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Her Baby Donor: He's doing her the old-fashioned way. by Chance Carter (39)

I put my phone back down without reading the rest of the messages. I had no interest in seeing what Steph was saying. I needed a break from all the drama. First that new chick from out of town, now Steph.

I needed to focus on getting the job done.

Paul looked up from the engine he was working on.

“Who was it?”

“You know who.”

“What was so urgent.”

I shrugged.

“Hell if I know. I’ll get back to her later.”

“Did you even read her texts?”

I shook my head.

“I’m at work, Paul. She can wait.”

“Man. What is up with you lately? The scene last night? And now Steph?”

“What do you care?”

“I fucking care, man. Don’t you think you’ve strung Steph along long enough?”

“I never strung her along.”

“Yeah, right. It’s clear to the entire town she’s in love with you.”

“Fuck you,” I said, feeling defensive.

“No, fuck you, Kane. You need to either show Steph some commitment or cut her loose.”

“Oh, really, Paul? You’re going to go there now?”

“Why shouldn’t I? I’ve watched you play with her long enough. I get you’ve got your issues and all, but you’re being a selfish dick and I’m sick of watching it.”

“Issues?” I said, pulling hard on my wrench.

A bolt was stuck and as Paul kept yakking, my grip on the wrench slipped, crashing my fist against a sharp edge of sheet metal. Blood poured all over the engine.

“Fuck,” I yelled, pulling the rag from my back pocket and tying it around my hand.

I looked at Paul. He sighed and went to the first aid kit on the wall. He opened it and took out some bandages and alcohol.

“Come here,” he said.

I held out my hand and he untied the rag.

“Nice work, buddy.”

“Yeah, thanks. I’m a real pro at life, lately.”

“This is going to sting,” he said, opening the bottle of alcohol.

“Don’t pretend you’re not enjoying this.”

He gave me a wink then poured the alcohol over the gash in my hand. It stung like hell and I winced.

“Look, all I’m saying is Steph is a cool chick, Kane.”

He wrapped a clean bandage around my hand and taped it up.

“She wants to get more serious with you. Why don’t you give her the chance?”

“She told you that?”

He looked away then looked back at me. “Yes.”

“So she talks about us with you?”

“Yes. You got a problem with that too?”

I sighed. “I’m sorry, man. I know I’m a real pain in the ass lately. I’m surprised you’re still my friend.”

“I’ll always be your friend, Kane.”

“And I thought I had problems,” I said, smiling.

He hit me on the arm and I relaxed a little.

“Paul, I know what she wants. I know she’s a great girl, too. And I know she deserves better.”


“But you saw first hand what happened last time I let someone in. My whole world fell apart. It destroyed me. I can’t take that risk again.”

He looked at me and the look of sympathy on his face made me feel ashamed. You know things are bad when your best friend pities you.

Another text came in and I sighed.

It was from Steph.

“I’m coming to the shop.”

“Oh, great,” I said.

“What did she say?”

“She’s on her way here. Just what I need.”

“Look, dude. Just talk to her. She deserves that much. She’s been holding out hope you’ll come around, but if that’s not happening, you need to let her go.”

“Maybe you’re right.”

“Just call her, man. She’s not a monster. She’s on your side.”

“Thanks, Paul.”

Paul shrugged.

“Don’t worry about the boat. I’m on it.”

I dialed Steph’s number and walked out of the shop to the parking lot. It took her no time to answer.

“Finally. What the hell, Kane? Why have you been ignoring me?”

“Steph, come on. I had music playing. I couldn’t hear the phone.”

“Did you even read my texts or listen to the voicemail messages I left?”

“No. I haven’t had time. But here I am. What’s so important that it can’t wait?”

“Why are you talking to me like that? What did I do wrong?”

“Nothing Steph. I just want to know what’s the big emergency all of a sudden?”

She sighed. I knew this was difficult for her so I stopped giving her a hard time.

“Kane. I know you said you’re not looking for anything serious, but we’ve been spending a lot of time together and I really feel like there’s an amazing connection between us.”


“Please, let me finish. I’ve been calm, I’ve been patient, and I’ve respected all of your boundaries. I’ve shown you kindness, compassion. When I’m with you, I feel happy. Each time I see you, I feel myself fall a little more in love with you. But something’s missing. After we make love, you’re so cold toward me. It kills me on the inside. I don’t want to feel that way anymore. I want to be with you, Kane. To really be with you. I want to spend time with you, not just sex. I want us to take this next step.”

I let out a long sigh. I knew what I was about to say was going to break this girl’s heart. She was right. She’d been kind to me. She’d been nothing but good. She didn’t deserve this. But if there’s one thing life taught me, it’s that life isn’t fair. Life is a motherfucker.

“I don’t want that Steph. Not with you. Not with anyone. I’m not ready.”

She went silent. It was like I could hear her heart shatter through the phone. I kept explaining.

“I’ve been clear with you from the very start. I’m sorry you felt there was something more. But there isn’t. There never will be.”

She wasn’t saying anything back. I could tell she was crying. What was with all the crying women lately?

Was it something in air? Or was it that I was just the world’s biggest asshole.

I heard her take a deep breath.

“I can’t believe this is happening,” she gasped, tears choking her words. “I really believed there was something real between us, Kane.”

I said nothing and she continued.

“I can’t believe this. I can’t fucking believe this. I’m leaving town. I have to. I can’t be here.”

I didn’t know what to say, but it didn’t matter because she kept talking.

“Good luck finding another woman. I know your heart was broken, and I’m sorry, but you’ll never feel happy again if you keep hiding behind a brick wall. It’s making you cold and distant. You’re keeping everyone who cares about you out. It must be lonely being you. I feel sorry for you Kane.”

I knew where she was headed and I spoke up to change the subject.

“Where will you go?”

“To my sister’s in Colorado.”

She paused, as if giving me a chance to tell her not to go.

“Good bye,” I said.

She hung up. Conversations like this had come up between us in the past, but without fail, after a few days, or a few beers, we’d find our way back to each other. It had become an addiction for both of us. This time was different. It was really over. And I was glad.

She deserved better. If I was being honest with myself, I knew I was just filling a void with her, the void Carolyn left the day I lost her.



I noticed a newspaper box across the street as I walked out of the café. I grabbed a copy of the local paper and headed toward the pier. The whole area was crawling with people, but I felt like I was alone in my own world. My mind was consumed with thoughts as I walked to the nearest empty bench.

Maybe the reason I was feeling so on edge was because of all the uncertainty. I needed a plan. Was I going to stay in Pismo Beach? Or should I take Kane’s advice and leave. If I left, where would I go? And who was to say my luck in the next town would be any better? There must have been an asshole like Kane in every town.

Did I really believe I could make it on my own?

Did I even know how to? Did I even want to? Maybe I should go back to Palo Alto, I thought. Maybe I should just go back to Matt. Maybe after being roughed up by the Brotherhood, he’d finally learned his lesson and was ready to be the husband I needed.

In that moment, I remembered about the thirty-seven unread texts on my phone. I had been so distracted in the café that I forgot to check them. I reached for my phone and saw messages from my mom and a group text with two of my best friends.

I was only interested in the messages from Matt.

He had sent so many that he’d practically written a novel. I wasn’t sure I was ready to face what he had to say to me. Under his name, I could see the preview of his last message.

“You made a big mistake walking out on me. You’ll never make it on your own, Meadow.”

I dragged my finger to the left over his message, and deleted the entire thread. I didn’t need to read what else he had to say. That was enough. From that day on, I was determined to prove him wrong. To prove everyone wrong. To prove to myself that I could make it on my own. I was capable of it.

Matt was always so controlling and overbearing, he never even gave me the opportunity to learn or grow as my own person. I blocked his phone number and instantly felt a weight lift off my shoulders.

I put my phone away and looked around. To the right were beautiful rolling hills stretching out in the distance. Down on the water, a group of seven guys were out with their surf boards, joking and laughing with each other. The beach was busy with all kinds of people, young families playing on the water’s edge, runners, tourists taking pictures, small groups getting surf lessons. Everyone was so happy. The pier was buzzing.

Something about being there felt right.

Beside me on the bench, amongst all the graffiti, a message carved into the wood caught my eye. It simply said, You belong here. If that wasn’t a direct message from God, I didn’t know what was.

I smiled to myself. All right Pismo Beach. Let’s do this.

I sat there, not quite sure what my first step should be as a strong, independent woman. It was all so new to me.

I needed an apartment. It would be so exciting getting my own place. Getting to pick all new paint colors, furniture, accessories. A space that was truly my own, reflecting my own personal style with no influence from Matt or anyone else. I’d never had that in my entire life.

I opened the newspaper and flipped to the For Rent section. There were quite a few options, some that sounded really great but they all had ridiculously high rent prices. I couldn’t believe that rent was so expensive in a little beach town. With the money I withdrew the night before, I would have been able to cover a security deposit and get by for a few months, but it would have burned through my safety net pretty quickly.

Plus, I knew I’d come off sketchy to any potential landlord.  

I could just picture it.

Yes sir, that’s correct. I have no references and no job, but I do however have this questionable wad of cash.

Getting a job was definitely the first logical step in my new I-don’t-need-a-man life. I flipped to the Help Wanted section and a photograph of Kane instantly jumped out at me. There he was, topless, obviously just getting out of the water, pulling a white tank-top over his perfectly sculpted muscles. I let out an ironic laugh. That guy was everywhere I looked.

The ad was for Beach Body Automotive and Marine Repair. Very clever Kane. You obviously have the perfect beach body. Why not flaunt it?

I so wanted to hate his stupid shop and laugh at him for putting a topless picture of himself in his ad. Talk about whoring yourself out! But all I could think was oh-my-God-look-at-that-beach-body. Those perfectly sculpted pecs and abs made me wet just looking at them.

Damn him. Damn him and his super sexy surfer beach body.

I added his name to my mental list of people I was going to prove wrong and started reading through the Help Wanted ads. It wasn’t long before I felt discouraged by that section too. There were plenty of options, but the majority of them were looking for someone with experience or specific education or training. I dug a little deeper for the entry level positions.

A shoe store was hiring and willing to train. I wondered if I could actually spend my day around strangers’ feet. The potential of a staff discount made me consider it, but the potential of foot odors and fungus feet made me move on to the next ad. A few dishwasher positions, garbage pickup for the local parks department, some places looking for delivery drivers. My stomach sank as reality sunk in. Paying the rent wasn’t going to be easy.

I fiddled with my engagement ring necklace, moving it nervously between my fingers as I questioned again if I actually had what it took to make it on my own.

Even if any of those employers decided to give me a job, was it really what I wanted to be doing with my new life? With my lack of experience and no education beyond high school, I’d never be able to get a job that would give me the comfort and lifestyle I was used to. I stopped twirling my ring and held it away from my chest. I looked down at the giant diamond that was surrounded by even more diamonds.

Behind the sparkle and flash of my, I’ll admit it, obnoxious engagement ring, I spotted an ad for a local pawn and jewelry exchange shop. I quickly closed the paper and made my way to my car, typing the name of the jewelry store into my phone as I walked.

It was only five minutes away, perfect.

