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Going Down Hard by Carly Phillips (9)

Chapter Eight

For the next two weeks, Cassie alternated between showing up at Derek’s office and being at home, packing and moving into her new apartment. She’d hired a company to do the breakables, the things she didn’t have to go through one by one. She chose what she wanted to furnish the apartment with and what she wanted to store, hopefully for a house in the future.

And during the process and the day of the actual move, she avoided her brother as best she could, her anger at him for displacing her growing instead of abating. For Cassie it was the principle of the thing, because she was beginning to look forward to living in Manhattan.

And she knew she had Derek to thank. She wanted to be closer to where he lived. To not have to rush out to take the train home after an intense sexual encounter, either in his office behind closed doors or at his apartment after work. She refused to think about what this thing between them meant, choosing instead to focus on enjoying what they shared. She’d never had a relationship that was easy, and this one was.

While at his work, she stayed in the background although she was always aware of Derek and their electric connection. As was he. He would always seek her out, his gaze falling on hers, no matter how busy he happened to be.

If he held a staff meeting, she’d be in the room, taking notes on how he handled his employees, but always aware of him. Of the authority he emanated, even if he was wearing jeans and a long-sleeve tee shirt. He didn’t need a power suit to make his point. Because he was an easygoing and fair boss, his staff was loyal and appreciated him.

As for his daily routine, whether business ran smoothly or there was stress, Derek was calm under pressure. While Kade tended to blow up first and ease off later, Lucas and Derek were more mild-mannered. But all three men got the job done. They worked like a well-oiled team, and Cassie was impressed.

The day after her first night in her new apartment, she had lunch with Amanda, who she hadn’t seen in a while, and then spent the afternoon at her office to catch up on what was going on and check in with her staff in person. Her second-in-command had been handling things while she was out on assignment, and he was happy to do it. She met with each of her writers, talked to the editors, and got a general feel for what had been happening in her absence, more than she’d been able to glean from phone calls.

When she’d decided to take over Take a Byte, the reporters and staff had embraced her because prior to her arrival, nobody cared what kind of magazine they put out. Morale had been low, rumblings of firings rampant. Cassie had insisted to her father that she wanted this project, and he’d agreed.

She realized now that he hadn’t seen the inherent value in Take a Byte or how it could help rejuvenate the rest of the company. If he had, she’d be sitting in his old chair now, not her brother. She tried not to focus on what she’d lost; instead she promised herself she’d line up an impressive list of people after Derek and make her magazine one that the tech world turned to for information.

She was about to wrap up for the day when a knock sounded on her door. “Come in,” she said without looking up from notes she’d been studying.

“So this is where you work.”

She paused at the sound of Derek’s voice, her stomach flipping happily at the sight of him.

“Hi! This is a nice surprise.” She rose from her seat.

“I had a meeting nearby, and since you said you’d be in your office, I decided to stop by and say hello.” He stepped inside, a sexy grin on his face. “Actually I just missed you.”

The flipping became outright cartwheels in her belly. “Well, welcome.” She waved an arm around the comfortable-sized office.

He took it all in with one glance. It wasn’t nearly as large as his, nor did it have the spectacular view, but she did have a window, and she had put homey touches around the room. A plant her mother had sent over, photographs of her family, pictures of herself and Amanda both when they were younger and abroad and more current ones.

He strode around the desk and pulled her into his arms, giving her a thorough kiss hello. His tongue swept over her lips before he delved deeper, sweeping inside and tasting her. She wrapped her arms around his waist. His jacket was cold from the outdoors, but she didn’t care, pressing her body against his, the scent of his aftershave arousing her as always. It was a scent she’d forever associate with Derek.

He broke the kiss, then smiled, brushing her hair off her shoulder. “I was wondering if I could steal you for dinner after my meeting.”

“You can.” And maybe they could engage in some catch-up sex, she thought, excited at the prospect.

He hadn’t released her, his arms bracketing her body, and she rose to her tiptoes, about to kiss him again when someone cleared their throat.

She turned to see who’d entered without knocking, dismayed to see Spencer in the doorway.

