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Infatuated (Ocean Beach Book 1) by Lea Hart (12)


Ace opened the door of his truck and held out his hand for Lisa. When she slipped it inside, he grinned and admired her shapely legs as she slid out of her seat. “We’re going tiki for our first date.”

“This is perfect, Ace. I love the Bali Hai restaurant.”

“Glad I made the right call. I figured tropical drinks, a warm breeze and a view of the water would make our first date memorable.”

“Seems funny that this is the first time we’ve gone out together.”

“Doesn’t seem we’ve been blessed with a linear love story, so I guess all we can do is enjoy the wild ride we’ve been given.”

“Seems so.”

Holding her hand tightly, he guided her toward the entrance and felt optimistic for the first time since taking the call from Victoria. This was his and Lisa’s beginning, and he was going to do everything he could to make sure they started building a strong foundation.


Ace looked across the table and watched a luminous smile appear on Lisa’s face as the waitress delivered the Ali’i tasting platter along with their drinks. “Had I known coconut shrimp would make you so happy, I would’ve gotten you some earlier.”

Laughing, she picked up her drink and took a sip. “I love pupus platters; they always make me think of the vacations my family took in Hawaii when I was growing up.”

“Maybe we should put a trip to Hawaii on our calendars after I get back from my next deployment.”

“Let’s see if we can survive a trip to Central America first.”

“Honey, we can do whatever we put our minds to.”

“Says the mighty warrior SEAL.” She picked up a coconut shrimp and put it against his mouth. “I know you like sweet things.”

“I sure do,” he replied as he let his eyes roam slowly over her body. He opened his mouth and watched her eyes flare with heat and slid his hand along her leg as he chewed.

“Dirty boy.” She picked up a beef skewer and pointed it at him. “You behave.”

“Bet you’ll change your tune once we’re home.”

“I might; it depends on how much I enjoy your company.”

“I guess that means I need to be extra charming tonight.”

“Just your regular charm is more than enough.”

Leaning forward, he cupped her head and pressed a firm kiss to her mouth. “Thank you for not running. I appreciate the hell out of having a chance to make this thing between us stick.”

“I don’t have much of a choice since my ability to refuse you is all but non-existent.”

“I plan on making sure that never changes.” Kissing her gently, he then sat back and picked up a spring roll and put it against her mouth. “I know you like big things…in your mouth.”

Lisa took a big bite and then grinned. “That’s true.”

“I may not be the only one with a dirty mind.” When she smiled and shrugged, he knew there would never be a better match than the one next to him. “Okay, let’s do some date questions, so I don’t lose my control and drag you out of this restaurant.”

Wiping her mouth carefully, she nodded. “Good idea.”

“Where do you see yourself in five years?”

“Jeeze, Ace, you couldn’t start with something easier?”

“I already know you like strawberry ice cream, big dogs, ridiculous reality television shows, Siracha on almost everything, historical fiction, and flowered sheets.” He took her hand and laced their fingers together. “But, I don’t know what you want the next part of your life to look like.”

“I’m not sure either, which is damn uncomfortable. I’ve pursued my journalism career since I graduated college, and it wasn’t until this year that I started thinking about a second act. I’m hoping the teaching job in the fall is going to help me figure out what my next step should be.”

“Change is scary as shit, and I know that I’m going to be facing it before too long. So, in a way, I’m in much the same position you are. I’ve been a warrior for over a decade and probably only have a couple more years left in me.”

“Is your body breaking down or your heart and mind?”

“My heart and soul are doing okay, but the body is starting to show some wear and tear. The last thing I want is to stay in too long and make my team vulnerable if I can’t keep up.” He looked out at the water and took a sip of his beer.

“I’ve seen you out there, Ace, and I bet you have many more years before that happens.”

Turning, he gave her a smile. “The job I do is all-consuming, and when I go out with my brothers, I’m willing to give my life in pursuit of the mission and protection of the men alongside me. There is a cost to that, and I’ll need to figure out when I can’t do it anymore.” He lifted his beer again and drank some down. “I’m not sure when it’s going to happen, and how I’m going to let go of the idea that the most exciting and meaningful things have already happened. My purpose has been crystal clear since I walked into NAB and decided to become a SEAL, so finding a new one as my career winds down is daunting, and I’m frankly not looking forward to it.”

“In a way, I totally get what you’re saying. I’ve done the same thing with my writing, and now that I’ve all but lost my edge, I’m scared out of mind that nothing will ever measure up.” Holding up her hand, she shook her head. “I’m not comparing what we do because your work is so incredibly important.”

“I believe every job is important.”

“But I live under the blanket of the security that you and all the men and women in the armed services have provided. That is so valuable, and few things can compare.”

“But when you’re home and your house is on fire, you need a fireman; when your toilet clogs, you need a plumber; and when you need food, the people who work at the grocery store and open the doors are all that matter. We all play a part, and one is no more valuable than the other.”

“Still, you going out and fighting the evil of the world is kind of the shit.”

“I’ll take that, no problem.” Picking up a piece of tuna poke, he popped it in his mouth. “Do you want a family someday and the whole American dream?”

“I think so. My parents had a great marriage and gave my sister and me an amazing life. I think love works, but I know it isn’t easy, and I want to find a partner more than I want to find a husband.”

“What’s the difference?”

“I’d like to have a best friend that I’m mad about. I want to love deeply, have adventures, and a lot of dirty sex with someone I’d enjoy sharing popcorn with at the movies. I don’t need anyone to pay my bills or take care of me, but I do need someone to laugh with and love endlessly.”

“What about babies?”

“I’d like to have a few, maybe two or three.” Taking a sip of her drink, she crossed her legs. “What about you, Ace? What would you like?”

“Almost exactly what you said. Men need a reason, and I want a woman in my life who gives me that every day. I think a family gives men like me a chance to have meaning for all of the hard things we’ve faced.”

“I feel like there’s more to that.”

“As warriors, we fight evil because there are few willing to step forward. Not because we are better than anyone else, but because we had the flame in our heart to walk into the darkness in order to bring light. There is a cost to that, and for it to make sense when we come home, we need something to move toward, and I think a family could be the best answer.

“It’s impossible to explain what we’ve experienced and the blood we’ve spilled in order for people at home to live peacefully. I think taking those lessons forged in fire, sweat, fear, anger, and blood and using them for the next generation gives them a meaning that’s tolerable.”

“So, having a family is the other side of that warrior experience that makes the sacrifice worth it?”

“Pretty much. Having someone to love will save a soul faster than anything else and reminds soldiers there’s something greater than the darkness.”

“Amen to that, Ace.”

“I have a feeling you could use some light in your life too since you’ve been on the front lines of these conflicts.”

“More than you know,” she responded quietly.

The waitress came by and cleared their appetizer and delivered their dinner along with fresh drinks. Ace leaned over and kissed Lisa’s cheek. “Sorry about the heavy conversation on our date.”

“I like talking to you about real things since it’s all that matters in the end.”

“Me too, but I want us to have as much light as we can so when we’re together we become the refuge for one another.”

“Then you better be willing to watch a romcom when we get home because there’s nothing lighter than seeing two people have a meet cute and find their happy ever after.”

“Sounds like torture, but if you let me feel you up, then I’m game.”

“You need some booby action to make it through a movie?”


“Dirty man.”

“Just what you’ve been looking for.”

Turning, she cupped his face and grinned. “Seems so.”

Giving her a long kiss, he felt happiness detonate in his chest and knew she was his happy. The one he’d always hoped existed.