I drove straight to the pawn shop and took off the necklace as I walked inside. I had no idea what it was worth, but I was sure the money would help me avoid having to get any of those jobs, at least for a while.

“I’d like to have this appraised,” I said as I removed the ring from the chain and handed it to the clerk who worked there.

He was an old guy with shaggy white hair and a beard and he looked at the ring and then at me.

“Wow lady, I’ve never had a ring like this come in before. I’m not even sure I’d be able to re-sell it.”

“I need to get rid of it.”

He let out a little laugh and took out a magnifying glass, looking at the diamonds more closely.

“Well, at first glance, unless I’m mistaken, I’d say you’re probably looking at over one-hundred thousand dollars for a rock like this. I’d have to take some photos and send them to an appraiser in New York, but this is an expensive ring, lady.”

I took the ring from him and looked at it more closely. I was in shock that Matt would actually spend that much money on something for me. It was so much, and especially for when we got engaged. He wasn’t making half as much then as he was now. It really was quite the grand gesture. I hadn’t realized it at the time. He must have really loved me to have spent that much money on something that represented his love for me and our commitment to each other.

Matt’s family wasn’t close. He hadn’t had a very warm upbringing. In all of the years I was with him, I’m not sure I ever saw him hug his father, or even his mother. I never heard them say I love you to each other.

I started to wonder if maybe gifts were the only way Matt knew how to show his love.

I looked up at the jeweler.

“I’m sorry,” I said. “I’m making a huge mistake. I can’t sell this to you.”



I rushed back to my car, fumbled with the seatbelt, and pulled out of the parking spot without even checking for traffic first. I made my way back to the highway and got on the north ramp. Next thing I knew, I had flown past the exit for my motel. I just kept driving and gaining speed.

Up ahead, I noticed a sign that said Paso Robles forty-three miles, Salinas one-hundred thirty-nine miles and Palo Alto two-hundred thirteen miles. The words Palo Alto stared me in the face as they got closer and closer. I was on the road that would take me right back. I was driving over eighty miles an hour and the sign was getting close fast. Before it got too close, I merged my way across the highway, without signaling, cutting off the cars behind me. I ignored the sound of angry horns and just barely made it to the last exit for Pismo Beach.

After a few turns on side roads, I was back at the same lookout spot as earlier that morning. I pulled into the parking lot, got out and walked toward a patch of wildflowers at the edge of the cliff.

Without hesitation I flung my engagement ring into the ocean.

I watched as it fell through the air before eventually hitting the water and disappearing from my life forever.

My engagement ring didn’t symbolize love, and I wondered if it ever had. It was nothing but a symbol of a broken, loveless marriage that was built on betrayal and lies. There was nothing in that marriage worth going back to, nothing worth holding on to. I was always so sure I was happy with Matt, but I began to wonder if I even knew what real happiness felt like.

I could have sold the ring, sure, and I would have gotten a lot of money for it. But that money would have been tainted, and it would have tainted the new life I was determined to start here in Pismo Beach. I wanted nothing to do with Matt, the ring, or his money. I didn’t need any of it.

It really was the day I would start a new life. My own life. A life built completely by me. On my own.

I didn’t need or want anyone’s help. I felt a sense of determination I’d never felt before. I was nervous, but it was an excited nervous. I knew I meant it, and for the first time I believed I could do it. I had been given a blank slate, and I thanked God for it.

Feeling energized, I turned on the spot and ran back to my car. My foot caught in the roots of the wildflowers and before I knew it, I was midair and going down fast. My hands broke my fall, and I burst into laughter. I stood up and brushed the dirt off my hands and knees while I looked around to see if anyone had witnessed my clumsiness.

Thankfully, I was alone.

I took my minor stumble as another message from God, saying that maybe the best way to my new life was at a slower, steady pace. I chuckled again and walked back to my car, fastened my seatbelt, checked all my mirrors, and headed back to town.

I came to a stop sign at the intersection the café was on. While I checked left and right to make sure I could proceed, a Help Wanted sign in the café window caught my eye. I couldn’t believe it. I crossed the intersection and pulled into a parking spot across the street, got out, and walked through the front door.

“Hey hun, did you forget something?” Sandra said from across the busy restaurant.

She seemed happy to see me again. She was walking back to the kitchen with her arms full of dirty dishes and a notepad of new orders. A bunch of new customers waited at the entrance for a clean table.

“Sandra, you guys are hiring?” I asked timidly as I walked toward her.

“Oh my God, you’re hired. Can you start right now?”

She laughed like she was joking, but I could tell she was serious.

“I could start right now, but I have to be honest, I have zero experience. Like, none.”

“Do you know how to take dirty dishes off a table and put them in a bucket?”

“I think I could figure it out.”

“Well, what are you waiting for, girl?”

She tossed me an apron.

“You’ll pick up the rest as you go.”

I caught the apron and couldn’t believe it.

Did I actually just get my first job?

It was all happening. I tied the apron behind my back, grabbed a dish bucket and cloth, and headed out to start clearing tables. I would never have pictured myself so happy to be getting my hands dirty in other people’s food scraps, but there I was, smiling from ear to ear.

The day flew by. Sandra and I made an amazing team. It was crazy and hectic, but so much fun. Even though she was swamped, she really helped me learn the ropes and was so patient. Near the end of the day, she even encouraged me to take a few orders. My feet were aching, but I felt great.

Sandra walked to the front door, locked it, flipped the sign to closed, leaned back against door, and let out a huge sigh of relief.

“We did it, Meadow, and you were amazing. You did great. Thank you for saving the day.”

I laughed nervously.

“Oh, you know me. Saving the day’s my speciality.”

She laughed.

I was never much good at taking compliments, but her words meant the world to me. I’d never been told I was good at a job before. I smiled bashfully and picked up a cloth.

“So what should I do first to start closing?”

I wanted Sandra to know she wouldn’t regret giving me the job. I wanted to prove I was hardworking and competent.

“Oh, cleaning up can wait a few minutes. We deserve a break. Have a seat.”

She put two coffee mugs on the counter in front of me. She then bent down and popped back up with a chilled bottle of white wine and a sly smile on her face.

“Wait. Uh oh. Why did you make that face? Don’t you like wine?”

Sandra must have caught me cringing when I saw the bottle. I guess it had become an automatic reaction for me.

“Oh. Well. I used to love wine, but I’ve avoided it like the plague recently.”

“Ha, did you party a little too hard? I had to take a serious break from Vodka after a night out gave me the worst three-day hangover of my life. I couldn’t even come close to the stuff for months,” she said, filling our mugs with wine anyway.

“No. Worse. Remember earlier when I was causing a scene with all my crying?”

“Vaguely,” she replied with a friendly wink.

“And how I mentioned I had a cheating husband?”

“Yup. That ass,” she said, coming around the counter to sit next to me.

“Well, the last time I caught him cheating, it turned out to be more than just a random one night stand. He was having a full blown affair with a woman from out of the city. For two years.”

“Ouch. How did you find out? And what does this have to do with wine?”

“I started to notice that his work trips were a lot more frequent and longer than usual. He was never home. It got to the point that I was feeling like I was always alone. Just the thought of him cheating on me again was too much. I ignored it for a long time, but it eventually became impossible to ignore.”

“So you confronted him?”

“Not quite, but one day, very early in the morning, before the sun was even up, Matt came into our room to kiss me goodbye before leaving on yet another work trip. I offered to give him a ride to the airport so we could spend more time together, but he declined. He said he didn’t have enough time to wait for me to get ready.”

“But you were feeling suspicious?”

“Damn right I was. The second I heard the garage door opening, I threw off the covers and was already dressed with my hair and makeup done. I got in my car and followed him as he drove away. I’m not proud that I became that type of woman, but he gave me no choice.”

“Of course. You had to know what was going on.”

“I stayed a few cars behind him on the highway, as he drove past all the exits for the airport. I felt sick Sandra, so sick. He never went to the airport, he drove out to the valley. I followed him all the way there, then parked a safe distance from his car once he finally stopped. I watched as this gorgeous woman walked out to meet him.”

“Oh, God,” Sandra said, taking a sip of her wine.

“Matt got out of the car, gave her a kiss, opened the door for her, and they drove off. I couldn’t handle it. I couldn’t handle seeing my husband treating another woman like that. Never in my life did Matt open a car door for me. I had seen enough and I drove back home.”

“That’s awful. Did you call him on it when he got home? I would have had all his stuff burning on the front lawn. What did you do?”

“Nothing. I couldn’t. If I said something, he’d know I followed him. Plus if I acknowledged it, it would have become real. At least, that was my logic at the time. I always denied to myself what was happening, but this one got the best of me. I got snoopy. I checked his texts and read their emails. That’s when I realized it was a full blown, emotional affair. There was never any mention of me, his wife. She didn’t even know I existed. This woman was in love with him, and he was in love with her. He was living a double life and I just wanted to die.”

“Meadow! He’s sick. I’m so sorry.”

“I became obsessed with her. I creeped her online constantly. Her name was Lacey. I wanted to know why Lacey was so much better than me. What did she have that I didn’t? It hurt like hell, but I needed to understand why Matt was choosing to spend his time with her, and not me. I did so much digging that eventually I found out she owned a wine business with another woman in the valley.”

“I see,” Sandra said, motioning toward the wine.

“One day, it was like I became possessed. I felt like I had no control over my thoughts or actions. Next thing I knew, I had driven back to the valley and I was in the parking lot of her business.”

“You didn’t!”

“I did!”

“Did you go in? Did you call her out? Did you give her a piece of your mind?”

“I didn’t. I just went in to buy wine. I wanted to see her up close. I wanted to look her in the eye. I wanted to see what was so great about her. The worst part was that she seemed great. She was friendly, helpful and beautiful. I instantly regretted that I was there. I took the first bottle of wine that she recommended and got the hell out.”

“That’s awful, Meadow.”

“I felt numb, Sandra. In a sudden fit of rage, I threw the bottle of wine against a dumpster and screamed. I got back in my car and burst into tears. I drove around the block, out of sight, and that’s where I sat for hours, crying.”

“Well now I completely understand your aversion to wine.”

“That wasn’t even the final straw.”

“It gets worse?”

“Eventually, there was a weekend that Matt actually spent at home with me. In the morning he rolled over and pulled me close to him. I melted into his arms. It had been forever since he’d held me like that, and despite everything, it felt nice. He reached his head over, close to mine, and gave me a kiss on the cheek before saying ‘Good morning my beautiful, Lacey’.”

“No. No, no, no,” Sandra cried, in a state of gut-wrenching horror.

“That’s the moment things got ugly. I’ve never been the type to yell, but I yelled. I yelled and I screamed at him. I told him I knew all about Lacey and that I was done letting her ruin our home and marriage. I also told him I knew about the other women too.”

“What did he have to say for himself?” Sandra said, still in shock.

“At first, he tried the usual tactics of buying me off with gifts, but it didn’t work this time. I told him I’d followed him. I told him I’d read his emails. I told him I’d been face to face with her. I could tell he felt awful. He apologized and begged me not to leave him, but it wasn’t enough. I needed him to prove to me that it was over and he was ending it with her.”

“What did he say to that?”

“He said he would talk to her and call it off, but I didn’t trust him. I made him sit next to me while he called. I needed to hear him say the words, to her that it was over. She didn’t answer, but he left a voicemail calling it off and telling her they wouldn’t be seeing each other again.”