“I thought this was a place of business,” he said in that pompous-ass way he had of putting people down as he spoke.

Derek stiffened, and though she stepped back to deal with her brother, she slid her hand in his. A show of solidarity.

“Really? I thought it was my office.”

A smirk edged his lips. One she recognized from when they were kids. He wasn’t in a good mood, and they were about to do battle.

“I don’t know why I’m surprised you’re fooling around at work. It’s not like you’ve been in the office the last week.”

“Keeping tabs on me?”

“Cass, come on. I’m just aware of my employees’ comings and goings.”

She rolled her eyes, silently calling bullshit. Even away from the office, she knew more about what was going on than he did.

“What do you want?” she asked, losing patience.

Beside her, Derek rocked on the balls of his feet, clearly ready for anything.

“I just thought I’d say hello. Aren’t you going to introduce me to your … friend?”

Oh, he knew exactly who Derek was, but she played along anyway. “Spencer, meet Derek West. Derek, this is my brother.” She figured Derek needed no further explanation of who he was.

“I remember you,” Spencer said, stepping closer. “The gardener and maid’s kid.”

“And proud of it,” Derek said easily, but she sensed his leashed anger.

Understood it because it matched her own.

He didn’t engage her brother in conversation or mention Blink or his current status in the world. Both men knew who Derek was today. Spencer was just trying to goad him. But Derek could handle himself, so she let the men deal with each other, stare each other down.

All the while she was seething inside.

The sound of Derek’s cell phone finally broke into the charged silence. He glanced at the screen. “I have to take this. Excuse me.” He shot her an apologetic glance and walked into the outer room.

“You’re rude, Spencer.”

“I’m honest.”

She shook her head. “Not really, because you left a few important things out. Derek is the biggest news in the tech world. It was a coup to convince him to let me interview him, and that’s where I’ve been. Out of the office. Working.”

He frowned at the reminder. “Be that as it may, our family has a sordid history with his. I don’t think it’s appropriate for you to be interviewing him.”

Or seeing him. Or fucking him. She could hear the thoughts rampaging through her brother’s brain. The ones he at least had the smarts not to say.

She curled her fingers into fists at his ridiculous way of thinking. “Are you suggesting I turn my interview over to another editor or staff reporter?” she asked mildly, her blood boiling at the notion.

He shook his head. “I’m telling you not to do the story at all.”

She flinched at his nerve. “You don’t get to tell me how to run my magazine or what stories I can publish.”

“I’m the chairman of the company.” He smirked, and she wanted to smack the arrogant grin off his face.

“And I’m the executive editor of this magazine,” she said, her voice rising. “Every story starts and ends with my approval. Unless you want me to take this decision to the board—and tell them you’re denying me the chance to interview the billionaire tech god nobody else could get to even speak to them—I suggest you walk out that door right now.”

His cheeks turned a bright red. She had him and he knew it. “This isn’t over.”

“What do you have against Derek, other than the fact that he made something of himself?” She really wanted to know. Spencer’s feelings toward Derek made no sense, and she searched for an explanation.

“He’s beneath us,” Spencer said through gritted teeth.

The answer didn’t work for her, but she knew she wouldn’t be getting the truth out of him now.

Cassie shook her head and laughed. “If you ask me, Derek West is above us both. Good-bye, Spencer,” she said, effectively dismissing her sibling.


“This discussion is over.” She settled into her chair, picked up her pen, and glanced down at her notes, pretending to get back to work.

But the truth was, she couldn’t see past the haze of anger that vibrated through her. Anger at how rudely he’d treated Derek, both to his face and behind his back. She was frustrated that she didn’t understand his motivation for attempting to forbid her to interview Derek at all. Maybe it was jealousy, pure and simple. She’d probably never know.

Finally, the door slammed and she knew he was gone.

She breathed in deep, searching for calm, and was still looking for Zen when Derek walked back into the room.

She wasn’t sure how to face him after what her brother had said. She wouldn’t blame him if he turned ice cold again or ended things between them altogether. There was just so much someone should have to take, and Cassie wouldn’t blame Derek if he’d reached his limit.

