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Love on the Mat (Powerhouse M.A.) by Winter Travers (8)




“I’m gonna kill you.”

I held up five fingers, counting how many times Kellan had said he was going to kill me, and pulled open the door to the club. “You trying to set a record?” I asked.

“I just want to make sure you know I’m going to kick your ass tomorrow after class,” Kellan growled.

He had tried talking Molly out of going to the strip club all week, but he had no luck changing her mind. Kellan had picked me up with Molly, Sage, and Dante already in the car, and we drove to the club and met up with Karl and Kennedy.

Walking into a strip club with three chicks and a gay guy was a new experience for me. To say that all eyes went to us when we stepped in the door was an understatement.

“Oh! Look at the stage! This is so freakin’ cool,” Molly whispered-shouted to Sage. They were both hanging onto each other, trying to look everywhere at once.

I leaned into Kellan. “Dude, she’s fucking happy. Let her have her fun, and then you can take her home.”

Kellan crossed his arms over his chest but didn’t say any more.

It wasn’t like we were at a male strip club and he was going to have to watch her fawn all over the guys. Hell, he was going to have to be careful where his eyes went. Molly was liable to gouge his eyes out if he looked too hard at a girl.

I snapped my fingers and pointed at Kellan. “That’s why you don’t want to be here. You don’t want Molly to see you skeeving on the girls.”

Kellan slugged me in the shoulder. “No, you dumbass. I couldn't fucking care less about these chicks. I’d just rather spend all my time in bed with Molly, and not with you assholes.”

Molly grabbed his hand and tugged him over to an empty table. Dante slid next to me and looked over his shoulder at the door. “Roman just texted me. He just pulled into the parking lot.”

“I thought he was sitting tonight out. Last I heard, he finally got rid of the headache from last Friday.”

Roman strolled through the door, and his eyes ran over the room. “Said something about a redhead he needed to see tonight.”

“You’re fucking kidding me,” I mumbled. “Did he forget that chick had a big ol’ boyfriend that even I wouldn’t want to fuck with?”

“He apparently doesn’t care.”

Roman approached, and a smirk spread across his lips. “What’s up, fuckers?”

“Change your mind?” I asked.

“Yeah, you know. I thought I could repay the favor to you.”

What the hell was he talking about? “I think you need to clue me in on what the hell you mean.”

“I know why you agreed to come tonight. I just don’t think anyone else does.” Roman clapped me on the shoulder and headed over to the two tables Molly was pushing together.

Dante eyed me up, and I looked at anywhere but at him. “You gonna tell me what that means?”

“Ain’t nothing to tell,” I muttered. I was going to kill Roman. I knew Kellan wanted to kick my ass, but I had plans to kill Roman before Kellan got his hands on me.

“I call bullshit, but I’m pretty sure I’ll find out what the hell is going on soon enough,” Dante decided.

A waitress I hadn’t seen the last time I was here bounced up to us. “Can I get you guys a drink?”

I nodded to the two tables pushed together. “Four pitchers of Miller Lite, and four Sex on the Beach.”

She coyly ran her eyes over me and chewed on her bottom lip. “Are you sure there isn’t anything else I can get you?”

“I’m sure.”

She flounced off, her tray tucked under her arm, and Dante was trying not to laugh his ass off. “You wanna tell me why you just shut that fine ass woman down with so much as a no thank you?”

“She’s all yours, D. I’m not interested.” There was only one waitress I wanted to see, and that chick was unfortunately not her.

Dante and I made out way over to the table and sat down between Kellan and Sage. “I ordered a round for the girls and a few pitchers of beer.”

Karl turned to look at me. “I don’t drink beer.”

“I didn’t know what you drank. There’s beer if you want it, or I also ordered an extra girly drink,” I replied. I didn’t want the guy to think I was leaving him out, but I really had no idea what he drank. I had only seen him at the Business Owners Association meeting for two minutes, and that was it.

“Well, I guess I’ll have to see what you ordered and decide if I like it.”

I nodded. “Fair enough.” I felt like I was two steps away from saying the wrong thing and sounding like a complete ass.

Molly giggled and leaned around Kellan. “He’s just messing with you, Tate.”

Karl gave me a small smile and shrugged. “I like beer.”

Sage bounced in her seat and rested her hands on the table. “So, when do we get to see the girls?”

Dante laughed and grabbed the pitchers from the waitress. “I think you’re a bit too excited to see half-naked women, doll.”

