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Marrying an Athlete (A Fake Marriage Series Book 2) by Anne-Marie Meyer (16)

Chapter Sixteen


McKenna and Sam were still in their session when Sefina released Michael and Anna. Not sure what to do, Anna made her way over to the door and stepped outside. So many thoughts were rolling around in her mind, and she wasn’t sure how she felt about any of them.

She’d been honest. Told Michael some of her true thoughts about him and what he’d said about her. If it had been the right thing, why was her stomach twisted in knots? Like she’d done something wrong. And she probably had. Michael was a good guy. Lacked judgment sometimes, but he had a huge heart.

She stepped around the building and leaned against the outside wall, staring off across the ocean. Another island rose up in the water. It was covered in lush greenery. She wrapped her arms around her chest. It was breathtaking here.

“You okay?” Michael’s deep voice startled her.

She turned to see him standing next to her. He had his eyebrows raised and an apologetic look in his eye. “You don’t have to be nice to me,” she said as regret filled her chest. Why did she have to be so mean to him? He wasn’t hers.

He studied her. “Why wouldn’t I be? I should be the one apologizing. I became a crazy jealous person when I saw Javier flirting with you.”

She swallowed. Did he just say jealous? “Why would you feel that way?”

She felt his gaze on her before he turned it toward the ocean. “Anna, I care about you.”

Her heart pounded hard in her chest. Was this it? Was he actually going to confess his feelings for her? She wasn’t sure what she was going to do, but she was thankful that she had the wall of the building to hold her up.

“Really?” she asked.

He turned and stepped closer to her. “Anna.” His voice turned husky. He was inches from touching her. “I’m protective over you like I would be over McKenna. If a guy is going to date you, he better be the best one there is.”

He reached out and rested his arm on her shoulders. He pulled her close. Not in the way that every molecule of her body wanted, but in a you’re my pal sort of way.

“When we get back to the states, I have a few guys I can hook you up with. Good guys. Not flirty men who should know not to hit on you at a marriage resort.”

Anna stiffened. Not only was Michael playing with her emotions, but he was planning to set her up? How was she reading this so horribly wrong? Man, her judgment was really off.

She nodded and then took a step away from him, breaking their contact. “I think I can find a guy for myself just fine,” she said. She swallowed, trying to push down all the emotions that were bubbling up. She couldn’t let this break her heart. Michael really didn’t have feelings for her, and that was okay.

At least he was being honest and upfront. Not like Patrick, who strung her along before he decided things with Shelly were going to work out, and then dropping her.

He looked over at her. “Really, Anna?”

She nodded. “Patrick was a mistake, but I learned from it. I’ve learned to protect myself. And that some men aren’t what they seem.” She let her last statement linger in the air as she glanced over at him. If he realized that she was talking about him, he didn’t move to show it.

Instead he rubbed his face with his hand. “Good to know.”

They stood in silence, each staring out at the ocean until McKenna and Sam walked up. They were talking under their breath as they approached.

Anna smiled over at McKenna and wrapped an arm around her waist. “How did it go?”

There was a relaxed feeling to McKenna. She looked relieved as she wrapped her arm around Anna’s shoulders and took a deep breath. “It was. . . good. Needed.”

Anna smiled. That was a good sign. After all, they were here to help McKenna. And if one of the couples who came here left in a better place, then she’d call this trip a success.


Javier picked them up from the therapists’ office, drove them to the dock, and turned off the Jeep. They all climbed out and followed him up the boardwalk to the boat that was rocking in the water. Michael tried to slow to fall into step with Anna, but she seemed to be just fine walking between McKenna and Sam.

He felt badly about what had happened at the therapist’s office. He’d hoped his encouraging words outside afterward would help her feel better. But from Anna’s taut lips and furrowed brow, he may have made things worse. He wanted to fix it, he did. He just wasn’t sure how.

Javier walked up to the man on the boat and began speaking in a different language. They shook and nodded a few times and then Javier turned and smiled at them.

“This is Luka. He’ll be your snorkeling guide.”

Anna glanced over at Javier. “You’re not coming with?”

“Mon chéri,” Javier said, stepping closer to her. “I will be back. I have other couples to attend to. But, once you return, I will be here to take you to your next activity.” He smiled down at her, and Michael pushed away all the frustration that was rising to the surface.

He thought they’d talked about this. Javier wasn’t the right guy for her. But then Michael took a deep breath. She could flirt with the slimy guide. Right? There was never any harm in flirting.

Even though his head was being rational, he couldn’t stop the feeling that arose in his gut that told him, no, she couldn’t flirt with Javier. There was something about him that Michael didn’t like. And he was going to help Anna see who he really was.

Thankfully, Michael didn’t have to squelch his frustration much longer. Javier saluted them with a flick of his fingers to his forehead and then headed back to the Jeep and drove away. No doubt to go flirt with another wife in a broken marriage.

