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His Town by Ellie Danes (68)

Chapter Six


I woke up feeling refreshed, despite only having slept a few hours. The night with Becca had been amazing and I knew that following my heart, and my gut, had been the right thing to do. I rolled over and grabbed my phone, quickly sending her a text. Can’t wait until tonight. I have something special planned for everyone.

I needed to be in the office today, even though it was a Saturday. I had plenty to plan for the girls this evening and needed to be sure that everything was set with the hotel and casino for he evening. I had also hoped to escape seeing Sara again. I hadn’t heard anything else from her since last night and I wanted to believe she took the hint and went back to New York City. It seemed I was spending more time this trip evading people than working with them. Between my Dad and Sara, that was more than enough stress to make me regret ever coming out here again. Becca was the bright spot of this trip.

After a quick shower I made my way to the office. I was little worried about running into my father after last night. He seemed more pissed off than I had ever seen him before and he definitely seemed sure of himself as to what he wanted for my future. I thought it could actually be possible to talk things out, if he wasn’t always so stubborn about his opinions. He never really wanted to hear much of what I had to say. I thought of Mary, and how she truly wanted dad and I to get along. For her, I’ll make an attempt.

As long as I could remember, Dad was a morning person. He was always up early and ready for work long before most people even got out of bed. It was his work ethic, but I knew he wasn’t always like that. I had hoped that because it was already late morning, he had made his office rounds and was off playing golf or doing whatever it was he did in his spare time. Unfortunately, that didn’t happen. Dad sat perched on the edge of his desk, deep in thought as he stared off into space. “Chance? Glad you can make it in to the office today.” He grumbled.


“It’s nearly the afternoon Chance,” He said nonchalantly, looking at the large picture of my grandfather, the founder of our business.

“Well, it’s still morning.” I tried to say jokingly. “That counts for something.”

“Sometimes I think my father would cry if he saw how his business was going.” Whenever my father talked about his father, I knew I was in trouble. I couldn’t remember my grandfather that well; I was only seven when he had died. Dad always talked about him both a powerful man, and a rather scary one. “Sometimes I don’t think you take your job seriously Chance.”

“I do. You just choose to look at what you want...”

“Enough Chance…” My father cut me off. “You’re always ready with excuses. But honestly it’s not just you. I see myself in you, probably a bit too much of myself in you in fact.”

“Dad.” I protested, not really wanting to be compared to him. Not when he was in one of his moods.

“Trust me Chance, I’ve made many mistakes. And I see you making the same ones. You think I’m trying to control you? No, I’m just trying to prevent you from following the same path I did. I lost out on happiness because I was too focused on the wrong things. Woman, money and booze. Those things will only lead you to a life filled with loneliness Chance.”

“That’s not who I am.” I said, trying not to sound defensive. I didn’t want to fight. But I wanted him to just trust in me, in my choices.

“I partied too hard son, just like you. I wouldn’t get to the office till noon, if at all. I missed out on love, on security. Trust me Chance. You need to settle down. Start a family of your own. I know I’ve been hard on you, but I don’t want you to miss your opportunity of having happiness. Settle down and work hard.”

“I do want all of that.” I said slowly. “But I’m not going to marry someone that I don’t love to get it. I’ll find love, and start a family with that person. Whoever that may be.”

Dad turned towards me, his head dropped to his chest and his eyes closed as he shook it back and forth, finally looking back up at me. “Chance, you just don’t see it. You don’t get it. I busted my ass for what you have now, despite all of the mistakes I made. Your grandfather rode me hard and I did everything I could to defy him. If it weren’t for my own determination, you would be doing something else right now instead of living the good life that you are. Enough of the playing and spending money.”

My eyes narrowed as they met his gaze. I crossed my arms and stared, letting his harsh words sink in. “You haven’t been to the city for over two years. You don’t know all that I’ve accomplished. The clubs, the new hotel, all of those things are just a blip on your radar because this casino and hotel are all that you truly care about. Look at the numbers I send you each week. Look at that folder I handed you the other day. Everything I have been working on has turned more of profit than anything else in this family business. You look at the numbers. The money for all of these other projects is being funded by things I’ve done. You think you could be happy for me, support me. Are you evening coming out next week for the launch?”

“Chance, I’m happy your little pet project is finished. But I’m far too busy to leave Vegas for even a day. You’ll understand later.” Dad turned to me, his face almost blank.

“Alright,” I said softly. My shoulders slumped as I took a step towards the door. I wasn’t going to fight. “You know, I just wish that you would be happy for me. Maybe show some support, I just want you to be proud of your son’s accomplishments for once.” I made my way to the door and paused. “And Dad…all of your bitching about me spending money or staying out late…that’s not me. That’s the bitch Sara you so desperately want me to be with. The woman the does nothing but spend money and drag me from place to place. The reason you don’t think I work hard, it’s because of her. Looks like she has you fooled.”

I left without saying another word.