Sage’s face lit up. “You have no idea how excited I am. Although, it could be I’m just loopy knowing I can sleep in tomorrow morning and not wake up at the butt crack of dawn when Sammy normally wakes up.”

“Who’s Sammy?” Roman asked.

“Four Sex on the Beaches?” the waitress chirped as she held the tray next to her head.

I pointed across the table at Molly, Sage, and Kennedy.

“Woo! I get two,” Kennedy cheered, grabbing the fourth glass.

Roman clinked his glass against Kennedy’s. “Double-fisting. Now that’s my kind of girl. I’m Roman by the way.” He turned on the charm and leaned one arm on the table.

Kennedy giggled and held her hand out to Roman. “I’m Kennedy, and Molly warned me about you.”

Roman’s face dropped, and he slammed his hand on the table. “Dammit, Molly! How the hell are you going to cockblock me like that?”

“Chicks before dicks,” she sang, shrugging.

Kellan choked on his beer and slammed his glass down on the table. “Jesus Christ, Cookie. You gotta warn me before you say shit like that.”

She shrugged. “I’m weird. Get used to it.”

“I’m used to it; you just shock the hell out of me sometimes.” Kellan wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. These two were worse than a couple of high schoolers. They never seemed to be able to keep their hands off each other.

The lights dimmed, and a low, pounding bass thudded from the speakers around the club.

Sage clapped her hands together like a happy seal, and Kennedy polished off her first drink. These girls were going to be more fun than I thought.

Three girls took the stage, all wearing skimpy fireman outfits, and the song “Disco Inferno” pumped into the club.

Molly tilted her head to the side. “I don’t know how they can dance to this…oh, that’s how.” She gasped. Each girl shimmied over to a pole, gyrating, thrusting, and doing any and everything they could to get these guys going.

“How does she get her leg that high?” Sage shouted over the music.

“Stretching, honey.” Karl wiggled his eyebrows. “Lots of stretching.”

“I should totally do themed yoga classes,” Kennedy pondered as she picked up her second glass. “I think people would really like it.”

“Girl, you couldn’t get me to do yoga if you offered doughnuts and coffee,” Molly laughed. “Physical exertion of any kind is not my cup of tea.”

“Not even if I did like a wine night yoga?” Kennedy asked, trying to persuade Molly.

Molly leaned forward and put her hand on Kennedy’s. “You should have offered coffee; I’m not much of a wine drinker unless it’s the cheap stuff that tastes like Kool-Aide. I’m sophisticated like that.” Molly winked, and Sage high-fived her.

“Amen, sista. I could care less if it’s from the finest vineyard in Napa, circa 2001. If it tastes like I’m about to take communion, I’m out.” The girls cackled, and Karl turned up his nose.

“You haven’t been drinking the right kind of wine, ladies. I think I need to organize my own girls’ night that doesn’t involve naked women and pitchers of beer.” Karl held up his hand to me. “No offense.”

“None taken, brother. I’m more of a beer bottle guy myself.” Did I really just say that? What in the hell was going on? Kellan scoffed next to me, and Dante rolled his eyes.

“Such a sophisticated palate,” he mocked in a horrible French accent.

“How in the hell are we sitting at a strip club talking about wine, when there is a naked woman rubbing their jiggly bits for us to see,” Roman scoffed. “Worst girls’ night ever.”

Sage batted her eyes at him and leaned in. “That’s because you’re a guy who decided to crash our girls’ night. You don’t get a say in the things we talk about,” she replied sweetly. “Zip it.” She motioned with her hand, zipping her lips shut.

“Pretty sure I can say and do whatever I want, sweetheart,” Roman shot back.

“Who invited him?” Sage asked, her eyes darting between Dante and me.

We both held up our hands, and Dante pointed to Kellan. “He said he was trying to rally the troops when he told us we had to come,” Dante confessed, breaking under Sage’s glare. “Please don’t take away my cookie privileges.”

Sage fought back a smile and nodded. “Thank you, Dante.”

Roman stood up, his chair skidding across the floor, and grabbed a pitcher of beer. “I’m out. This is bullshit. If I wanted to hang out with a bunch of chicks, I would just go to the cafe.” He stormed to the front of the stage and sat at the only empty table.

Sage sat back in her chair and shook her head. “That man is no more than a fifteen-year-old trapped in grown man’s body. He’s got mommy issues.”

“Maybe you’re just the mommy he needs to work that shit out on,” Kennedy babbled. “You know, give him a firm hand.” She wiggled her eyebrows and pretended to smack something in front of her.

