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Kyle's Return by L.P. Dover (16)



“MEG, YOU HAVE company,” Nic shouted from the living room.

I flat ironed the last section of my hair and slid on a brand new, silky red dress. I couldn’t wait to see the look on Kyle’s face when we surprised him tonight. Grabbing my clutch, I opened my bedroom door to find Gabby strutting down the hall.

“Oh my God,” I squealed, racing toward her. I threw my arms around her shoulders and squeezed. “I’m so glad you’re here. You have no idea how much I’ve missed you.”

She laughed. “Probably just as much as I’ve missed you. Are you ready to go?”

I stepped back and took her in. Her midnight hair was sleek down her back and she had on a skin tight, royal blue dress. Gorgeous as always. “Yes, let’s get out of here. The sooner we get to the party and get out . . .”

“The sooner you can go see lover boy. Yeah, yeah, I know the deal. I can’t believe I’m gonna be hanging out with Andrews.”

“He’s honestly not that bad,” Paxton cut in, peeking his head around the corner. “People change, sunshine.”

Gabby rolled her eyes and winked. “We’ll see about that. Now come on before we’re late. Ryley’s dying to see you.” I was ready to see him too.

Waving goodbye to Nic, who was getting ready for her date with Greg, I turned to Pax. “Have you talked to Kyle about fixing his truck?”

He got into his vehicle and looked back at me, brows furrowed. “No, why? What happened to it?”

“Someone keyed it last week. He mentioned spending a few days in California to see if you’d fix it. I guess he wasn’t ready to ask you.”

Gabby turned her head. “Will you be coming with him?”

“As a matter of fact, I would. I’ve already asked Tyler for the time off.” Then to Pax, I asked, “Do you think you’d have the time to do a paint job on it?”

“I’m sure I would, if Kyle helps. We could get it done in two days, three tops.”

“That’s great! It’ll be the week after Tyler and Kacey are back from their honeymoon. I’ll find a hotel and book it.”

Gabby snorted and looked at me like I’d lost my mind. “Are you serious? You’re not coming out to visit me just to stay in a fucking hotel. You and Kyle can stay with us.” We both looked at her.

“Are you sure you’re okay with that?” Pax asked.

“Why, are you not?”

He chuckled. “I’m fine with it as long as you are. Although, I am surprised you’re not bringing him with us tonight,” he mentioned, glancing at me in the mirror.

“I would have if I knew he wasn’t going to get kicked out. I would rather take my chances on Saturday at the wedding.”

“Whatever you have planned you know it’s a gamble. Kacey asked me to walk her down the aisle and the last thing I want to do is piss her or Rushing off.”

“I know you don’t and that’s why I want you and Gabby to hang out with me and Kyle tonight. He needs a friend other than me. You should see the way everyone treats him. I don’t want him to snap.”

Paxton sighed. “I understand. I’ll help you out as much as I can. Andrews used to be one of my best friends. He wasn’t always a dick.”

“Thanks, Pax.” I squeezed Gabby’s shoulders. “You too, Gabby.”

It didn’t take us long to get to the Labyrinth and since it was a private party, there’d be no waiting in lines to get in. The guest list was just our circle of friends. Paxton and Gabby held hands as they walked inside and I trailed along behind them. I hated not being able to bring Kyle. Before going inside, I pulled out my phone and texted him.


Me: I’m thinking about you. See you soon.

Kyle: I’ll be waiting.


The music blared and laughter filled the air as I walked into the club. Kacey and Tyler were at the bar, smiling and talking to a group of our friends. Mason and Claire were there, as well as Camden and Brooklyn. I was never close with Camden since he and Ryley had only just recently reconciled their differences. He looked happy, especially now that he had someone who could keep up with him. The whole group being together again brought me joy. They were a second family to me.

I pulled on Gabby’s arm. “Where are Matt and Shelby?”

“They’ll be here tomorrow morning.”

Nodding, I looked around. “What about Ryley and Ash? Where are they?”

“Right here,” Ryley exclaimed grabbing me up in his arms. “Did you miss me?”