Slowly she met his gaze, bracing herself for his reaction.

*     *     *

As far as Derek was concerned, Becky’s phone call came just in time. He wasn’t sure how much longer he’d have been able to stand in front of Spencer Storms and not go for the other man’s throat. Derek was still on the phone with his assistant, wrapping up a problem, when the other man stormed out of Cassie’s office, brushing past Derek without a word or a glance.

A few seconds later, he walked back into her office. He hadn’t sufficiently calmed down—inside anyway—but he forced himself to remember it wasn’t her fault.

“Hey. Everything okay?” she asked.

He nodded. “Becky had a few issues she needed me to address, and I need to head back right after my meeting. I’m going to have to cancel dinner.”

Disappointment flashed across her pretty face. “Oh. Okay,” she said. “I understand.”

“Thank you.” He shoved his hands into his pants pockets. “So, I saw your brother leave.”

She nodded, her cheeks an embarrassed red. “I’m sorry about him. He’s rude and unbearable.”

“He’s an asshole,” Derek said bluntly. He didn’t see the point in beating around the bush.

He’d promised not to treat her badly because of her family. He hadn’t sworn to be nice to or about them. And Derek hated that smug bastard as much as he detested her father and what he’d done to Derek’s mother. The fact that Spencer had had no problem reminding Derek of who he was, where he’d come from, and the vast differences between himself and Cassie only reinforced his dislike for the family in general.

He’d put Derek back in the frame of mind he’d been in before he’d promised Cassie he’d do better. Only his growing feelings for Cassie herself kept him from turning on her. He had to admit, it wasn’t easy. That’s how badly the son of a bitch got to him.

He propped a hip on her desk. “I can handle him,” he assured her.

“I know. You just shouldn’t have to.”

“How about a change of subject? I have a fundraiser gala I have to attend this Saturday night, and I was wondering if you’d like to go with me. You’ll get to spend time with my partners and their significant others. You can decide if that’s a plus or a minus,” he said, laughing, because the women in Kade’s and Lucas’s life were nosey and going to be damned curious about Derek and Cassie.

“Yes! Of course.” Cassie’s brown eyes lit up with pleasure. “I’d love to go,” she said.

“Good. Now that you’ve agreed and can’t get out of it, I should warn you there are long speeches, and it could get a little boring.”

She rose to her feet, walked over, and placed her hands on his shoulders. Her warm scent enveloped him, and his cock grew hard. “How could I be bored when I’ll be with you?”

Her reaction made him glad he’d asked. “I figured the night would give you more insight into my charitable contributions for your article.”

She narrowed her gaze. “Umm, is this a date? Or am I going in my official capacity?” she asked, her arms sliding off his shoulders.

He grabbed her wrists and lifted her arms, wrapping them back around his neck where they belonged. “Guess.”

She relaxed, the tension ebbing from her body. “I thought maybe my brother’s behavior had changed your mind about whatever’s going on between us.”

He blew out a long breath. “I’ll admit I had to do some serious talking to myself, but no. It’s going to take more than your pompous jackass of a sibling to run me off.”

A wide smile took hold. “Good to know you’re a man of your word, Mr. West. So what is the event for?” she asked.

“The House of Hope. It’s an organization that ensures no family suffers while a loved one is critically ill.”

He’d been instrumental in its creation. From the time his father passed away, he’d wanted to do something for people in the position they’d been in. Families who couldn’t afford to be with their loved ones because otherwise they couldn’t keep a roof over their heads or food on the table.

Her eyes softened at his description of the organization that meant so much to him. “How so?” she asked. “How do they help?”

“If an adult patient is terminal, the organization steps in and helps pay—rent, utilities, food bills. Whatever is necessary. And they’re currently raising money to build something akin to the Ronald McDonald Houses, or St. Jude’s, where families can stay for free near hospitals.”

