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LAUREN (Silicon Valley Billionaires Book 1) by Leigh James (17)

Chapter 17

I realized three somewhat unfortunate things the next morning. The first was that for the first time in six years, I’d overslept. It was eight a.m., and I hadn’t even had my coffee yet. Having a personal life was seriously messing with my obsessive work habits.

The second thing was that I’d run out of road with Clive. He couldn’t be reasoned with, and he hadn’t been of any real use to me when I’d seen him. On top of that, he’d seemed afraid and possibly crazy. Possibly crazy meant possibly dangerous. He was too much of a loose cannon to leave out in the wild. It might be time to turn him in to the police, after all. Maybe that would offer him some protection or peace of mind, or at least put an end to his ill-fated pursuit of whatever it was he was chasing. Money. Power. Influence.

None of that seemed to be working out too well for him.

That third thing I realized? I’m in love with Gabe, and have been for some time.

Maybe it was hormones, I mused. I’d waited so long, maybe my pent-up hormones were finally going wild, making me feel some sort of romantic attachment to him that wasn’t real.

Except that it was real. I could feel it, the truth of it, as if it were a weight on me. It was as real as his warm body next to mine.

I rolled over, away from him, and regarded the ceiling. My FDA compliance protocol was almost complete. We still had major work to do in order to make that happen, but I knew my team was capable. Part of me wanted to ignore Clive and the ominous feeling he’d given me the day before, while continuing to race to get the patch to market. Part of me wanted to just take that risk, but I knew I couldn’t.

My phone buzzed. It was my sister, calling instead of texting.

“Hannah? Are you okay?”

“Yeah—I just wanted to call you first thing. Are you in the office? Have you been online yet?” There was a breathless urgency in her voice.

“Not yet.” I headed out to the kitchen and fired my laptop immediately. “I’m logging on now. What is it?”

“It’s Clive. He’s been arrested.”

What?” I asked, heading to the Valley News website.

I read the article, which was only two short paragraphs. It said that Clive Warren had been arrested on tax evasion charges, and that he was awaiting arraignment.

Tax evasion?” I asked. “This doesn’t make any sense.”

“I know. And the other weird thing? I called my contact at the Valley News, and he said he’d heard from his police source that Clive turned himself in.”

What the actual fuck? “Thanks Hannah. If you hear anything else, call me, okay?”

We hung up after she promised to have her bodyguard breathing down her neck all day, and I promised to check in with her later.

I started the Keurig, made myself coffee, and commenced pacing.

I had been on the verge of calling the police. Clive had gone ahead and done it himself. But why?

There was only one answer, and it wasn’t because Clive had grown a set of ethics overnight and decided to pay his back taxes—if he actually owed back taxes.

Gabe came out of the bedroom, in a snug-fitting T-shirt and boxer briefs. I tried not to ogle his hot body. The timing was so not right. He smiled at me as he headed toward the coffeemaker but seeing my expression, he stopped. “What’s the matter, babe?”

I tapped my fingers against my mug, jittery. “Clive Warren’s been arrested.”

The sleepy look vanished from Gabe’s face. “For?”

“Tax evasion.”

Gabe blinked, processing the news. He made it to the coffeemaker, hit the button and turned to me. “I’m guessing he turned himself in.”

I nodded. “And you know why, right?”

He crossed his arms against his chest, his biceps popping. I sort of wished I was his prisoner, and that he could keep me restrained with those big arms—and that I didn’t have to deal with the fact that my world was crashing down around me this morning.

“Because he doesn’t want to wind up dead at his office?”

I nodded. “That’s what I’m thinking. He’s afraid of them. He’s afraid of what they’ll do.”

I started pacing again, my insides tangling in a mixture of guilt and panic. “I might be responsible for this, you know. Maybe Li Na found out that he’d talked to me yesterday and she was upset. Maybe he was afraid of what she’d do.”

“Babe, come on.” Exasperation rolled off him in waves. “You can’t feel guilty about this—Clive Warren hacked you. He stole from you. He sold your information to the Chinese, and now they’re trying to reverse engineer the technology you’ve worked on for years.”