As soon as he set me down, I squealed and hugged him hard. “Hell yeah, I’ve missed you.” Ashleigh was right behind him with the biggest smile on her face. I let Ryley go so I could hug her too. “How are you guys? How are the twins? I bet they’re getting so big.”

“You have no idea,” Ashleigh laughed, pulling out her phone. She showed me a picture of them and I melted. They looked just like Ryley with his blond hair and bright blue eyes.

“Oh my goodness, they’re so adorable. I bet they’re a handful.”

Ashleigh tossed her dark curls behind her shoulder and pursed her lips at Ryley. “They act just like him.”

Ryley grinned wide and winked. “You say that like it’s a bad thing.”

Ashleigh and Gabby snorted while I laughed. Linking her arm with mine and Ashleigh’s, Gabby pulled us over to the bar and the guys followed. We greeted Kacey and Tyler, but I could always tell it was a little awkward with Gabby since she and Tyler had been lovers at one time.

I personally wanted to stay away from Kacey just in case she already knew about me and Kyle. The last thing I wanted was for her to tell me she didn’t want him coming. If she did, I’d have no choice but to rethink my plan on sneaking him in. I didn’t want to ruin her big day. In my mind, making up with him would only make the day better.

The owner of the Labyrinth, Jake Montgomery, with his coiffed gray hair and suit, was behind the bar fixing drinks. The wedding was going to be at his sprawling mansion. “What’ll it be ladies?” he asked with a dashing smile.

We all ordered and sat down. The music had picked up tempo and now Kacey and Tyler were in the middle of the floor dancing. Everyone watched them and cheered along when Tyler would do something funny.

“So why did they decide to do this on a Thursday?” Gabby asked curiously.

About two months ago, I’d heard Tyler and Kacey talking about it in the gym. “Kacey didn’t want Tyler hungover for the wedding. That’s why tomorrow they’re going to take it easy before the big day.”

“Good idea,” she agreed, elbowing Paxton in the side. “Maybe we should do that too.”

“It’s not the only reason,” Jake cut in, chuckling. “Friday nights are one of the biggest nights here and Tyler knew that. That’s why we chose to do the party tonight so that tomorrow I can hold my fights like usual. We’ll still have the rehearsal at my house, but after that, everyone’s free to do as they wish.”

I’d heard about Jake’s fights, but I’d never been to one. There was a back room in the club with a ring and everything. It was a place where new and upcoming fighters could show their stuff and hopefully make a name for themselves. The fighters had to adhere to all UFC rules and regulations.

Setting my drink down, I focused on Jake. “So you have fights every Friday night, right?” He nodded. “Do the fighters have to meet certain qualifications?”

Jake narrowed his eyes, studying me. “Why do you ask? Do you know someone who wants to fight?”

I glanced over at Paxton who shook his head, grinning wide. “I swear you’re going for sainthood, woman.”

Gabby glared back and forth at us, lost. “What’s going on? I don’t get it.”

He nodded his head toward me. “It looks like Megan here wants to sign Kyle up for a fight.”

“Kyle Andrews?” Jake asked. When all I did was stare sheepishly back at him, he shook his head. “That boy hasn’t been allowed in here for years. What makes you think I’m going to let him fight here?”

“I don’t know. But he’s come a long way and just looking to fit in again. He’s even teaching over at the gym.”

Jake sighed and poured himself a shot of whiskey. “Tyler told me about how he’s trying to be a better man. It’s just, I have a business to run. Most of my fighters know who he is. No one is going to want to fight him.”

Paxton set his glass down with a clank. “I’ll fight him. Put him against me tomorrow night.”

Jake’s eyes went wide. “Do you realize the hell I’ll get from the bride if you show up at the wedding with a fucked up face? You will be the last resort.” He tossed his shot back and poured another. “Don’t worry, I’ll find him someone to fight. I’ll put him on the list so he can walk right in.”

I breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you, Jake. This is exactly what he needs.”



The party was fun, but I was ready to surprise Kyle. After saying our goodbyes, Tyler was the last one to see us off. “Did everything go okay at the gym this week? No issues?” he asked, stopping me at the door.