“What a wonderful mission,” she murmured, her voice crackling with emotion. “I’m excited to attend and find out more about them. And just think about the all the people who will learn about it once your series of articles are published. People like you, with money, who want to donate to a good cause,” she said, her enthusiasm rising along with his own.

“It’ll give you added dimension, but the more important thing is the potential for raising money,” she said with a bright smile.

It meant something to him that she understood the importance of House of Hope. Something that endeared her to him even more. There was so much they had in common, so much he liked about her, he thought, knowing he was falling and hard.

The problem was, they didn’t live in a bubble, just the two of them. Her family existed, with all their flaws and issues. He’d dodged a bullet today, had been able to cope with her brother, probably because Becky’s phone call had saved him from dealing with him for an extended period of time.

If the bastard had had time to continue, Derek might have ended up throwing the first punch and no doubt landing his ass in jail for assault if he’d even once mentioned Derek’s mother.

He was only human, after all. And though he was doing his best to work around their problems, he didn’t know whether they, as a couple, could ever get past the realities of life.

*     *     *

Cassie spent hours getting ready for the gala. After doing some online research and talking to Derek again, she’d realized this was a black-tie event. Good thing she had appropriate dresses for the occasion. She was nervous to spend time with his partners and their significant others. She hoped the women were more like Lucas than Kade. She didn’t want to have to fend off Derek’s protective friends tonight.

He picked her up at her new apartment, and Derek West in a tuxedo was a sight to behold. His big body filled out his jacket, from his broad shoulders to his tapered waist. His hair was slicked back, and he presented a powerful figure, a sexy man who, tonight, was all hers.

“You clean up nicely,” she said, her gaze drifting over him appreciatively.

“And you look fucking gorgeous.” He lifted her hand, kissing the back before turning her around so he could get a three-hundred-and-sixty-degree view of her red dress.

The gown dipped low, revealing her cleavage in the front, while from behind, it revealed her lower back. It was the sexiest thing she owned, and she reveled in his blatant, admiring stare.

“Are you ready?” he asked.

She picked up her shawl and nodded. They traveled to the event by limousine, with a divider partition separating them from the driver. She sat by his side, her thigh touching his pants, sparks of awareness flooding her system.

He placed one hand on her bared knee, rubbing his thumb over the exposed skin. Her nipples were tight and her sex damp as they alighted from the car. It was destined to be a long night until they returned to her place, but she had something to look forward to.

Once inside, he led her over to where his friends stood. Nerves took flight in her stomach as he introduced her and, in the men’s case, reintroduced her.

“Cassie, you remember Kade, and this is his wife, Lexie.”

A pretty woman with brown hair and light blue eyes, in a silver dress, met her gaze with a welcoming smile. “Hi. Nice to meet you.”

“Same here,” Cassie murmured.

Derek placed a supportive hand on her back. “You already know Lucas, and this is his fiancée, Maxie.”

A petite blonde with a slight baby bump leaned into Lucas’s side, smiled. “Hi.”

“Hello,” Cassie said with a smile.

“And not to state the obvious,” Derek said, “but this is Kendall, Lexie’s—”

“Twin,” the woman finished for Derek. “Hi.”

“Hello.” Cassie glanced between Lexie and Kendall, noting they were, indeed, identical. Both beautiful women, though Lexie’s eyes sparkled with happiness, while it seemed Kendall was more subdued.

“And last but not least, this is Carter McCord, Kendall’s date.” He gestured to a nice-looking man with dark hair and a beard, who stood beside Kendall.

“Blind date,” Kendall said with a brittle grin.

Cassie nodded, glad she wasn’t in that position tonight.

“Derek, I’m really looking forward to walking Oscar. Can I come by to meet him tomorrow or another day this week?” Kendall asked. Her eyes lit up at the mention of Derek’s dog.

“Sure. Let’s do tomorrow. I only have another week left with my current girl. I’d love for him to meet you sooner rather than later. Just call or text me with a heads-up before you come.”


“How many dogs do you walk at one time?” Cassie asked. Oscar seemed like enough of a handful.

Then again, she didn’t own a dog, much as she’d love to someday. She didn’t know how she’d handle more than one.