“I would have done the same thing. How could you ever trust him after what he’d put you through? So was that it?”

“Well, the affair ended, and things got a bit better, but it didn’t last. I should have known we’d never be able to recover from the betrayal. As time went on, Matt made it clear he didn’t want to lose me. The expensive gifts kept coming. Deep down, I knew he was just worried about his reputation. A failed marriage wasn’t an option for him.”

“Jerk,” Sandra said.

“With each expensive, meaningless gift, I felt myself pulling further away. I couldn’t look him in the eye anymore. I felt such rage and resentment toward him. He felt like a stranger to me. He took my love and devotion for granted. I’m not sure I’ll ever trust another man.”

“I get it,” Sandra said holding up my mug of wine to me. “Girl, you need a drink.”  

I tanked the mug. It tasted delicious.

We both laughed hysterically. The combination of exhaustion and empty stomachs was enough to make us both tipsy very quickly.

Sandra was the only person I’d ever told the whole story to. Talking about it felt therapeutic.

I poured myself another mug of wine and we clinked our cups as a solid friendship began to take form. For the first time in a long time, I was feeling good. It really felt amazing to talk about what had happened with someone I could trust and who didn’t judge me.

No more secrets.

No more shame.

“Let’s clean this place up and head to the brewery to grab some dinner and more alcohol,” Sandra said as she turned up the music and we both got to work.



Paul and I were able to get the boat finished so early we even finished two other jobs after it. It was a productive day at the shop and it felt good. Finally putting closure on the Steph thing really helped me focus.

We decided to reward ourselves by cracking open a couple beers. That’s not to say we don’t have the same reward on our unproductive days.

There were only two beers left in the shop fridge, which we made short work of. After, we were both starving, so Paul suggested we head down to the brewery to eat.

“Very funny,” I said. “You banned me last night.”

“I’m in a forgiving mood,” he said.

I hit him on the shoulder and we made our way. It wouldn’t take long for our friends to show up there too. Life really was predictable in old Pismo Beach. I liked it. I liked my world quiet and predictable.

“So, have you heard anything back from Steph?” Paul asked as we waited for our pints at the bar.

“No. Nothing. Which is strange for her. I think she knows it’s really over. Which is a relief.”

“You think she really left for her sister’s?”

I shrugged.

“I don’t know, but it would be nice not to run into her for a few days, that’s for sure.”

Suddenly we were distracted by the howling laughter of women. We looked behind us at the entrance and watched Sandra walk in, almost in tears from laughing so hard. She had clearly had a few drinks already and was having a great time.

Right behind her, an equally drunk and equally happy Meadow walked in. They made their way to the end of the bar, laughing and making enough noise that the entire place had their attention.

“I’d like a glass of your finest white wine,” Meadow blurted out to the bartender. “Today is a new day and me and white wine are friends again.”

The bartender shrugged and went to get the drinks.

Meadow and Sandra burst out laughing and everyone around just looked confused. They were clearly finding themselves very amusing.

“That’s the woman from last night,” Paul said under his breath.

“I know who it is. I already saw her today,” I said to him, trying to avoid getting her attention.

“You did? You didn’t tell me that. When?”

“With all the Steph stuff, I didn’t think of it.”

“What happened? Where did you see her?”

“We ran into each other at the café. I went over to apologize.”

“Good,” Paul said, cutting me off mid-sentence. “I was beginning to worry about you.”

“Worry I was turning into a complete asshole?”

Paul nodded.

I let out a quiet laugh.

“Well, don’t relax too much. It didn’t go well.”

“Oh come on. Why not?”

I looked at Paul. He was shaking his head, like he was beginning to lose all faith in me.

“I don’t know man. I just lost it again. There’s something about her.”

“You lost it again? What’s wrong with you?”

“I told her I was sorry about what happened here. She was nice about it. We were getting on fine.”

“And then?”

“And then she mentioned that she watched me surfing this morning.”

“At your spot?” Paul said, already knowing where I was going with the story.

“Yeah, and whatever it was, I just couldn’t handle the emotion. I flipped out and told her to go back to wherever she came from.”


I nodded.

Paul sighed.

“I understand, man. I know you’re touchy about that spot.”


“You go there to be alone. You go there to think back on what happened.”

“Yeah. I shouldn’t have lost my cool, though. She must be certain I’m a psycho now.”

“Fair assumption.”

“Shut up,” I said.

I rose my hand to the bartender, ordering us two more beers.

“What was she doing at your spot anyway? You’re usually there at the crack of dawn.”

“I don’t know. Taking in the view, I guess.”

“I know this is a touchy subject,” Paul said, being careful not to upset me, “but you do realize she has absolutely no idea what happened to you down at that spot right? As far as she’s concerned, you were just one more surfer catching a few waves before breakfast.”

He was right. I knew I’d overreacted at the café.

“Dude, you need to cut her some slack.”

I took a sip from my beer. I looked over the menu, unsure what to order. Truth be told, I wasn’t even reading the words. I was glancing to the side, watching Meadow and Sandra together.

They were laughing and talking like they’d been friends for years. I knew Sandra was a friendly waitress, but she’d clearly gone the extra mile this time. And the way Meadow laughed, it was infectious. It made me want to smile myself, and I was the guy who never smiled.

Paul started talking again, this time about something he’d heard on the news. I looked up like I was listening to whatever he was going on about, but I didn’t hear a word he said. My eyes were looking past him and were locked on Meadow.

There was something so different about her now. Sure, I’d thought she was attractive from the moment I saw her. I’d fantasized about bending her over the bar and teaching her some manners. But there was more to her now. She had confidence. She was glowing.

I was brought back to the present by Paul, hitting me on the arm.

“Hello. Earth to Kane. What are you going to order?”

I hadn’t even noticed the waitress standing there, waiting to take my order.

“I’ll get the bacon mushroom burger with fries.”

The waitress wrote down my order and left.

“Dude. Jason’s in the back today,” Paul said when she left. “He’s experimenting with a new brew. We should go back and see how it’s coming along.”

Paul was a beer enthusiast and loved working at the brewery. We got up to head back to the tanks.

We walked behind Meadow and Sandra. They were in their own world and I was sure they hadn’t noticed us. I was glad. After talking to Paul, I was feeling embarrassed about how I’d overreacted earlier.

I didn’t know what I’d say to her this time. I could apologize again, but now I didn’t trust myself not to say something stupid right after. There’s only so many times you can make an idiot of yourself in front of a girl before she writes you off as a clown.

We made our way through the restaurant to the back where the beer tanks were. Jason wasn’t around when we got there.

“Hey, Paul, you look for him. I’ll be right back.”



“Hold that thought lady. If I don’t go to the bathroom now, I’ll be in big trouble when you make me laugh again.”

I got up, grabbed my purse and made my way to the ladies room. I smiled and laughed to myself as I walked there, replaying our ridiculous conversations in my mind. I was having the greatest time. I shook my head in disbelief when I thought about the complete one-eighty my day had taken.

I looked in the mirror to check my hair and makeup. Something was different. I looked different, and it wasn’t just my new Walmart top. It was my smile. Even my eyes were smiling. I hardly recognized myself. I looked like the old, happy Meadow. Meadow before she was ever cheated on. It was nice to see myself again.

I bent over and messed my hair to give it some volume. I touched up my red lipstick and added a coat of lipgloss to give it a sexy shine. I felt amazing. I felt happy. I unlocked the door and strutted out with confidence. I strutted out with so much confidence that I ran straight into a man passing by.

He was holding a beer and I knocked it out of his hand, spilling it all over his shirt and jeans.

“Oh no. I’m so sorry.”

He laughed. “Looks like the beer’s on me.”

I regained my footing and looked up to apologize again.

“Oh my God. It’s you.”

I froze like a deer in headlights.

Kane said nothing back. Our eyes locked.

He looked so sexy in his work clothes. His tank-top was covered in engine oil and his hair was slicked back with just a few curls falling in front of his face. He was looking at me like a predator about to pounce on its prey. My knees went weak from the look in his eyes.

“I … I thought you were banned from this place,” I said.

He gave me a smile that said he knew everything about me. He knew I was glad to see him. He knew my panties were getting wet just from looking at him.

He put his beer glass on the juke box and grabbed me by the wrists.

“Take your hands off me,” I stammered.

I was caught in his grip and I didn’t want to escape. He pushed me backwards, back through the ladies room door. He followed me in, kicked the door shut behind him, and pressed me against the wall.

“How dare you,” I gasped, and with that, he crushed his lips against mine. It was the most intense, most arousing kiss of my life. I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him back. An electrical surge pulsed through my entire body.

When his tongue met mine, I thought I would melt. My legs felt weak but he was holding me up, pressing the entire weight of his muscular body against mine. I was pinned between him and the wall, and I can honestly say, there was no where on earth I’d have rather been.

He was an amazing kisser, his lips forcing mine open as his tongue entered my mouth. His kiss went from my mouth, down over my neck, and when he gently bit my ear, I squealed in surprise.

I’d never been so wet in my life. His bulge pressed against my groin and the image of his cock flashed before my eyes. His hands were still holding my wrists, pinning them against the wall, and he slid them down my arms and over my breasts, cupping each breast.

I reached behind him and clenched his perfect, muscular ass, as he toyed with my nipples through my shirt and bra.

“Oh my,” I gasped when he finally let me up for air.

I put his finger in front of my lips, telling me not to say anything.

I watched in silence as he reached for the door handle and locked it. This was it. I was alone with him now. No one could come in and rescue me. Not that I wanted to be rescued!

With his perfect, muscular arms, he lifted me from the ground and pinned me back against the wall. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms clung tightly around his neck. Our mouths never stopped touching. Our lips pressed together harder, parting as our tongues pushed to graze each other.

I gasped for air as his hand moved around to the back of my neck and pushed my hair to the side. He broke his lips from mine and began to kiss his way down my neck. I felt like I was floating, pinned as I was with my legs wrapped around him.

He kissed every inch of my neck. When his mouth passed by my ear, the feeling of his breath sent tingles down my body. My back arched, pressing my pussy tight against his groin.

I was so his. I was so ready for him.

If he wanted me, I’d let him take me. I couldn’t resist. I couldn’t even think.

I pressed my pelvis into him and leaned my head to the side, exposing more of my neck to him. I didn’t want him to stop.

And he didn’t.

His kisses turned to his tongue running up my neck. He moved to my earlobe, taking it in his mouth, sucking it as he pulled it away from me. The moment his teeth bit down, he reached a hand up under my shirt and grabbed my breast firmly. His grip tightened as he moved his tongue around the folds of my ear.

I let out a cry of pleasure then forced myself to silence as I remembered where we were.

I lifted my shoulder and gently pushed his head back up. I needed his mouth back on mine so his kiss would keep me quiet. Our tongues pressed into each other. He maneuvered both hands under my bra and slowly moved his thumbs against my already hard nipples. I reached to the back of his head and grabbed his messy blonde hair and pulled down.

The harder I pulled, the harder he pressed his dick against me. I could tell he was hard but I wanted to know how hard.

I kept pulling and he kept pressing. Oh, I wanted more.

