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Mend by Chelle Bliss (4)



I’m comfortable in the darkness—it’s warm and consuming in its nothingness—and every fucked-up thing in my life has melted away.

“Evie.” His voice cuts like a knife, reopening every wound I’ve tried so hard to heal. Nothing could have prepared me to see him again.

I’m not ready to open my eyes and face Jack, not yet. I want to stay here in the void where I don’t have to confront the man who broke my heart.

Jack promised he’d wait for me, that he’d always love me, but he lied. Instead, he broke every promise he made me.

My head throbs, and everything is spinning like I’ve had too much to drink. The voices around me grow louder before fading away again.

“Evie, wake up,” Jack pleads. When he touches my cheek, the tiny hairs on the back of my neck stand, and my skin pebbles with goose bumps, just like it did when we were together.

“Should we call an ambulance?” a woman asks in the distance.

“No,” he growls all possessively, claiming his ownership like he did when we were kids.

Jack doesn’t own me. Not anymore.

Man, I fucked up good.

The moment we locked eyes, I knew I had to run. After what happened, I couldn’t face him. My mistake wasn’t running away from him; it was my inability to resist catching one last glimpse of his beautiful face—the same one that has haunted my dreams for the last six years.

I know I can’t lie here forever, and Jack isn’t going to walk away until I do. There’s no way around it. I have to face him.

My eyes flutter open, slowly blinking to adjust to the sunlight as I stare up at him. “Jack,” I whisper, unable to resist saying his name. A name that has brought me so much pleasure and pain. A name I have tried so hard and failed to forget.

“Evie.” He smiles, exhaling a sigh of relief. When I try to sit up, he gently pushes me back down. “Don’t move.” His face is soft as his eyes search mine. “Are you okay?”

I turn my head, averting my gaze because it hurts too much to look at him. “I’m fine.”

That’s not true. I’m crumbling into a thousand pieces on the inside. I remember the way he looked at me as though I was the only girl in the world who mattered to him. That wasn’t true, though. It was all lies. The promises we made meant nothing to him. His actions proved that long ago, and yet, being here with him now, all those feelings and memories bubble to the surface.

“I love you, Evie. This isn’t goodbye…”

I thought he’d love me forever, but it didn’t take him very long to move on after I left. When he did, he ripped my heart out, leaving a gaping hole in its place. Jack shattered me and every illusion I had about love. He destroyed me in the worst possible way.

He deserted me.

His hand slides down my side, resting just above the waistband of my shorts. His touch is intimate and shouldn’t cause a thrill of pleasure to shoot through me, but it does and that terrifies me. “Are you sure? Wiggle your toes.”

“I’m fine, Jack.”

His grip tightens, but I ignore the silent warning. My hand pushes against his chest but lingers a little too long.

Good Lord.

He’s huge.

Even after all these years, he still takes my breath away. I shouldn’t fawn over him. I know it, but I can’t stop myself. Six years is a long time without laying eyes on the man I loved—and if I’m being honest, I still haven’t gotten over.

Everything about his face is the same. I memorized every inch of it down to the dip in the middle of his top lip that creates the perfect M. Somehow, his nose is still straight and perfectly symmetrical even after all the times I saw his face take a punch. His chiseled jawline and high cheekbones are more pronounced than I remember, but it’s his eyes with their piercing blue color that captivate me.

He leans back, ripping the shirt from his body. He mirrors something straight out of an all-male revue. I gawk at him openmouthed, unable to find my words as if I’ve never seen a bare chest before.


I blink a few times, but I can’t stop staring at him. He’s perfect in every way but one—he lied to me. Every time he moves, his muscles ripple and the sunlight bounces off his golden-tanned skin, turning me into a bumbling idiot.

I push myself off the ground and start to sway. I don’t know if I’m dizzy from the hit or lust. Maybe both.

Grabbing my arm, he steadies me and presses his torn T-shirt against my head. He’s like a superhero, swooping in to save me like a damsel in distress. Only I’m not his to save anymore. “Keep this against your wound, and I’ll carry you.”

I gawk at him.

It’s all I can do.

Jack is really here and trying to take care of me like he cares about me at all.

The fact that I’m standing next to him is still surreal. If it weren’t for the fact that he’s touching me, I wouldn’t believe my own eyes. I’ve craved his touch for so long, despite the pain it brings me.

