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I Love You Again by Khardine Gray (6)

Chapter 6

Good, the restaurant was practically empty. There were only a few groups of people.

Sometimes Trina didn't like the crowd. Today was one of those days.

Jennifer had sent her a text earlier asking her to meet for breakfast at nine thirty. She said she wanted to talk.

To be honest, Trina wasn't in the talking mood, but as it was Jennifer, she felt she could oblige her.

She sat at the furthest table, away from the groups. It had a great view of the white sand beach and the cascade of palm trees that adorned the landscape. She gazed ahead at the deep blue of the waves. The hues so rich with color and the enticement to stare forever.

She was really looking forward to exploring the island and visiting the neighboring islands too. The minute she heard the wedding was going to be in Hawaii she thought she'd love to go to Oahu and do all the sightseeing trips. She wanted to visit Pearl Harbor and soak up the sun on Waikiki Beach. The idea sounded lush. Her tired, drained soul could have done with the break and it was a shame she couldn't stay.

She'd gone over everything in her mind last night and came to the same conclusion that it was best for her to go home. She needed to process what had happened in the comfort of her own home and get back on her feet. Staying here would take her back to that depressing place she'd lived in when Brad left, and when her father died.

"Hey." Brad's voice pulled her from her deep thoughts.

She turned to see him and that tingle of excitement that used to dance within her heart ignited.

It was an old habit, or rather a time displaced reaction. Had to be.

She observed him. He looked different today. A little tense, but calmer than yesterday and the shadow of a beard gave him a more manly look.

He looked the same as he did back then. He didn't even look that much older. Maybe just more built and muscular, like he worked out a lot. His massive shoulders filled out the t-shirt he wore, and his dark jeans enhanced the athletic definition in his strong legs.

Jennifer couldn't have been more correct when she described him as gorgeous, because he definitely was. In her warped mind, Trina couldn't help but wonder how many relationships he'd had since her. But that was irrelevant. She shouldn't be thinking about that.

"Hi," she replied when she found her voice.

"Can I sit with you?" He motioned to the empty chair next to her.

"Sure." Her pulse quickened erratically as he made his way around to her and lowered to sit. She clasped her hands together and tried to steady her breathing while he watched her. It was hard to remain coherent when he was so close.

It was hard enough to accept the fact that he was actually here.

Trina's mind went blank, and she struggled to think of what she could talk about.

"The weather looks great." He was nervous too. He never talked about the weather unless he was nervous.

"It usually is in Hawaii," she stated and raised her brows slightly.

"Yeah, yeah of course. A little like LA. I guess." He straightened up against the chair looking uneasy.

"Is that where you live?" She was interested to know.

His firm, sensual lips lifted into a smile. "Yes. I set up my company there."

"You have your own company?" She found that hard to believe and didn't bother to hide her surprise.

He narrowed his blue gaze at her and rolled up the long sleeves of his black t-shirt revealing thick, tanned forearms.

"Yes, I have my own company. Why is that so hard to believe?"

"Are you kidding? You told me you were going to raise catfish for a living and organize fish fights." She retorted remembering how adamant he was about the idea.

He said people pay to watch people fight, and cockerels fight, catfish fights were no different. Trina had never heard such nonsense in her life, but that whole Stand by Your Man song kept nudging at her every time she attempted to shoot the idea down.

Brad looked at her and burst out laughing. She couldn't help herself either. She started to laugh too. It was completely weird given the situation and the swirl of despair that had overwhelmed her since being here.

"Is that what you do? Did you find a way to make the fish fight?" Just to say it made her laugh even more.

"No. I was like fourteen when I had that idea."

"Liar, you were twenty when you first told me." That made it all the funnier.

"Okay, fine. I was kind of hoping you'd forget. That was such a terrible idea."

"Yes. It was," she nodded settling back against the chair. "So, does the business involve fish."

"No. I'm a software engineer."

She looked at him wondering if that was a joke too but saw he was serious.

"Really? You?"

"Don't sound so surprised." He ran his hand through his spiky blonde hair. "I did a course at a community college."

"Good, you guys, are talking," Jennifer's voice cut into Trina’s reply. They looked up to see her approaching them with Neil.

"And laughing," Neil added.

