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Making Chase by Lauren Dane (11)

Chapter Eleven

Things began to settle in. That next week, Matt slowly moved his stuff into her house. She hadn’t been too surprised to come home from work on Friday and see several sweaty Chase brothers with sledgehammers taking out a side wall to enlarge the kitchen. William and Tim were out there too.

“You aren’t mad?” Matt asked as he came into the kitchen, freshly showered.

“We talked about this. You had someone come out here Tuesday to check the load-bearing walls. You got the permits in next to no time, I’ll have to thank Liv’s connections with the mayor’s office for that one I guess. You promised to do something and you’re doing it. Far from making me mad, it makes me very happy. How long have you all been at it?”

“I got off at noon. Kyle had a half day and came with me. William showed up after he got off at two. Everyone else came as they got off work. We’ll get a solid amount done tomorrow and Sunday too. But for now, it’s time to play pool. Marc called to say Liv hasn’t been feeling well. She’ll probably have the baby any day now. Everyone has their phone on. But I’ll stay away until ten since it’s no boys allowed. In fact, we’re all headed to Nathan’s after pool.”

She smiled. “Really? That’s nice. I like to hear that you’re all doing stuff together. And I know about Liv. I stopped by there on my lunch hour today to bring her a few things.”

It was his turn to smile. “I like to hear that too. You’re a good person, Tate Murphy. Oh and about next week.”

She froze. Homecoming. A shudder of revulsion rode her spine. Tate dreaded it. Hated it with the heat of ten thousand totally clichéd suns. She’d been trying to talk her way out of going with the Chases for weeks but Matt would not let it go.

“So I ran into my momma earlier. She wants to know what we’re bringing to the picnic next Sunday. And don’t forget dinner at my parents’ house after the game on Friday. I’ve already talked to Nathan and Anne, they’re both coming and bringing dates.”

She ground her teeth in frustration. The stress of this damned town event and her father’s increased demands for money weighed on her more and more. He’d come back several times and each time he wanted more money. His behavior had deteriorated and he’d begun to threaten showing up at the kids’ school in the afternoons, saying they should get to know their grandpa.

The thought of the way Tim and William would react to that little kernel kept her paying him. Her family was finally enjoying normalcy and she wanted it to stay that way. And once he found out Matt had moved in, it would get worse.

She’d had to juggle a few bills the week before to wait for payday, not easy when you own the darned business. But she had some money in savings if she needed it, which it looked like she did. And now the expansion of the house. It was a lot at once.

She knew it would get out of control. She knew that moment wasn’t too far away and eventually she’d have to deal with it and tell someone. She couldn’t afford to pay him forever.

But right then, she felt cornered by Matt’s going around her to her siblings. “You did what? I told you I wasn’t going to any of that fucking stuff. You know how I feel about Homecoming.”

“Oh, fucking is it? What crawled up your craw?” He tried to tease his way into her arms but she slapped his hands away and took a step back. His grin slid off his face.

“What crawled up my craw? You went around me to Nathan and Anne to get them to go to this crap so I’d go too. That’s what crawled up my craw. And it’s crawled up your ass, not craw.” She crossed her arms over her chest and glared at him.

“I did no such thing!”

She widened her eyes before narrowing them to angry slits. “Yes you did. I told you three weeks ago I wasn’t going. And you acted like you didn’t hear me. I told you two weeks ago, ten days ago, a week ago, three days ago, yesterday. And you thought, oh, let’s be sure Nathan and Anne are there so she can’t say no. Well, I’ve got a news flash for you, tightass, I’m not going. You all have a good time.”

“Why are you being like this? It’s a damned picnic and a football game! My family loves to go, we do it every year without fail. You think you’re too good for a football game?”

Hurt welled in her stomach. She put her shoes on and grabbed her purse. “If you think I’m the one who thinks she’s too good for anything you don’t know me at all. Go to your fucking snobby game and your fucking snobby picnic and while you’re at it, try noticing for the first time in your shiny life just who isn’t there. And you tell me it’s them who feel too good.”

She pulled at the door but he leaned against it, keeping it closed. “This is something you have to tell me, Tate. How can I understand if you don’t tell me?”

“I have told you! I’ve told you six times I don’t want to go. You don’t listen. Now let me leave. I don’t want to be here right now.”

“Too bad because I want you here and I want us to work this through. This is our house now. Why don’t you want to go?” He drew his knuckles down her cheek gently.

“Why do I have to give you an explanation to make it valid for you? Do I ask you for an explanation? When you say you don’t want to do something do I make you? Do I demand you explain why? Do I disregard everything you say and try to manipulate you into it?”

