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Pretend You're Mine by Crystal Kaswell (17)

Chapter 18


White light falls over the dresser.

Over the black bedspread.

Over Ryan’s inked arms.

Those arms are around me. His hands are on my stomach. His chest is against my back.

There’s a thick blanket between my ass and his crotch.

But it’s not enough.

I can feel his morning wood.

Every part of me goes warm. I press my eyelids together. Let myself believe his erection is more than a biological response.

The weight on the bed shifts as he stirs.

He pulls his arms to his sides, pushes himself to a seated position, reaches for something on the dresser.

His glasses.

Black rectangles frame his blue eyes as he slides them on.

They’re so

He’s so

I’m fucking melting.

“Shit.” He checks the time on his phone. “We’re due at work in an hour.”

“I know.” But I don’t care. Not when he’s right there. Not when the room smells like him. When I smell like him.

We’re in the same bed because Dean invited some woman over. Occupied the living room and thus the couch.

Because Ryan was unwilling to sleep in either his parents’ or Dean’s bed.

But there’s still an intimacy to his body next to mine.

Nobody sees me without makeup.

Nobody sees him in his glasses.

He stretches his arms over his head. The gesture pulls his shirt up his stomach, showing off inches of taut abs. “You want eggs?”

“Yeah. Thanks. I have time to shower?”

“We need to leave in thirty or we’ll be late.”

“You’re an owner. You can be late.”

He smiles. “Yeah. But you’re an employee. You can’t.”

“You won’t put a word in with my boss?”

“No. He’s too much of a dick.”

“True.” I roll onto my side. Memorize every line of his face. “Did you make sure to get me time off to go to Maui?”

“He threw a fit, but I made it happen.”

Did he?”

Ryan smiles as he nods. He tosses his t-shirt over his head. Finds another in his dresser. Bends to grab a pair of jeans and black socks.

No boxers.

He doesn’t wear boxers.

He’s not wearing anything under those jeans.

Is that ever going to get old?

“You need to know something, Leigh.” He turns back to me.


“This—” He taps his glasses. “Is between us.”

“Lots of people wear glasses.”

He shakes his head.

“They look good.”

Again, he shakes his head.

“Really. They’re smart. Sexy.”

His cheeks flush for a hot second, then they’re back to their usual sand tone.

* * *

The bell rings as I push the shop door open. But the next sound isn’t my wedge sandals on the tile.

It’s hands smacking together.

Dean is leaning against the counter, doing a slow clap.

Walker is standing next to him, shaking his head you’re ridiculous.

The guys exchange a look, the kind only best friends understand. Something about me and Ryan.

Ryan rolls his eyes, but it doesn’t wipe the smile from his face. He’s enjoying Dean’s teasing.

That’s curious.

I hug my messenger bag to my side as I make my way to the counter. “You’re taking up my domain.”

“Babe, you can’t roll in here in yesterday’s clothes without a story.” He shoots Walker a look. Right?

“Can’t say I’m following this.” He motions to Ryan, now setting up in his suite.

“You call that pressing for details?” Dean shakes his head pathetic.

I feign irritation as I take my spot behind the counter. It’s Sunday. The last day of our pay period and schedule. That means extra administrative work.

Dean leans over the counter. “Tell me somebody finally came in that bed.”

“I thought I was supposed to… What are you hoping to accomplish?” I ask.

“Accomplish? Why would I do that?” He makes a show of scratching his head.

Walker chuckles. “He’s like the Joker. Lives to cause chaos.”

“Mission accomplished.”

“There’s that ugly word again.” He mimes wiping something disgusting from his shoulders.

Walker turns to me. “You need me to take him outside? Rough him up?”

“Would you really?” I press my hands together. “If I asked nicely and promised to do something sweet for Iris?”

“Only one way to find out.” Walker shrugs try me.

“Dicks before chicks.” Dean shakes his head. “Cold.”

The bell rings as a customer steps inside. She must be Walker’s eleven o’clock.

She waves hello. He nods goodbye to us, then goes to greet her.