Trina narrowed her eyes at them and hesitated, blinking with bafflement. She thought that she'd just be seeing Jennifer by herself. She looked from Jennifer to Neil, saw the anxious looks on their faces then she looked back at Brad. Then realization dawned on her and she slumped her shoulders.

Jennifer and Neil had set up this little meeting.

Brad seemed to realize too and pressed his lips together.

"What's going on? I thought I was meeting Neil here for breakfast," Brad commented.

"And I thought I was having breakfast with Jennifer," Trina intoned.

Neil placed a protective arm around Jennifer as they both looked at Trina and Brad with tentative expressions.

"We wanted to talk to you guys, both at the same time. This was the best idea we could come up with." Jennifer explained.

Neil nodded. "You guys can't leave."

Trina narrowed her eyes again and looked at Brad as Neil's words sunk in. He said “you guys.” She'd told Jennifer she was leaving. Was Brad leaving too?

"You're leaving?" she asked Brad, glaring at him.

"Yeah, I thought it would be best."


"Probably for the same reason you're leaving."

"Were you even going to say goodbye? You know what, forget that I already know the answer." Selfish jerk. He was going to leave her again, and here he was sitting with her and laughing like everything was normal.

"Of course I was going to say goodbye.” He threw his hands up in distress, and smirked. “What about you?"

"Unbelievable. This isn't about me. I didn't leave you the first time. I get to leave now, not you."

"Guys. Please." Jennifer cut in. "Stop arguing. We want you both to stay. We understand what happened between you two, but how about moving forward. You can at least be friends right?"


She didn't know about that. She'd never been friends with Brad. Trina had feelings for him from as far back as she could remember. He was her first everything. How could she be friends with him? And, with this delicate situation?

"We were thinking," Neil began.

Trina had known Neil a long time and knew that when he started a sentence like that he was going to come out with some outlandish idea. Like when he asked her to fill in for his mom at the dog parlor, and dog walk twenty dogs at the same time. Or, like when he asked her to help him and Jennifer bake a thousand cupcakes overnight because he forgot he was doing a work charity event.

"What Neil? You were thinking what?" Brad asked impatiently.

Neil tried to answer but stopped, looked at them both and continued. "We think that you guys should have some time together. Just you two, no one else and no distractions. We think that it would be good for you, and you shouldn't leave because of each other."

"What do you mean by time together?" Trina asked glowering at him.

"We booked you in a beach house on Maui for a week." Jennifer stepped in with a bright, upbeat expression as if she'd come up with the best idea in the world.

"What!" Trina and Brad both shrieked.

"Jennifer –" Trina huffed.

"No." Jennifer stopped her from continuing and stepped away from Neil's grasp. "You told me once that I was your very best friend and that you'd do anything for me."

"This is what you want?" Trina asked weakly, narrowing her gaze. It was hard to believe that she’d want this. Especially after their talk last night. Jennifer knew how Trina felt.

"Yes. This is what I want." Jennifer nodded firmly. “I want you to do this for me.”

"Brad, you said the same to me." Neil jumped in. "We've been through a lot man. And I've done a lot for you."

Trina noted Brad's reaction. He brought his hand up to his head and sighed.

"I won't make Trina do something she's not comfortable with." Brad shook his head.

"You aren't," Jennifer stated and fixed her gaze back on Trina. "Trina will say yes. I am her best friend, and I would never be wrong in telling anyone that she'd do anything for me. I know she will." Jennifer stared at Trina now. "Trina will do this for me."

It was the power of real friendship. That was what it was. Jennifer was right and knew that only she could make such a request.

Trina watched as Jennifer reached into her purse and pulled out an envelope. She handed it to her.

"Your keys for the house are in there," Neil stated.

Brad looked at Trina when she took the envelope.

"You guys should probably pack now, the ferry leaves in two hours," Jennifer added.

Trina sighed wondering how on earth she was going to get through this.

* * *

She didn't say a word to him during the journey to Maui.

Brad was used to the silent treatment when they were younger, but this felt worse than the run of the mill differences they used to have.

He knew she hated this whole idea, and to be honest, he did too.

He wasn't impressed with Neil or Jennifer and thought that this was one time they should have left the situation alone.