I tried to keep my face from blushing, remembering what Kyle and I did the night before. “Yes, everything went fine. The only problem was Pervy McFuckface calling back and creeping me out again. I hope you don’t get mad, but I kind of told him I’d saw his dick off with a letter opener. You can’t get sued for that can you?”

He shook his head. “No, but I don’t like this guy messing with you. Has anything else happened?”

I know Kyle didn’t want me to tell him, but I had no choice. Tyler needed to know. “Kyle’s truck got keyed really badly. It happened a couple weeks ago.”

His eyes went wide. “Why the fuck didn’t you tell me?”

“Because he was afraid you would make him stay away. And I didn’t want you to do it either, so I kept the secret for him. I don’t know who it could be.”

“Fuck me,” he groaned, running a hand through his hair. “I’m not going to make him stay away because frankly he’ll be able to watch over you while I’m not there. If there are anymore issues while I’m gone you better promise me you’ll call the police.”

“I promise. Now get back to your party.”

Huffing, he pulled me in for a hug. “Both of you need to be careful. When Kacey and I get back, I’ll invest in security cameras to put around outside. I’m not going to have this shit happening on my property.”

“Thanks, Tyler,” I murmured, letting him go. “And thank you for giving Kyle a chance.”

“You’re welcome. Now go and I’ll see you tomorrow for rehearsal.”

It felt like a weight had been lifted. At least now Kyle didn’t have to worry about Tyler forbidding him entrance into the gym. Gabby and Pax were waiting by their car when I joined them. “We ready?” I asked.

Gabby opened her door. “Waiting on you, chickadee.”

It only took ten minutes to get to Kyle’s house. I got Gabby and Pax to hang back until he answered the door. When the door opened, he greeted me with the same smile that made every single nerve in my body tingle.

“You got here earlier than I expected. I guess you missed me.” Grabbing my wrist, he pulled me to him and kissed me, his tongue exploring every inch of my mouth. For a moment, I forgot we had company until I heard Gabby clear her throat.

“Don’t mind us,” she teased.

Laughing, I broke the kiss and Kyle’s eyes went wide when he realized it was Gabby and Pax behind me.

With a friendly smile, Pax held out his hand. “It’s good to see you again, brother.”

Kyle shook his hand. “You as well.” Then he looked down at me. “What’s going on?”

I nodded at our friends. “They’re here to hang out with us. I thought it’d be good for you to have more than just me around.”

His skeptical gaze flashed to Gabby and then back to me. Gabby caught the gesture and rolled her eyes. “That includes me, idiot. You may have been the sworn enemy of my family and a complete douche, but even guys like you can find redemption. Pax and Camden did, so why not you?”

Kyle was at a loss for words, making Paxton laugh. He slapped him on the shoulder and put his arm around him. “It takes some getting used to her, but you will eventually. Do you mind if we come in?”

Stepping out of the way, he shook his head as if what he was seeing wasn’t real. “Of course, go ahead.” Paxton and Gabby walked past him into the house, but before I could walk in, he stepped in my path. “Thanks for warning me,” he murmured.

“I’m sorry. I thought I’d surprise you.”

He glanced over his shoulder and chuckled. “I’m surprised all right. This should be interesting.”

I rested my hands on his chest. “It’ll be fine, trust me. But I also have another surprise for you.” His eyes narrowed. “Guess who’s going to be fighting at the Labyrinth tomorrow?”

Stepping out of the way, he let me walk inside and shut the door. “I’m not allowed there.”

“Well, it’s a good thing that’s been revoked. Jake’s going to let you fight if you want. Paxton and I persuaded him to give you a chance. It may not be the UFC, but at least you’ll get the chance to fight again.” Stopping mid-step, he cornered me against the wall, his heated gaze on mine. “That is what you want isn’t it, a chance to fight again?”

He lowered his lips to mine and cupped my cheek. “Yes, more than anything. I’ve just never had anyone fight for me like this.”

“Well, get used to it because I’m not going anywhere.”

“Will you be at the fight?”

I smiled up at him. “I wouldn’t miss it.”