I wanted to feel his dick in my hands. I unwrapped my legs from his body and placed my feet back on the ground, never breaking our kiss. I reached towards his crotch and just as my hands grazed the outside of his jeans, he flipped me around so I was facing the wall. He grabbed my wrists with both hands and held them above my head.

Using his knee, he parted my legs and pressed it up hard between them.

I’d never felt so dominated, so under the control of a man.

My back arched and my ass moved back towards him. He let go with one hand and slid it down my arm, along my back and over my ass. He teased me by running his fingers along the upper edge of my pants. He then quickly reached down between my legs, then up around the front and held me firmly by the pussy.

I moaned seductively and he tightened his grip.

He reached around with both hands and undid the button on my pants and pulled them to the ground. While he was down there, he took both my ass cheeks in his hands, spread them apart, then pressed them together.

“I’ve wanted this ass from the moment I laid eyes on it,” he said as he moved his face towards my left cheek and bit down.

I cried out then threw my hand in front of my mouth to stifle the sound.

I was going crazy. Hearing him say that made me want him more than I’d ever wanted anything in my life. It was so long since I felt wanted by a man. From the moment I saw Kane, I wanted him. I never dared imagine he wanted me too.

Before I was able to get lost in my mind, his fingers slide along my ass crack, then between the wet folds of my vagina.

I was soaking wet. I was dripping for him. There was no way I could hide it now. He knew I wanted him as badly as he wanted me.

He pulled my underwear aside and slid his wet fingers over every inch of me. He parted my lips and slid his fingers up and down, over and over again, but never went inside.

I was dying to feel him inside me.

His finger hovered at the entrance to my pussy and I pressed my ass down and back, inviting him inside.

He teased me. His finger circled the outside of my pussy lips before moving away. I was going crazy with lust.

“I want you inside me,” I said softly.

He stood up quickly, pressing his body against mine, and put his mouth to my ear.

“Say it again.”

“I want you inside me.”

“With my name.”

“I want you inside me, Kane,” I repeated and reached behind, grabbing for his dick.

He had touched me and I needed to touch him. I wanted to feel him in my hands before I felt him inside me. I wanted to feel his cock stiffen in my grip and tell me how badly he wanted me. I wanted to feel the smooth skin of his shaft.

Again he denied me, brushing my hand away from his cock.

“Oh, please,” I whispered.

He grabbed both my wrists with one hand and held them above my head. His other hand undid his pants and the sound of them hitting the ground brought my wetness to the next level.

I’d never been this aroused in my life. I was ready to scream.

“Do you want to feel me Meadow?”

“Yes,” I gasped.

He lifted me up and put me down on the sink, facing him. I felt the sink move slightly, as if we were about to break it, but I didn’t care.

He held my face in both hands and kissed me. The force of his kiss pushed me back. He bit my lip to bring me back closer to him. His hands slid around to the back of my head, his fingers running through my hair.

Slowly, he pulled away from our kiss, holding my head softly as he stopped everything to look at me.

Nervously, I looked back at him, and when our eyes met, my stomach turned and I felt my heart move to my throat. He had kind eyes, they were gentle and no doubt the window to a very deep soul. I wanted so badly to know what he was thinking as he looked at me in silence.

We were locked in such an intense moment.

There was a connection I’d never felt before. While we explored each other’s eyes, I couldn’t ignore the fact that the head of his throbbing boner was resting in the wet lips of my pussy.

I felt it move subtly and almost climaxed just imagining what was to come.

My mind raced. I was experiencing a mind, body, and soul overload. It was all too much and suddenly I broke the silence.

“I’m sorry I was mean to you.”

“Shh,” he said, smiling. “I’m the one who’s sorry.”

Our eyes locked and in that moment, without breaking contact, he pushed his dick into me.

My hands reached for his biceps and held on tight. It hurt, but it was a good hurt. I still hadn’t seen or touched his dick, but I could feel how big he was as he pressed through my tight, soaking wet hole. My nails clenched into him as he made the final push and was completely inside me.

“Oh, Kane, you feel so good,” I gasped.

“Quiet,” he panted, kissing me to stop me talking.

He was right. If I kept going, I’d ruin the moment.

I was nervous and overwhelmed and felt like I needed to talk to ease the intensity. I had no idea how to handle what was happening. He pulled his dick out to the very tip and swiftly slid back inside me.

I focused on the sensation of his cock entering deep inside my body. All I needed to handle was his massive dick.

I kissed him as his thrusts became shorter, quicker and harder. His bold movements lifted my ass off the counter over and over again. We were in danger of ripping it from the wall.

I tried to scream in pleasure, but Kane covered my mouth with his hand.

I never felt anything like it in my entire life. The passion, the connection, the pleasure of a massive penis. I never wanted him to stop fucking me. I ran my hands down his body and could feel the definition of abs and pecs under his shirt. I wanted to rip it off to see for myself, to touch every inch of his skin with my hands.

He kept kissing me, my mouth, my neck, my throat, while his cock slid powerfully in and out of my pussy. The pleasure was unbelievable.

Suddenly, we heard someone try to open the door. I froze, but Kane kept fucking me. I was terrified whoever it was would come in and catch us. I bit into Kane’s shoulder, as if to hide my face.

The pain made him thrust even harder, causing me to cry out again.

“What’s going on in there?”

They tried the door again but it was firmly locked.

Kane kissed my neck as he reached around to my ass with both hands and pulled me down from the counter and firmly onto his cock. He impaled me completely.

I forgot all about the person at the door, even as they continued to struggle with the door handle.

“We should get out of here,” I gasped to Kane. “You’re going to get us into trouble.”

“You’re not going anywhere, not until I cum inside you.”

“What?” I gasped, but I was powerless to resist him. Even if I wanted to, my body wouldn’t obey.

I gripped around his neck, digging my nails deep into his muscles as he thrust himself so far into my body I thought he’d break me. I was completely his, completely under his control.

He moved harder and faster, pumping into my helpless body like a raging machine.

We both looked down and watched his cock slide in and out of me. My eyes grew in amazement. He was even bigger than I’d feared.

He thrust into me, again and again, and before I knew it, he was bent over me, burying his face in my shoulder. I felt his dick pulsing inside me. I put my arms around his body, and dragged my fingers down along his back as he unloaded all his cum deep inside me.

“Oh, God,” I cried out as the sensation of his cum flooding into me overwhelmed my senses.

He kissed my neck as his cock continued to flow into me. Then I felt his body relax. It was as if a raging inferno had just been quenched.

He lifted me off the counter and set me back on the ground.

“Meadow,” he panted, “you’re incredible.”

“Stop talking and get your pants on,” I said, eyeing the door that was still shaking from the person outside trying to get it open.

Whoever it was sure was persistent.

We quickly pulled our pants up and adjusted ourselves.

“How do I look?” I said.

“Like you’ve just been fucked by a stallion,” he said, winking at me.

I squeezed my legs together and trembled with desire. I could still feel his cum inside me.

“Come on,” he said, kissing me on the forehead and giving my ass a tight squeeze.

He opened the door of the washroom and stepped out. Four girls were out there, waiting to use the washroom. They all looked at us conspiratorially, knowing exactly what we’d been up to.

“It’s all yours, ladies,” Kane said, with so much swagger I saw each and every one of them swoon with jealousy.

Then he looked back at me and gave me a wink.

“Catch you later, gorgeous.”

Then he walked across the bar. Without me!

Catch you later?

What the hell just happened?



Holy hell. I just had the best fuck of my life!

The thought of my cum in Meadow’s pussy made my cock pulse all over again.

I wiped the sweat off my forehead and made my way to the back of the brewery to find Paul. He was talking to Jason and as I got closer, I gave them both a nod, not interrupting their conversation. Jason handed me a sample of the beer they were discussing.

“I was just telling Paul that I experimented with a different flavor on this one. Have a sip and let me know what you think,” Jason said.

He was obviously feeling pretty proud. As I took a sip, I looked at Paul who was eagerly watching me. It was clear he had already tasted and guessed correctly what was in it. I let the flavor sit in my mouth for a few seconds as they both waited for my response.

“It’s good. A lighter beer. It tastes pretty fresh,”  I said.

“Yeah, but can you tell what I added?”  Jason asked.

“It kind of tastes sweet. Fruity, like a chick’s beer.”

“Yeah, yeah, but can you taste which fruit it is?” Paul said, jumping in.

“I don’t know man, you guys are the experts. I just like beer,”  I said as I took another sip.

They looked disappointed. Jason continued about the beer.

“There’s a tart cherry flavor in there.”

“I could taste it instantly,” Paul said with pride.

Jason continued. “Even if you just smell it, you can pick up on the tart, cherry smell. At first it tastes sweet, like amber malt. The sweetness isn’t overpowering. Then, it takes on a dryer flavor. Finally, you’re left with a mild cherry essence that lingers sweetly on your tongue.”

“That’s what she said,” I said and the guys laughed.

It was an old joke, but always good for a laugh.

“Everyone but you has let that joke die, Kane.”

I grinned at them. “I’ll never give up on it.”

I was a beer fan, and I respected the passion Paul and Jason had for it, but I didn’t want to spend the whole night talking about cherry and amber malt.

“Speaking of she,” I said, “are you still hanging out with that same girl, Jason?”

“The redhead with the addiction for yoga pants,” Paul added.

“No, that fizzled out a couple weeks ago. I’m back to the bachelor life.”

He didn’t seem overly disappointed about it.

“How about you, Paul?” Jason said, using his high pitched, joking voice. “You still holding strong to your decision? No more being a player for you? Still looking for that special someone? Still searching for the one? Your one true love?”

With each question, his voice got higher, and funnier. I laughed but forced myself to stop when I looked at Paul. He was pretty serious about his decision to find one special girl.

“Kane ended things with Steph today,” Paul said, changing the subject.

“Finally,” Jason said, before Paul had the chance to finish his sentence.

I looked at them both. It was obvious they’d discussed the subject before. I didn’t say anything. They looked at each other and got the hint, letting the conversation move on.

“Hey, when was the last time the three of us went to Big Sur together?” Paul said.

Finally. A subject that I was interested in.

“It’s been way too long,” Paul continued. “We should go. We’re all completely free right now. Perfect time for a guy’s trip.”

“Sounds good to me,” Jason said. “I could really use a break.”

I nodded noncommittally, but the more I thought about it, a few days away with good buddies sounded like something I could really use.

“The catch is, we’d have to leave tomorrow,” Jason said. “Would that work for you guys? I just started a couple batches of beer and need to get back for when they ferment.”

“I’m sure I could get out of my shifts,” Paul said. “The new guy is always looking to pick up extra hours.”

They both looked to me.

I smiled. “Well, with all the work Paul got done at the shop today, I’m ahead of schedule. I’ll just have to stop by in the morning to make...”

“Yes!” Paul said, cutting me off loudly. “Kane is in too. I can’t believe it.”

He slapped me hard on the back and I laughed.

“Yeah, I’m in. Let’s do this,” I said.  

Jason was thrilled.

“Wicked,” he said. “I’ll drive. My buddy has a place up there. He said I can crash any time. I’ll give him a call later to make sure he’s cool with the three of us coming.”