“And this is where shit is getting too weird for me.” I stood up and nodded to the restrooms. “I’ll be back. Hopefully, the topic of discussion has changed when I come back.”

The girls moaned, but Kellan and Dante nodded their understanding. There was only so much a man could take.

“Hey, leaving already?” the blonde, bubbly waitress asked as I strolled past the bar.

“Just headed the bathroom,” I muttered.

“Do you need me to show you the way?” she purred.

I stopped to tell her it was a lost cause when I spotted the waitress from last weekend over her shoulder. She was wearing the same outfit, except her skirt wasn’t as short. Her hair was piled on top of her head, and she was busy making drinks.

“My name is Kay, by the way.” She stepped towards me and ran her hand up my arm.

I gently grabbed her hand, taking it off me. “That’s nice, but I’m not interested.”

She turned around, following where I’d been looking and scoffed. “If she’s what you’re interested in, then you might as well leave. She’s not interested in anything you have to offer.”

“Why would you say that?” I asked, looking down at her.

“Because she’s here to collect a paycheck and leave.”

Isn’t that why everyone worked…for a paycheck? It looked like Kay wasn’t a fan of the other waitress. “What’s her name?” I wasn’t interested in Kay, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t get some information from her.

She sneered and rolled her eyes. “Hadley, but you might as well just call her Ice Queen. She’ll freeze you out before you even have a chance to get a word out.”

I watched her, the soft sway of her breasts under her shirt as she leaned down and scooped two glasses through a trough of ice. I wasn’t going to give her a chance to freeze me out. Hadley was hot as sin, and I wasn’t going to take no for an answer.

“I don’t know what you guys see in her. She’s got a stick up her ass and her damn nose in the air.”  Kay slammed her tray on the bar and flounced off.

“She refuse to get you a drink after you shot her down?” Hadley called.

“I’m assuming she doesn’t take rejection well,” I replied.

Hadley set the glasses on the bar and filled them with a healthy dose of whiskey. “Kay doesn’t deal well with the attention not being on her.” She popped open a can of Coke and emptied it between the two glasses. “Did you need me to get you a drink?”

I glanced back at the table and my full glass of beer. “Yeah, I could use a rum and Coke.” I walked around to the front of the bar and sat directly in front of Hadley. “My name is Tate, by the way.”

She eyed me up and down and smirked. “I’m Hadley.”

Hadley. Now that was a name you didn’t hear often.

“Captain okay?” She placed the two drinks she had been making on the bar, and the waitress Roman had hit on grabbed them and loaded them on her tray.

“I also need two pitchers of beer, and then I can come relieve you for your break,” she called over her shoulder.

“Praise Jesus,” Hadley mumbled under her breath.

“Long night?” I asked.

“Ha, that’s a total understatement.”

“Anything I can help with?” I would have run through fire for this chick, as long as she kept talking to me.

She laughed and brushed a stray piece of hair out of her face. “If you know how to put a new alternator in my car, teach my nephew how to drive, and also lend me about ten million dollars, then yes, you can totally help.”

“I can definitely help with the first two. The last one might take me a couple of years.”

She laughed and grabbed the bottle of rum from the back bar. “I can wait a couple of years. That’s a hell of a lot faster than it would take me. I would probably need three lifetimes to make that.”

Now I sounded like a pompous ass. “You need me to take a look at your car for you?” I asked, not wanting to discuss money.

She looked me up and down. “If you really think that you can fix it, I’m not going to say no. I had to push it into the parking lot. It died one hundred yards down the road.”

“You pushed it yourself?” What the hell?

She smiled and laughed. “Well, I couldn’t ask the turtle in the ditch, could I?” She set my drink in front of me and winked. “Can’t rely on no one else but yourself, right?”

“I wouldn’t say that’s true all of the time.”

“Break time,” the other waitress said as she ducked behind the bar. “You wanna stay behind the bar or waitress when you get back? I’m good doing either, hon.”

Hadley glanced at me. “Okay if I stay behind the bar?”

“Yeah, hon. It’ll teach Rick a lesson, too. He won’t have such easy access to me.” She winked at me with a smirk on her lips and headed to the other end of the bar.

Hadley untied her apron and tossed it under the bar. “You serious about looking at my car?”

Did I really know that much about cars? Hell no. Was I going to fuck up the chance to spend more time with Hadley? Fuck no.

I stood up and tossed a ten on the bar. “Lead the way.”

