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Infatuated (Ocean Beach Book 1) by Lea Hart (24)


Sitting in the waiting room, Lisa sipped her coffee slowly and waited for Ace to return from donating blood. She glanced around at the other people who littered the couches and chairs and wondered which of them were not going to have their prayers answered.

A morbid question to be sure, but it was four in the morning, and she was all out of fresh optimism. Resting her head against the wall, she closed her eyes and knew it wouldn’t take much to fall into dreamland.

Which seemed inappropriate considering Victoria was in surgery. She lifted her head quickly and blinked her eyes several times, trying to stay awake. When she saw Ace walking down the hall, she stood and headed in his direction, hoping the movement would help keep her awake. “How was it?”

“Fine, I usually donate a couple of times a year, so it was no big deal.”

“Any news?”

“No, I just ran into Dean in the hall, and no one has come out to give him any updates. Poor guy is strung out with worry.”

“Did he tell you anything about the accident?”

“No, and I decided not to ask because he’s riding close to the edge and could crack if pushed.”

“Do you think he and Victoria will end up together?”

“Not sure since he’s apparently not the daddy, but who knows?” He took her hand and led her back to the waiting room. “You want to try and catch a combat nap?”

“I almost fell asleep a couple of minutes ago and felt bad, considering Victoria is in surgery.”

“You don’t need to stay awake. You’ve got to be dead on your feet.”

Looking up, she noticed he didn’t look any worse for wear. “I am, how come you’re not?”

“Because I’m used to operating with little sleep on deployment.” He collapsed onto a couch and pulled her down next to him. “Lay your head on my lap and take a nap.”

Smirking, she did as he suggested. “You never suggest a nap when my head is near your…jewels.”

“Behave, woman.”

“Alright, if you insist.” Closing her eyes, she felt his hand run slowly across her face and then through her hair. “Tell me a story, Ace.”

“What about?”

“Your favorite part of your job.”

“You’ve seen me do my job, so you know I love pulling people out of dangerous situations and righting wrongs.”

“You’re just an everyday super-hero.”

“Nah, I just get to do cool shit with my friends with some serious bad-ass toys.”

“I guess that’s as good of a description as any.”

“When you’re out there, what’s your favorite thing to do?”

He ran his hand along his jaw and shrugged. “I guess one of my favorite things to do besides blowing shit up would be calling in the big guns.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’m a Joint Tactical Air Controller, and I can call in air strikes with everything from an AH-1 Cobra gunship to an Airforce B1 bomber and everything in between. It’s an incredible feeling to bring in American firepower when my buddies and I are pinned in.”

“Are you worried, Ace?”

“About what, honey?”

“The baby and Victoria.”

“Sure, just like I would be about any woman and child who were in a car accident.” He stroked her cheek and frowned. “I don’t feel any connection to the kid, though, and I’m not sure why.”

“I bet you will when you meet him or her.”

“If it’s mine.”

“You still don’t believe it’s yours?”

“Maybe it’s wishing and hoping that’s making me believe it, but my gut tells me I’d feel different if it were mine.”

“When do the results come back from the paternity test?”

“Either Saturday or Monday at the latest.”

“I know it’s going to be a lot easier to deal with once you know for sure.”

“I hope so.”

A nurse strode in and looked around. “Ace Henderson?”

Lisa lifted herself up and watched Ace stand. “Please, let this be good news,” she prayed silently.

“Right here,” he responded as he stood up straight.

“Can I have a word, sir?”

“Of course.”

“Okay,” she replied as she looked at her tablet. “We screened the blood you donated for the patient’s baby who’s in surgery, and it’s not compatible with the fetus she’s carrying.” Looking up, she frowned. “Would you by chance know who the father is because we’d like to have him on hand if possible.”

“Excuse me?” he asked quietly.

“Your blood type is A, and the baby’s is O, and that makes it impossible for you to be the baby’s father.”

Lisa stood and took Ace’s hand. “Did you ask the gentleman who was in the accident with her? I think he was eliminated as a possible father, but perhaps he can donate just to be sure.”

“I’ll try him, even though you were listed on the forms.”

Ace cleared his throat and shrugged. “I don’t have any other names for you, sorry.”

“Thanks for your help; I thought it might be worth a shot.”

“How is she doing?” Lisa asked.

“She’s holding her own, and we’re trying to determine how long she can carry the baby.”

“Thank you,” Lisa responded quietly. Turning, she put her hands on Ace’s arms. “Well, I guess that answers that.”

“I don’t even know what to say, except I was right.”

Resting her head against his chest, she let out a breath. “That you were, Ace.”

He lifted her head with his hands and kissed her gently. “I’m so fucking relieved to know for sure.”