He sighed. “No. You’re right. I just want you to be with me. I won’t go if you don’t. It’s a family thing, I want you at my side. You’re part of that now. I want to show you off, I want to have you part of those memories. Please?”

His voice was so sad she knew she couldn’t hold on to her anger any longer. Knew she didn’t have it in her to refuse. She leaned her forehead on his chest. “All right. I’ll bring baked beans and potato salad. I’m sure your mother is frying eighteen chickens and Maggie is making pies.”

He tipped her chin up so he could see her face. “Your pies are better.”

“I’m not usurping Maggie’s spot. She’s the one who makes pies and cakes and stuff and she’s really good at it. Stop making trouble. You’re very spoiled you know.”

“I do. Thank you for agreeing to come. Will you make that pasta salad too? The kind with the feta cheese in it?” He fluttered his lashes and she sighed.

“Pushing your luck.”

“I know. But I’ll make it worth your while. We’ve got about twenty minutes until we have to go...”

She growled but allowed him to guide her back toward their bedroom.

* * *

Hell had a name and it was the Homecoming game. Well, no, probably the game was purgatory and the picnic would be hell. She could hardly wait to see.

“You look like you sucked on a lemon.” Shane seated himself next to Tate and Cassie grinned around him, waving her hello.

“Do I? Because I was only thinking happy thoughts. Do you think I’ll be able to fly?” Tate asked in a singsong voice.

Cassie snickered and Shane allowed an upturn of one corner of his mouth.

Matt squeezed her against him. “You know how sexy I find it when you get all snarky, don’t you?” he murmured into her ear and she laughed.

“It’s hard to take a grown man who still wears his high school colors to a game seriously.” She arched a brow at him and the green and white he wore.

Shane laughed aloud at that. He squeezed her from the other side, kissing the top of her head. “It’s not that bad, darlin’.”


But they’d surrounded her, blocking all routes of escape. Chases and Murphys all around her. Well, Tim and William had begged off, the traitors. They had wives and kids so they got to stay home. She’d get even for that. There were two drum sets with her niece and nephew’s name on them for Christmas. She prayed Liv would hurry up and go into labor so they could leave.

It wasn’t that she didn’t like football. She did in fact. She enjoyed the game a lot. It was the atmosphere at the game she hated. Her kind had never been welcome at Homecoming events, that had been spelled out, bolded and underlined as she grew up.

She’d shielded the others the best she could, taking the brunt of the abuse, but her memories of all the tears they’d shed over it still lay inside. Beth had told her it didn’t matter now, that she’d made it all right and they’d be there for each other but judging by the hostile looks she was getting just then, it wasn’t going to be an easy night.

“Walk with me to get some sodas and stuff?” Matt kissed her nose and winked.

Feeling claustrophobic and hemmed in by the wall of Shane Chase to her left, she agreed. He led her out and down the bleachers toward the concession stands.

Matt loved the way Tate looked that evening. Her hair hung loose, a wide, shiny red band holding it away from her face. Her sweater matched the band and the skirt was long and flowing, just to the ankles of the seriously sexy high-heeled boots she had on.

“Venus, have I told you how sexy you look tonight?” He stood behind her in the line, his arms wrapped around her shoulders, holding her to him.

“It never hurts to hear it again.” She tipped her head back and looked up at him.

“Thank you for coming tonight. I know you’re not thrilled about it.”

“Yes well, I’ve thought of escaping but you’ve got my routes blocked. It’s my only hope that Liv goes into labor tonight.”

He laughed. “So charming. If I didn’t know better I’d think you were avoiding my company.”

“Order your stuff, goober.” She indicated the window and he held her, one arm around her waist while he procured enough sugar, hot chocolate and food to keep the group happy.

They took the stuff back, arms full of food, and passed it down the row before sitting down. Matt realized he needed to hit the men’s room and excused himself. Kyle came along.

“Don’t try and run for it, Venus,” he called out, laughing as she gave him a subtle scratch to her nose with her middle finger.

Kyle laughed all the way to the head. “Your woman fits in just fine.”

“She does and I think she’s finally seeing that too.”


Matt turned to see Ron Moore approach with a few of their other friends. He narrowed his eyes and Kyle tensed too.

“Just the man I was looking for.” Ron had the audacity to smile at him.

“Yeah? Why’s that? So you could talk shit to me instead of harassing my barely five-foot-tall girlfriend in a public library like a pussy?”

