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Hangry: A sexy contemporary romantic comedy (The Girls Book 1) by Lily Kate (27)

Chapter 29


“That can’t be sanitary.”

“Whaaa?” I’m startled out of a daze, surprised to find my elbows resting on the counter at Minnie’s while a small fire burns in the background. “Oh, crap!”

“I was talking about you drooling all over the place,” Sasha says, sliding onto a stool opposite me. “But yeah, I suppose the smoke is a problem, too.”


“I can’t believe you couldn’t wait a few more days.”

“A few more days for what?”

“To hook up with Bradley Hamilton! Now, thanks to your love life, I owe Kitty a bunch of cookies.”

I flip the piece of bacon off the stove and quickly toss on some more, casting a guilty glance at the older gentleman in the corner who’ll now need to wait a few extra minutes for his breakfast plate to arrive.

I turn and, already distracted, slide the plate of burned bacon over to Sasha. Luis is scheduled for a day off, and at the moment, I don’t have a lot of backup.

She wrinkles her nose and pushes it to the side, reaching up to feel my forehead.

“I’m fine,” I say, swatting her hand away and dumping the bacon into the trash. “Just distracted.”

“If you’re not feverish, you should fire yourself,” she says. “You’d be better off handing the reins over to Rick and just taking a cut of the profits.”

“Ha-ha.” I roll my eyes, finish up the order and, thankfully, by the time the food is delivered and I’ve checked on the rest of my customers, we have a moment of quiet.

“So?” Sasha says. “I haven’t seen you for two days!”

“I’ve been here!”

“Physically, maybe. But your head’s in the clouds.”

I give her a mischievous grin. “Oh, my head’s not in the clouds.”

“The gutter, then! Pull it out for a second and talk to me.”

I blink, fold my hands in front of my body, and lean forward. “What do you want to talk about?”

With exaggerated formality, she mirrors the folding of her hands and leans toward me. “How does it feel being Bradley Hamilton’s girlfriend?”

My hands clasp to my chest and my head sails right back into the clouds. Or the gutter. Some mixture of both, maybe, as I give a loud and happy sigh. “It’s perfect.”

“As good as you expected?”



“Right? I’ve been dreaming of this day for years. Even if I didn’t exactly know it, and now it’s here. I don’t think anything could ruin my day for the rest of my life.”

“Don’t jinx yourself, Lex,” Sasha says. “It’s only been two days.”

“Two amazing days.”

“Did you stay over there both nights?”

“Sort of.” I make a silly face at her. “We like to switch things up.”

“Lexi Monroe! How many times have you guys had—”

I wave her off as the older gentleman from the corner flags me over for the check. After I run his card, chatting politely for a few moments, I return to the counter and face Sasha’s impatient expression.

Seven,” I whisper with no shortage of glee. Then I hold up one full hand of fingers and two more, just in case she can’t count.

“Seven?! Get outta town.”

“Well, twice the first night, twice the next day, twice yesterday.”

“That’s six.”

I give her googly eyes.

“This morning?” Sasha’s mouth is wide open. “You two need to get a life. Normal people don’t have time for that.”

“You’re just jealous.”

“Damn right I am! Where do I find a guy with that sort of stamina?”

“I’m sure Lucas has some teammates. Bradley might know some guys from his gym, or—”

“I don’t mean right this second,” she says with an eyeroll. “It’s rhetorical. Anyway, do you guys ever talk? Or eat? Sleep?”

“We talk plenty,” I say, waggling my eyebrows. “Does champagne count as fruit? We’ve mostly been ordering pizza. Now that we’re hanging out again, Marcello is ecstatic. He only has to make one stop.”

“You should really leave him a great tip. He’s the one who reconnected you guys in a way.”

“Well, the elevator reconnected us, but you have a point. We will leave a generous tip tonight.”

“Again? You can’t eat pizza, have sex, and repeat for the rest of your life.”

“I sometimes work in there. I’m here now, aren’t I?”

“Yes, drooling over your counter and burning the bacon.”

“That, too.”

Sasha finally cracks a smile and lets up on the inquisition. “I’m really glad you’re happy, Lex. Brad seems great, and you two are perfect for each other.”

“I hope so, I really do. But it’s soon.”

“Is it? The two of you have known each other for years. If I’d have known you guys in your younger years, I would’ve called the two of you ending up together.”

“Apparently everyone already has,” I say, ticking off my fingers. “My mother, Kitty, now you...ninety percent of our high school. We were the last ones to figure it out.”

“That’s how it always goes. Lex? I think you have a new customer.”

I groan, not quite ready to dismiss this conversation. Lately, I like everything to do with Brad. Talking to him, talking with him, talking about him. Savoring the moments when we can finally be together, which has been every moment for these last few days excluding work hours.

