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Grit (King's Harlots #1) by J.M. Walker (15)


I CALLED Jay a week into the mission. Knowing I would get the sass I was craving, a tingle of heat spread over my body.


I frowned at the small voice. “Jay?”

“Hi, Angel.” She sighed.

“Uh…” My stomach tensed. “Hi.”

“How are you?”

“I’m…fine. How are you?” The casual conversation was throwing me off. It wasn’t like her.

“I’m…” She hiccupped. “Fine.”

“Have you been drinking?” I asked, catching Coby’s gaze when he motioned that it was time to meet our new recruit.

“A little bit,” Jay answered, a slight slur moving over her words. She was mellow, a husky tinge coating her voice.

Well, that explains it. “You should go to bed,” I told her, even though I wanted to hear more of what she had to say.

“Don’t want to.”

“And why not?” I asked, lowering my voice.

“It’s lonely. I need a big, dark, brooding man to keep me warm. Angel,” she purred, “are you that man?”

Fuck me hard and call me Sally. “Yes.” I would be whatever she damn well wanted me to be.

“Good.” And with that, she hung up.

I stared at my phone, stunned by what just happened. If my semi hard-on was any indication, I needed to go home.

“Ready?” Coby asked, clapping a hand on my shoulder.

“No.” I never liked new recruits. They thought they knew it all. But with Vincent Stone being in the military for a while, I had hoped that it wouldn’t be so bad with him. Understanding that everyone started somewhere, you would think I would be more reasonable. Vega had taken a chance on me back in the day. I should have done the same in return. Vega had thrown Vice-One together. We were trained. Specialized. And some of us took that to heart more than others.

“Boss.” Asher came up beside me. “I met Stone while working out this morning. Just wanted to say that I think he’ll fit in.” Asher jogged off, leaving me to my thoughts.

“He might be good for us,” Coby added after the fact.

I met his dark gaze. He wasn’t a man of many words, but when he did speak, I took it to heart.

“After what he’s been through, I’m surprised he wants to continue on.”

“Maybe he needs to,” Coby suggested. “I know if it were me, I would have to do something to keep my mind off of it. I also know that you would want me to move on. You would want me to fight for what I lost.”

He was right. We had a country to fight for. And we had women to save. “Does he know about the girls?”

“He’s been briefed.”

“Good.” We just needed to figure out how to save Vega’s niece. Who knew what she had already been through? I just prayed she was still alive.

“What are we going to do if we can’t find Vega’s niece?” Coby asked, taking the question right out of my head.

“Pray to God she doesn’t suffer,” I mumbled.

“Fucking A.”

We left the barracks, heading out into the hot afternoon sun. We were met by the other guys and a new person who I assumed was Vincent Stone.

“I assume you are the boss,” the large man said, greeting me with a nod of his head.

“You could say that,” I replied, sizing him up. He was huge. Had at least twenty-five pounds on all of us. The tank of a man hid behind his wall of a shape; I could tell by the darkness in his gaze.

“Well, as soon as you need me to start, I am ready,” he said, matter-of-factly.

“All right,” I said slowly. “You’ve met everyone?”

He nodded.

Asher took his gun apart and started cleaning it. Dale and Coby sparred back and forth, nodding our way before continuing.

They were my brothers—so was Vincent now. “You’re a part of us now, Vince,” I told him. “Everything we do, we do it as a unit. No man goes in alone, and no man comes out alone. We are one.”


“Excuse me?”

“Stone,” he muttered. “Everyone calls me by my last name.”

“All right. Stone.” I clapped him in the shoulder. “Welcome to the Navy.”

“I won’t let you down. I’ve been in this for a long time but I believe no matter how long we do something, we can always learn.”

I cocked my head. “I think you’ll fit right in.”

“My brothers come first. I may not know any of you yet, but I will lay my life on the line to make sure we all get out safely.”

I liked him already.

“Tell me something I don’t know,” he said, crossing his thick arms under his chest.

“Asher is our newest recruit before you. I’ve known him since I was a kid, and I convinced him two years ago to join the military. Under normal circumstances, it takes years for someone to become special ops but as you may have guessed already, Vice-One isn’t your typical squad. Coby is the quiet one but knows everything there is to know about every kind of gun out there. He also has the best times when it comes to taking a rifle apart and putting it back together. His last kill shot was the furthest on record.”

“Ghost,” Stone stated, staring at the solemn man a few feet away.

“Yes.” Word got around about my brother. He was the best of the best, and I was thankful I had him at my back. “He doesn’t go by that name, so I don’t suggest calling him it.”

“Understood. But he is inspiring,” Stone said. “We would use him as motivation. ‘Be like Ghost’ was our motto for years.”

“Don’t tell him that,” I said, nodding toward Coby.

“No doubt,” Stone grunted. “I hate being the center of attention myself, so I can’t imagine how he feels.”