Now he had to endure the torture of watching Trina's sour face and abrasive mood. He already felt bad as it was. It was nice when they were talking and laughing this morning. He felt like he was getting somewhere, and maybe she could forgive him. But now he knew there was definitely no chance of that.

When their taxi pulled up at the beach house, Brad had to take a moment to appreciate the house and the surroundings.

Wow, Neil and Jennifer had certainly gone all out.

The place was amazing. Brad stood beside the taxi and took in the brilliance of the Victorian style house. With its soft cream and burgundy colors, it was truly stunning. Just like the woman who stood before it with her luscious brown hair blowing in the wind. It didn't escape him that Trina was more beautiful now than when he last saw her. She was only a girl then, a girl who'd captured his heart with her astounding beauty and angelic spirit.

The woman who stood ahead of him was every bit a fantasy come to life with her long silky legs that ran up to her tiny waist. Her bronze skin glistened in the bright sunlight and looked radiant against the turquoise summer dress that flirted with her legs as she walked around the taxi to get her suitcase from the trunk.

Brad paid the driver and made his way around to help her.

"Hey let me take that." He offered, but she didn't answer him.

Trina just propped the suitcase on its side and lifted it from the handles. She then turned on her heel as if he didn't exist and made her way up the stairs, and into the house. Brad sighed and looked at the driver who was already looking at him with sympathy.

"Rough day," Brad said.

"Try to fix the problem. This is a beautiful island. Everyone's happy here." The driver said with a smile that turned into a hearty laugh.

"Sure," Brad replied. He was certain those happy people were all couples or those who came here voluntarily to be happy. Not like them.

When the driver left, Brad made his way into the house and found her in the kitchen. She'd opened the cupboards to reveal that they were filled with an assortment of food, and so was the fridge. There was everything from snacks and cereals, different types of cheeses, meats, and cans of everything.

The more he looked around, the more he saw the effort Neil and Jennifer had put in. They must have gone through a lot to organize this and have it ready for when he and Trina got here. Definitely not what he wanted them to be doing in the run up to their wedding. People should be treating them, and making sure they were the ones who had a getaway with all that they needed, not the other way around. He didn't even want to think about how much this all cost them.

He looked at Trina as she whirled around by the glossy wooden top kitchen counter and sighed. She still had that peeved expression on her face.

"Is this how it's going to be? With you not talking to me?" He decided to ask.

She gave him a pointed stare and took on a defensive stance with her head tilted high.

"Yes, because it's your fault we're here."

"How is this my fault? Our friends made us come here." He defended.

"Brad, I get that you aren't the sharpest knife in the draw, but even you should be able to see how this is your fault."

Shock and surprise rendered him speechless. Trina had always been stubborn, always had a strong personality. But, he couldn't remember her being mean. If she'd been someone else, he wouldn't have held back on the mouthful of curses he had ready to roll off the tip of his tongue.

Since it was her though he held back on account of the whole situation between them.

"This isn't my fault. I didn't do anything." That was the tamer version of what he actually had in mind.

"If you didn't tell Neil you were leaving then Jennifer would have allowed me to leave in peace like I wanted to. Now I have to stay here with you and sort out stuff I don't want." She was shouting now and looked thoroughly annoyed.

He was angry too, and didn't like the way she was talking to him.

"I don't want to sort anything out either. I wanted to go in peace too, and now I have to stay here with you."

"Then why don't you go? That's what you're best at. Running away like a coward and disappointing people."

Of course, this was about the past. What else would it be about?

Brad looked at her, noting how mad she was.

She thought he was a coward. Maybe if he told her about the ring and the full circumstances around him leaving she'd understand more. But he couldn't do that. It hurt enough that she hated him for leaving her, looked down on him, and practically called him stupid. Clarifying that her father didn't want her to marry him would just throw salt on his open wounds.

"Listen Trina," he squared off with her too. Looking down at her petite frame. "You think you know me, but you don't. We aren't a couple, and I don't have to explain myself to you. I already explained what I needed to and if you can't accept that. It really isn't my problem."

She didn't like that answer one bit. She looked shocked at his words and shocked that he could speak to her like that, but he didn’t care. She deserved it. He picked up his rucksack and swung it over his shoulders. He didn't need this tension and didn't see why he should have to put up with it.

"So that's it?" she yelled as he moved to leave.

"We're done talking." He snapped and left before she could say another word.




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