the train to the station where I left my car.” She closed her eyes and groaned at the thought.

“You have got to move to the city,” he said, already liking the feel of her in his bed. Of having her in his life. Around when he wanted to … play.

“Speaking of moving,” she said, her eyes lighting up. “I’ve decided which apartment I want to move into. The one on Eighty-Sixth street.”

“Because it’s closer to me. Good choice,” he said smugly.

She rolled her eyes. “No, because it’s larger than the others. It’s going to be a big enough adjustment leaving a house for a one-bedroom. I might as well go big,” she said, giving him a more rational explanation.

“Ouch. Way to deflate my ego.” He liked his leap much better. But he’d enjoy having her close by, so he had no complaints. “I’ll have Brad send you the lease agreement.”

She nodded. “Thank you. I’d like to deal with this quickly. I don’t want to take up too much time with the move. I’d rather have it be done and get on with my life, you know?”

“Whatever you need, let me know. I’m more than happy to help.”

She blinked in surprise. “Well, that’s nice of you. I’ll keep it in mind.” She leaned down and pressed a kiss to his chest, and his mind immediately stopped thinking about contracts and moves and moved on. “Now, about that shower?”

“I’m all for getting clean.”

He swung his legs over the side of the bed, stood, and scooped her into his arms.

“Derek!” She kicked her legs, and he reached around, swatting her bare ass, causing another squeak. “Shower time, princess.”

“You’re bad.”

“You like me that way. Come on.” He strode to the bathroom and stood her on the rug before turning on the shower jets.

The heaviest spray came from the ceiling, but there were side jets as well as a handheld massager. Personally he wasn’t interested in those. He waited until the water temperature heated before leading her into the steam-filled glass enclosure, shutting the door behind them.

“Let’s start by getting you clean.” He poured a generous amount of liquid soap into his hand and lathered up, then bent down and began to soap up her legs, working his way up her calves, massaging her muscles until she moaned out load.

The sound went straight to his cock, which now stood erect against his stomach. Ignoring the discomfort, he focused on Cassie, pressing his fingers behind her knees, moving upward along her thighs. Water sluiced down her skin, draining the soap away as he moved upward.

“Derek,” she said, a warning tone in her voice.

“You’re saying you don’t want me to do this?” He used his thumbs, easing the pads along the seam of her thigh and her sex, slowly inching upward, pulling her outer lips apart.

“Ooh,” she said, and as he glanced up, her head tipped up, her pure enjoyment clear.

“Step back, lean against the wall,” he said, waiting until she complied. Once she was braced, he raised one leg and placed her foot on the small ledge where he kept the shampoo, exposing her for his view.

And his mouth and tongue. Then he licked her, from as far back as he could reach, along the seam of her inner lips, dipping inside, and ending at her clit, closing his lips over the tiny bud.

“Oh God.”

He was sensing a theme. Her inability to speak more than guttural, pleasure-filled words. Which meant he was accomplishing his goal. He ran his tongue along her clit, teasing with soft flickers back and forth until she shook hard, her hands coming to rest on his shoulders. He eased her back with long laps, soothing her and letting the waves ebb before taking her up again.

“Fuck,” she murmured, her nails digging into his skin, her sex arching, pushing at his face, her body pleading with him for harder suckling.

He had no problem complying. With his face pressing against her sex, she began to rock against him, and he gave her the pressure, the force she needed in order to break apart.

“Derek!” This time the scream was accompanied by a full-body climax, and he let her ride out the storm, drinking in her juices, her scent, her essence.

He rose to his feet, legs weak, when she met his gaze. “Fuck me. Now. Hard.”

God, he wanted to. “Condoms in the bedroom.”

She gripped his head in her hands, her eyes wild with need. “I’m clean. I haven’t been with anyone in years.”

“Me neither. And tested for life insurance.” He bit the words out at the same time he lifted her up and slammed her down on his cock. He speared her with one thrust, and she cried out in pleasure.

“Yes. Yes.” He drove into her, her back pressed hard against the stone tile, pummeling her with driving need.

His balls ached, drawing up, everything inside him on the edge.

“Coming. Now. Oh God, oh God.”

He thrust again harder as she shattered, her orgasm a force that took him along with her, his entire body and mind consumed with pleasure.

He came back to himself to find a starry-eyed Cassie leaning against the wall, looking as sated as he felt.

He didn’t know what the future had in store, but the here and now was pretty fucking great.




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