“He’s told me he believes in teamwork. That he wouldn’t be where he is without the rest of us.” I crossed my arms under my chest. “No I in team.”

“He’s a good man.”

“He is,” I agreed. “Well, Stone. Now that you got introduced to everyone, it’s time we show you how we welcome new recruits.”

“I’m not new.” He frowned, a slight smirk spreading on his face.

“You are to us.” Asher came up beside him, clapping a hand on his shoulder.

“We want you to feel at home,” Dale said, coming up on the other side of him. “And we’re going to show you exactly how we do that.”

“How so?” Stone challenged.

“Drinks are on you tonight,” I explained. “But first, how about a little game of dress up?”





It had been three weeks since I saw Angel. We talked on the phone every now and again, but it wasn’t the same. It was casual, comfortable. We didn’t talk about us or what we wanted out of our time together. We told each other about our day, what latest movie we had seen or if we had read a good book. It was safe. Did we want more out of what we had? Were we ready? Was it enough? It fucking scared me to give my all to someone again when so much of me had been ripped out at the hands of another man. I had to explain that to Angel. I needed to make him understand that it wasn’t him. It was me. The clichéd truth bothered me.

Music pounded through the brick walls of the clubhouse. Max had decided to throw a party, inviting half of the town over to try and get our minds off of everything. But I was having none of it. I needed to get shit done. I needed to find the taken women. I needed someone to tell me that it would be okay. It would take time but everything would work out in the end. I needed Angel, and I was woman enough to admit it.

The cool night air washed around me, brushing the back of my neck like a lover’s touch. The dark sky was clear, the moon bright and full, surrounded by millions of stars. It was peaceful.

“Mind if I join you, princess?”

My heart skipped a beat at the deep voice. A flutter of excitement rushed through me as I met Angel’s piercing gaze. I opened my mouth to answer but all I could give him was a nod of my head. God, I had missed him. I hadn’t known him for long, but the mutual attraction was there. I never believed in an instant love but instant lust? Hell yes.

When he came into view, I gasped. Bruises and scratches covered his face. “What happened?” I asked, my voice shaky.

“There was an attack on our squad,” he said, sitting beside me on the picnic table.

“Are you guys okay?” My hand reached up on its own accord, my fingers brushing along his cheek.

“We are,” he said, his voice lowering. “Just a little banged up.” He leaned into my hand, placing a light kiss on my palm.

My breath caught. We sat there, staring at each other. God, this man and what he does to me. What he did to my insides. “Everything okay now?” I asked, needing to take some sort of control before I knelt at his feet and begged like a bitch in heat.

He cleared his throat, pulling away from me. “We got in too deep. We did our job, and it backfired.” He rubbed the back of his neck, letting out a heavy sigh.

“Did you find what you were looking for?” I asked, a heavy weight settling in the pit of my stomach.

“Not everything, but we have a good start.” He gave me a small smile.

Bringing my knees up to my chest, I wrapped my arms around them and let out a deep sigh.

“Why aren’t you inside enjoying the party?”

“Because I couldn’t care less about it.” I slid off the table, walking back and forth to stretch my legs. My body hurt. I was antsy. “Max throws these parties trying to get our minds off of this shitty world we live in. It used to help, but not anymore. Not for me, at least.” I bent over, touching my toes.

A deep growl sounded from the table. “Jay.”

“Yes?” I smiled, rising back to my full height.

“Come here,” Angel demanded.

“Sorry, baby. If you want something, you’re going to have to come to me,” I told him, a flutter of desire soaring through my body. I had missed the cat and mouse back and forth. His Domination to my submission. I had craved the lack of control for years, and since I had found a man who could give me what I desired, I teased him. Knowing it would end with us crashing together in waves of ultimate ecstasy, I defied him.

“Is that so?”

I jumped at the rough voice in my ear. For a big guy, he moved with ease. I stood still, anticipating the touch of his hands on me. He spoke through his body. It told me how much he wanted me. How much he needed me.

“It’s been almost a month, princess,” he whispered, his hot breath scorching my neck.

“I haven’t noticed,” I lied. Of course I noticed. I missed him more than I wanted to admit. It was easy to be around him, to talk to him. I couldn’t get enough.

“Well, I noticed. Every time I touched myself, I noticed,” he purred, wrapping his thick arms around my waist and pulling me back against his hard body. The heavy weight between his legs pushed into the curves of my ass.

All I could picture was his large hand gripping his length as if it were a lifeline. As if with one touch and he would explode, waiting for the next release. “How often?” I asked, pushing back against him.

“Every damn day.” Angel spun me, pushing me up against the wall. “But I’m going to show you exactly how much I missed you, princess. How much I missed your mouth. How much I missed you giving in to me.”

“You’re bossy,” I said, gripping the fabric of his hoodie.

