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One to Leave by Tia Louise (6)

Chapter 5: New Best Friend



The windows of the sprawling ranch house were lit by lamps, and a strand of twinkle lights twined around a large side porch. In the starry evening, it was a beautiful place, and my stomach was so tight, my head hurt.

“Here we are!” Patrick hopped out of the truck and left his door open for me while he pulled our suitcases out of the back.

“It’s gorgeous!” Elaine skipped out of her side and slammed the door. “Which room is ours?”

“Hold your horses.” Patrick laughed as he stopped at the cab where I sat frozen in the back. “You need a hand?”

His question forced me to move. I shook my head and carefully eased myself out of the large truck. Elaine had already dashed up the porch and rung the doorbell. As the heavy wooden door started to open, I felt my head getting light.

“Elaine!” A deep male voice I didn’t recognize spoke. “I’d know you anywhere.”

“I take it you’re Bill!” I watched her embrace what could only be Patrick’s uncle, and then it was my turn. Kind brown eyes assessed me. I slowed my pace, but Patrick bumped me with the suitcase.

“This is Mariska,” he said. “She flew in with Elaine.”

His uncle’s thick grey brows rose. “Pleasure to meet you, Mariska.”

I was literally going to die. All these nice, attractive people were going to think I was a psychopath when they found out why I was here. If they could figure out why I was here—I wasn’t sure myself.

“Thank you.” I managed to answer.

“Come on in. We were just sitting down to supper.” Bill led the way, and I followed behind Elaine, dread twisting my insides with every step.

The short hallway ended at a large, open kitchen with a dining area on the side. A massive wooden table with long bench seats filled the opposite end, and a short, stocky woman with graying black hair moved around, stirring pots and taking down plates. The whole room smelled delicious from whatever she was cooking.

“Winona, we’ve got one more for supper,” Bill said. “Mariska came out with Elaine.”

Patrick walked over and put the suitcases by a hallway I assumed led to where we’d sleep. I frantically scanned the room for any sign of his brother. He wasn’t here. Would he even join us for dinner? Was he staying somewhere else?

“Stuart’s putting Ranger in the barn.” It was like Bill read my mind. “He’ll be in shortly.”

“Is he...” Patrick didn’t finish the sentence, but his uncle nodded.

“He’s doing real good. Your coming here was the right thing, I think.”

His uncle was still talking when a tall figure walked through a doorway I hadn’t even noticed off the side of the kitchen. Stuart stepped into the light, and my heart jumped to my throat. He wore a brown shirt and jeans, cowboy boots and the same type of canvass overcoat as his brother. I could barely breathe as he slipped it off his broad shoulders. Then he took off his cap and raked his fingers through his dark hair. He looked even better than I remembered.

“Ranger’s brushed down and in his stall.” His deep voice sent a tingle across my stomach, and when he looked up, our eyes met.

It was just like that day at the gym. Quiet filled the space around us, and the world seemed to disappear. Deep satisfaction warmed my chest. His face was the only thing I wanted to see.

At the same time, I was here without an invitation. When we met, he was there to see Kenny where she and I happened to work together. He hadn’t asked me to come here. I shouldn’t even know how to find him. Would my appearance change his feelings? What was I talking about? He’d never expressed feelings to me!

Panic snaked up my insides like a vine. Somebody spoke, but I couldn’t hear them. Heat burned in my cheeks, and when his brow lined, I spun on my heel.

“Excuse me.” I took off down the hall where Patrick had left our suitcases.

Door after door passed. I ran on tip-toe, hoping not to make a sound. I had no idea which door to choose, so finally, I just picked one. Pushing inside, I closed it, turned the lock, and collapsed. My body was shaking so hard. I tried to calm my breathing as I scanned the room for signs of occupancy. A queen bed was in one corner, but otherwise the space was bare. It seemed I’d picked an unclaimed one.

Pushing off the door, I rubbed my clenched stomach. All I could see were those gorgeous hazel eyes under a brow lined in confusion. Oh, god! I couldn’t imagine what they were saying. Stuart and I were not friends. If I were lucky Patrick would laugh it off. Uncle Bill was a mystery, and Elaine...

A soft tap on the door made me squeal. I waited, holding my hand over my mouth. It tapped again.

“Mariska?” Elaine called from the other side.

