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Jacob’s Ladder: Gabe by Ashley, Katie (19)

After I slid a gold tube of lipstick across my lips, I surveyed my appearance in the bathroom mirror. Although I was never one to be an ego tripper, I had to admit I looked pretty damn good. Sexy and sultry even. Before I’d left the house, Ellie had insisted on sending me with one of her swanky dresses. Since the only dresses I owned were the ones I wore to church or parents’ night at school, I happily accepted it.

The deep purple material fit like a second skin against my body while the spaghetti straps left little to the imagination when it came to my cleavage. Kennedy had taken care of that department when she had sent me with a bustier to maximize my assets. While I was wearing my sisters’ dress and underwear, I was happy to say that the strappy black heels were actually mine, as well as the calf-length black dress coat I would be adding when we started to leave.

Since Gabe was a fan of my hair being down, I’d merely pulled it back on the sides after adding in some waves. I fluffed it one last time before adding in a little setting spray. I wanted to keep the waves, but I also wanted Gabe to be able to run his fingers through it easily.

I smiled as I thought of him. He had insisted I get ready in his bathroom while he collected his things and went to the guest bedroom. Although I could have preened a few more minutes in front of the mirror, a gentle knock came at the door. “Rae? We need to leave in five minutes to make it to our reservation.”

I exhaled a breath before replying, “Coming.” I allowed myself one last glance in the mirror before I threw open the bathroom door.

When I stepped out, Gabe had his back to me while digging in his dresser drawer. My heart did a flip-flop at the sight of him in dress pants and a dress shirt. I’d never seen him so dressed up, and I had to admit the partial suit porn was very swoony.

As Gabe pulled out a watch and started to put it on, I softly said, “I’m ready.”

Gabe whirled around. After taking in my appearance, his eyes bulged, and his jaw dropped open. “Holy shit, Rae. You look out-of-this-world stunning.”

Inwardly, I did a victory dance at his reaction. Outwardly, after doing a little twirl to give him a view of my backside, I asked, “Does that mean you like the dress?”

“Like it? I fucking love it.” Gabe shook his head. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in anything but pants or jeans.”

“Although I much prefer pants, I will occasionally put on a dress for special occasions.”

Bending over, Gabe ran his hand up my thigh. “Mm, I do like the extra skin showing.” He paused at my thigh-highs. “What do we have here?”

“Before you get your hopes up that they’re some sexy garters, they’re only Walmart thigh-highs.”

Gabe grinned. “I don’t give a shit where they came from. I love the way the lace feels.” He flicked the hem of my dress so he could get a look at them. “And I really love the way they look.”

“I’m glad you like it.”

“I’m sorry to say it, babe, but you’re really going to have to wear dresses more often.”

“Is that right?”

“Yes, but I have ulterior motives for liking them.”

“Oh, you do?”

His hand came between my legs, causing me to gasp and a wicked grin to curve on his lips. “I love the easy access.”

I smacked his hand away. “You’re detoxing, remember?”

Chuckling, Gabe shook his head. “I have a feeling I can’t be rehabilitated. I’m an addict.”

“You’re going to have to try harder. Now come on, let’s go get something to eat. I’m starving.”

As we started onto the elevator, I asked, “Do you really think we’ll have to wait over an hour to eat?”

“Normally we would, but while you were in the shower, I pulled a few strings to get us a reservation.”

“You mean you used your VIP status to worm your way in?”

“Pretty much.”

With a smile, I replied, “Normally, I would find that type of elitist stuff disgusting, but considering how hungry I am, I’ll make an exception this time.”

Grinning, Gabe said, “I’m glad to hear it.”

As we started into the elevator, I asked, “Where are you taking me?”

“Nikolai’s Roof.”

“That sounds interesting. Is it Russian?”

“Both Russian and French.”

“Really? Hmm, I’ve never had Russian food before.” As we started our descent down to the ground floor, I gave Gabe a sheepish grin. “If I’m honest, the only French food I’ve had is what Kennedy has cooked for us.”

“You don’t need to feel embarrassed that you don’t have a distinguished food palate. Even when I was in Moscow for a few days, I didn’t eat Russian food.”

“You didn’t?”

Gabe shook his head. “Nope. While Eli was trying all the local cuisine, I was living off McDonald’s and chicken.”

I laughed. “Then why did you pick a restaurant that serves Russian food?”

“You forget that it also serves French food.”

“Yes, that’s true.”

“The main reason I chose it is because of the gorgeous views of the skyline, and they have a hell of a wine list.”

The elevator doors dinged open, and Gabe and I stepped out into the lobby of his building. “An impressive wine list? Does that mean you have plans to ply me with alcohol to get me back home early and into your bed?”

Gabe waggled his brows at me. “Maybe.”

“I’ll make sure to sip slowly then.”

He laughed. “Wait until you taste some—you’ll be draining it in no time.”

“We’ll see about that.”

When we walked outside into the setting sun, I expected to go over to Gabe’s car. Instead, he motioned to a black Mercedes under the building’s awning.

“You ordered a car for us?”

Gabe nodded. “I want to be able to drink without having to worry about getting behind the wheel.” He then winked at me. “Not to mention it makes tonight a little more romantic, right?”

Okay, he had me there. I’d never been driven around in a chauffeured car before—and no, the limo Ryan and his friends had rented for junior prom didn’t count. I’d lost my virginity that night in a cheap motel outside of Chattanooga. At the time, I thought it was terribly romantic. Later, I realized how cheesy it had actually been.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” Gabe asked as the chauffer held open the door.

“Nothing. Why?”

“You got this sad look on your face.”

With a wry smile, I replied, “I’m sorry. An unpleasant memory from the past hit me.”

Cupping my cheek, Gabe said, “No more bad memories. Tonight is all about us and the present.”

I nodded. “Yes, it is.” I then ducked down inside the Mercedes. After sliding across the leather seats, Gabe dropped down beside me. I snuggled up beside him as we then made our way through the crowded streets of Atlanta.

When we pulled up outside the Hilton, I shot Gabe a look. “You just happened to pick a romantic restaurant within a hotel?”

Gabe chuckled. “Are you insinuating I planned dinner around having easy sex access?”

“That’s exactly what I’m insinuating.”

He held up his hand. “I swear, it had nothing to with sex and everything to do with the French food and the views.”

“Just remember, there’s no sex until we get back to your penthouse. Tonight is about romance.”

After saluting me, Gabe said, “Yes, ma’am.”

As I stared at the jaw-dropping handsomeness before me outfitted in the most scrumptious suit porn, I hoped I would exercise the same self-control I’d asked of him. Don’t drool, Rae. Don’t.