“I see she ran right to you. I figured she would. Make herself look better. She’s working you, Matt. What the hell is wrong with you?”

“Whoa!” Justin Fields, another friend, stepped up and put a hand on Ron’s shoulder. “Hey, what’s wrong with you? What is Matt talking about?”

“This chick is working him for cash like a two-dollar wh—”

That’s all he got out of his mouth before Matt’s fist landed square in his mouth.

Kyle waited until the punch landed before stepping in and pulling Matt back. “Okay, it’s done. Let it go,” he murmured in Matt’s ear.

“Don’t you ever, ever talk about Tate like that. You don’t know what you’re talking about. You’ve been my friend since third grade and you harass a woman you haven’t bothered to get to know. Does it make you feel like a big man to terrorize women?” Matt stood over Ron as Justin helped him up.

“Tate’s good people, Ron. What are you talking about? You’re harassing her?” Justin turned to their friend.

“Melanie told me she was working you for money.”

“Melanie is a jealous, bitter, angry psycho. I live with Tate, she won’t let me pay half the mortgage. She’s never asked me for money although she’s made dinner for my entire family on dozens of occasions. She usually makes me go dutch on dates. Melanie has issues, Ron. She’s taking them out on Tate.”

“You don’t know what she gets up to, Matt.”

“Ron, you don’t know her at all. What do you think she gets up to? She owns a small house, an old car and works sixty hours a week in her own business. When does she have time to work out-of-town businessmen for their wallets? Why don’t you share with us just what you think Tate gets up to?”

“She’s a gold digger. She’s reeling you in for your money.”

“You’ve said that and I’ve told you she hasn’t asked for a cent in all the time we’ve been together.”

“You’re the fatted calf, which sort of makes sense since she’s a cow. Shit!”

Matt hit him again.

“You said to tell you!” Ron yelled from the ground. Justin didn’t bother trying to help him up and a crowd had gathered.

“I told you to explain your accusations, not insult my woman.”

“Holy fuck.”

“Tate! Get back here,” Shane ground out and Matt closed his eyes for a brief moment as he heard Tate approach.

“Just what the hell is going on here?” Tate demanded as she shoved her way into the group knotted around them. She looked at Matt and then Ron’s face. “Did you hit this asshole?”

Matt couldn’t help it, he started to laugh. “Why yes I did, Venus. Twice in fact.”

She took his hand and kissed the knuckles. “He’s not worth a hurt hand.” Shaking her head she looked up at him. “What? Did you think I’d be mad because you punched him?”

Still laughing, he hugged her. “Of course not, Venus.”

“Tate,” Justin said, “I want you to know I don’t think the same way Ron does. I think you’re good people and I’ve never seen Matt so happy.”

Matt lifted his chin at his friend in thanks.

“You’ve ended a friendship by believing someone who isn’t trustworthy, Ron. If you so much as look in Tate’s direction without an apology on your lips there’s more where those two came from.”

Shane finally pushed his way through the crowd. “What’s going on here?”

People mumbled and began to wander off.

“Anyone see anything? Matt, you want to tell me why Ron is covered in dust and has a bloody nose?” Shane asked, stifling a smile.

“I think he fell,” a passerby said.

“Yeah,” someone else echoed.

“I fell.” Ron brushed himself off. “Not a problem. Don’t come crying on my shoulder, Matt.”

“I’d get a rabies shot if you’re planning to hang out with Melanie much more.” Tate turned her back on Ron and Matt kissed the top of her head.

Matt caught the speculative looks from other people as they walked back to their seats. Some curious, some approving and some angry. His glimpses into some of the ignorance Tate had to deal with were maddening.

Admittedly, it was a relief that he also saw friendly faces too. Friends who saw them and waved, people who were nice to Tate, genuinely accepting of her. He felt the steel of her spine relax a bit as they neared the row where their seats were.

The rest of the game passed relatively without incident but on the way to the parking lot, he noticed Tate protectively watch over her siblings and felt like a heel for manipulating her into coming. Fierce protectiveness burst through him as he watched her say good night to her brother and sisters. She was his and damn it, he’d make sure no one harmed her or made her feel wanting.

“I tried to hold her back but she caught sight of something going on and shoved past me. She’s really fast, like one of those little dogs.” Shane laughed as he kept his eye on Cassie and Maggie with Tate and her siblings. “I would have had to arrest you for assault you know, if Ron hadn’t denied you hit him.”

“Would have been worth it. Asshole. Called her a whore and a cow. He’s lucky I only hit him twice.”