Slowly, I went over and opened it. She stood blinking at me, her green eyes a mixture of curiosity and mischief.

“What’s going on?” She spoke softly as she walked into the room. “Why did you run out like that?”

Pushing the door closed again, I put my forehead against it. This was going to be so bad.

“Are you okay?” she repeated.

Taking a deep breath, I turned around and faced her. Being honest seemed like the best course of action at this point. “I lied.”

Her face lined, but she still was almost smiling. “About... what?”

“I don’t know Stuart. I’m not his friend.” I started pacing, wringing my hands.

“Wait... what? But you said... I don’t understand. Why?”

“This is going to sound crazy. This actually is crazy. Oh my god, I’m going to be sick.”

Elaine caught my hands and stopped me. “Calm down and just tell me.”

I turned and sat on the bed. “I only met him that one time at the gym. He came in to see Kenny, and we only talked for like a minute. Maybe less. He probably doesn’t even remember it.”

Her eyes sparkled. “And you came all the way to Montana? Are you stalking him?”

“No!” I nearly shouted. “I mean... No.”

She started to laugh. “Liar! You’re totally stalking him!”

“Oh my god!” I pulled my knees up to my chest. “It’s not like that... I can’t believe I came here. I don’t do things like this!”

“Come on.” She sat beside me on the bed and threw an arm over my shoulder. “Tell me what happened.”

I hesitated to say it out loud. It really did sound nuts. “I had this dream.”

For a moment, the only sound was the bedside clock ticking.


“That’s it.”

She leaned back and gave me a look. “What was the dream about?”

I knew she was going to say that. “It doesn’t make any sense.” In my mind, I replayed the dream I kept having. “It’s all fire and explosions and pain. It doesn’t match anything that’s happened in my life, but...” Oh, god, this was the crazy part. I couldn’t say it.

“But...?” Elaine leaned forward.

“I think it has something to do with him.” Her nose wrinkled, but I charged on. “Because it started after I met him, and every time I wake up after having one, he’s the first thing I think about.”

“He’s definitely something to think about.” She shook her head and stood, pacing to the other side of the room. “Not that I expected anything less of Patrick’s brother.”

I chewed my lip watching her as quiet again filled the room—all except for the ticking of that damn clock. If this were my bedroom, that thing would have to go.

Finally she spoke. “What did you think was going happen when you came here?”

“I don’t know.” I stood and started pacing, too. “Now he’s going to run as far and as fast away from me as possible. He’s going to think I’m a total head case, which clearly I am—”

She shook her head. “None of that’s going to happen. You’re my new best friend. We met through Kenny, and I didn’t want you to be alone at Thanksgiving... so I brought you with me.”

“What?!” My eyes were instantly hot. “You’d say that for me? Why?”

“Because I love that you’re a crazy romantic!” She hopped over and caught my hands. “What if you’re right, and you are dreaming about him?”

“I can’t even look at him. I feel like a total fool.”

“Stuart’s just come off a really tough time. Patrick said he can’t go back overseas, which is a huge deal for him... Maybe you’re onto something coming here.” She pulled me toward the door, but when she got there she turned back and squared her shoulders, looking me right in the eye. “Before we go one step further, you have to answer two questions.”

I nodded. “Okay...”

“Are you going to be fun?”

“I-I’ll try.”

She pressed her lips together and nodded. “Good enough. Are you going to turn into a psycho?”

That made me snort-laugh. “Despite all appearances up to now? I never have before.”

“Then as long as I get to spend most of my time having sex with Patrick, we’re going to get along great.” She threw her arm around my neck. We were the same height. “How old are you, Mariska?”

It was an odd question, but I answered it. “Twenty-six.”

“Sounds to me like the perfect time to do something completely impulsive and utterly romantic.” She kissed the side of my head. “Kenny said you’re her best friend, and she’s usually right about people.”

I remembered how much my friend had worried about Elaine hating her. “She wasn’t sure what to think about you...”

Elaine threw an arm out. “See what I mean?” I liked her even more. “If we’re besties, you’d better call me Lainey.”

“And you’d better call me Mare.”

“On a horse ranch?!”

I shrugged. “That’s what Kenny calls me.”

Her arm tightened around my shoulders. “Come on then, Mare. Let’s be reckless and have some fun!”

* * *

Dinner was awful.