“I am too, Ace.”

“You want to get out of here and head home?”

“No!” She pulled his hand and sat on the couch. “We need to stay until Victoria gets out of surgery.”

“Why?” he almost shouted.

“Because it’s the right thing to do. You had a relationship with the woman and, no matter how badly it turned out, we should stay.”

He collapsed next to her and crossed his arms. “She has caused me more pain and grief than any other human, and I think she knew all along I wasn’t the father but wanted to jack me around.”

“Nobody is that malicious.”

He lifted an eyebrow and rolled his lips together. “Want to make a bet?”

“Okay that was a dumb thing to say, considering the world we live in, but do you really think she’s dumb enough to lie, considering it could easily be disproved?”

“Yes, clearly she’s that dumb and probably hoped one of the other guys or I would believe her.”

“I don’t know, Ace. I think there’s a story there and you shouldn’t judge until you hear it.”

“Pretty sure I can do that now, considering what we’ve had to deal with.” Rolling his head in a circle, he huffed out a big breath. “Though knowing you’d stick by me no matter what is pretty cool, so I guess it’s not a total shit show.”

“I bet there are going to be a lot of things we can take from this experience that will end up being valuable.”

“I know I’m lucky to have you and there isn’t anything that we can’t face together. We’re going to be a good team, you and me, and I’m damn lucky.”

“Me too, Ace. Me too.”




Ace found a parking spot in front of the Donut Bar in downtown and didn’t see a line. Which was a damn miracle considering they had the best donuts in all of San Diego. “They opened like five minutes ago, and I bet they haven’t sold out of anything yet.”

“Makes the night we spent in the hospital totally worth it since it’s allowed us to be here before the crack of dawn.”

“Silver lining, honey, there’s always one if you look hard enough,” he said with a grin as he jumped out of his truck. When he opened Lisa’s door and held his hand out, he laughed at her confused expression. “What? Too much Susie Sunshine for you?”

“Give me a minute, and I’m sure I’ll adjust.”

Taking her hand, he kissed it and then tugged her toward the shop. “I’ve been living under a storm cloud named Victoria, and today the thing finally blew itself out and moved on.” Bending down, he gave her a huge smile. “Get used to it because this happy-as-fuck grin isn’t going anywhere for a good long time.”

“Yes, sir,” she replied as she kissed his cheek. “I like this happy-go-lucky version of you.”

“Me too.” Walking up to the counter he studied the display and shook his head. “Too many good options.”

“We can get one of each; that way, decisions won’t be necessary.”

“I knew I loved you for a reason.”

“I didn’t know an insatiable sweet tooth was a thing to love.”

Laughing, he pulled her in front of him and kissed her head. “Go ahead and tell the nice kid what you want and then, when we get out of here, I can tell you the five thousand other things I love as well.”

She looked up and smirked. “Five thousand seems like a small number; I have at least seven thousand things I love about you.”

“Can I help you?” the guy behind the counter huffed out. “Or do you need to talk about your love some more and make me throw up in my mouth?”

“What the hell is your problem?” Ace asked as he moved forward. Feeling Lisa’s hand on his chest, he looked down. “What? That was really rude.”

“It’s not directed at us specifically. Clearly, he’s had his heart stomped on and seeing us so googly-eyed is difficult.”

“So?” Seeing her disapproving look, he shrugged. “Whatever.”

Lisa gave the counter guy a sympathetic look. “We have two choices here; either you let my boyfriend and me get as lovey-dovey, smoopy-loopy as we want or he’s going to lose his temper, and that’s not anything we need to have happen before I’ve had a donut.”

“Fine,” he replied as he covered his eyes. “Make it quick, though, since I’m at my limit with breeders and their gag-worthy Instagram moments.”

Lisa lifted herself up on her tiptoes and shook her head. “Who broke your heart?” Looking from side to side, she cupped her hand and whispered loudly, “Give me a name, and I’ll work up a revenge plan with my best friend.”

“You’d do that for a complete stranger?”

Lisa rested her hand against her chest. “I’m on the side of love.”

Ace looked down and shook his head. “I knew you were not going to stay still for long, and this is just the sort of thing that will give you the excitement you crave.”

Smacking the counter, she let out a huff. “This is just me wanting to help out a fellow human being who has clearly been tossed in the washing machine of heartbreak and come out a bit bitter. If I can help, I will.”

“Really?” he asked as he lifted an eyebrow. “The washing machine of heartbreak?”

“I’ve had too much coffee, all right? After I eat a couple of donuts, I’m sure my metaphors will be a lot more impressive.”