Dean waits until they’re settled in Walker’s suite. “Anything I should know about?”

“Did you really fuck some girl so Ryan couldn’t sleep on the couch?”

“I don’t need motivation to fuck a hot woman.”

“That’s a yes.” I stare into his eyes. “I don’t get it, Dean. Do you want me with him or not?”

“I want that.”


“I want you with him or not. None of this pretend bullshit.”

God, being with him… That would be everything. “If you want that, help instead of—what are you doing?”

“You’re asking for my help?”

“You’re right. That’s a terrible idea. I take it back.”

“Too late. That’s a bell you can’t unring.”

“I have work to do.”

“I love you too.” He blows me a kiss, spins on his sneaker-clad heel, makes his way to his suite.

Slowly, everyone settles into work. The shop fills with the buzz of tattoo guns, the grunts of customers, the lull of conversation.

The morning passes quickly. I update our social media. Reply to emails and PMs as necessary.

Walker finishes first. Then Dean. I flirt with his customer as I hand him his receipt. Stare at Ryan to see if it’s making him jealous.

But he’s lost in his own world, the way he always is at work.

It’s a thing of beauty—those strong hands on the gun, those blue eyes filled with determination, those soft lips pressed together in concentration.

Dean catches me staring. Laughs as he walks his customer to the door.

It’s time for coffee. Mass amounts of coffee.

But Dean is back at the counter, staring at his phone, shaking his head. “Inked Wing Designs, huh?”

“Don’t.” My cheeks flush. No. My site is not ready for anyone’s eyes. It’s really, really not ready for Dean’s eyes. “It’s a work in progress.”

“Don’t what? Compliment you on this shit?” He shows off one of my cover mock-ups—a stock photo of two half naked people kissing with the title Desire in a curvy font. “Fuck. This is like porn. But classy.” He turns to Walker’s suite. “You see this shit?”

He’s fucking with me, but he’s being earnest too.

He means the compliment.

He really does think my designs are amazing.

Walker looks up from his sketchbook. Brushes a wavy strand behind his ear. Shoots Dean a knowing look. “I’m sure you’re gonna show me.”

Dean motions come here.

Walker looks to me. “Is that necessary?”

“No. You should stay. Work. We should all work.” And not look at my mock-ups. It’s bad enough that they’re looking at my work. The



“Give me that.” I reach for Dean’s phone.

He holds it over his head. “Shit. This must get good.” He jumps backward. Taps the screen.

I slide over the counter. Follow Dean into the lobby. “Stop it.”

“It’s a public site. I can pull it up anywhere.”

“It’s not supposed to be.” I agreed to let Ryan design my site so he’d agree to let me play his girlfriend.

No one is supposed to actually look at it.

Even if they’re complimenting it.

Is it really good enough they’re complimenting it?

Walker rises from his chair. Steps between us. He studies my expression. “Fuck, this really must be good.”

Dean nods. “So much better than you could imagine.”

Fuck. That must be it.

Dean motions to Walker come here.

He does.

The two of them stare at the screen. Then at me.

Dean shakes his head you didn’t.

Walker nods. “It’s pretty good actually.” He looks to Ryan’s suite. “You have a future ahead of you.”

Ryan’s concentration breaks. The buzz of his gun ceases. He turns to us. Shoots Walker a what the hell look.

Dean turns the cell to face Ryan.

Ryan doesn’t scream profanities.

He chuckles.


He’s… happy about this.

He whispers something to his client, who nods, happy for a break, then he rips off his gloves and joins us in the lobby.

“Was this your idea?” Dean asks.

“Leighton’s,” Ryan says.

“Nice job, Leigh.” Dean winks at me. “This is good shit. I can see women everywhere spanking themselves to it.”

“Can you?” Walker laughs. “Or is there some Flowers in the Attic shit I should know about?”

“Some what?” Dean makes a show of scratching his head. “Is that a book or something?”

“Or something.” Walker laughs. He checks the cell screen again. Really studies the picture. “Book covers suit you.”