No, that’s wrong. Winona prepared an amazing dinner for us. It started with French onion soup that was incredible, followed by juicy beef tenderloin with mashed potatoes and a rich, dark gravy. It all smelled divine, and I couldn’t eat a bite.

Bill sat at the head of the table with Patrick on his right and Stuart on his left. Naturally, Elaine was beside Patrick, and I tried to be very small on the other side of her.

Uncle Bill put his elbows on the table and clasped his hands just before we all picked up our forks. “We thank thee for this bounty.” Four additional heads ducked. My eyes sneaked to Stuart’s, which were open but looking in his lap. “We thank thee for time with family and friends. We thank thee for the strength you give us in times of need...”

Movement to my left caught my attention, and I glanced just in time to see Elaine’s hand cross Patrick’s thigh and take a fast turn into his crotch. He jumped back with a loud cough just as his uncle said “Amen.”

Elaine ducked as a blast of air exploded from her lips. I snorted myself. I had a feeling being Elaine Merritt’s bestie was going to be fun.

Bill cleared his throat as he glanced toward his younger nephew.

“Good prayer.” Patrick said clearing his throat.

Stuart was not smiling. The air between him and his younger brother was tense, and he only gave Patrick an annoyed glance. His reaction puzzled me. I thought of his sharp response to Kenny wanting to call Patrick for help when he stopped in at the gym. It appeared they didn’t get along.

Stuart turned to Bill. “I’m sorry I wasn’t more help last week.”

His voice smoothed through my insides like hot chocolate. So good.

Bill gave his arm a squeeze. “Don’t even think about it. I’m glad you’re back with us now.”

“What can I do? I’d like to help out somehow.”

“I understand that.” His uncle nodded, and Patrick jumped in.

“The girls want to ride. I can take them on some trails and show them around the place.”

Stuart turned his attention to his plate and didn’t answer. I tried not to die inside. He didn’t want us here.

“If that Chinook comes down like they’re saying it will, I’m putting you all to work,” Bill laughed.

“Okay, what’s a Chinook?” Elaine was quick to join the discussion.

“Weather phenomenon,” Patrick answered her. “I’ve only experienced one since Bill’s lived here, but it can raise temps from negative four to sixty-eight in a day. The word actually means ‘snow eater.’”

Elaine’s mouth had dropped open. “That’s unbelievable.”

“Yep,” Bill added. “They can hang around for a day, sometimes longer. I’ll put together a list in the morning, and we can figure out what everyone wants to do.”

The rest of the meal, Patrick and his uncle tossed around old memories of the brothers visiting him in Arizona and later here. Elaine interjected funny quips throughout, but Stuart ate in silence. Occasionally he’d nod if his uncle addressed him. His behavior didn’t seem to bother any of them, but it was killing me.

When he finished, he rose and patted his uncle on the shoulder before putting his place setting at the sink and going into the living room to stand by the fire. My eyes followed him the entire way. He stopped and rested his arm on the mantle. His back was turned, and my eyes drifted lower to his butt, narrow and firm in dark jeans.

“You’re blushing,” Elaine whispered, elbowing me in the ribs.

“Shut up!” I whispered back.

“Here’s something,” Patrick announced, sliding his plate forward on the table. “Name the one book you absolutely cannot live without.”

“Hmm...” Uncle Bill’s voice was slow and deep like he was considering every word before he said it—even if it was a joke. “It can’t be one book, because everyone would say The Bible.” He paused and glanced at each of us. “Right?”

Nobody spoke, and Elaine snorted a laugh.

“That’s true,” Patrick said. “We should name two.”

“What if one of us is Buddhist?” Elaine jumped in.

Bill’s eyes caught her teasing tone. “Are any of us Buddhist?”

“I don’t think so, but I actually had a student who was Buddhist once.”

“In Wilmington, North Carolina?” It was clear he was already in love with his future niece.

“I know!” Elaine cried. “I was trying to make some point about religion, and she just blasted it all to hell.”

“I’m not even going to ask what point you were making.” Patrick’s eyes shone in the lamplight.

It was all so warm and lovely, and my gaze kept drifting to the fireplace where Stuart stood. Naturally, that time, he was looking right at me when I peeked. Our eyes clashed, and my stomach clenched. I quickly blinked to my lap again.