“You enjoy it. And I enjoy when you submit to me, giving me what I want and what I know you are so desperate for.” His mouth moved along the shell of my ear. “I can feel the heat coming off of you.”

“And I can feel how hard you are,” I panted, arching into him.

“For you, baby. How hard I am for you.” He pushed his knees between mine, roughly spreading my legs. His calloused hands roamed down the side of my body, reaching under my tank top until they covered my breasts. “I’m going to spend the night devouring your sweetness.”

“Please,” I pleaded, fisting the fabric of his hoodie in my hands. Being with Angel would take my mind off of things. Not a damn party. I wanted to dive into his body and spread myself thin. The wakening of emotions and desire, pleasure, and bliss wrapped around me. They ensnared us in beautiful passion. Our hips moved together, rubbing and building a friction so great, my skin burned.

“Fuck, Jay.” His hand reached between my legs, cupping my mound. “Did you miss me, princess?” His tongue peeked out, licking up the side of my neck.

I moaned, leaning into his touch, silently begging for him to destroy me. To make me feel him. “Yes,” I whispered. “I missed you.”

“Fucking right you did.” His thick fingers unbuttoned my pants and lowered the zipper before diving inside to where I wanted him most. “Tell me you dreamt I would please all of your fantasies. Tell me it’s because of me you feel this way. Tell me how wet you are for me.”

“I’m…I’m soaked.” I gripped his collar, pulling him down to meet my mouth. “For you.”

He growled at the same time his fingers delved inside my panties. Not teasing me in any way, he pushed them into me without a warning.

I cried out, shaking against him. Pleasure swam through me like waves of molten lava. He consumed my senses. Everything about that man took over until I gave him all of me.

“That’s it, baby.” He cupped my throat, tilting my head back. “Coat my fingers with your delicious essence.”

“Oh, God.” I spread my legs wider, hinting, needing him to take things further.

His fingers pumped in and out of me. Hard. Fast. Rough. It was everything I had craved over the past few weeks. Everything I had needed since the last time I saw him. I couldn’t understand how someone could have that much effect over another person. With Angel, it had been everything I had imagined.

“You’re going to come, and then I’m going to fuck the shit out of your hot body until all you feel is me.” His hold on my throat tightened. “Look at me when you let go. I want to watch you break.”

I whimpered, gripping his arms and moving my hips against his fingers. A nagging notion forced me to succumb to his controlling wrath. As much as I had promised myself I would never give in to another man’s domination, with Angel, I desired it.

“Move those hips like I know you can,” he demanded, rubbing his thumb over my swollen clit. “Your sweet little nub is hard for me, baby. Does it turn you on knowing your body submits to me before you do?”

“Angel,” I breathed, begging for him to give me the release my body craved. The fight of Domination versus submission battled between us. He wanted to break me. He craved it. And I couldn’t help but give in. It was all in the name of sex, right? Nothing more. Even though I didn’t believe that.

“You’re going to come until I tell you to stop,” he said, pushing his fingers into me as far as my body would allow.

“Oh, dear God,” I cried out, a fast release hitting me hard. His name left my lips on a guttural scream.

“That’s it,” he coaxed, crashing his mouth to mine and swallowed the rest of my cries. “So fucking beautiful.”

“Please,” I begged, riding out the release.

“What do you want, baby?”

“More.” God, I needed him inside of me.

Angel turned me in his arms, pushing me face first against the brick wall. He brushed the hair off the back of my neck, sinking his teeth into the skin. “What else do you want, little girl?”

I moaned, the slight burning pain making the desire I had for him grow into an inferno. “You.”

His fingers remained, his body holding me against the side of the building, his hot, minty breath washing over my exposed skin.

My body vibrated. I needed more. I was about to combust with lust for the man holding me, and if I wasn’t careful, I would fuck him out in the open, not caring in the least if anyone walked in on us.

“Jay, you have a moment?”

I jumped at the unexpected voice coming from the doorway.

Angel chuckled, shifting his body to shield me from Max. “Give us a few.”

“Don’t hurry on my account,” she laughed, closing the door behind her.

“A few?” I asked Angel, pulling his hand from inside my pants.

He winked, sticking his fingers in his mouth, and sucked the juices from my body off of them. He groaned, a wicked smirk spreading on his handsome face. “This is going to be fast, baby. Later tonight I’ll take my time, but right now, I need you hard.”

My breath left me on a whoosh. Never before had a man told me that he needed me in a way it pained him to go without.

Angel grabbed my hand, pulling me toward his SUV. “I hope you don’t mind me fucking you in my vehicle.”

“The way I’m feeling right now, you could bend me over the picnic table, and I wouldn’t object.”

He stopped once we reached the rear passenger door. “And how do you feel?”