Michael glanced over at Anna, who was avoiding his gaze. He wanted her to understand that he only had her best interest in mind, but she didn’t seem interested in talking to him. Instead, she sat down next to McKenna, forcing him to sit next to Sam.

“That was strange,” Sam said.

Michael tried to keep his jaw from dropping as he glanced over at his brother-in-law. Had Sam just talked to him? Initiated a conversation??

Not wanting to scare him off, Michael leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees and nodded. “Yeah. Thank goodness I’m not the only one who is seeing this.”

“No. It was weird,” Sam said.

So, he wasn’t being irrational. Javier was a scumbag. “I know, right? What kind of guy preys on women who are struggling? I mean, I know we’re not married, but he doesn’t know that.” He turned and smiled at Sam. “It feels good to know that I’m not the only one who sees what he’s doing.”

Sam shook his head. “Definitely got a weird, cheater vibe from him.”

Michael sat up and rubbed his thighs. Good. He wasn’t crazy. Javier was a creep, and he was going to expose the guy to Anna. He just wasn’t sure how. Or when. But he was here to protect his sister, and now Anna.

Luka started up the boat and took off down the water. Michael leaned back, enjoying the sun on his face and the salty water that surrounded them. He’d worry about keeping Anna safe later. Right now, he’d enjoy this.

Ten minutes later, Luka stopped the boat. It rocked gently in the water near the island next to them. A massive mountain rose above the water.

As if this was an everyday sight, Luka walked over to a tub and pulled out some snorkeling googles. “Please find one that fits,” he said in a deep Italian accent.

Michael pulled his gaze from the scenery and followed McKenna over to the pile. After picking up a few, Michael found one that looked like it would fit and walked over to a bench and pulled off his shirt.

“Can you believe this place? It’s like it gets more beautiful by the moment.” Anna’s voice startled him.

He turned to see her smiling up at him. She’d pulled off her swimsuit cover and was unzipping the wetsuit. His gaze slipped to her black one piece and his heart picked up speed. It hugged her curves and accented her creamy complexion.

He snapped his attention up and moved his focus to snapping the goggles around his head. “Yeah, it’s amazing,” he said and then flexed his jaw. If only she knew how loaded that statement was.

Michael tried not to stare at Anna as she reached up and pulled her hair into a bun.

Luka approached them and helped adjust their masks. Then he showed them how to grip the mouthpiece between their teeth. Once McKenna and Sam were situated, he turned to address Michael and Anna.

“Now, keep to the shallow waters and you should be fine. I’ll be alongside you if you get stuck,” he said as he brought the breathing piece to his lips and jumped into the water.

Michael took a deep breath and followed. When everyone was in the water, Luka waved at them to follow.

They spent forever swimming in the water. In Michael’s wildest dreams, he never imagined that the water could ever be this clear or the fish so vibrant in color. Every so often, Anna would tap his shoulder and he’d turn his head towards her. She’d point to a fish and shoot him a thumbs-up.

Every time she did that, his heart swelled. Here in the water, there was no Javier. There was no Daisy. They were just enjoying the scenery. Together. And he didn’t have to think about his feelings or the fact that they were quickly deepening for Anna.

He swallowed as he moved to see a stingray swim by. It was majestic as it flapped its fins. He was going to stop thinking for now and just enjoy what he was doing. After all, he never seemed to make the right decisions when he thought too hard.

Finally, Luka waved at them as he righted himself in the water. Then they swam over to the boat and climbed up.

Michael pulled off his goggles and set them to the side. He turned around and saw Anna trying to pull herself up. Despite his legs feeling like jelly he stood and moved to help her. Just as he grabbed her arm and pulled her up, he slipped, causing her to crash onto him.

The air left his lungs in a whoosh as he slammed onto the boat. She pulled her mouth piece out and her mask off. She peered down at him. “Are you okay?” she asked.

She was inches from his face. Her cheeks were pink, and her bright eyes glistened as she studied him. His heart pounded in his chest and he was sure that she could feel it. Did she realize just what she was doing to him? How could he even think about setting her up with someone else, when he had the feelings he did coursing through his veins?

He cared for Anna a little more than he wanted to admit.

“You’re crushing me,” he jokingly wheezed, hoping to break up the intensity he felt for her.

A sheepish look crossed her face. “I’m so sorry,” she said, moving to get off him.

As much as he wanted to stop her from leaving, he allowed her to.

Thankfully, she stayed on the other side of the boat as they dried off and helped Luka put away the equipment.

When everything was secured, Luka started the boat and they took off, back toward Rekindle Resort. Michael kept his gaze trailed on the water as they sped across it. Right now, he needed a long shower and a nap. He’d face his feelings for Anna later. When he had a clear mind and some food.