He lifts me into his arms, and the air surges out of my lungs when our bodies collide. He’s holding me against his chest—the same rock-hard chest I spent way too long staring at.

“Relax,” he tells me.

Like that’s going to happen.

My senses are in overdrive with the side of my body plastered against his; my skin tingles at the contact.

I’m so screwed.

How Jack still affects me like this, I’ll never understand. I’ve spent so long convincing myself that I hated him, when it was all a big lie. One minute in his arms and I can’t escape the fact that I still love him. I’ve always loved him. I’m on the verge of hyperventilating as my head spins out of control.

He holds me tighter, pushing my head under his chin as he carries me down the midway toward the parking lot. “I’ll take care of you,” he promises.

A promise I’ve heard before.

I’m woozy, but being in his arms is like being home again. A calmness comes over me as I snuggle into his embrace. His gentle demeanor and strong hold make me forget about everything that’s happened. I could melt into his granite-hard chest and stay this way forever. Warm and protected in his arms.

What’s wrong with me?

I’m not with the man five minutes, and I’m already forgetting his broken promises.

He never even said he was sorry.

He just stopped writing and never thought about me again before banging most of the girls at Ridge Hollow High.

Renee, my best friend, made sure to fill me in on every gory detail even when I didn’t want to hear it. Eventually, I stopped talking to her too because I couldn’t take the constant reminder of what I’d lost any longer.

He leans forward, and every dip and ridge of his abdomen scrape against my side as he sets me on the tailgate of a pickup truck. I bite down on my lip to stop the tiny wanton moan that wants to break free.

“Let me look at your head.” He gently turns my face to the side with his fingers.

In the distance, the Ferris wheel is turning, and the riders are screaming with excitement. Kind of like my insides at the close proximity of Jack.


“Evie!” Evan jogs toward us, his eyes moving between Jack and me.

Oh God. Evan.

Jack has me so distracted that I forgot about Evan. I’m officially the world’s shittiest friend.

“Who’s he?” Jack asks, and based on his tone, he isn’t happy.

“Evan.” I keep it short and super vague.

It isn’t any of Jack’s business anyway. He gave up any right to be privy to the intimate details of my life when he let me go.

I’m guessing he thinks Evan and I are a couple because he’s growling like a bear about to attack. I have to suppress a small smile threatening to appear at the thought of Jack being jealous. It serves him right. He deserves it after the way he treated me.

“Who the hell are you?” Evan asks Jack like I’m not even sitting here.

“Jack,” he grunts without taking his eyes off me. The intensity directed at me is overwhelming.

I widen my eyes, silently pleading with Evan to help me out of this situation. He knows all about Jack. About our past. About my heartbreak.

Evan’s eyes narrow as he pushes Jack’s shoulder. “I’ve got her.”

He doesn’t budge and snarls at Evan. “I’ve got her.”

Evan isn’t backing down and tries to nudge Jack out of the way again, but Jack doesn’t move. Evan’s effort accomplishes nothing.

Uh oh.

This could go from bad to clusterfuck in about three seconds.

Don’t get me wrong. Evan’s built like a brick shithouse too, and they’d probably go a few rounds before someone would have to give in or get knocked out.

If Evan weren’t gay, I totally would’ve swooned over him when we met. In fact, I think I did until he made it quite clear I didn’t have the bits and pieces he was interested in. It doesn’t hurt that he’s drop-dead gorgeous and covered in muscle—not Jack-size muscle, but hard just the same.

Jack’s fingertips continue moving through my hair, delicately checking the spot I assume is bleeding like a faucet because I can feel the wetness in my hair.

Placing his fingers under my chin, Jack forces me to meet his gaze. “You’re going to need a stitch or two,” he tells me like Evan isn’t even here. “I can take you to see Dr. Carlyle.”

I give Evan a sideways glance, hoping for a little backup. “Evan will take me.”

Jack turns to face Evan, sizing him up with flared nostrils, daring Evan to challenge him.

Evan widens his stance, folding his arms in front of his chest to put on a show of virility. “She isn’t yours anymore, Jack. She’s none of your concern. I’ll take her.”

I give Evan a halfhearted smile because he’s trying to rescue me, but I know Jack well enough to know he’s not going to back down so easily.

“Evie will always be my concern,” Jack says, stepping toward Evan.

Oh boy.

