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His Many Demands by Parker, Ali (18)

Chapter 16


The drive to his place was filled with tension. Sexual anxiety sat like a fog in the air above her. She glanced over at him. His jaw was locked into place, his knuckles white as he rolled his grip on the steering wheel. She reached over and slid her hand along his thigh, all her focus on breathing in a pattern that didn't leave her looking as needy as she was for him. He shifted his gaze to her, his tone sharp and unyielding.

"Not yet."

She reached farther, wanting to make him burn for her the way she was burning for him. He reached down and caught her hand, lifting it to his mouth and sucking a few fingers into the wet warmth of his mouth. Bethany groaned loudly, the sound airy and desperate.

Damn him.

He put her hand back in her lap, a smirk lifting his mouth. "Behave, or I'll tie you up and make you shiver with need before I perhaps, maybe, give you what you want."

"What you need ..." she whispered, sitting back in her seat, her words challenging and low in her throat. He chuckled and let the conversation die, both of them knowing that the night would mark not only their skin but something much deeper.

Parking the car, he turned off the lights and turned to look at her in the dark. She sat as still as possible, the air suddenly so hard to breathe.

"Tell me you want this. You're gonna have to convince me to break the rules of engagement that I live by," he whispered, his tongue brushing across his lips. Bethany stifled a groan and unbuckled her seatbelt.

"I don't know your rules, but I'm tired of conversation." She got out of the car and walked toward his house, the large bachelor pad sitting on the edge of a lake, beautiful like his father’s. He got out and locked the car as he walked toward her, looking like a lion on the prowl.

"Big words for a small girl." He brushed past her, unlocking the door and moving aside as she passed him.

The house was immaculate, everything in its place, the style very modern. He moved in behind her, his arms encircling her waist. One hand slid down to the bottom of dress, fingers brushing up her thighs as he dragged the material up. The other moved to a breast, his thumb flicking back and forth over her hardened nipple.

She pressed back against him, her head dropping to his shoulder as his mouth made contact with her neck. The wetness of his tongue jolted her senses, a whimper leaving her lips accompanied by his dark growl.

Strong fingers pressed against the front of her panties, her body already primed and ready for anything he might want of her.

"So wet, Beth. Someone should clean that up."

She smiled, arching her back to rub herself along his erection. His hands tightened on her, his fingers moving the material that held her captive as he stroked methodically.

"I think you owe me a confession."

"No," she whispered and pressed her hips forward, his finger dipping into her as her body screamed for more.

He pulled his hand away and released her, walking around her as she tried to catch herself. Her thighs trembled as he moved down the hall, his hands working to get his tie and shirt off. He turned as he reached the end of it and smiled at her, just before licking his fingers clean.

"Mmmm, I was hoping to have more of that, but if you aren't willing to be a good girl, I have nothing to offer you." He disappeared into what she imagined to be his bedroom. Bending over to press her hands to her knees, she focused on breathing in deeply, the room spinning slightly. What was it about him?

If she bent to him, would he lord it over her—or was that all part of his game?

In the pool, he had mentioned wanting a strong woman, one that wouldn't get on her knees until he had done so himself. She stood up and ran her fingers through her long hair. If he wanted to play, then she would meet him in the middle and break his resolve in half. He thought he knew how to tease a woman, to bend her, but he was in for a surprise.

Bethany stepped out of her dress, letting it drop to the floor. She walked toward the room, undoing her bra and slipping out of her panties just before walking in. Damon stood with his back to her, his shirt gone and the strong muscles of his back contracting as he undid his pants.

She crawled onto the large four-post bed and slid across the sheets onto her stomach, her feet coming up to slide along each other.

"I'm serious, Beth. I'm not like other men. I want to hear what I want to hear, when I want to hear it. You don't relent, and I'll either take it from you or make you beg for keeping it from me."

"What do you want to hear, Damon?" she whispered seductively, the cold sheets silky against her bare skin. He turned to face her, bending over and pulling his slacks from him before realization slipped across his handsome features.

He paused, his body hard and more than ready for a night of fucking. Tilting his head to the right a little, his eyes dragged down the length of her. He smiled and nodded, licking his lips again.

"I believe that your actions far outweigh your words." He moved toward her and stopped beside the bed. Reaching out, he slid his hands under her arms and pulled her face to the edge of the bed before kneeling down in front of her, his face just before hers.

"I'm not going to fuck you tonight. I want you to need me before I give in to you." He smiled, leaning in and pressing his lips against hers. The saltiness of her own taste on his tongue lit her on fire, her hands reaching up to lock onto him. She broke the kiss and moved to her knees. Damon stood. She pressed his shoulder down hard, a soft laugh leaving her.