“He said what? I’d have hit him too. Hell, I want to go find him and hit him right now. Why is everyone so hostile to her? She’s so damned nice. Sweet even with that sharp sense of humor she’s got. She goes to the damned old folks’ home and cuts their hair for criminy’s sake.” Shane sighed.

“Some people get nervous and defensive when everything they know gets threatened. It’s easy not to think about class stuff when you come up where we do. Most of us, most of the people in this town don’t care but there are people like Melanie who are only happy when they feel better than others. The stuff about her parents is a symptom. Essentially here’s this outsider who came in and stole the last Chase brother. That’s how they see it.” Kyle joined them.

Matt shook his head. “It’s like some stupid movie from the fifties or something. Honestly, it’s totally unreal. She’s been trying to tell me and I’ve been thinking she was oversensitive because of how she grew up.” He paused. “She’s trying to act like it didn’t bother her but I know her. She’s very sensitive, no matter how tough she tries to act.”

“We’ll make sure the picnic goes smoother. There’s gonna be a lot of us. Put her near Momma. No one will mess with her then. Oh and Maggie too. We’ll be on the outside. No one’s gonna hurt her, Matt. We’ll keep her safe. One thing we all need to keep doing is let this town and the people like Melanie know Tate is one of ours and we believe in her.”

Matt didn’t know what else to say. Family did what family needed to do. Still felt good though.

He caught up with Tate. “You still up to dinner at my parents’ house?”

She sighed. “There’s no choice. She’s bound to have gotten at least five calls by now and she’ll just hunt us down at home if we don’t go over there and tell her the story firsthand. And speaking of hands, yours looks like hell. I want to clean it up better and I’m quite sure your mother has first aid supplies.”

He grinned. “Come on then.” He waved at everyone else. “See y’all in a few.”

Polly met them at the front door, anxious. But instead of cooing over Matt’s hand, she pulled Tate into a hug and it made her want to cry. She towed Tate down the hall and into Edward’s study, closing the door behind her and leaving Matt in the foyer.

“Let it go now, honey. Give the tears up to me and be done with them,” Polly crooned as she rubbed Tate’s back.

As soon as Polly gave her permission, it was like her body just let it go and a sob so deep wrenched from her body that it buckled her knees. But Polly just went to her knees with her and continued to rock her and rub her back while she wept.

“It was wrong, Tate. What he said was wrong. What they’ve done to you is wrong. They’re wrong. You’re a good person. You love my son and he loves you. You’re worthy of this wonderful gift you and Matt have. Don’t you let them take the certainty of who you are from you. You’re strong. You survived worse than those idiots in town who can’t stand to see anyone else happy. You hear me? You give me those tears you’ve been holding back for so long and let them go. You’re safe here.”

So Tate let it go. Cried and cried and cried until there was nothing left and long minutes later, totally spent, she let Polly help her to the couch.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to fall apart like that. I don’t even know where it all came from.” She accepted a box of tissues and a glass of water from Polly who sat across from her and clucked. Her voice was rusty and every few seconds she hiccupped.

“It came from inside you. Where you’ve pent it up to be strong for everyone else. Tate, I know you, girl. You take everyone else’s burdens for them. But you can only take on so much before it breaks your back. Sometimes you need to let it out. Tonight must have been very ugly.”

“He called me a whore. A whore.” Tate shook her head, still shocked. “I didn’t hear it firsthand. That was the first time Matt punched him apparently. But I heard Matt telling Shane everything Ron said. Men. They must think we can’t hear them at three feet away.”

“They don’t know we multi-task as well as we do.” Polly nodded. “You’re not a whore. He’s wrong. You know that.”

“I do. But it hurts anyway. He accused me of being a gold digger. Polly, I’d never use Matt for his money. Not ever. I’ve worked hard for everything I’ve achieved in my life. I love Matt, I’d never hurt him like that. Ever.”

“I expect it does hurt, being misunderstood and misused. It’s shocking to be faced with so much hatred. I know you love Matt. Matt knows you love Matt. Hell, honey, anyone with eyes in their head can see you love my son. They are bad people. Wrong. The people in the world who count know the truth and that’s all that matters. As for the rest of them? Don’t let them see you hurt, Tate. They aren’t worth it and you’re better than they are. You hold your head up because you have every right to.”

Tate nodded, blowing her nose.

“There’s a bathroom right through there, sweetie. Wash your face and come out when you’re ready. I expect Edward is holding Matthew back out there. Can I let him in? I know he wants to help.”