I opened the door, crawling into the back seat, and pulled down my pants. “I ache for you. I want you so bad it hurts.” Hooking my thumbs in the sides of my panties, I pushed them down to my ankles. “I want you to destroy my body, leaving me spent and sore, covered in your marks.” When those words left my mouth, I thought it had been too much when Angel didn’t say anything. His dark piercing gaze stared at me. Just when I was about to backtrack what I had confessed, his next words stopped me.

“Fuck. Me. That is the hottest thing a woman has ever said to me.” Angel joined me on the backseat, closing the door behind him, and pulled me into his lap. “You want my fingerprints on your pale skin?”

“Yes,” I said, my breath leaving me on a whoosh. “Hurt me, baby.” I kissed him hard, nipping his lip and sucking his tongue into my mouth. The closer it got to fucking him, the more my body vibrated, aware of what was to come in a moment.

Rising to my knees, I waited for Angel to slide the condom down his beautiful length.

“Are you ready?” he asked with a growl.

Showing him I was, I slammed my body down the thickness of him causing us both to yell out. Not giving either of us a chance to get used to the connection, I rode him hard and fast. I took from him what I needed—what I craved. What I had so desperately wanted since the moment I met him. We had already spent a night together but that time it was different. We knew more about each other. We had opened up. We had bared feelings, stripping each layer until there was nothing left.

Angel closed his eyes, leaned his head back against the seat, and dug his fingers into the flesh of my ass.

I leaned down, brushing my mouth along his thick neck. Nipping and sucking, leaving my own mark on him. A possessive need to cover him in my touch took over. My hips sped up. Our pelvises connected in ways I had never felt before. Angel did that to me. He was bossy and brooding. Dark and mysterious. And he was mine. No matter what happened, I knew it. For that moment, there was no one else. It was just him and me in our fucked up world.

“Harder,” he demanded, his dark eyes boring into mine. “Come on, baby. Fuck the shit out of my dick like I know you can.”

My heart sped up, my breathing quickened, and a tingle shot straight down my back. “Please.”

“What do you want, little girl?” he asked, a darkness taking over his words.

I loved when he spoke this way and I knew there were more commands and desires in his darkest of cravings. “Come for me,” I whispered in his ear.

“I’m going to come hard for you, baby. So fucking hard you feel it in your soul.” His hips reared up, pumping into me with so much strength, I came fast. It was so hard it took my breath.

Angel grunted, his fingers digging into the flesh of my rear. His length twitched, growing harder and thicker by the second. “Come again. Scream my name.”

“Angel!” I yelled out, digging my nails into his shoulders.

Fuck,” he roared, gearing up for that final blow of ecstasy that took him over the edge. “Jay.” He shivered. “Shit, woman, you’re going to fucking kill me.”

I laughed, kissing him hard on the mouth. “Best way to die, baby.”

“Fucking A.” He kissed me back, hard and deep before releasing me with a wet smack. “So beautiful.”

My cheeks heated, and I slid off his lap, missing the connection we had just shared.

Angel pulled off the condom, tied the end into a knot and dropped it into a plastic garbage bag on the floor. “Thank you,” he said, righting his pants.

“I wish we could just drive away,” I confessed, getting dressed.

“Not in the mood to deal with them?” he asked, opening the door once I was covered.

“I love the girls but sometimes I feel like I have to put on a show.” I was surprised by the truth leaving my lips. I had never opened up like that to anyone. Not even my sister.

“I feel you.” He reached for my hand, giving me a soft smile.

“Are you staying?” I asked, a moment of trepidation coursing through me.

“Do you want me to?”

“You know I do.” I patted him on the chest. “You promised me a night of pleasure,” I reminded him, the remnants of the delicious sex we just had tingling on my skin.

He chuckled. “I sure did.” He kissed the top of my head. “And I will keep my promise, baby. You just let me know when you’re ready to leave.”

Now. But I knew it couldn’t happen.

Angel wrapped his arm around my shoulder, leading me into my club. My home. But right then, I felt out of place. Whatever was going on with me, I didn’t like it. I wasn’t used to it. Was it Angel? Was it the fact that all of those girls were disappearing and it brought up memories of my sister? I had no idea but I knew I needed a change.

“Jay,” Max called out, rushing to my side once we entered the building.

“What’s wrong?” I asked her, searching her face.

Her gaze moved back and forth between Angel and me, a hint of curiosity flashing in her light-blue eyes. She shook her head and gripped my shoulders. “The Kings are here.”

Fuck my life with a rusty chainsaw.

“I’ll be at the table with the guys,” Angel whispered in my ear. “Come get me whenever you are ready.” He kissed my cheek and walked toward the large table at the front of the club. The men had already claimed their spot, sitting in the same booth every time they made an appearance. The guys waved. I smiled, nodding in their direction.

“I am so sorry to take you away from him,” Max said, stepping in front of me.

“What’s going on?” I frowned, ignoring her questioning gaze.