Even though that was true, guilt still knotted my insides. “But they’re failing. They’re angry—and he’s so afraid of them, he turned himself into the police.”

Gabe’s eyes were stormy. “I don’t care about Clive, for fuck’s sake. Good riddance—whether it’s because he’s in jail or because Zhao puts a bullet in him.”

I whirled on him. “You can’t mean that.” I appreciated his loyalty, but sometimes, his protectiveness outweighed his common decency.

“Of course I mean it. He threatened you. He’s put you squarely in harm’s way—with people he’s so afraid of, he’s gone to jail rather than face them. I have zero sympathy for him, babe.”

“Well, if it makes you feel any better…” I let my voice trail off. I knew full well what I was about to say wasn’t going to make Gabe feel any better. “It’s not just him I’m worried about. You know what this means, don’t you? The fact that he’s been arrested?”

Gabe scrubbed a hand across his face, looking weary in spite of the coffee. “Yes.”

“They’re going to seize his equipment, and go through all of his electronic records. They’re going to find evidence of his correspondence to Jiàn Innovations, unless he scrubbed it. Not only that, they’re going to find out that I reverse-hacked Clive. They’re going to find out that Leo and Dave got into his phone too. That’s wiretapping. Those are going to be federal charges.”

“We’ll tell them the truth—about everything. Clive, Jiàn.” Gabe’s expression softened. “Whoever investigates this is going to understand that you were only trying to protect yourself. You weren’t stealing. You’re the victim here.”

“Well, that would be great if it actually turned out that way. But for now, I need to turn myself in. It’s literally a matter of hours before they find that stuff and come looking for me. This is a nightmare.”

I pinched the bridge of my nose, trying to ward off a headache. “As a corporate CEO about to launch her first major product, it doesn’t look good for me to be dragged away in handcuffs. I need to get out in front of this and turn myself in.” I swallowed again. “I’m also worried about how Jiàn Innovations is going to respond to all this—to Clive being held. There’s the possibility that they’ll be exposed. The FBI will get involved now.”

Gabe said nothing. He appeared lost in his own thoughts.

“If they hold me—and they probably will—I’ll need you to help run Paragon. I need you to stay on track with the launch.” For once, I realized that I couldn’t do everything myself and be successful. I needed his help. “You’re the only one I trust to do it.”

His eyes met mine. He looked stunned. “Do you mean that?”

“Of course I mean it, Gabe.” I’d protected Paragon with everything I had. I believed that Gabe would do the same. I’d just have to make him promise not to bash anybody’s kneecaps in while he did it.

We were both quiet then, contemplating the changes the imminent future held.

He finally nodded. “I’ll do whatever you want.”

I managed a small smile. “Including sending me care packages to prison?”

He closed the distance between us and wrapped his arms around me. “I’d be your prison wife, if I could.”

I laughed, but then I realized I might cry. “I have to call the police soon. I have to turn myself in before this becomes a media circus and blows up in my face. That’s probably still going to happen—but at least this way, I might be able to control the message.”

He stroked my cheek, looking into my eyes. His eyes had that familiar sparkle, the one I longed for, the one I relied on. “I’m not going to let you go to jail, babe.”

I ran my hands over his shoulders. “I know you’re Silicon Valley’s resident badass and all, but that might just be out of your jurisdiction.”

“We’ll see.” He rose up and kissed me deeply, our tongues connecting. I threw my arms around him, pulling him to me, relishing our closeness.

Eventually and unwillingly, I pulled back. If I was indeed going to jail, I was going to be separated from him, and I needed to say more. I owed him that much, but I still struggled with the words. “I meant what I said yesterday. I’m…I’m so sorry about running off to ambush Clive like that. Without telling you. If you’d done the same, I would’ve been worried sick.”

He chuckled. “Why is it so hard for you to say?” He kept me wrapped in his embrace.

“Because I’m so rarely wrong, the words ‘I’m sorry’ aren’t part of my normal lexicon,” I teased, even as my heart swelled.

“I’m still not sure I’ve forgiven you yet.” He brushed his lips over mine. “You might have to make it up to me some more.”