Tate needed that, needed to see Matt, to be held by him. “Yes. Let me get cleaned up and I’ll be out in a minute.”

She went into the bathroom and looked at the ruin of her face. Her eyes were red and swollen as was her nose. Every last trace of eye makeup was gone or dripping down her cheeks. She looked like she had the starring role in a B-horror movie.

Still, after a few minutes of cold water compresses she began to look and feel better and she knew it was time to face the music.

* * *

The first gut-wrenching sob broke Matt’s heart. His father had simply put his arms around him and held him as they’d listened. Edward had urged him to let her cry it out, to let Polly mother her because she needed it desperately.

Matt wanted to rush in and take over, wanted Tate to open up to him that way but he understood Tate never would have let him bear the pain she held inside. Thank goodness his mother had been there and known just what Tate needed.

For long minutes she’d cried and cried and Matt had wanted to climb the walls. Her siblings arrived and they’d all stood in the hall and listened to her grief leave her body. Maggie held tight to Kyle, Shane to Cassie. The Murphys clutched each other and they’d all held vigil.

Twenty minutes later, his mother had come out and told them all very quietly that Tate needed a few minutes to clean up and to go on and get in the dining room. She sent Matt in to her, knowing they both needed it. Before he closed the door, Anne approached him quietly and said, “Melanie Deeds has a bill coming due.” He couldn’t have agreed more.

The door to the bathroom finally opened and her bottom lip trembled as she stepped into his embrace.

“Oh, Venus, I love you so much. I wish I could protect you from all this.”

She didn’t answer, instead just pushed herself closer to him.

After several minutes he kissed her gently. “You okay? Do you need more time or do you want to go and eat dinner?”

“I can’t face anyone. You all must have heard.”

“Heard what, Tate? Heard you being human? Heard you being mothered instead of doing all the mothering for a change? We love you. I’m glad my mother could help and I’m sorry you had to see all that tonight. Come on, everyone is waiting and they want to love you. Let them comfort you for a change.”

“They’ve all got enough to deal with.”

“Tate, don’t be selfish right now. They need to help. I need to know you’ll lean on me from time to time. You take so much on, give us all the gift of being the strong ones every once in a while.”

“You’re going to make me cry again.” The way she clutched his shirt made him want to keep her indoors and shield her forever.

“It’s okay to cry you know. It’s not a weakness.”

She made her little hmpf sound and he knew then she was on her way back to being all right.

They walked out into the dining room and her siblings came to her, pulling her into an embrace. Matt put his arm around his mother and they watched until Liv burst in, pregnant and pissed as hell.

“Where is that Melanie and who’s gonna hold my earrings?”

Marc came in after her, grinning. “Liv’s a little excitable after we got a call about what happened tonight. She wanted me to drive her around looking for Melanie but I talked her into coming here instead.”

Cassie laughed and Maggie joined her as the three of them hugged each other and then Tate.

“If you’d just gone into labor early this afternoon none of this would have happened. Truly, Liv, I blame you.” Tate blinked up at Liv, who laughed and hugged her again.

“I’m trying, sweet thang. Orgasms, spicy food, cod liver oil and this baby is blowing me off. Gets it from her father. Oops, did I say her?”

Marc burst out laughing as everyone excitedly discussed Liv’s slip and the gender of the next grandchild.

Matt pushed Tate into a chair and made her a plate. “Eat it.”

She shrugged, obeying him as she began to eat. Others noticed and began to fill plates and eat. His momma beamed at them all, doting over everyone, making Liv sit and get her feet up.

The dinner was a nice way to exorcise the demons of the evening. Being with family washed that all away.

Back at home they’d just gotten out of Matt’s truck when she saw her father lurking near the garage.

“I’ll be in in a moment, I just need to get something from my car.”

“I’ll get it for you, Venus. What is it?”

“I need to be alone for a few minutes, okay? Please?”


“I’ll be fine. I just need to let this all go.”

“You have three minutes and I’m coming back outside if you don’t come in.”

“I’ve lived here alone for the last several years. I can handle the driveway, thank you.”

He smiled at her acerbic tone and headed inside.

She waited until he was gone before she charged over to the other side of the garage where her father stood.

“What? What are you doing here?”

“A fine way to greet your father.” He stank of liquor and she fingered the pepper spray in her hand.

“Get the hell out of here. I have no money. I gave you all my cash. I told you, go away.”

“Now that your boyfriend is living here, you should have more money coming in.”

“I’m not letting him pay rent! What do you think I am? Her?”