“Dante’s Kings need to talk,” she explained.

“No. I mean besides that. You usually make some sort of smartass comment,” I pointed out. “What gives?”

She shrugged. “I need you happy. If he makes you happy, that’s all I care about.”

I didn’t get a chance to respond when the other girls approached us and I got bombarded by questions.

“Something’s going on. What are we going to do?”

“What’s happening?”

“I can’t stand these fuckers.” That was Max.

I sighed. “Let’s get this done and over with.” So I could spend the night with someone who would take all of my frustration away even just for a little bit.

I headed into the meeting room. A room I had called my own since the beginning. But at that very moment, I felt like a stranger.

Loud chatter sounded behind me, following me into the room. I braced myself for the unknown. Dealing with my father would be one thing. I loved the rest of his crew like they were family, but Tyler put a darkness on that group. I should have known from the first time he hit me. Oh God. What would Angel think? I wasn’t broken because of it. I was stronger. But would he see that? Would he feel sorry for me and want to fix me?


I turned to the sound of my father’s voice. “Are you talking to me or is he?” I asked, nodding toward Tyler.

“We both are,” Tyler answered for him.

He is the president,” I snapped. “Why don’t you let him fucking speak for once?”

Tyler smirked, rubbing his jaw.

“Come, Jay. Let’s sit down.” Max gently grabbed hold of my arm and pulled me to my chair at the head of the table.

I had the urge to tell her to mind her own business but she was right. I needed to calm down for fear of losing it completely. “Fine. Talk. Tell me what’s so important that you have to ruin our Friday night—”

“Do you ever get sick of listening to the sound of your own voice?” Tyler glared at me.

“Listen, asshole. You don’t get to talk to me that way anymore. You got me? I don’t care who you are or who you know.” My blood vibrated, my heart pounding hard against the walls of my ribcage.

“You talked to my daughter that way?” My dad smacked Tyler across the head. “You’re lucky I don’t take your fucking cut.” Because taking his cut would be way worse than hurting him. Sometimes I didn’t understand the MC lifestyle.

“Fuck you.” Tyler pushed him, causing the guys to circle around them.

Shit. I didn’t need this. Not now. “All right.” I stepped between them, forcing myself to wedge them apart. “Stop this now or I’ll kick all of you out.”

“Jay.” Fetch, the youngest and newest member of Dante’s Kings stepped forward. “We received this in the mail.” He handed me a manila envelope. He was the calm one of the group, not being in it long enough to allow the lifestyle to take over and blacken his soul.

I sighed, taking it from him, and slouched onto the couch not caring in the least that everyone was watching me. Opening up the envelope, I bit back a gasp when my gaze landed on a picture of Angel and the guys. Photo after photo of Vice-One stared back at me. “What is this?”

“That’s the man you’re spending time with,” my dad pointed out.

Max crouched beside me, grabbing a picture of Dale out of my hands. “What are you trying to tell us? And stop beating around the fucking bush,” she demanded.

My father, Tyler, and Fetch stood around the four of us. We outnumbered them, but we still felt small. At that moment, I decided we needed another girl. A new prospect who had a good head on her shoulders and would bring any of those men to their knees. And not in the sexual way.

“Your man knows more about the missing girls than he lets on,” Tyler stated, implying I found myself another asshole. But no one could be like him. I had the scars to prove it.

“He’s doing his job,” I corrected him. “It’s none of my business what Vice-One does on their missions. Don’t you watch movies? All of that shit is classified.”

“Not when it comes to the fact that it isn’t their job to find these girls. They’re Navy SEALs, Jay. They deal with terrorists and people trying to threaten our country. Not human trafficking.” My dad placed his hand on mine, giving it a light squeeze. “I know we haven’t seen eye-to-eye for a while, but trust me when I tell you something bigger is going on. Be careful.”

“I don’t get why you’re making a big deal out of this,” Max said. “Vice-One is doing their job and more. Why does it matter if they’re going out of their way to find these girls?”

“It matters when they use girls as bait,” Tyler pointed out.

“Excuse me?” My head whipped around. “How the hell do you know that?”

“I have my connections.” He shrugged, a slight smirk spreading on his face.

I stared at him. To other women, he would be considered gorgeous. Model material. He was blond, blue-eyed, built like a tank. But his personality ruined it for me. And so did his fists.

“If Vice-One is going in this using girls as bait to bring this organization down, I can’t argue with that.” I personally wouldn’t have used them as bait, but I didn’t even know how true that was. Could I bring it up to the guys? I would have to. But not when Dante’s Kings were around. I didn’t trust them. I grew up with them but the members had come and gone over the years. When my grandfather recruited my dad, he was my role model. But once my grandpa had passed and with the disappearance of my sister, I lost that connection.

“Nugget,” my dad said gently.