"I don't need you to fuck me tonight. I just need you to eat until your heart’s content, and you’re shivering for something that you'll not be getting." She tilted her head to the side as he looked up at her; a subtle nod was all she got.

"Hush, woman."

He moved fast, his motions concentrated and sensual like nothing she had ever seen. He stood and pressed her chest softly. Bethany fell onto her back as Damon slid on the bed, his large arms wrapping around the underside of her legs and pulling up slightly. Shoulders pressed against the bottom of her ass, he buried his face against her need, Bethany breathing in sharply and arching her hips as shock rolled over her.

She hadn't expected him to beckon to her. It was a bold move, and one she figured would get her laughed out of his bed, but nothing of the sort happened. The sweet sounds of him lapping at her, his fingers and teeth carefully pushing and pulling, undid her over and over again. By the third time, she pushed against his shoulder, her words slurred, her body aching for something more—for him.

"No," she moaned. He moved her hand and pressed his tongue against her again. She pushed his head back and groaned louder. "No. No. I want you."

He sat up, a smile lifting on his wet lips. "You want me, or you need me?"

Her eyes narrowed, her game having blown up in her face. He knew what he was doing. It had been his plan all along. She was too lost to him to do anything but bow to his demands.

"I want you. I need you to fuck me all night, Damon. I want to fill this place with the sounds of my screams, with the smell of your lust. I want to be fucked." She moved to her elbows and growled at him, something deep inside of her coming unhinged. He smiled and ran his flat palm over her belly and down her sex before patting her like a kitten.

"Good ... that's where I need you to be."

He forced her onto her side and moved in to lie behind her, his large erection pressed to the curve of her rear. She snuggled into him and turned her face toward him in question. He kissed her softly and licked at her mouth, nipping at her once.

"What are you doing?"

He chuckled softly. "Feeding your need. Sleep with me, and perhaps when you're really ready to handle me, I'll fill you up completely. For hours. Just me and you fucking like animals."

"Now," she whispered, rolling her hips as he groaned. His hand locked on her hip as his teeth sank painfully into her shoulder. He tugged at the flesh a little, kissing and licking the soreness before relaxing behind her.

"Now." She arched against him, the sharp smack of his hand on her ass shocking her.

"No. You took control tonight, and for that, I drank your pleasure. We fuck when I say we fuck. Sleep with me, or go home if you don't want me to hold you."

Confused but too tired to deal with it, she relaxed in his arms. The dull ache between her thighs calmed finally, and she drifted off into sleep, questions beating her up from every angle.

What had she done wrong?

* * *

Bethany walked into the house, passing by the kitchen with her heels looped over her fingers. Her hair was a complete mess, and she looked like she'd sustained a long night of fucking and come out on the losing end. Funny enough, that's exactly how it felt too. Damon not finishing the job left her feeling empty and frustrated. Her mother called to her as she passed. Bethany stopped and sighed softly. No rest for the weary.

Turning on her bare heel, she walked into the kitchen and was grateful that it was just her mother.

"Where's Kent?"

"He had to fly to Seattle for a few days. Something about a surprise audit by the government." Her mother motioned for her to sit down with her. "Where were you last night?"

"I went to have drinks with some coworkers, and things got a little wild. We ended up at someone's house, and I just crashed. Probably not the best idea, but it's what happened."

"Well, I know you’re in college, but I was worried. When you're staying here with us, just make sure you text me and let me know that you'll not be coming home."

Bethany reached over and picked up the half-eaten pieces of buttered toast on her mother's plate, making quick work of it.

"I will, Mom. Sorry for making you worry."

"So ... who is he?"

"Who is who?" Bethany sat back, licking her fingers.

Her mother pointed to a spot on the side of her neck. Bethany tugged at her shirt, looking down to see a bite mark on her shoulder, the indention red and puffy. She stifled a sound of lust at the remembrance of Damon's mouth on her—all over her. He obviously enjoyed drinking her down; why had he stopped?

"Who bit you? The coworker have a dog that needs to be put down?" Her mother's eyebrow lifted as a smile tugged at her lips. Bethany chuckled and pulled her shirt up, shaking her head and moving to stand.

"His name is Philip. He's a new intern at work. He's handsome, smart and just my kind of guy, I guess. I shouldn't have stayed, but it's been a long two years of not dating anyone to focus on my grades." Bethany shrugged and reached for the last piece of toast as her mother lifted the plate toward her.

"I think it's great. You need to let your hair down and enjoy yourself some." Her mom laughed softly, the older woman's cheeks coloring a bit.

"I think my hair down is half the problem." Bethany took a bite, butter running down the side of her hand. She moved to lick it as her mother waved her off.

"No details. You and your tongue get out of here. I'm still your mother."

Bethany chuckled and turned, walking from the kitchen and rushing around to get ready for what was sure to be an awkward day at the office.