“Let’s head out early so we’ve got plenty of time to catch some waves,” Paul said.

“I’ll have to catch up with you guys there,” I said. “I’m in, but I do need to stop by the shop first. I don’t want to hold you up.”

It was true I needed to clean up a few things at the shop, but I also wanted to make sure I had my own vehicle. I didn’t want to be completely locked in to their schedule.

“Come on, man,” Paul said. “We’re a team.”

“We’re a team with two cars,” I said.

He didn’t push the issue for fear I’d back out completely. This was the first time in months I’d agreed to do anything remotely fun. The first time since … the accident.

“Hey you guys, your order’s almost up,” the waitress said as she popped between the tanks to give us a heads up.



I pulled out the bar stool and sat back down next to Sandra.

“What took you so long?” she asked.

My stomach twisted. I wondered had I really been gone that long. I must have been. Okay, I knew I’d been. But my mind was scrambled from what Kane had just done to my body.

I couldn’t come up with a single decent excuse.

“It’s a bit early in the night to be disappearing without an explanation,” Sandra said with a giggle. “Any longer and I was going to come looking.”

“There was a line,” I said weakly.

“I was so starving I ordered us an appetizer to share. I hope you like calamari.”

She just kept talking. She didn’t even look up from her phone to check that it was me who sat next to her. I was relieved. She was too distracted to notice the guilty look on my face, or the messed up hair and slightly ruffled clothing. It looked like I was going to get away without having to explain myself.

The waitress came by and placed the calamari in front of us.

“Are you ladies ready to order your main courses?” she asked.

“I’ll need a few more minutes,” I said, picking up the menu.

Sandra wasted no time diving into the calamari. I dove right into my glass of wine. I intended to have a sip, but soon realized that if I didn’t stop, I’d have chugged the whole thing. The last thing I needed to do was draw more attention to myself.

I put the glass down and gently pushed it away as I debated between two menu options.

“What are you going to have?” Sandra asked.

“I can’t decide,” I said, putting the menu down. “I’ll make up my mind when she comes back.”

Sandra gestured for me to help myself to the calamari, so I did. She picked up another piece and dipped it in the sauce.

It felt surreal, sitting there so soon after what had just happened. I still had Kane dripping out of me, messing up my panties, but I was already back at the bar, eating calamari! I looked at Sandra then took another extra-long sip of wine.

“I have no idea what’s in this sauce, but it’s delicious,” Sandra said, holding a piece of dip soaked calamari in front of my face.

“Yeah, it’s so good. Good call ordering a starter. I was starving too,” I said.

Sandra smiled, feeling pleased with herself.

Then she looked up at my face for the first time since my return.

“Oh my God, Meadow. You’re cheeks are so rosy. You look like you just ran a marathon.”

Oh shit.

“They look amazing. They’ve got this fullness and a real natural glow to them. What kind of blush do you use? I need it.”

I couldn’t believe it. Saved again by Sandra’s tipsy buzz!

“Yup, my face really needed a freshen up,” I said. “The blush is amazing. I get it from a company online. I’ll send you the link later.”

My blush was amazing, but I didn’t have it with me. It was still sitting on the vanity in my bedroom in Palo Alto, next to all the other expensive products I’d left behind.

Sandra smirked.

“What?” I said.

“Oh, just something tells me it will be a little out of my price range,” she said, standing up.

“Out of both our price ranges now,” I said, laughing.

The funny thing was, no one had ever complimented my rosy cheeks when I had all that expensive makeup. It took a real man and he’s real big, delicious cock to put a real glow on my cheeks!

“My turn to use the ladies room,” Sandra said. “If the waitress comes, order me the fish tacos?”

“For sure,” I replied.

I reached into my bag and pulled out my phone to busy myself. I was nervous to be left on my own at the bar. I had no idea where Kane was. I hadn’t seen him before our little rendezvous, and I hadn’t set eyes on him since.

I kept glancing around, hoping to find him. Where was he? He couldn’t do what he’d just done and then disappear. What if I needed a top up?

My stomach did a flip as I thought of what I’d say if I saw him again. Was he there, somewhere, watching me right at that very moment? The place was too busy to find him.

I was still in shock. I couldn’t believe what we’d done. It was the naughtiest, most delicious, craziest thing I’d ever done. I was sure the girls who’d been waiting outside the washroom would recognize me.

Before I knew it, Sandra was sitting back down next to me. Clearly she hadn’t had as eventful a trip as mine!

“Did you order yet?” she asked.

“Nope. She hasn’t been by.”

“I’m so starving.”

“You and me both,” I said, shoving another piece of calamari into my mouth.

“So tell me more about you, Meadow. Tell me about this girl from Palo Alto who just appeared in Pismo Beach last night. What’s your story, you know, from before the cheating ex-husband?”

The last thing I wanted was to talk more about myself. I wanted to avoid any conversation that would lead me to nervously blurting out what I had just done.

Who I had just done.

What would she think of me?

How would I explain myself?

Oh you know, I’m just the girl from Palo Alto who arrived less than twenty-four hours ago and fucked the first guy she met in the bar bathroom. Oh, and he’s the guy who caused a big scene with me last night and again this morning.

Yeah, I’m totally normal.

Even worse, what if I admitted it to her and she wasn't surprised?

What if she wasn’t even shocked because that’s what Kane does with all the women who come to Pismo Beach?

Yup, that’s Kane for you. Always quick to show new women the back of the bathroom door. He for sure didn’t hesitate when he lead me back there. Best fuck of my life.

I’d be mortified to find out I was just one of many girls. I didn’t want her to tell me anything I wasn’t ready to hear.

“Enough about me,” I said. “Let’s talk about you. I feel like all day all we’ve talked about is me and my problems. I know nothing about you. Did you grow up here?”

I hoped to God she would take the bait.

“Yup. Pismo Beach, born and raised,” Sandra said, but she was interrupted when the waitress came by.

Sandra ordered the fish tacos. I went for the bacon mushroom burger with fries.

Sandra continued talking.

“Even my parents grew up here. I’m a true beach bum. It’s in my blood. I know there’s a whole world out there, but I like it here. I’m really close with my family and a lot of the friends I grew up with are still here. Speaking of which, there’s Kane and Paul.”

She got excited and waved her hand to get their attention. I froze, instantly feeling a rush of blood as my whole face went red.

“I know you and Kane haven’t quite hit it off yet,” she said, putting her hand on my leg, “but I feel like you guys have just gotten off on the wrong foot. I swear, he’s a good guy.”

“Maybe hanging out in a group will eliminate some of the tension,” I said nervously.

“Plus, you have to meet Paul. He’s the very best. You might recognize him, he was bartending last night. He’s so sweet and so hot. Obviously Kane is attractive too, but he’s a lost cause. I bet you’ll really like Paul.”

She got up and waved at them.

“Hey guys! Come join us!”

I didn’t dare look up. I couldn’t. All I could do was take deep breaths and try not to lose my shit.



The boys accepted my invitation to join me and Meadow. As they made their way over, I looked around for a table we could move to. It would make talking easier, rather than being lined along the bar.

“Oh, there’s a table. Let’s move there. Grab our drinks,” I said to Meadow as I grabbed both of our purses.

I made sure to catch the waitress's eye so she knew we were moving.

“Did you guys just get here?” I asked Kane and Paul as I gave them each a hug.

“No,” Paul said. “We’ve been in the back talking beer with Jason.”

“Paul, I’m not sure you’ve properly met Meadow yet. This is Meadow. Meadow, this is Paul,” I said, smiling as they shook hands.

“For sure, how’s it going, Meadow? It’s too bad your first time at the brewery turned out to be such a disaster.”

We all looked at Kane. It was a tense moment and I felt I had to say something to diffuse the situation.

“Look,” I said to Kane and Meadow. “I know you two have had a few misunderstandings.”

I paused for a second so I could judge their response. They seemed calm.

“But you’re both good people and I know you’d get along. Think you can forget everything that’s happened and just be friends?” I said, looking back and forth at each of them.

“Sure,” Kane said as he took a sip of his beer.

“Yup,” Meadow said, running her fingers along the bottom of her wine glass and pointedly avoiding eye contact with Kane.

“Great. So we can move on and change the subject.”

They both nodded and I got the distinct impression there was more going on than I was aware of. I guessed it would take some time for them to warm up to each other and I tried to think of something we could talk about.

“So, we finally hired a new waitress at the café today,” I said.

Both the guys knew how stressed I’d been about being short staffed.

“Finally. You must be relieved. Who is it? Do we know her?” Paul asked.

“You’re looking at her,” I said, gesturing to Meadow.

Meadow averted her eyes and took a sip of her wine.

“Oh cool,” Paul said. “Congratulations. When do you start?”

“She already started today.”

“No kidding!”

“The second she walked into the café and asked about the Help Wanted sign, I tossed her an apron and she got to work. Her timing was perfect. I was up to my eyeballs in messy tables, customers waiting to pay, new customers waiting to be seated. She literally saved the day.”

“You’re working here now?” Kane asked Meadow.

“She sure is. She’s got zero waitressing experience though. She’s actually never worked a day in her life. I was so desperate I didn’t care. Plus, I could tell she’s a good girl, so I took a chance on her.”

I rubbed Meadow’s shoulder affectionately as I spoke.

“She killed it. She’s a natural. We make an awesome team, right Meadow?”

“Yup,” Meadow said shyly.

“We worked our butts off and as soon as we were finished, we came here. What about you two?”

“Yeah, we had a really productive day. Kane and I make a pretty awesome team too,” Paul said, hitting Kane’s shoulder playfully.

Kane looked at Paul’s hand on his shoulder and Paul quickly removed it. We all laughed. Kane had never been the overly affectionate type, and Paul knew it.

“How was your first day on the job, Meadow?” Paul said.

“I was pretty nervous at first, but Sandra is a great teacher. I’m excited for my second shift tomorrow. I know I’ll get the hang of it soon,” Meadow said.

Before she could say more, the waitress came by with our food. She put my fish tacos in front of me and the Guinness stew in front of Paul.

“And two bacon mushroom burgers with fries,” she said as she placed them down in front of Kane and Meadow. They looked up at each other.

“See. I knew you two would have things in common,” I said with a smirk as I picked up a taco.

Meadow looked down at her burger but I caught her stealing a glance at Kane. There was definitely something going on between them, something more than the fighting they’d seemed to be doing since laying eyes on each other.

“Oh so get this,” I said. “Meadow only started today, but already she experienced grumpy old man Mathers.”

“Oh snap, that’s quite the initiation. Did he take it easy on you?” Paul said.

“I’m guessing that’s the guy who wouldn’t look at me while I served him?”  Meadow said.

“Yup. I didn’t notice him come in, otherwise I wouldn’t have let you go over. That man is peculiar to say the least. He’s a regular. Orders the exact same thing every day.”

“One poached egg, two pieces of brown toast, no butter, home fries with extra fried onions and a package of strawberry jam,” Paul said.

We laughed.

“Before he got the job at the brewery, Paul had your job,” I said to Meadow.

“Is that so?” she said, turning to Paul.

“Anyway,” I continued. “Mr. Mathers expects that the moment he walks through the door, the kitchen starts his order, and the server meets him at his spot with a coffee, water and a copy of the daily paper.”