“What, Daddy?” I snapped. “You can’t come into my club, threaten to take what I’ve worked so hard at building, and accuse my new friends of shitty activity.” I pointed at him. “You of all people shouldn’t judge.” Drugs, weapons—whatever Dante’s Kings could get their hands on, they would move it. They would do anything to make money and get their name out there.

“We’re not judging,” Tyler said, crossing his arms under his chest.

“No? So what, you feeling a little righteous because Vice-One will do anything to protect these girls? Do you feel threatened? I’m surprised you even care, Tyler.”

“Of course I care.” His brows narrowed. “Don’t accuse me of different, woman.”

“Fuck you!” I took a step toward him.

“Leave us,” he demanded, his voice booming around the small room.

My sisters objected, but I reassured them I would be fine. Tyler wouldn’t hurt me again. I was no longer scared of him, especially after I got up the courage to take a knife to his balls. I smiled to myself at the memory.

“I’ll be in the hall,” Max whispered in my ear. “One scream, and I’ll get Angel in here.”

I nodded. But it wouldn’t happen. Tyler and I had done the same song and dance for years. After the first time he hit me, I became a different person. When Violet disappeared, I changed. Tyler and I had a toxic relationship. In another life, I had loved him. But I realized after I got away from him that it wasn’t love. I just didn’t want to be alone.

“You have become sassier, Jenny,” Tyler said once we were alone. He sat on the couch, watching me.

My stomach twisted at the use of his nickname for me. No one else called me Jenny, and he made sure of it. It was a part of me he would own forever. “You did that to me, T.”

He grunted with satisfaction.

Dick. “What do you want?”

“I have a proposition for you.”

“Oh geeze. Of course you do,” I rolled my eyes. “Don’t you think you’ve gotten enough from me over the years?”

“No. If I did, you would still be mine,” he said, his voice rough.

I swallowed hard. I wasn’t scared of him, even when we were together but sometimes a darkness washed over him. His club knew to back away when that happened.

“I want you to back off. We will find these women. You don’t need to mess up your hair and dirty your fingernails over this shit.”

“You chauvinistic bastard. Don’t you dare—”

“Listen to me, Jay,” he snapped, his voice eerily calm. “You keep searching out these girls, I promise you it will make things worse.”

“Are you threatening me?”

“Take it as you will.” He shrugged.

“My sister disappeared because of these sick fucks. There is no way I’m dropping this search.” Not like I had any leads anyway, but he didn’t need to know that.

“It’s been years. She probably ran off with a man.”

“No. Don’t you dare sit there and say that to me. You were there when she left. You should have been there for me,” I cried, gripping my shirt. “But you weren’t. You were too caught up in becoming my dad’s bitch.”

“Watch your mouth.” Tyler rose to his feet and strode toward me, forcing me to take a step back. “I gave you everything. I helped you start this club. If it weren’t for me convincing your father, King’s Harlots wouldn’t even be alive today. He’s the one who said women shouldn’t have motorcycle clubs. He’s the one who said his daughter was too much of a princess.”

His words hurt, but I knew they were true. My dad had told me time and time again that I was too much of a girly girl to have my own MC. Violet was the risk taker and when she disappeared, I took over that role, surprising everyone.

“It’s as if Violet never left,” my father had told me once. It made me sick to my stomach that she would be a part of me no matter what when I wanted her physically around. I knew it broke his heart that both of his daughters had left him. One involuntarily. One by sheer will. I would never be the same until Violet came back into our lives. And even then, I would never get the old me back. Genevieve was no longer alive.

“You did nothing for me, Tyler. You broke me and laughed in my face after,” I reminded him. He destroyed a piece of me beyond repair, the piece that would never truly love again.

Tyler shoved his hands in his pockets, standing a foot away from me. “You loved me.”

“I don’t know anymore.” I let out a deep sigh. “If you weren’t the vice president of Dante’s Kings, I would have nothing to do with you.”

“But you have no choice.” A slight smirk spread on his lips. “And you hate me for it.”

“I’ve hated you for less,” I mumbled, turning and headed toward the door.

“Jenny.” He grabbed my arm. “You need to stop searching. If you know what’s good for you, you will quit while you’re ahead.”

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” When he didn’t say anything, I continued. “I’m sick of your shit. Because of your influence over my father, he has been keeping secrets from me. I am an equal in this world. I have just as much of a right to be in it as you.”

Ha,” Tyler scoffed. “You’re a woman. You have no rights.”

“You fucking chauvinistic pig,” I screamed, my fist landing against his face. Before I knew what was happening, I lunged for him, beating my small fists against him.

He only laughed, and that made me hit him harder.

“I hate you. I hate what you’ve done to me. I hate how you control my father. I hate you,” I shouted over and over.