“Don’t you talk about your mother that way, girl,” he slurred and moved forward but her anger over that evening spurred her on.

“Stop confusing her sins with mine. I have no more money to give you. If you push me too far and go through with your threats there’ll be no more cash so shut up and go away until after payday.”

She spun and stomped back into the house, triumph warring with fear.

She locked up and turned to see Matt leaning against the kitchen counter, looking at her speculatively.

“Who were you talking to?”


She bustled past him and took another look at his knuckles. “You really hit him hard. You’re going to be sore tomorrow, it’s bruising already.”

“It was worth it. I don’t scrap as much as I once did. When I was younger, my knuckles were nice and hard from duking it out with my brothers all the time. God, we used to be such a mess! Marc rarely got into the physical stuff but he used to work us all, set us up. He’s a wily one.”

Tate laughed. “Mindfucking. He and Liv really are perfect for each other. I used to think he was softer, more laid-back, but he’s a lot more intense than he appears to be.”

Matt nodded. “You’re very observant. I don’t think he understood that himself until he and Liv got together.”

“Like you didn’t realize how hard you worked until you got together with me? Or that you rode yourself too hard and thought you were shallow because a lot of things came easy?”

He started a moment and took a deep breath. She’d hit home with that one. Good. He needed some introspection too.

“Let’s go to bed. Taking her hand, he drew her to their room and slowly undressed her before they settled into bed. She lay quietly, waiting as he stroked fingertips up and down her back while he thought about what she’d said.

“Most things have come easy for me. Do come easy I should say. Then I get bored and lose interest. I usually only stick with stuff that challenges me. Firefighting is one of them. It’s a physical challenge every day and a mental one too. You have to be on your toes when you’re at a fire or you’ll get hurt. Hell, even if you’re on your toes you can get hurt. But it’s exhilarating, that work I have to put into it.”

She stayed quiet as he processed. He liked that about her. She let him work through stuff without interrupting even though she had all that energy.

“And women? Well, okay, that’s been easy too. And so I suppose people have looked at me and thought I was a happy bachelor. I have been at times but really what I wanted was a woman who engaged me, challenged me, made me dig and work and be a better person and I never found that. Until that day I walked into the salon and you choked when you saw me.”

He chuckled as he felt the heat of her blush against his skin. “I walked in there and there was this laughter. Feminine laughter, drew me right to you and your sisters. Pretty women, all of you. But I couldn’t take my eyes from you. You were like this golden, shiny thing in the midst of my gray life. And you choked and got all embarrassed and then you teased me. When I teased you back you blushed. You are real, Tate.

“And I couldn’t stop thinking about you and we started our lunches and I had to work to get to know you, to get past your defenses and every day I work because you make it worth my effort. Working to make a relationship is meaningful with the right person. It’s not just something I do because I’m not quite bored enough to find something else. I wake up each day excited to work with you, looking forward to whatever new experiences we’ll have, wondering what memories we’ll create. I love you.”

She snuggled close and kissed his chest. “I love you too. I was afraid at first. We’re different. But you’re everything a man should be and I’m so damned happy. You make me feel safe with you. That’s not something I’ve felt a lot in my life. Excited, thrilled, desired, cherished, loved and safe.”

He needed to hear that. It touched him deeply, soothed him. “You looked at me and saw past all the stuff most people see. That’s... I don’t even know if I have the words to express how much that means. I watched my brothers find the women of their hearts and I saw how that made them into better men, whole men, but I didn’t quite understand the process until it happened to me. You complete me because you love me. You know me, Tate. I’d do anything for you.”

“Good, you can make me come.”

He laughed, rolling her on top of him. “If people only knew the sex goddess who lurked behind those innocent-looking blue eyes of yours. Well, I’d have to beat them off with a stick.”

“Mmm hmm. Put your money where your dick is then, bub.”

And so he did.

Tate was finally a part of something bigger than just her small universe with her siblings. When Liv went into labor some days after Homecoming and baby Lise came into the world, Tate was a part of it. Lise wasn’t just the baby of someone she knew, Lise was a member of her extended family and she had to admit, seeing Matt hold the tiny baby made her heart sing.

Petal lost some of its unfriendly feel as Tate realized she had more there than she’d given credit for. She had friends other than her sisters for the first time. She had lunch with Maggie and Cassie, she visited at Liv’s, checking in on her and the baby. She went on shopping excursions with Polly. The past was letting go or maybe, it was the other way around and Tate was letting go.

In any case, the only real dark spot was her father. His unrelenting presence in her life and the increasing weight of the secret she kept.