My groan fades to nothing, however, when my eyes land on the gentleman at the table in the furthest corner. I recognize him, and his sleazy little suit, and the smirk on his face.

Bill’s the name. I read it on the printout from the last receipt. “Jerk,” I mutter under my breath. “I don’t want to go over there.”

Sasha’s eyes widen. “Did I miss something?”

“The real estate guy,” I hiss. “He’s back.”

Sasha sneaks a glance. “Oh, hell no. What do you think he’s doing here? I figured he gave it up.”

“Me too. Chalked it up to a weird coincidence.”

“Want me to go over there?”

“No, last time Kitty figured things out. This time I have to do it.”

I take two steps toward the man in the suit, but I’m stunned into silence before I move past the counter. Walking through the front door, his eyes landing on Bill, is none other than Chris Krause, my landlord.

“What’s Chris doing here?” Sasha whispers, the panic gathering in her eyes. “This can’t be good.”

“The jerk is probably trying to buy the property out from under Chris,” I say, the pieces finally connecting.

“But it’s not for sale.”

“Look at Chris.” My point is proven as the man moves at the pace of molasses across the room, leaning on every table along the way. He can barely see the floor under his feet through his thick-lensed glasses. “This is prime real estate, and sooner or later—”

“Don’t say it,” Sasha murmurs.

“Sooner or later, Chris will want to retire, or sell, or move on from the property. I’ll bet you this guy is trying to get a jump on it, or at least a read on the situation.”

“Well, he can’t do that.”

“I’m not sure we can stop him.”

“There’s got to be a way.” Sasha peers up at me through big eyes. “If our rent gets jacked up, neither of us can afford to stay here. And that’s if they don’t kick us out first.”

“Let me find out what’s happening.” I once again move from behind the counter, but this time I’m stopped by another figure coming through the door. One of the last people I’d ever expected to see here. “Leo?”

Brad’s business partner looks up and spies me from his spot near the front entrance. “Hey, you’re Lexi, right? Brad’s friend.”

I nod as Leo extends a hand, and we shake. “What brings you around here? Can I get you a table?”

“I’m actually meeting a few friends.”

“Oh?” I glance around the restaurant, but there’s nobody waiting for another party, as far as I can tell. There’s a younger couple, an older trio of ladies, and a group of regulars.

“Right over there.” To my horror, he nods toward Bill and Chris. I must look surprised because he clarifies. “Business meeting.”

I try to mumble a response, but it comes out garbled. So, I skip the response and pull him to the side while I think. “Can I talk to you for a second?”

“Sure, what’s wrong?”

I glance up at Leo, who’s handsome in a Ken Doll sort of way. He lacks the ruggedness of Brad, and he’s far too manicured for my taste. “Do you know what’s happening over there?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, I know Bill is in real estate, and Chris...he’s my landlord. I don’t like the idea of them discussing business.”

“I’m shocked this is coming as a surprise to you.”

“Which part has you shocked?”

“The part where Brad didn’t tell you about this.”

“Hold on...” I pause, my chest constricting. “Brad knew about this?”

“It was his idea. He knows Bill from school or something a long time ago.”

“High school,” I mumble, suddenly recognizing the upperclassman who’d been years ahead of me. “But why?”

“Our gym is feeling a little bit tight in our home base. We’re looking to expand to a second location.”

“A second...what? Not here!”

“You’ve gotta admit, it’s a great location.”

“But what about me? What about Sasha?”

“I’m sorry, I could’ve sworn Brad had said he’d talk to you about this. You haven’t heard?”

“Nope.” I pop the ‘p’ extra hard, leaving the word to hang there. “Uh, sorry to put you in an awkward spot, but do you know if this is a done deal? Am I losing my diner?”

He shifts from one foot to the next. “It’s not a done deal. That’s what today is all about. We just need Chris to agree.”

“He won’t, will he?”

“Look at him.” Leo tilts his chin toward the corner where Chris is digging in his nose with a handkerchief. An alarming amount of hair sticks straight out of his ears. “I hope to be retired at that age. All I need to do is convince him.”

“But my diner!”

“I’m sorry, it’s nothing personal.” Leo takes a step back, raises his hands. “I respect you, and your business, but it’s just that. Business.”

“Just business,” I repeat. “Right.”

“I’m really sorry to blindside you like this. Like I said, I figured Brad would’ve told you first. You guys are together, aren’t you?”

“We’ll have to see,” I say through gritted teeth. “Thanks for the information.”

“I suppose this makes things awkward now.” Leo slaps a hand across his forehead. “I came here figuring you’d already known about this. Otherwise, I would’ve picked a different place.”

“No, go ahead and take a seat. I’m actually finishing up here and my assistant is going to take over.”

As Leo walks away, I storm back to Sasha and hook her arm through mine, dragging her into the back office. I take one look at the couch, am reminded of the too recent prom night events, and pull her into the back alley.