Tyler pushed me off of him, flipped me onto my back, and wrapped a hand around my throat. “Little girl, I am the darkness in your fucking nightmares. I made it so you will never forget me. When you’re with Angel, all you will feel is me.” He crashed his lips to mine, shoving his tongue into my mouth.

Bile rose to my throat. Biting down hard, I tore into his lip until a metallic taste wafted through my senses.

He yelped, breaking the contact. “I almost forgot how dirty you liked to play.”

Fuck you,” I said roughly.

“Aww. You see, Jenny, we’ve done that. Many painful and delicious times, I might add.”

“What the fuck is going on in here?”

I jumped at the deep voice coming from the doorway.

“I’m teaching your woman a lesson,” Tyler sneered, releasing me.

I pushed to my feet. “Go to hell, Tyler.”

“Did he hurt you?” Angel searched my face. “There’s blood on your lip. What the actual fuck?”

“I’m fine. I bit him.”

Angel’s eyes brightened, a grunt leaving his lips.

“Piece of advice. She likes it rough.” Tyler leaned his head from side to side, a loud crack sounding in the room.

“You fucking bastard.” Angel charged his way and before Tyler knew it, he was thrown up against the wall.

He grinned.

“Angel,” I cried, attempting to pry him off Tyler.

“You touch my girl again, I’ll feed you to my fucking dog.”

“He’s not worth it,” I wedged myself between them, putting my hands against Angel’s chest to stop him from what I could only imagine would be painful for Tyler. As much as I wanted to see him writhing in pain, it wasn’t worth it. “Angel is more of a man than you will ever be. He’s not a selfish asshole like you.”

“Remember what I said,” Tyler smirked, crossing his arms under his chest.

“You do not get to tell me what to do anymore. Until I find my sister, no matter the outcome, I will not stop. You and my dad will just have to get used to that.” I grabbed Angel’s hand and stomped out of the room. My body vibrated. My heart pounded hard, the blood pumping through my veins.

Loud voices and music pierced my ears, screaming for me to enjoy the party, but I couldn’t. I needed out. I needed away. My feet led us to the table surrounded by Angel’s brothers. The men of Vice-One looked up at us.

“Angel,” I said once I reached their table. The burn of his gaze seared through me. He could make me forget. He could help me get my mind off of everything even if it was just for a moment.

He squeezed my hand. “I’m calling it a night,” he told his brothers, not leaving my side.

They grunted in response, not asking any questions.

Angel wrapped his arm around my shoulders, guiding us outside.

“Jay,” Max called out.

“I’ll call you in the morning,” I told her.

She nodded, giving me a quick hug. “Be safe. We need to talk about Tyler.”


“Okay.” She hugged me again. “Love you.”

“Love you too,” I said, hugging her back.

Angel and I headed outside, the cool air whipping around us. He didn’t say anything as I led us to my bike. He reached a hand out, waiting.

Not even hesitating, I dropped my keys into his open palm. As much as I enjoyed feeling the wind in my hair, that night I wasn’t in the mood. Giving up control, I allowed Angel the freedom to take me wherever he saw fit.

He slid onto the bike, turned it on, and looked back at me, but he didn’t say anything. He didn’t look at me with pity. He didn’t ask where I wanted to go or why I wanted to leave. He just waited.

Taking a breath, I stepped onto the peg and swung my leg over the other side.

“Hold on to me, baby. I won’t let you fall.” His deep voice traveled through me.

Knowing his words meant more than what he said, I pushed my hands up under his hoodie and t-shirt until I touched bare skin. Letting my fingers travel to his hard stomach, I leaned my head against his back. I could feel his length grow where my elbow rested in his lap but he didn’t comment. No dirty talk. No demands. No telling me what to do or what he wanted. It would come. I knew that. And I was ready. Always. But for right then, I reveled in the warmth of his skin burning beneath my touch.

Angel pulled the bike out of the parking lot, driving at the speed limit until we reached the outskirts of town. Once we hit the open road, he sped up, forcing me to hold onto him tighter. I smiled, knowing it was intentional.

My hands moved to his chest, grazing over the bumpy ridges of old scars. The times we had been together, I never paid attention to them. But they told a story. A memory of what happened.

I held onto him like he was only thing that mattered. The one thing that existed in my world. It was just him and me in our journey. Those thoughts surprised me. We had gone into it for the sex. It was amazing and delicious. I had tried to disperse my feelings but I wasn’t stupid. Even I was woman enough to admit that I was attracted to the guy. Who wouldn’t be? He was all Spanish, hard male. A sex god who could make me weak in the knees from just his words. I never believed in that instalove shit; it wasn’t realistic. Of course there was such a thing as instant attraction. We were human. It happened. But it would be a long while before I allowed myself to fall in love again. And even then, I would never say those words unless I was absolutely sure that was it.

A half an hour later, Angel pulled onto a long gravel driveway until we reached a large farmhouse. It was surrounded by trees, hidden from the world by nature.