Meadow laughed. “That explains a lot. I literally stood there and asked him three times if he’d like coffee. He wouldn’t move his arms off the table for me to put a menu in front of him. I thought he was deaf.”

“Oh man, you poor girl,” Paul said as he wrapped his arm around Meadow’s shoulder.

Paul’s an inveterate flirt. He can’t see a pretty girl without putting a hand on her.

“He can be such a stubborn jerk if he doesn’t know you,” he continued, leaning closer to Meadow. “Once he realizes you’re there to stay, and you get his order right every single time, he’ll warm up.”

Kane cleared his throat. He’d been his usual quiet self until then. “So, you’re here to stay?”

Meadow looked up at him and I could tell she was blushing. “Well, I guess so. I mean, I don’t have a place yet, I’m just staying at a motel.”

“Oh my God,” I said. “I can’t believe I didn’t ask about that. I mean, I knew you were new in town, but I just assumed you had a place. So you’re on the hunt for an apartment? I can help you look. I love apartment hunting.”

Paul leaned in on her again, this time letting his hand slide slightly further down her arm from her shoulder.

“A buddy of mine has a rental unit on the top floor of his place. It’s got a beautiful view. I’m pretty sure he said it’s empty. I’ll give him a call tomorrow. Give me your number and I’ll let you know what he says.”

Paul handed Meadow his phone for her to put in her info. I looked at Kane and rolled my eyes.

Kane didn’t look back at me. He got up from the table a little hurriedly and went to the bar.

I watched as Meadow gave her contact info to Paul. I knew the moment I saw her that Paul would be all over her.



I pretended I didn’t notice Kane leaving the table as I finished typing my number into Paul’s phone. I hit save and handed it back to him.

“That’s really nice of you, Paul,” I said with a smile and a gentle hand on his arm.

“No problem. This town is so small that places don’t even get advertised. Usually people just find them through word of mouth, so it’s good to have an in.”

I casually looked over my shoulder as Sandra and Paul got to talking about the guy who owned the apartment. I scanned the bar, trying to find Kane. I couldn’t be obvious. The last thing I wanted was for Paul and Sandra to pick up on anything.

I spotted him leaning against the bar, talking to the hot female waitress. A flash of jealousy flowed through me. I quickly turned back to the table, took the last sip from my wine, and put the empty glass down.

“I don’t know about you two, but I’m about ready for another round,” I said with a forced smile.

“Great idea,” Sandra said.

“Yeah, I’m ready too. I don’t mean to judge, but I can’t believe you two are in the best local brewery in California, and you’re drinking wine,” Paul said.

“I know, I know,” Sandra started. “I love beer too. But today’s a breakthrough day for Meadow and wine, so I had to join her in celebrating.”

Paul turned to me curiously.

“A breakthrough day with wine? What does that mean?”

I felt embarrassed that Sandra had brought up that information. She hadn’t meant to overshare, but the whole thing was pretty personal and I wasn’t about to get into my husband’s affair with Paul. I acted fast to come up with another story.

“Oh, you know how it goes. One night of overdoing it and it’s hard to even look at the stuff again,” I said, laughing like I was embarrassed about it.

“Oh, don’t I know it. I still have to pass when the guys have whisky on poker night,” Paul said.

Sandra and I made eye contact and she gave me a friendly wink. I could tell my secret was safe with her.

I really felt lucky I’d run into her so quickly after arriving in town. Since the moment I met her, she’d been friendly and welcoming. She was doing an amazing job at making me feel included. If it wasn’t for her, I might not even be staying.

“All that being said, you do have a point,” Sandra said to Paul. “Did I hear there are some new beers on tap? Maybe I’ll do a flight.”

Paul jumped on the opportunity. He started listing off the options to Sandra. I was going to stick with wine, so I casually tuned them out. I started to wonder why Kane wasn’t back with us yet. I tried hard to keep myself from looking back at the bar to see if he was still standing there with the sexy waitress.

Why had he just gotten up and left the table like that?

Was it because I said I was staying in Pismo Beach?

Did my staying really make him that upset?

I started to suspect his type really was out of town women. He was probably mad to find out I wasn’t leaving. I guessed he really meant what he said that morning when he told me I should just go back to where I came from. I was mortified that I just let him fuck me in the bathroom like that.

Had I just become another notch on the back of the bathroom door for him?

As my mind raced, I watched Sandra and Paul talking and laughing with each other. It reminded me that there was so much more to Pismo Beach than Kane. In that moment, I decided not to let Kane bully me out of town.

I was going to focus on the positives.

I’d made new friends, gotten a new job, and already had a potential apartment lined up. I wasn’t going to fight with Kane anymore. Surely the town was big enough for the both of us.

Suddenly, I was snapped out of my thoughts by Sandra roaring with laughter.

“Wait, what are you guys talking about? What did I just miss?”

“You didn’t hear the joke? Tell it again, Paul,” Sandra said, wiping tears from her eyes.

“A bear walks into a bar.”

“Oh no,” I said.

“Wait, it’s funny,” Sandra assured me.

“The bartender asks what he wants?” Paul continued. “The bear says, I’ll have a gin … and tonic.”

I looked at Sandra as I listened.

“The bartender says, sure, but I have to ask, what’s with the large pause?”

Paul started laughing as he got ready for the punchline.

“The bear holds up his paws and says, Oh, I was born with these.”

I burst out laughing. It was so stupid, but it was cute. Just my type of joke. The voice Paul made and the way he waved his hands around made it even funnier.

Paul wasn’t just funny, he was adorable too.

“Oh, Paul, you’re too much,” I said, laughing and grabbing his hands to pull them back down.



The waitress, Lianna, put our conversation on hold so she could take someone’s order. I turned around just in time to catch Meadow reaching for Paul’s hands. I watched as they laughed and she tried to pull his hands down. He struggled to get away and put them back in the air. They were having a lot of fun without me.

I wondered why he was flailing his hands like an idiot, then Meadow’s eyes caught mine. I quickly turned back around. I’d seen enough.

They seemed to be hitting it off, which was fine by me. It was probably for the best. Paul could have her. Actually, I hoped he’d take her. He was charming and she looked like she was into it.

If they kept getting along, it would take her attention off me.

I was still coming to terms with the fact she was moving to town permanently. The last thing I needed was a clingy girl hanging around my neck. I was frustrated with myself. On the same day I finally freed myself of female drama, I just had to go and fuck the first piece of ass that caught my eye.

I didn’t know what I was thinking, taking her in the bathroom like that. It was like my most primal instincts took over. There was a chemical reaction the moment she ran into me. I needed to have her right there and then. There was no stopping myself.

As much as I regretted getting messed up with another woman, I couldn’t ignore that the sex was amazing. It was like my body knew it before my mind did. It had been years since I felt that sort of sexual chemistry. The pleasure of Meadow’s body was intoxicating.

She and I struggled to get along, sparks flew every time we were within striking distance of each other, but there was no denying the physical attraction.

I made a promise to myself not to let it happen again. It was a one time thing, nothing more.

Taking her in the bathroom, devouring her, cumming inside her, it was something I couldn’t resist. I needed to get it out of my system. But now I could move on.

I wondered if I was worried about nothing. Maybe she wasn’t the regular clingy type of girl. She hardly said a word to me, let alone even looked at me, during dinner. Paul was getting way more attention from her. I could still hear her and Paul laughing behind me. Maybe when we both told Sandra that we’d forget about the last twenty-four hours, we both really meant it.

Could it really be so simple?

Could I really get off so easily?

Get off so easily!

I really did get off easily with Meadow. I had to fight like hell not to cum too soon. The moment I slid my dick into her soaking wet pussy, I could feel the sensation throughout my entire body. I never wanted to stop fucking her.

Forgetting it and moving on was going to be harder for me than I anticipated.

Plus, I was frustrated that someone tried to get into the bathroom before we were finished. I hadn’t wanted to rush. If I could have made that little rendezvous last forever, I would have. What frustrated me most was that I didn’t get the chance to make sure Meadow got off too.

That thought haunted me. How could I let things stand like that?

The laughter from the table grew louder. I looked over my shoulder to see what was going on. All three of them were laughing hysterically, and this time it was Meadow’s smile that caught my eye. It was bright and beautiful. So bright and beautiful it was becoming contagious.

I felt a half smile creep onto the left side of my face as I watched her play with her hair. I wanted my hands on her hair again. Then I watched as Paul casually reached up and moved her hair off her shoulder.

And that’s when a sharp anger flowed through me. I was jealous.

Me? Jealous? I thought I’d never feel that emotion again.

Fuck no.

He couldn’t have her.

I wasn’t done with her yet.

Hell, I was just getting warmed up.

“Hey Lianna, could I get four shots of Tequila?”



“Oh man, here we go,” Sandra said as Kane approached with four shots of tequila.

“We need salt,” Paul said, reaching over to the table next to us.

“And limes,” Sandra said, getting up to run over to the bar.

Kane made his way around the table, setting the shots down for each of us. He saved mine for last. He stood behind me and I watched from the corner of my eye as his hand reached out and set the tequila in front of me. Suddenly I felt his breath very close to the side of my face.

“We’re getting out of here,” he whispered in my ear.

He had my attention.

“I’m going to leave and five minutes later, you’re leaving too. We’re going to finish what we started.”

His words caused goosebumps to form all over my body.

He moved away just as Sandra came barreling back with the limes. I looked at him as he took his seat. He gave me a subtle nod. I nodded back. I knew at that moment I was about to experience the longest five minutes of my life.

“Great idea with the shots,” Paul said.

Kane said nothing back.

I looked at the shot in front of me. Truth be told, I’d never done a shot of Tequila in my life. Shots of any type of alcohol weren’t a thing that the women in my world did. I couldn’t let them find out though. I was sure if I did, they’d have me trying every shot in the bar. I did not want to be the center of attention.

I watched as Sandra and Paul licked their hands and salted them. I wondered why Kane wasn’t doing the same.

It seemed odd, but I followed their lead. As I licked my hand, I glanced up and caught Kane watching me. I liked that he was watching. I slowed my licking, giving him a subtle smirk as my tongue slid across the length of my hand.

“What should we toast to?” Sandra said.

“Yeah, what’s the occasion?” Paul said.

“No occasion,” Kane answered.

“How about we toast Meadow? Officially welcome her to our little town,” Sandra said, holding her shot in the air.

“Great idea,” Paul said, holding up his shot too.

I looked at Kane.

“Sure,” he said, giving me a private wink.

I couldn’t help letting a grin cross my face.

“You guys have been so wonderful to me. You’re making me blush,” I said, raising my glass.

We clinked glasses and before Paul and Sandra had finished licking the salt on their hands, Kane slammed his empty shot glass on the table. A little behind everyone else, I licked my salt and drank the shot.

“Ugh, what the fuck? That’s awful,” I blurted.

Sandra and Paul burst out laughing, and while not as obvious, even Kane couldn’t keep a smile off his face.

I cringed as the Tequila burned its way down my throat. I started to cough and gag as my eyes filled with tears. They all laughed even harder, but Sandra tried to get her laughter under control.

“Here, here. Suck on this,” she said, handing me a lime.

I put it in my mouth and felt some relief.