* * *

Halloween came and Matt began to suspect something was wrong. Tate was tightly strung, more than usual and she’d even let him pay for half the mortgage that month.

He’d confronted her about it but she denied there was a problem. She’d come home late a few times in the last few weeks, clearly upset and he had a feeling it had something to do with the things people had said around town.

It had died down a bit as they’d been seen more regularly and the Chases had so obviously taken Tate and her siblings into their family, making it clear they believed in her.

Fury rode him when he thought about her being talked to badly by people who didn’t know what a remarkable person she was. If people couldn’t look at Tate and see how much she cared about him, about her siblings, they didn’t have eyes and they sure didn’t if they couldn’t see the way Matt looked at her right back.

They’d added on another bathroom adjoining the master bedroom, and another bedroom was being built to the other side of the kitchen. He found he loved coming home from work and making the place theirs. He also loved walking across the street from the station on the days he got off when she did, to come home with her.

Waking up with Tate nestled against him was the best feeling he’d ever had.

* * *

The weekend before Thanksgiving was the Harvest Dance at the Grange. A community fundraiser for the local food pantry and it happened to be one event Tate looked forward to.

Matt came home with a big white box and several smaller boxes, tossing them on the bed. “Just a little something, Venus.”

She grinned. Still uncomfortable taking presents from him, it got a little easier each time and it made him happy to do for her and her happy because who didn’t like presents?

He hopped on the bed and watched as she tore into the box and gasped, pulling out a beautiful deep blue dress.

“Matt, this is gorgeous.”

“I thought it would look dead sexy on you. Will you wear it tonight? There are shoes and a purse in the other boxes. Anne helped me with them to be sure they matched and all.”

“Yes. I was just trying to figure out what to wear and now I have the perfect thing.”

How she loved watching him there, on the bed. On their bed, eyes lazily taking her in but she knew he paid attention to everything she did. It made her feel wildly sexy, the way he devoured her with his gaze.

They’d begun to make a life together in her little house. It was theirs now, getting bigger every day. The chaos of the constant construction was worth it to see the space grow into a home for them.

Having him there made her happier than she’d ever been, than she’d ever hoped to be. At first, she expected him to grow disillusioned or impatient with her family and other commitments but he didn’t. He made room in his life for what was important to her and she found herself eager to do so for him.

Those times when they babysat for her nieces and nephew or Nicholas and baby Lise, she allowed herself to see their future as parents together. She wanted that with him very much.

Her father was a menace in her life, yes, but she’d do anything to protect this precious thing from his poison, from his evil, nasty darkness. She’d protect Matt because he meant everything to her and his family was too good to be sullied by the stain of her father. And she’d protect her own family too. At least he didn’t physically scare her anymore although despite not wanting to care, she wished he’d get help. His drinking continued and in the periods right after her mother ran off again, he got worse. She wanted him to get better, wanted a chance to mend things but she knew it would never happen. So she held what was truly precious close and would protect it with her dying breath.

* * *

Matt watched her as she got ready. Hard didn’t begin to describe the state of his cock by the time she’d blotted her lips and turned.

“Man, you’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” he murmured, putting his hands at her waist. So perfect. She was soft and sweet, curvy, feminine. Her breasts were showcased quite nicely at the neck of the dress and the skirt was full, coming to her knees. The shoes were sinfully high and whatever she’d done with her hair and makeup made her look glamorously pretty.

She blushed and he grinned. “Thank you. You do too. I love it when you dress up. I can’t complain about you in jeans but in a suit? I’m not so sure I even want to leave just now.”

“We could stay here. We could play senior prom. This could be the hotel room and we only have a few hours until you have to be home.”

She burst out laughing and hugged him. “I love you.”

“That means we have to go to the Grange doesn’t it?” He pouted and she nodded.

“But only for a few hours. Lise is with Susan and William along with Nicholas. I’m absolutely sure Maggie and Liv won’t want to stay too long. We’ll make our exit when they do.”

“Oh, good plan.” He kissed her neck and twirled her. “Perfect. The dress is perfect for dancing.”

“It’s a swing dress, it’s made for dancing. Good choice, Matt. Thank you for thinking of me.”

Once at the Grange, they checked in at the table but quickly headed out to the dance floor. He loved dancing with her. She was so good at it, people often stopped to watch her. And with her heels she fit him nicely, soft against the hard wall of his chest. Perfect.

“Look at them. Goodness sakes, there’s love for you.” Polly squeezed Edward’s hand.