“Well, hello, whiplash,” Sasha grumbles. “What’s going on?”

“That’s Brad’s business partner,” I say, pointing back inside. “Leo.”

“And? I mean, I suppose he’s kind of cute in that really slick sort of way, but he’s not my type. I prefer a tad more rugged.”

“No! He came here to tell me that Brad and he are expanding their business.”

“That’s great!”

“Yeah, I’d think so too, but they’re expanding right into Minnie’s.”

“Wait, what?”

“Yes, that’s exactly what I said. What?”

“No, seriously. They can’t do that.”

“Apparently they’re trying to work out some deal with Chris to send him into early retirement, and by the looks of their little pow wow over there, it’s working.”

“The bastard!”

“Chris isn’t the problem! I mean, technically yes, he’s a problem, but he’s not my biggest one!”

“True. Leo is an asshole if he’s the one who scheduled the meeting here, and... oh.” She looks up, her eyes flickering with pain as she surveys me. “Brad.”

“Bradley,” I correct. “He didn’t breathe a word of this to me!”

“Do you think there’s an explanation?”

I give her a stern stare, and even she relents and shrugs off the suggestion.

“There’s no way he can explain this away.” I cross my arms, torn between wanting to punch the wall and needing to spare my energy to give Bradley a piece of my mind. “What was he thinking? Do you think he was waiting to tell me until he slept with me?”

Sasha’s still not looking convinced, and this annoys me.

“What?” I lash out at her, and instantly regret it. “I’m sorry, I’m not mad at you, but this sucks.”

“Maybe you’re overreacting.”

“Overreacting? I’m on the verge of losing my business and my livelihood. Do you think that was his plan this whole time? Gee whiz, maybe if Lexi loses her career and can’t afford her own apartment, she’ll have to move in with me.”

“I really don’t think—”

“I specifically told him that I didn’t want to sleep together until we could be sure things would work out. Or at least give it a fair shot. Do you call this a fair shot?”

Sasha seems too hesitant to give me any sort of real answer.

“Maybe Leo convinced him that this is all just business,” I say, continuing on my rampage. “That kicking his best friend, and now girlfriend, out of her workspace is just a business strategy.”

“I really don’t think—”

“Hello, honey,” I say, mimicking a high-pitched voice. “I just lost my diner today, but don’t worry, it’s fine. It’s just business. Now give me a kiss and let’s go paint together.”


“I’m frazzled, okay? I couldn’t think of anything else.”

“Breathe.” Sasha finally corrals me against the wall, her hands pinning my arms to my sides. “Breathe in and out, and in and out. Just a few times. For me. Please.”

I huff and puff until she looks appeased. “I’m still upset.”

“Of course. And you have every right to be upset. But listen to me for a moment.”

I exhale long and slow, then huddle my arms around my body. “Okay, fine. I’m listening.”

“Brad seems to be completely enamored with you—we can all see it. Didn’t he tell you he loved you?”

“Yes, but—”

“Fine. And you told him back?”

“Yes, but—”

“A yes or no answer is all I need,” she chastises, and I fall quiet. “You two love each other. He’s head over heels for you. When you said that you didn’t want to have sex for months, that didn’t deter him in the slightest.”

“Maybe it was all part of some stupid game.”

“No, I really don’t think so.”

“Then what do you think?”

“I don’t know what to think.” Sasha finally winces and steps back. “I admit it looks bad, and I admit Brad has a lot of explaining to do. But I just can’t believe he’d go through with this knowing how much it would hurt you. He worked so hard to get you; he wouldn’t ruin it like this.”

“Well, apparently he did.”

“What if he didn’t know?”

“Nope. Leo said he was surprised Brad hadn’t told me. Then Leo apologized for being here because things were probably going to be awkward.”

“What’d you tell him?”

“I told him to take a seat. What else was I going to say? My mind’s not working at full capacity. I said my shift was almost over and my assistant is taking over.”

Sasha stiffens. “Who’s your assistant?”

“Please, please, please,” I beg. “Please help me.”

“I’m not good at any of this stuff!”

“You don’t need to be. I’m going out of business anyway. Slap some toast on a plate and call it a day.”


“I have to go talk to Bradley.”

“Call Rick,” she says with a sigh. “I’m going to need backup.”

“I’ll get Rick to pop over. I don’t think I should be long.”

“Where are you going?”

“Home. He’s already back from work.”

“Fine, but Lex, I think you should listen to what he has to say.”

“Not only did he agree to expand into my place—even if it doesn’t go through, it doesn’t matter. He went behind my back. That’s not what a team does, or a partner, and especially not a boyfriend.”

“I just think if you love him, and if he loves you, you both deserve a chance to talk, and you both owe the other a listen.”

“Fine. But don’t hold your breath.”




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