Ultimately the “one book” game was abandoned and Patrick, Elaine, and Bill all rose to join Stuart in the living room. I hung back, wishing there was some way I could escape to my room without seeming rude.

“So you’re friends with Stuart?” Patrick said as I lingered by the table. Stuart’s eyes again cut to mine, and my stomach dropped.

“No!” Elaine jumped in. “That was my mistake. Mariska said they’d met once, and I misunderstood. But we can all get to know each other this week, right?”

Stuart didn’t speak, and I couldn’t breathe. I reached for my second glass of wine and took a quick gulp. Their uncle was a recovering alcoholic, but he didn’t mind if we had wine with dinner.

I watched as the three more animated members of the group took seats near the fire. Stuart said something I couldn’t hear, and they nodded. His uncle held out his hand, and he clasped it before turning and taking that fine ass down the opposite hall of where the three of us were staying. I felt the light slowly fading from the room when he stopped and turned back. He was headed toward the kitchen, toward where I stood by the table.

My heart jumped, and I reached for the other plates to stack on top of mine, hoping he didn’t see my hands trembling. He didn’t speak as he went to the cabinet and took down a glass then stepped to the sink to fill it with water.

I was just about to take my stack to the sink when I felt a gentle touch at my elbow. Looking up, I almost dropped everything when I met his gorgeous eyes.

“Uhh... Hi,” I stammered.

“You dropped your scarf.” He was so close, and I could see my chest rising and falling with my rapid breaths.

The sparkling length of green silk I’d looped around my neck this morning was in his hands. Apparently it had come loose during dinner.

I set the plates down. “Thanks.”

His hands were beautiful. Long fingers, elegant, but not pampered. He was clearly strong. In a flash, I pictured them on my body, and my cheeks flamed red.

“You’re friends with Elaine?” His voice was a low vibration straight to my core. He waited in front of me, and I knew I had to look up.

Blinking several times, I met his intense gaze again. “We met through Kenny.” At least that much was true.

He nodded.  “Hope you like it here.”

With a small, breathtaking smile, he turned and walked away. I couldn’t decide if I’d melt into a puddle or burst into flames as I watched him disappear down the hall.

* * *


She was as beautiful as I remembered with those long, brown waves and sunset hazel eyes. When she moved, I thought of nights wrapped in an Indian blanket by the fire, holding her on my lap, claiming her lips, every part of her...

Derek’s challenge had been on my mind since he’d issued it, and I’d decided once I cleared the last hurdle in my recovery, I’d go back to the desert. I’d return to the job I was meant to do. I’d prove I still had honor, and I could rise to the challenge.

Then she appeared.

Why had Elaine brought her here? She presented an entirely new obstacle for me to overcome. Or maybe it was the weakness talking, the mental side of my recovery. She was a girl, after all. I’d had plenty of girls, and they never lasted. I didn’t let them last.

Women only got in the way of what I wanted, or they became a liability down the road. I didn’t need that, and there was no reason why this particular female should stick in my mind the way she did.

When I got back from the cabin, Bill put me in the east wing with him. Patrick, Elaine, and... she... were all on the west side. I liked this arrangement. I’d go to my room, shower, and go to bed.

“Good to have you back in the house.” Bill met me in the hall on his way to bed.

“Thanks,” I said with a nod. “I’m glad to be back.”

“Listen to me.” He caught my shoulder and gave it a squeeze. “You’re stronger for what you’ve been through. Don’t let anyone tell you it makes you weak. Weaker men would ignore a problem like that, and eventually it would destroy their lives. Possibly even kill them. You faced that demon, and you beat it. You’re still a hero.”

Words failed me, and I could only nod in response. He was being way more generous than I deserved, but this man had always been more of a father to me than my own.

“Now,” he continued, “Get some rest. You’re welcome to stay here as long as you need. I’m glad for the company.”

Rubbing my chin, I glanced up. “I was serious about helping out.” I hadn’t planned to stay indefinitely, but while I was here, I’d carry my own weight.

He just laughed. “Don’t worry. It’s a horse ranch. You come here to experience the lifestyle, not to have a holiday.”

“Sounds great.” I patted his arm, and he continued on to his bedroom.

That was it: hard work, recovery, back to the desert. I could resist the pull of temptation. I’d already left one casualty behind. I wasn’t leaving another.




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