He shut off the bike, letting me get off first before he put the kickstand down. “This was my parents’ place,” he told me, breaking the silence. “Once I became old enough, I contacted a lawyer and did everything I could to find out as much about them as possible. This house came on the market, and I bought it. Buck and I have been here ever since.”

“I like how it’s not near anything,” I told him, hanging onto his every word. “It’s quiet.”

“It is, but the silence can be loud sometimes.”

I watched him head up the steps and sit on the porch swing. He patted the empty spot beside him.

“Does the silence ever get too loud for you?” I asked, joining him. I curled my feet under me, leaning into his side, and breathed in the spicy scent of his cologne.

“It can.” He kissed my forehead, letting his lips linger. “Want to tell me what happened?”

“I wish I could, but even I don’t know what’s going on.” I sighed, rising to my feet. “The Kings are saying shit, accusing Vice-One of using girls as bait.”

“Well, that’s not exactly true.”

“I didn’t think it was.” I paced back and forth. “I don’t expect to know everything. I know it’s classified information.” I met his gaze. “But I need to know that you will do anything to get these girls home.”

“I won’t lie and say we will get them home, but I will tell you that we will do everything in our power to put an end to this. No matter how long it takes.”

A sigh of relief washed over me. “I’ll take whatever I can get.”

“You have to do what you can, Jay,” Angel said, unlocking the door to his house. “Buck,” he whistled. “Come here, boy.” He flipped on the hallway light.

“I have help,” I reminded him. But he was right; I needed patience. I wasn’t God and even then, I wondered if God could save these girls.

“I know you do but you need to remember that these people are evil. They will do everything they can to not get caught.” He whistled again. “Buck,” he repeated. “Lazy fucker.”

I gasped when a large Rottweiler came barreling toward me. “Hi, Buck.” I crouched down, smothering Buck with hugs and pets. He licked my face, causing me to laugh. “Oh, you are a handsome boy. Yes, you are.” He panted and snuffed, giving me all the kisses he could.

Angel chuckled. “Hey, stop kissing my woman.”

I giggled, rising to my feet. “Jealous, baby?”

“You know it.” Angel grabbed my hand, pulling me against him and smacked a hard peck on my mouth. He swatted my ass, rubbing the slight burn.

I yelped, laughing even harder. “Thank you.”

He cupped my nape, gently tugging my head back. “No thanks needed, princess.”

My heart skipped a beat at the heat in his eyes. Standing on tiptoes, I placed a soft kiss on his mouth.

“Hmm…” His hand moved down my spine to the small of my back, holding me firmly against his hard body. “Your mouth is fucking delicious.”

I smiled, kissing him again, and stepped out of his embrace.

Angel winked at me, heading to the kitchen, and whistled along the way.

I caught the large bulge in his jeans before he had a chance to turn away. That was one thing I liked about him. No matter how turned on he was, he made a point of letting me know exactly how hard I made him. A shiver of desire slid over my skin.

“Beer?” he asked, handing me a bottle.

I took it, brought it to my lips, and sighed once the brew hit my tongue.

He grabbed my hand, sitting on the couch and pulled me onto his lap. “Feel better?”

“I do.” But something was still missing. An idea came to mind. Sliding off his lap, I placed the beer on the table and started stripping.

Surprisingly enough, Angel didn’t say anything, but I could feel his eyes burning their way into my skin.

“Can I wear your shirt?” I asked him, my cheeks heating at the odd question.

“Of course.” He pulled off his hoodie and white t-shirt, handing me the thin cotton.

My mouth watered at the half-naked sight before me. I slid the soft material over my head, savoring the feel of it brushing against my bare skin. The scent of him tickled my nose, my core clenched.

He grabbed the hem of the shirt, pulling me onto his lap and laid us back on the couch. His body curled around mine, his hands softly rubbing up and down my side. The touch was so gentle, so sweet—it made my eyes well up with tears.

Angel pushed his hand beneath the fabric, cupping my breast and kissed my neck. “I enjoy when you smell like me.”

“I enjoy it too,” I whispered, playing with a hem on the cushion.

“Do you feel it?”

I turned onto my back, staring up into his beautiful dark eyes. “I don’t know what it is, but yes, I feel it.”

It is something new.” He cupped my cheek, brushing his thumb over my bottom lip. “It’s something between you and me.”

“Why?” I breathed, kissing his palm.

“Because neither of us have felt it before. It’s new for us. A new journey. A new mission.”

“It scares me,” I confessed. Not even what I had with Tyler scared me so much.

“As it should.” He replaced his thumb with his mouth, brushing his lips over mine.

I breathed him in, taking his scent deep down into my lungs until all I could taste was him.

His mouth moved fluidly over mine—slow, passionate. It was everything I needed and everything I craved. But I wasn’t sure if whatever it was that I had with Angel would be enough.