“I might not have time.” I leaned up and kissed him hungrily, trying to commit the taste and feel of him to memory.

“We can make it quick. And dirty.”

Hot anticipation lit my veins as I kissed him again. “I wish I didn’t have to go,” I whispered when our lips parted, thinking of the police. “I don’t want to be away from you.” I bit my lip and blushed.

“It makes me crazy when you bite your lip like that. Stop.” He sighed and scrubbed his hands across his face. “Go wait for me in bed. I think I need to be inside you again before I can fully forgive you. It’s a theory worth testing out anyway.”

“So…you haven’t forgiven me?” My voice came out wobbly.

“I have, but it’s against my better judgment.”

I exhaled in relief. If things are right with Gabe, I can face everything else.

This realization almost pushed me over the edge. My life had irrevocably changed, so quickly, and my heart was now in someone else’s hands. Damn. All the scientific method in the world hadn’t prepared me for this.

He sighed. “I can’t stay mad at you, babe. Even the things you do that drive me crazy—like worry about Clive—you’re acting with a moral purpose and a higher level of selflessness than I’m even remotely capable of. So even when I’m mad at you, I admire you.”


So go wait for me. Before you’re carted off to prison, we’ll have more make-up sex and call it good.”

Memories of the previous night flooded through me, making my skin hot. “Aren’t you coming?”

He nodded. “In a second. I just have to make a quick call.”

I decided to put my own phone call to the police off for a little bit—he promised we’d be quick. And dirty. My body thrummed in anticipation of what that meant as I went to his room and waited for him, taking my clothes off, shaking my hair out so it was loose over my shoulders. Then, in a final act of contrition, I got onto my knees in the middle of the floor.

He came in a minute later, already undoing his belt. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw me. “What are you doing, Lauren?”

I looked at him, mustering all the bravery I had. “I’m asking you to forgive me. Fully.”

“I forgive you. Fully.” His voice was hoarse.

Still, I didn’t get up. He unbuttoned his shirt and stripped off all his clothes, all while watching me with hooded eyes. “Why are you still on your knees?”

I looked at him in his naked magnificence—at his cock, thick and erect, filled with the promise of unending pleasure.

“I’m giving myself to you. I’m yours.”

Gabe smiled, then got on the ground, on his knees, facing me. “I thought we’d already established that.”

I swallowed hard. “I’m going to try to stop fighting you so much.”

“Ah, I see. You’re submitting to me.”

I nodded, my cheeks burning hot.

“The thing is, babe, I don’t believe you. You’re not the submitting kind.” He palmed my breast, rubbing my nipple beneath his fingers until it beaded. He leaned forward and took it into his mouth, licking and sucking. He trailed his fingers down my body, making me tingle. He ran his thumb along my slit, tracing the wetness there, then rubbed my clit, captivating me with an onslaught of sensations that put me completely under his spell.

“That’s not going to stop me from enjoying that hot little body of yours, though.” He rose up and fisted my hair at the nape of my neck, pulling me in for a deep, luxurious kiss. All my senses were in overdrive as he surrounded me. The taste of his lips. His masculine scent. The feel of his hands on me, in my hair. The sound of my own moans as he kissed me. The sight of our naked bodies facing each other.

I committed the moment to memory, even as I lost myself in it.

He grunted, picking me up by the hips and positioning me directly over his cock. He eased me down onto his erection, inch by inch. I cried out as he filled me so, so deeply.

My body stretched to accommodate his as we stayed like that for a moment. Gabe was still, letting me adjust to the position. Holy wow.

He kissed me again and simultaneously lifted my hips, only to bring me down again, slow and hard. He filled me so deeply that it shocked me and pleasured me to my core. “Gabe,” I moaned, “Oh…oh.”

He grinned wickedly. “You like that?”

“I…I like that,” I panted.

He lifted me and purposefully slid me down on his length again and again. I moaned, throwing my head back in absolute ecstasy. I liked feeling him so deep. I felt as if he owned me, possessed me. I adjusted my legs so that my feet were flat on the floor on either side of him. I threw my arms around his neck. Then, I started to rock myself up and down on him, picking up speed. Fucking him. Being fucked.