Kane stood up. I got nervous that my display of amateur tequila drinking might have turned him off me. I looked up at him and he was still smiling. He looked so sexy, with his muscles stretching the cotton of his shirt. From the sly look he gave me, I knew our plan was still on.

“I hate to do shots and run,” Kane said, “but if we’re doing this trip to Big Sur tomorrow, I really need to get into the shop first thing.”

He tossed down money for his share of the bill.

“You guys are going to Big Sur?” Sandra said, but they didn’t answer.

“Need me to come in to help with anything in the morning?” Paul said.

“Nah. Should be fine. I’ll meet you guys up there in the afternoon.”

Sandra stood and gave Kane a hug. I sat there awkwardly, not knowing how to acknowledge his departure.

Should I hug him too?

Or pretend I didn’t notice?

Or perhaps a firm handshake?

Why did I have to be so awkward? I overthought every detail.

“Welcome to Pismo Beach, Meadow,” Kane said, as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

His hand felt large, strong and manly on my shoulder. I smiled and thanked him, trying my best to act normal.

“Did you see that?” Sandra said.

“See what?” I asked immediately.

“I knew you and Kane would get along. See what I told you? He’s a good guy,” she said, as the waitress brought new drinks for the three of us.

“I’d say. There certainly was some heat between you two,” Paul added.

“What heat? When? There’s no heat between us,” I said, too eagerly.

Paul looked at Sandra like I was crazy. “Umm. Last night there definitely was, and apparently there was another blowout this morning.”

“Oh, right. That. Well, don’t you remember? We told Sandra we’d forget everything and start fresh,” I said, feeling very grateful Sandra had made that suggestion.

They both laughed and Sandra changed the subject. I was relieved. I reached into my purse to check the time on my phone. I figured it had already been a minute since Kane left, which left me with four more minutes of acting like nothing was going on. I put my phone away and tried to join the conversation.

I was looking at them, following their facial cues, but I had no idea what they were talking about. They started laughing and looked to me, so I laughed too and took a sip of my wine. They carried on talking and I reached for my phone again.

Three more minutes.

I squirmed in my seat. My pussy was already getting wet, just from the anticipation of getting the Kane treatment again.

I debated just leaving. The waiting was killing me. I worried if I left too soon after Kane, they might catch on to us. Plus, Kane would probably think I was desperate.

I wasn’t desperate. This was his idea. Maybe I’d make him wait. I’d just gotten the new glass of wine. I should at least stay long enough to finish it.

But what if he didn’t think I was coming and left without me. I checked my phone again.

Screw it.

“I should really call it a night,” I said.

“But you’ve still got a whole glass of wine,” Paul said.

“I know, but I’m still recovering from that tequila,” I said.

They both laughed.

“Plus, I’m pretty exhausted after my first day of working, ever. I want to make sure I’m well rested for tomorrow.”

“Fair enough,” Sandra said. “I’m excited to work with you again. Don’t worry about your drinks. I’ve got this.”

We hugged and I opened my purse to leave money, even though she’d told me not to. Paul put his hand on mine to stop me.

“You’re not paying tonight, Meadow. Let me treat you, as a welcome to Pismo Beach and a congratulations on your new job,” he said, still holding my hand.

“Are you sure?”

“I insist. You get out of here and go rest,” he said, letting go of my hand so he could give me a hug.

I thanked them both, then hurried toward the exit, practically tripping myself up in my haste. I checked the time one last time, and with a minute to spare, popped into the ladies room. The ladies room where Kane and I started what we were about to finish!

I did another hair flip, touched up my eyeliner and added fresh coats of lipstick and gloss. I glanced down and my cheeks went bright red again when I noticed a perfect and quite obvious print of my ass cheeks on the bathroom counter. I smirked as my mind flashed back to Kane putting me up there and fucking me like a stallion.

If I kept him around, I might never have to wear blush again!



I walked out the door of the brewery and before I could look around to find Kane, I was yanked by the hand and pulled into a narrow alley. I had no time to react. Before I knew what was happening, I was up against the brick wall, kissing him passionately.

It felt like I was being rewarded for successfully waiting those five agonizing minutes.

Kane placed his left hand on the back of my head, tilting my face toward his and at the same time lifting me to my toes. Our kiss was intense and I steadied myself by holding on to the waist of his firm surfer body. He wrapped his other hand behind me and held me close by the small of my back. His hands on me felt amazing as we continued to kiss in the darkness.

A rowdy group came out of the brewery but we ignored them, continuing our kiss secretly in the shadows.

My pussy was wet with desire and anticipation. It had been so long since I’d simply made out with someone, especially in an alley. I felt like I could kiss him there for hours and be happy. As he continued to kiss me, he reached with both hands and firmly squeezed my breasts. I could tell he had more in mind than just making out.

The crowd of people were still by the brewery door and I broke our kiss to see if we’d been spotted.

“Relax, they can’t see us here.”

He gently moved my face back to meet his and pressed his lips against mine again. I melted into him and the rest of the world disappeared. His kisses began to slowly inch away from my mouth. He kissed me on the cheek as his hand pulled the neck of my shirt down just slightly. Then he began to slowly kiss along my collar bone. His lips were soft and his kisses were passionate and frenzied.

His stubble scratching my smooth skin sent a thrill through my entire body.

I slid my hands up under his shirt and my fingers met in the middle of his back. I slowly slid them down and apart, pressing firmly into him. He began to lick along my collar bone and made his way up my neck. It felt so amazing.

My hands reached back up and held him close. He took the lobe of my ear between his teeth and I felt his tongue running back and forth over it. My hands slid around to his chest and I let my finger tips slowly run down over his pecs and the ripples of his abs. As I got closer to his dick the longing inside me built up to a crescendo.

I desperately wanted him, I wanted to feel his cock inside me once again, but remembered we were outside. We were hidden, but there was no denying we were right next to a very busy brewery. There were people all over the place.

My hesitation only lasted a brief second.

I reached for the button of his jeans so I could finally get his cock into my hands. God, how I wanted to feel that firm cock in my grip.

But he moved my hands away! Again!

“I told you, we’re here to finish what we started,” he said firmly.

I was confused. I didn’t know what to say back. I wondered why he wouldn’t let me at him. Was it because of the alley? It was his idea to meet there. I yearned for the touch of his monstrous cock but he was denying me.

“I thought that’s what we were doing?” I said defiantly.

“I already got off,” he whispered into my ear. “Now it’s your turn. I want to make you cum.”

His words caused my eyes to widen.

“Here?” I gasped.

The alley wasn’t exactly the kind of place dreams are made. Some empty milk crates, a few dumpsters, and every now and then, drunk people stumbling by.

Suddenly, he startled me by jumping high up and grabbing the bottom rung of a set of fire escape stairs. He pulled himself up to the stairs.

“No. Up here.”

He stood on the ladder with one foot and one hand holding on. His other hand reached down to me, ready to lift me up.

“Are you serious?”

“Come on,” he said, bending down a little further so I could reach.

I hesitated. Did he really think he could just lift me up there? What if he couldn’t? I’d be humiliated if I was too heavy for him to lift. I looked up at him. He could tell I was stalling.

“Give me your hand so that I can finally taste you, Meadow,” he said with a sexy smile, causing my hands to shoot up in the air.

In one quick, powerful pull, he lifted me right off the ground. I gripped the ladder and he helped me up next to him. I let out a little giggle and wondered if I had ever experienced anything so hot in my life. I knew I hadn’t!

He helped me as I climbed up the ladder to the first landing. He gave my ass a firm squeeze as he followed behind. We were one floor up, right outside the window of an apartment next to the brewery.

“You’re all mine now,” Kane said.

“Shh,” I hissed, indicating the window. It’s light was on and I wondered if anyone inside would find us. We’d made our fair share of noise clambering up the metal ladder.

“You’re all mine, Meadow,” he repeated, just as loud.

I turned to face him, sitting on the steel grate floor. He climbed up and began crawling on his hands and knees toward me. I leaned back against the wall. As he got closer, he kissed his way up my legs, up over my body, my shirt, all the way over my chest to my neck and mouth.

Already, I could feel how wet I was for him.

He slid his hands down my body and undid my pants. I lifted my ass slightly as he pulled them down, along with my underwear. My shoes came off in the process. I couldn’t believe I was so exposed. If someone found us, I’d be completely bare.

I thought he’d go right for my pussy, but he didn’t. He lifted my shirt over my head and I was left with only my bra for protection. I shivered in the evening air.

“What are you going to do to me?” I said, half terrified, half thrilled at the thought of the treatment I was about to get.

“Patience, my princess,” he said.

When I heard those words a shot of electricity flowed through me like lightning. I instinctively knew he wasn’t the type of guy to say words like that lightly.

He began by kissing my neck again, then slowly his mouth moved down toward my breasts. As his lips caressed my cleavage, his hands unhooked the clasp of my bra. That was it. I was totally naked. Totally at his mercy. He could do anything he wanted to me, and the truth was, that’s exactly the way I wanted it. I wanted to be under his control. I wanted to be at his mercy.

I wanted to be all his and his alone.

Everywhere he kissed, his mouth left me wet, and the cool breeze heightened the sensation of the wetness on my skin.

With my bra off, he began to suck hungrily on my nipples, first the left, then the right. Pleasure poured through my body. I opened my legs and arched my back, my body begging to be touched.

His lips continued to suck my nipples and his hands slid along the length of my bare thighs, all the way to the edge of my pussy. I sighed and moaned and sunk my teeth into his neck as his fingers caressed for the first time, the gentle folds of my wet, hot pussy.

I was embarrassed by how wet I was for him. I was desperate for his touch. I wanted to be penetrated by him again. I wanted his cock cumming inside me. I wanted to feel his pleasure and feel the power of knowing I owned it. Of knowing I was the one who was making him feel so good.

His fingers traced the lips of my pussy and his thumb rested right on my clit. He continued sucking my breasts but all I could focus on was the back and forth motion of his thumb on my throbbing clit.

“I’m yours, Kane,” I whispered into his ear as his thumb teased and tortured my desperate clit.

I pushed forward, trying to force his thumb into my pussy, but he just laughed and moved his hand back.

“Naughty girl,” he teased. “Maybe you want my tongue in there?”

I didn’t know what to say. I knew he was teasing me, but I knew I wanted his sweet, sexy mouth on my pussy so badly I didn’t care. I wanted to feel his lips on my pussy lips. His tongue inside me. His mouth sucking my clit.

He kissed my mouth again and I moaned into him, desperate for the pleasure that I knew was coming. Our lips parted and our tongues embraced. The kiss was intense from the beginning, our mouths desperately trying to devour each other, our tongues pressing and dancing against each other.

His hand spread my knees open wider and he broke our kiss. I gasped for air, dizzy from the exhilaration, and his mouth began to slide back down over my body, between my cleavage, over my navel, and finally, beautifully, exquisitely, over my clit.

I braced myself and waited for the moment his tongue would enter me. I knew it was coming. I held my breath and looked up at the sky, the California night sky with its millions of bright stars. And then it came! Kane’s tongue pressed inside me, the stubble of his face slightly ticking the sensitive skin between my legs. I raised my legs and threw them around his neck, as if to stop him from ever escaping.