“She looks lovely tonight. In love too. I think moving in was a good choice. I know you want them married and having babies already but she’s had a rough road to get to this point. She can see every day how much he loves her. How she fits into his life and his family. And people round town are starting to notice too.”

“Mr. and Mrs. Chase, how are you tonight?” Melanie appeared at their table and Polly turned a narrow eyed gaze on her.

“Better once you move yourself away from my sight.”

Edward smiled. “Now, lamb, I’m sure Miss Deeds here is only going to tell us she’s been powerfully wrong about our Tate and how she’s sorry she’s been spreading such lies about her all over town.”

“No, Mr. Chase, can’t you see? She’s a bad, bad person! She’s had Matt move in to pay for her house. She’s making it bigger on his dime. She’s just using him. I loved him, I hate seeing you all taken in by her this way. She’s a gold digger plain and simple.”

Polly snorted and Maggie tossed a crouton at Melanie’s head. “Hit the road, Melanie. You’re an idiot plain and simple. Suck it up, Matt chose Tate. He broke up with you long before he found Tate. If you don’t shut your mouth now, you’re looking at a tableful of trouble. I promised to hold Liv’s earrings when you got out of line again and she’s still wild with pregnancy hormones.”

Liv laughed and Marc patted her hand.

Cassie looked Melanie up and down. “What’s your deal anyway? You’re the nastiest piece of work I’ve seen in a long time. We don’t like you. We think you’re a hateful twit and Tate is one of ours. Matt didn’t want you. There are other men in Petal, not our men, they’re all taken and we don’t share. And we don’t take kindly to our own being attacked by the likes of you.”

“You girls scare me. I’m glad you’re on my side.” Shane winked at Cassie.

“Well, you’ve said what you needed to say and you’re wrong of course. But you know that and that only makes you even more pathetic. As I told your mother last week. And as you’ve continued this nasty campaign against our Tate, it’s been hard but I’ve had to shift my business to another florist cross town. Now, if you had any actual skills and say, a job or a business, I’d threaten that but you just live off your folks. Which sort of makes the whole idea that anyone with a job and a business is the gold digger instead of you very ironic and ridiculous too. But I suspect you’d need a dictionary to know you were just insulted. So scamper along now before a drink gets spilled on you.” Polly waved her away and Melanie stomped off with a wounded squeal.

The men at the table clapped and each woman gave a bow.

* * *

“Matt, I think you should take the river road.” Tate looked out the window at the clear night sky, the stars twinkling bright above them.

“Okay, anything for you, Venus.”

She rustled around and held out her panties. “Good.”

“Jeez, Tate, you’re going to give me a heart attack!” He tried not to speed as he headed down the rural road that edged the river leading to the lake.

“Park, Matt. I can’t wait much longer.”

And she couldn’t. Tate needed him desperately and she wasn’t quite sure why but he had to be inside her and as quickly as possible.

He pulled off, parking under an old willow tree and she turned, moving the dress out from beneath her as she crawled toward him.

Scooting toward her, he met her halfway and she hopped on his lap, grinding herself against him as he kissed her. His hand cupped the back of her head, holding her to him as he ate at her mouth, devouring her sighs and moans.

The other hand found its way under her dress and between her thighs. “Holy shit, you’re scalding hot,” he whispered into her mouth and she squirmed against his hand.

“Please, put your cock inside me. Please.”

“You undo me when you need me so much.”

She lifted up and yanked his pants open, freeing him. She slid the head of his cock through her wetness before guiding him to her gate and sinking down on him.

“What brought this on? Not that I’m complaining.” He thrust up into her and she arched her back.

“I’ve needed you all day and we were rushed but dancing with you, your eyes on me all night, you’re so fucking handsome and sexy. I just...yes oh like that...needed you so bad.”

“Take your breasts out for me, Tate. Hold them so I can kiss and lick your pretty nipples.”

She gasped softly and undid the side zipper enough to reach into the bodice and free her breasts.

Holding them out as he made love to her, his mouth torturing her nipples, cock deep inside her body, she felt like another person, a sexy person, and she realized she was. He made her feel that way and she’d accepted it.

“Since your hands are busy, let me ease you some.” Matt reached down and captured her clit between his fingers and squeezed gently over and over as she sped up on him.

“You’re a sex goddess, Tate. So damned sexy I can barely hold on. I need to come so you have to too.” He bit her nipple gently and then a bit harder and thrust deep, fingers still plumping her clit.

Tipping her head back, her back bowed as she came, the cab of the truck echoing with the sound of her voice and his whispered replies.




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