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Misadventures with a Rock Star (Misadventures Book 12) by Helen Hardt (38)

Chapter Thirty-Eight


I yanked my arm out of her grasp. “What do you want?”

“Just a warning, honey. Stay away from Jett.”

“Well, he’s not here and I am, so I’d say I’m away from him. But I don’t really see what business it is of yours if I see him or I don’t.”

“Everything Jett Draconis does is my business,” she hissed. “I made him.”

“Yes, I know you helped him make it in rock and roll,” I said. “And I’m sure he appreciates it. That doesn’t mean he’s yours. You didn’t give him his musical talent. That’s his alone.”

“Did he tell you that he fucked me yesterday?” She smiled like a snake.

My heart fell into my stomach with a thud. Tears threatened, but I would not let this witch see me cry. Besides, she could very well be lying. “Who he fucks is his own business. None of mine. And certainly none of yours.”

“That’s where you’re wrong, sweet pea. I own him.”

“Really? I thought slavery was outlawed a century and a half ago.”

She grabbed my arm again. “Don’t play superior with me, you little slut. He’s had his fill of you. You’re nothing but a fuck to him.”

I yanked my arm away once more. “Apparently, that’s all you are to him as well. Touch me again, Alicia, and I’ll have you arrested for assault and battery.”

“Do what you want. My attorneys will make mincemeat out of you.”

I didn’t respond. I simply walked through the rest of the house and out the door, tears already streaming down my face.

* * *

The noon shift.

Better than the evening shift as far as unwanted attention went, but the tips weren’t near as good. I inhaled and went to my first table.

Alicia Hopkins? Again?

I wouldn’t give her the satisfaction of asking another waitress to cover the table.

“Hello, Alicia. What can I get for you today?”

“Sit down, Heather.”

“I’m sorry. I’m working. If you’re not going to order anything, I’ll help other customers.”

“I said sit down. Your manager won’t mind. I’ve already talked to him.”

“Well, I mind.” She didn’t need to know that I’d already given my notice and I didn’t give a rat’s ass what Knox thought about anything. “Let me know when you’re ready to order.”

I strode over to my next table, took their order, and then took orders for three other tables before Lori Ann, another waitress, tapped me on the shoulder.

“The woman at table seven has complained about you three times to me. Could you take care of her please? She’s a pain in the ass.”

How well I knew. But Lori Ann was a nice person—a career waitress who had helped me out a lot. I smiled. “Of course.”

I walked back to Alicia’s table. “What can I get for you today?”

“Your ass in the seat across from me.”

What nerve! “Sorry, that’s not on the menu, ma’am.” I walked away again.

I delivered orders to four other tables and took another order before Knox cornered me. “Take a break, Heather.”

“I don’t get a break for another three hours. I’m fine.”

“Hey, the woman at table seven wants to speak to you, and she just paid me a thousand dollars to make it happen. So go sit there for as long as she wants.”

I shook my head. “You’re kidding me, right?”

“Do I sound like I’m kidding? That’s Alicia Hopkins.”

“I know who she is.”

“Then you know I’m serious.” He handed me a hundred dollar bill. “Here. It’s yours if you do it.”

“Sorry, Knox. It’ll cost you at least half if you want me to talk to that sow.”

He rolled his eyes and counted out four more bills. “Fine. Now go see what she wants.”

I smiled curtly and placed the bills in the pocket of my apron.

I walked toward Alicia’s table, Knox’s eyes burning two holes in my back, and then cut an abrupt turn toward the door.

Fuck Knox Jacobson. Fuck Alicia Hopkins.

Fuck two weeks’ notice.

I laughed out loud as I crossed the street to catch the bus home.

I was free! Free as a golden eagle flying through the clouds. Free to follow my dream of writing. Just writing. Even if it was a simple blog post. Heck, Julie Powell started out that way by documenting a year of cooking all the recipes in Julia Child’s cookbook. I’d find some way to make my writing pay. Determination swept through me like a lightning bolt.

I was also free to figure out what was going on with Jett. Janet and Zane had told me some intriguing things, and I aimed to get to the bottom of everything. If there was any chance I could be with the man I’d fallen in love with, I would find it.

I laughed out loud again.

Stupid Knox Jacobson, taking money to get me to talk to Alicia Hopkins.

I should have demanded the whole thousand.