I looked down at his sexy beach hair between my legs and wanted to grab the back of his head and push it down.

God, how had all this happened to me? I felt like the luckiest girl in the whole world.

His tongue slid far inside my pussy, then came out as he began kissing and making out with my clit. He paused and looked up at me.

I blushed.

“You’re so wet,” he said with a teasing smirk on his face.

“I’m sorry,” I gasped.

“No, don’t apologize. I’m a surfer. That’s how I like it.”

With that, he drove his tongue inside me again and I felt an avalanche of pleasure begin to build up deep inside my body.

“Oh, Kane,” I gasped.

Evidently, I was no longer afraid of being found out by the people in the apartment above us.

He continued to slide his tongue in and out of my pussy, fucking me with it. At the same time, his hands slid under my ass and his wet, slippery thumb pressed against my anus. That was too much.

I clamped my legs tighter around his head and gripped him, pushing his face tighter into my pussy.

His mouth moved up toward my clit and as he kissed and sucked on it’s folds, he slid first one, then a second finger inside me. At the same moment, his thumb entered my anus.

“Oh, God,” I cried.

I was in sensory overload. My mind went blank. I couldn’t think, I couldn’t speak, all I could do was grip his hair tighter as the waves of pleasure threatened to overcome me.

His tongue flicked over my clit faster and faster, and his fingers slid in and out of me, fucking both holes at once.

I wanted to fight it, but there was no holding back. A surge rushed from his touch and up my whole body as my vagina pulsed tightly around his fingers. I pressed his head hard into me as my pelvis thrusted up into his face. I was fucking his face as forcefully and passionately as I’d ever fucked anything in my life.

He kept fingering me until I couldn’t bear it any longer.

I came so forcefully I had no idea what was happening.

Was I squirting on his face?

Was I pouring my juices all over him?

I had no idea. Whatever happened, he just kept sucking and swallowing me.

The orgasms rushed through me like the ceaseless crashing waves on the beach. Over and over, the pleasure surged through me and completely overwhelmed me. I gripped onto Kane for dear life as his tongue continued to lick and suck my clit and his fingers worked their magic.

When my breathing finally slowed down, he stopped what he was doing and came up for air.

“Whoa,” I gasped, looking into his beautiful eyes.

“That’s for earlier,” he said with a cheeky grin. “I owed you!”



I just knew she’d taste amazing. Her juices were like a sweet, intoxicating nectar to me.

I gave her pussy one last, slow lick, savoring the delicious taste. I could still feel her trembling against my tongue. The smile on her face confirmed that she was one beautiful, satisfied babe. I kissed each of her thighs one last time before closing her legs and kissing her knees. I leaned over them, kissing her once on the lips and then on the forehead.

“Time to go,” I said.

“Yeah. It’s late. I should get back to the motel.”

“Oh, you don’t escape me that easily. Not after what we just did.”

She looked at me curiously. “What?”

“Let’s go to the Pier,” I said, not giving her any chance to say no.

“That sounds nice,” she said shyly as I handed her back her clothes and she threw them on.

I climbed down the ladder and jumped to the ground.

“How will I get down?” Meadow said, peering over the edge of the landing.

“Just climb down the ladder and I’ll take care of the rest.”

I watched as she slowly crawled on all fours and stuck her left foot out. She moved it around trying to find the bar of the ladder. The sound of laughter echoed down the alley and I turned to look. Paul and Sandra were stumbling out of the brewery together. I didn’t think they’d seen me, but I took a step back against the wall just in case. I watched as they walked by the alley and stepped back out to help Meadow.

“Was that them?” Meadow asked.

She’d retreated back onto the landing, obviously trying to avoid the climb down.

“Yeah. They didn’t see us. Your foot was so close. Just a little further down and you’ll be on the bar,” I said, preparing my stance below her.

She slowly crawled backwards again, but as soon as she knew she was at the edge, she paused. Her foot was shaking when she finally started to reach it back out. It was cute.

“You’ve got this, Meadow.”

She looked down at me, uncertain how I could be so sure. She glanced at the ladder and then faced forward. Her hands gripped onto the metal of the landing as she lowered her body down. Her foot struggled desperately to locate the bar. Her toes finally made contact, and she put her foot down all the way. She was now in an awkward position with her left leg fully stretched out and her right still fully bent on the landing. She froze and her grip tightened. She took a deep breath and started to fidget, unsure what to do next. I kept encouraging her.

“Keep going, you’re making it harder.”

“That’s what he said,” she blurted out.

I let out a loud laugh. I swore I was the only one who still made that joke, but before I could, she stole the words right out of my mouth. Her timing was perfect, and she knew it. She was laughing too.

Still laughing, I turned to check we weren’t drawing any attention to ourselves. Before I turned back, her laugh turned to a yelp and she lost her grip on the ladder.

Just in time, I leapt forward and caught her in my arms. It was quite a distance but my arms broke her fall perfectly. She clung to me so tightly I could hardly breathe. With her arms wrapped around my shoulders, she buried her face into my neck.

“I’ve got you,” I said, soothingly. “I was under you the whole time.”

She looked up into my eyes. She was so beautiful. I thought she was going to kiss me, and her kiss would rock me to my core.

But instead, she spoke.

“That’s what she said,” she blurted out.

I burst out laughing even harder.

“Oh, damn, you got me again!” I said.

I squeezed her even tighter. She was funny. Beautiful and funny.

I loved the way she laughed. The joke was funny, but I could tell her laugh was more from nerves. She’d just orgasmed in my face on a fire escape and then fallen off it! Of course she was nervous!

But her laughter kept me laughing. It was nice to be laughing so freely after all this time. I didn’t want to let her go. As our laughter quietened, I leaned in and kissed her as I held her in my arms.

“You ready to go for a walk?” I said, after we’d been kissing for a few minutes.

She smiled and nodded. I lowered her to the ground and we started walking back toward the brewery.

“Wait,” I said, stopping her. “Let’s go out this way. We’ll be less likely to run into people.”

I lead her out the other end of the alley. We cut through the parking lot. It only had a few cars left in it. On the other side, there was a path leading between two houses to the quieter residential streets. I was glad for the privacy. For a little town, the main downtown area was pretty busy at that time of night and I wasn’t too keen on running into anyone I knew. The last thing I needed was my town gossiping about seeing me out late with an unknown woman.

There’d been enough gossip about me two years ago.

Meadow was quiet as we walked, street lamps lighting our way. She was checking out the homes as we passed them, trying to get a feel for the town.

“Have you been over here yet?” I asked her.

“No. I haven’t had time to do much exploring. This seems like a cute area,” she said, still looking at the homes.

“Yeah, this is a nice part of town. Although, there’s really no bad part of town.”

“I love walking at this time of night when people are home and still have their lights on. I can peek in and see how they’ve decorated their spaces. Everyone has such unique styles,” she said.

“Where are you staying now?” I asked her.

“Well, I checked in at the Rolling Wave motel last night. I thought I’d be here for a night, but today I booked it for a few more nights. Despite your earlier suggestion for me to go back to where I came from,” she said without looking at me.

Her voice got quiet and trailed off. I felt like such an ass. Especially because she was obviously still hurt by what I’d said.

“I’m sorry about that,” I said.

“It’s okay.”

“If it’s any consolation, I’ve completely changed my mind about that. Now I want you to stay.”

She looked up at me cautiously.

“You really mean that?”

I nodded.

“Because you don’t have to say it just to be nice.”

“I mean it,” I said.

I gave her a playful nudge and put my arm around her. She gave me a bashful smile, leaning into my body and wrapping her arm around my lower back.

“Anyways, I guess I’ll just stay at the motel for now,” she said. “It’s pretty nice. I hope that apartment Paul mentioned works out though.”

A strange feeling came over me. I felt possessive of her, protective. Like she was already mine, even though we still had only known each other such a short time.

I didn’t like that she was staying at a motel. It didn’t feel right. It was a decent motel, but she deserved better. It seemed like such a waste for her to be paying for a place by the night. Especially if the place Paul mentioned wasn’t even available for another month. I had a whole house to myself with plenty of rooms to spare, but I held back from mentioning it to her.

“Do you know where the place Paul was talking about is?” she asked.

“Oh. If it’s the one I think it is, it’s just a five minute drive that way. Up around those homes on the hill. It’s nice up there.”

I looked at her. I thought how nice it would be to have her around. And how much sense it made to save her from paying for the motel for the rest of the month, but I just couldn’t bring myself to tell her about my place.

I couldn’t.

The last time I tried to help someone, it ended in tragedy. I was convinced I was cursed. When people got close to me, they got hurt. I could spare Meadow that pain.

“Do you live nearby?” she asked.

“Yeah,” I said without looking up.

I didn’t say more.

We cut across the street to a new road with a new row of houses with their lights still on. She looked in the windows and made comments about different color choices or pieces of art that she saw. We got to the boardwalk and I pointed to the lifeguard post down the beach.

“Let’s go sit up there,” I said, taking her hand.

“Really? Up there? You think that getting me to climb up stairs will get me to take off my pants again?” she said with a nervous laugh.

“Don’t worry,” I said. “There’s a ramp on the front. I promise there’s no ladders!”

She laughed and I felt her body relax as we walked through the sand.



Our conversation hit a comfortable silence. I looked around and wondered if that moment was even real. There was a full moon that night. It was big, bright and beautiful. Around it, twinkling stars filled the rest of the deep, dark sky. The moon lit up a path along the rippling ocean water. There was a cool breeze and the sound of crashing waves filled the silence. Even with the cool ocean air, I felt warm because I was tucked in close, under the arm of quite possibly the most handsome man I’d ever met in my life.

Is this real? I thought.

It felt too perfect. I was too happy. I’d spent my whole life telling myself I deserved less, and now I was getting everything I could dream of.

“What was that?” Kane said.

I must have spoken out loud.

“I didn’t say anything,” I said, hoping he’d buy it.

“Isn’t the ocean incredible,” he said. “It’s as if it remembers everything, so you don’t have to.”

I looked at him and wondered what he was thinking to say that.

“How long have you lived here?” I said.

“Born and raised.”

“I guess that qualifies you as the welcoming committee.”

He looked at me, confused by what I meant.

“Although you take quite the non-traditional approach,” I blurted without thinking. “I mean, most committees drop off a gift basket. You drop your pants in the ladies room.”

As soon as the words came out of my mouth, I knew I was being rude. Only a part of me regretted it though. Sure, the sex was amazing, and I was having a really nice night with him, but there was still a nagging part of me that wondered how many women he’d done this with.

“Hey now,” he said, turning to face me.

He didn’t instantly deny it. Now I regretted it. It was one of those questions I shouldn’t have asked if I didn’t really want to hear the answer.

I wouldn’t have been surprised at all if my fears were true. Men are able to fuck a lot of women. Matt made that clear enough.

I’d be kidding myself to assume Kane was any different. Of course I wasn’t the first woman he’d had some fun with, before taking her down to the beach for a romantic cuddle. I could just imagine how many women had sat right where I was seated, feeling warm and safe against his body.

“What happened earlier in the brewery, that was all your fault, Meadow,” he said.

“Excuse me? My fault? You’re the one who practically pushed me through the door,” I shot back.

“I know. But you gave me no choice.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. My fault?