Gabe kissed my neck hotly, pressing his face against me there. I could feel the sweat of our bodies mingling. He flexed his hips, deepening the impact, burying himself in me, sending waves of intense pleasure ripping through me.

“I want you to come in me like this,” I breathed raggedly, so close to my own release. “I want to feel you.”

“See?” Gabe asked, his voice wicked. “You’re already telling me what to do.” He slammed into me again, and then reached for my clit… I saw stars as he rubbed me and continued to fuck me. He grunted as his thrusts got more urgent and he exploded hotly into me. I clenched around him, my body greedily squeezing him, accepting everything he had to give. I screamed his name.

I wasn’t even close to finished making up with him. I could do this all day, every day, for the rest of my life.

We clung to each other afterward, sweaty and spent. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my shoulder, his lips tenderly grazing me.

“I have to go,” I whispered against him.

“Not just yet, babe.”

He picked me up and carried me to the bed, and he managed to make me forget about everything else for ten more wonderful minutes.

* * *

I must have fallen asleep. I woke up and heard Gabe getting out of the shower, quickly drying his hair and brushing his teeth.

Then I heard the doorbell ring.

“I got it,” he said, coming out of the bathroom and pulling a clean T-shirt over his head.

“Are you expecting someone?” I got up and quickly scrambled into a T-shirt of my own and some sweats.

He didn’t look at me. “Yep.”

Later, it would be the not-looking-at-me part that I remembered.

I followed him out to the front of the house, not caring that I smelled like sex or that my hair was a mess. He opened the door.

A police officer and a man with close-cropped hair, wearing a suit, were waiting outside. “Gabriel Betts?” the officer asked.

“That’s me.”

“Sir, I’m Detective Conant with the San Jose Police Department. This is Agent Marks from the FBI. You are under arrest for federal and state charges, including but not limited to wiretapping, internet fraud, and unauthorized computer use and access. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say may be used against you. You have a right to have a lawyer present while you are questioned. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed for you. Is that clear?”

“Yes. I’m coming with you willingly. I just have to get my wallet. You’re welcome to come with me.” Gabe and the detective walked past me. Gabe, still avoiding eye contact, grabbed his wallet and phone.

“Gabe, what the hell—”

He stopped me with a quick kiss. Then, he tucked a stray hair behind my ear and leaned over me, his eyes delving into mine. “I told you I wasn’t going to let you go to jail, babe,” he said lowly.

“Gabe, please.” I followed him as he walked out with the detective, who put him in handcuffs and led him outside. Agent Marks watched us both with interest.

Gabe’s security team was standing by in the driveway, as was Timmy and my driver. Gabe nodded at them as he was taken to the cruiser. “Take care of her while I’m gone. Don’t let her do anything crazy,” he commanded. They nodded back at him and respectfully didn’t turn their eyes my way.

I stood in his doorway, bereft.

Agent Marks got into the passenger seat, and the detective opened the back door of the cruiser. Just as he was about to get in, Gabe stopped and turned back to me. “Lauren,” he called. “Don’t do anything dangerous while I’m gone. There will be ramifications. And withholdings.”

The dark tone of his voice suggested all sorts of delicious, inappropriate things. Desire twisted in my belly even as my face flamed and tears pricked my eyes. Lust, embarrassment, and despondency flowed through me. I didn’t know whether to laugh, cry, or throw myself in the back of the cruiser with him.

“Gabe.” My voice shook. This was happening too fast for me to process.

Gabe looked at me expectantly while Detective Conant looked annoyed. “If you’ve got something to say, ma’am, say it now,” the detective said, clearly losing patience with us.

I didn’t want Detective Conant, Agent Marks, and our security team to hear me, but it was now or never.

“I love you,” I called.

Gabe flashed that dimple. “I warned you that you’d get attached. I told you, my instincts usually are correct.” He slid into the back of the cruiser, and right before the detective closed the door, he stuck his head back out. “By the way, babe—I love you too.”

Shaking his head, Detective Conant closed the door and hopped into the driver’s seat. Then, he drove the man I loved away from me, for crimes that I had committed.




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