“You lost that right a long time ago.” Evan moves forward, and they’re less than a foot apart.

“Like hell, I did!” Jack’s voice is raised.

This is going south fast. I rush to my feet, scrambling to make myself a human shield between them even though I’m half their size and dizzy as hell.

“Boys.” I press my palms against their chests, trying to keep them apart. “Let’s calm down.” I smile nervously, my eyes moving between them. “Jack.” I see the fire in his eyes, alerting me to defuse the situation before someone gets hurt. “Thank you for helping me.”

His face softens as he glances down at me. “You’re welcome, Evie.”

My heart aches at his beauty, but I remind myself he’s not mine anymore.

He hurt me.

“But.” My fingers press into Jack’s chest, relishing the feel of his smooth but hard muscles underneath my skin. “While I appreciate your offer, I’m here with Evan, and I’m not your responsibility.”

Evan’s arm coils around my back, pulling me away from Jack. He rests his hand on my hip, claiming me as if I were his own. “I got her, man. Why don’t you help someone who wants it?”

I elbow him in the ribs. “Stop,” I whisper, but it’s too late.

“Say that again,” Jack grits through his teeth, moving forward.

I give Jack’s chest a hard shove. “Just go. Please.”

“This is what you want?” Jack gawks at me like I’ve got two heads.

He’s wounded by my words. I can see it. I know his expressions better than anyone’s in the world, but I can’t believe he’s surprised after what happened between us.

I back up with Evan, trying to sell the lie. “It is.” I freeze when I feel Evan’s cock pressing into my ass, knowing his display of sexual prowess is not for me either.

Evan’s attracted to Jack. I figured as much. I mean, who wouldn’t think Jack’s the complete package—minus the broody asshole part.

I wish things were different. I wish he would’ve waited for me. I meant every word I said to him when I left Ridge Hollow, and I haven’t loved anyone since.

Jack narrows his gaze, and for a second, I think he can read my mind. “Fine,” he says, finally backing down.

“Take this,” I say, holding out his blood-soaked T-shirt for him to take.

“Keep it.” Jack swipes his tongue across his bottom lip, and my eyes follow, wondering if they still taste and feel the same. “Bye, Evie girl,” he says with a slight smirk, and I know I’ve been caught staring when he uses the name he called me a million times before.

Oh, no.

“Bye,” I whisper before turning around because I can’t look at him another minute without wanting to run into his arms and kiss those lips that I’ve dreamed about for far too long.

“Don’t look back,” Evan whispers once we’re away from Jack’s truck.

“I won’t.”

He leans over with his arm flung around my shoulders, putting on a full display of heterosexual nonsense while we’re walking across the parking lot. “He’s hot though, Evie.”

“Yep. I know.” I laugh even though the motion makes me wince at the dull pain stemming from my head because Evan’s whiskers are tickling my ear. “I felt how much you liked him,” I tease, attempting to ignore the pain.

“Hell, I had to hide behind you because I couldn’t conceal it anymore.”

“Figured that’s why you were standing behind me, especially when I felt that thing stabbing me in the back. He’s totally your type.”

Evan pulls me closer, putting his arm around my shoulder. “He’s our type.” He laughs before kissing the top of my head, forgetting about my gash. “Shit, sorry.” He backs away and flinches when he catches a glimpse of the wound. “That’s a deep cut. Where do we go?”

“Not Carlyle. Take me to the urgent care in Hunter.”

“Why not Carlyle?”

“’Cause Jack will be looking for me.”

“Would he really?”

“Yep.” I climb on Evan’s scooter and pat the seat in front of me with a glare. “Don’t get any ideas either, buddy.”

“I would never do that to you.” He smirks over his shoulder as he slides onto the seat in front of me. “But can I have his shirt when you’re done?”

“Um, no.” I jam the black T-shirt, half soaked in blood and the other half covered in his scent, into the back pocket of my shorts. “Just drive before he comes after us,” I bark, eager to be away from here.

Away from the temptation Jack presents. Being near him is dangerous for my heart.

“I don’t know if the scooter is the best idea after you took a hit like that.”

“I’m fine, Evan. Just drive, and get me the hell out of here.” I close my eyes and wrap my arms around him to stop myself from sneaking a last glance at Jack.

For a moment…I let myself pretend it’s Jack I’m holding on to as we pull away.