Kendall shrugged. “I don’t do multiple families at once. So if one of my clients has two or three dogs, I walk them together. Otherwise just one at a time.”

Before Cassie could reply, Kendall gasped, the color draining from her face.

“What’s wrong?” Lexie asked, immediately coming to her sister’s side.

“Julian’s here,” Kendall said on a horrified whisper, her gaze locked on someone across the room.

From her years covering the tech world, Cassie knew that Julian could only be Julian Dane, Lucas, Kade and Derek’s former partner. The men had a sordid history that included a lawsuit and Julian staking a claim on Blink. He’d also tried to ruin Kade’s reputation. Cassie didn’t know what Kendall’s issue with Julian Dane was, but the other woman was shaking.

“That son of a bitch,” Kade muttered. “He knows this is something our whole team attends. I can’t believe he’d show his face.” His entire body turned rigid, and he took a step in Julian’s direction.

Derek was faster, grabbing Kade and holding him back from confronting Julian and causing a scene.

“He’s not getting near Kendall,” Kade said, his anger tangible, clearly protective of his sister-in-law.

“Everyone breathe. I’ll have him escorted out,” Lucas said, heading across the room to avert trouble.

Kendall shook her head. “No. I’m an adult. I can handle being in the same room as him,” she called after Lucas.

The other man ignored her.

Kendall started to go after him, but Lexie grabbed her hand. “Let Lucas handle it.”

Kendall spun to face her twin. “I’m not sick. I’m stronger now and I know his game. I promise, you don’t have to worry about me. None of you do.”

Derek grasped Kendall’s shoulders gently. “Kendall, it’s not you we’re all worried about, it’s that snake. Why give him the opportunity to get close to you again?”

Kendall closed her eyes and sighed. “I’m just tired of everyone else fighting my battles.”

He nodded in understanding. “I get it. But Kade considers you family, and he’s protecting you the only way he knows how.”

Cassie was taken in by Derek’s gentle side, his delicate way of handling Kendall. Whatever the story behind Kendall’s issues—I’m not sick… I’m stronger now…—Derek clearly understood how to make her feel empowered while diffusing the situation.

Lexie looked from her husband to her sister, obviously torn between them.

Cassie could help. “Kendall, do you want to get some breathing room?” she asked the other woman, because her date seemed utterly dazed and useless.

Kendall glanced across the room, where Lucas was talking to Julian, and a brief look of longing crossed her features before she turned back to Cassie. “Sure. I could use some freshening up.”

Cassie turned to Derek. “I’ll be back.”

“Go,” he said with a grateful smile. “I’ll deal with things here and catch up with you soon.”

Cassie and Kendall walked out a side door, nowhere near where Lucas and Julian stood. They entered the ladies’ room, where they were luckily alone.

Kendall fell into the soft ottoman in front of the mirror and sighed. “I hate that one mistake keeps coming back to haunt me.”

“You … and Julian?” Cassie guessed.

Kendall nodded. “I’m bipolar. I was having issues and Julian took advantage. I had no idea he was using me to get to Kade. To help him get a part of Blink.” Her lashes fluttered and a tear dripped from her eyes. She grabbed a tissue and blotted her face.

“You fell for him, didn’t you?”

She swallowed hard. “We had a lot in common, or so he led me to believe. But he didn’t know I was sick. And I wasn’t ready to confide in him. I found out he was using me…” She shook her head. “I hate him.”

Cassie wasn’t so sure. Although he sounded like a class-A asshole, a part of Kendall clearly still had a soft spot for the man she thought he’d been.

“Let’s change the subject,” Kendall said. “What’s going on with you and Derek?”

Cassie laughed at the other woman’s blunt honesty. “I’m not really sure.”

“What about you? It doesn’t look like you’re thrilled with your blind date.”

Kendall tipped her head back and laughed. “Now that is an understatement. We couldn’t be more different. Looks like I’m in for a long night.” She straightened her shoulders. “Might as well get back to it.”

And since Cassie wanted to return to Derek, she agreed.




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