“Don’t let him hate on your metaphors, girl, because that’s how it starts,” counter boy said loudly. “One day, they love your sassy remarks, and the next day, they ask you to tone it down.” Reaching across the case, he took her hand and squeezed it. “I’m sure that hunk of burning love behind you is a machine in the bedroom, but don’t let your brain be fogged by sex.” He shook his head vehemently and snapped his fingers. “You hold onto that sassy mouth of yours and don’t let him dim your light.”

Ace let out a growl and tensed. “Hey, I have never dimmed her light and don’t know why I’m being called out.”

Lisa patted his arm. “Of course, you haven’t,” she replied as she squeezed Ace’s hand. Turning back to the kid, she smiled. “If you want revenge on the man who did you wrong, then call me, because my best friend has a list of herbs that are just about foolproof.” She opened her purse and pulled a card. “Keep this in case you want to come and talk it out.”

Wiping an invisible tear away, he nodded. “I will.”

“What’s your name, by the way?”


“I’m Lisa, and this is Ace.”

Ace ran his hand over his face and then waved. “Nice to meet you, Wayne.”

“You too.”

Putting his hands on Lisa’s shoulders, he squeezed gently. “So, donuts?”

Wayne waved his hand and grabbed a box. “Don’t you worry; I’ll put a box together that will blow your minds. I have kind of a gift when it comes to mixing and matching, and I want to share it with you.”

Lisa put her hands together and clapped. “That’s so sweet.”

“After I snapped at you two, it’s the least I can do.”

“Don’t you worry about it, Wayne. We were being a little too lovey-dovey for seven in the morning, and I completely understand.”

“We’re normally a lot more circumspect,” Ace said as he felt Lisa lean against him. “We got some incredible news about an hour ago, and we’re high on fucking life right now.”

Wayne stopped putting donuts in the box and raised an eyebrow. “Don’t hold back now.”

Lisa leaned over the counter and crooked her finger for him to come closer. “A woman that Ace casually dated told him he was one of three possible daddies to her baby, but it turns out that wasn’t true because the actual father of the baby is the brother of one of the candidates.”

Wayne shook his head and narrowed his eyes. “Come again.”

“Victoria slept with the brother of one of the men she was dating, and he fathered the child she is carrying.”

“No shit?” Wayne said loudly.

Lisa nodded her head and gave him a half-smile. “I know; it’s totally cray.”

“You want to announce that to anyone else because I don’t think the back-half of the line heard.”

Lisa bent sideways and shrugged. “You have to be in the right place to hear the good stuff.”

“Amen, sister,” Wayne said as he put the last donut in the box. “I’m def calling you because you are my kind of people.”

“I’d love that. Do you have any appetizer or drink specialties?”

“I make a mean spinach dip and a sangria that will make you orgasm.”

“I’m going to need the sangria because Ace is going downrange soon, and I’ll be high and dry until he gets home.”

Ace shook his head as he opened his wallet and pulled out some money. “I don’t have any words for what just happened.”

“Freaking awesome is how I’d describe it,” Lisa said as she accepted the box of donuts.

“Def,” Wayne responded as he took Ace’s money. “I’m calling you, and we’re planning something.”

“I’d love it,” Lisa replied enthusiastically.

Ace accepted his change and gave Wayne a salute. “Have a good one, man.”

As they walked out of the shop, Wayne called out, “Goodbye, breeders, I love you.”

Lisa blew him a kiss and waved. “We love you too.”

Ace noticed the curious looks they got as they walked to the truck and decided he didn’t care. He opened her door and took the box of donuts while she slid in. Once she was settled, he handed her the box and leaned in. “Why did he call us breeders?”

“It’s a nickname that gay men use when talking about heterosexuals.”

“Makes sense,” he replied before kissing her cheek. Jogging around, he got in and buckled up. “Got to say, that might be the most interesting ten minutes of my life.”

Lisa pulled a donut out and wrapped it in a napkin, then handed it over. “You stick with me, and we’ll have a thousand more.”

He accepted the donut and then leaned over, kissing her with every feeling in his heart. “Honey, I’ve never seen you so happy and outgoing, and it makes me wonder if maybe being with me has dimmed your light.”

“Oh, I don’t think that’s it at all. We met in a country with a civil war raging around us, then came home and had to deal with a surprise pregnancy, and then went to Central America and spent time with gang members, and then narrowly escaped death.”

“That sounds really fucking depressing when you string all those things together like that.”

“I know,” she replied as she took a donut out and nibbled the edge. “But now we’re on the other side of it, and it feels pretty damn amazing.”

“It sure does.” He started the truck and then pulled out, thinking about the future they had ahead of them and how freaking lucky he was to have someone like Lisa at his side.




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