“I know.” Ryan runs a hand through his wavy hair. “You two wish you looked this good.”

“Wish? Please.” Dean pulls his t-shirt up his stomach. Pats his six-pack. “Make me your next cover model, babe. Please.”

“Sorry. I can only capture inner beauty.” I force a smile. These guys are my friends. They’re idiots, but they’re talented designers. If they think my stuff is good, it’s good.

Maybe even good enough for me to go for this.

“You’re fucked,” Walker says.

Ryan laughs. “Beyond fucked.”

“One of you must know outer beauty.” Dean tosses his t-shirt on the ground. Strikes a model-worthy pose. “Please.” He turns to Walker. Presses his hands together. “It’s all I’ve got.”

“Sorry, but I don’t see it,” Walker shrugs.

Dean turns to Ryan. “Me and you, bro. Let’s be a matching set.”

Walker looks to me. “You into this Flowers in the Attic shit?”

“Where did you pick up that reference?” I ask.

“Where do you think?” He joins me on the other side of the brotherly… uhlove.

Dean slides his arm around Ryan’s shoulder. Strikes another pose. “Let’s call it Fucked By Both Brothers.”

“Is this a fantasy I should know about?” Ryan’s tone stays dry. But there’s a lightness in his eyes. He’s teasing.

“Depends on how much you’re into it.” Walker laughs.

“Zero,” Ryan says.

“The fantasy isn’t for me. It’s for the ladies.” Dean winks at me. “Tell me you wouldn’t let us double-time you.”

“Ew. Ew. Ew. I’m going to throw up.” I make a show of gagging.

“How about one at a time?” Dean offers.

“How about I don’t want your dick anywhere near me. God knows where it’s been,” I say.

“That’s slut-shaming, Leigh. You’re better than that,” Dean says.

The bell rings and Kaylee steps inside.

She surveys the scene with a curious stare. Decides it’s normal. Cuts through us to go to the counter.

Walker laughs. “She could not give less fucks about you.”

“Kay, you wound me,” Dean calls out.

She nods okay.

He mimes being stabbed in the gut.

“Dean has a new concept for you,” Walker calls to her.

She shoots him a curious look. “Does he?”

“Yeah. Fucked by Both Brothers.” Walker motions to Dean—who’s still posing—and Ryan, who’s standing there, pretending he isn’t amused.

“Hard pass,” she says.

“How about just me?” Dean drops his arm. Moves toward her. “Model for your next book?”

“I don’t have a model for my first book,” she says.

“Will you let me read it?” Dean asks.

“You don’t read,” she says.

“Will you give me a play-by-play of all the good parts?” he asks.

“Sex isn’t the only good part of a book! God!” I roll my eyes.

Kaylee nods to me. “What she said.”

“All right. How about we play Truth or Dare. You fill me in on all the dirty details of Brendon tying you up.” Dean raises a brow.

“Is one of you going to explain why you’re being extra weird?” Kaylee asks.

“I’m starting a cover design business.” My limbs get light. This is really happening. I’m really doing this.

I’m admitting it aloud. To all my friends. While they mock me.

It’s absurd, but it’s right too.

I love these idiots.

“That’s awesome.” Kaylee’s smile is bright. “Are you using Dean as a cover model?”

“If he’s willing to pose for free.” I turn to the guys. “You’re all welcome to pose for free.”

Ryan shakes his head. “My model fee is outrageous.”

I can’t help my laugh. “What is it?”

“Fifty percent royalty,” he says.

“That is steep.” Kaylee pulls her computer from her backpack. Sets it on the counter.

“Leigh designed a cover for your book,” Ryan says.

I shoot him a cutting look. How could you say that?

He mouths you’ll thank me later.

Kaylee blushes. “Oh, really? It’s, uh… Can I see it?”

“You don’t mind?”

“No. It’s awesome. I have no design skills.” She plays with the edge of her pastel pink cardigan.

I join her at the counter. Open my laptop. Pull up my designs—the simple abstract one, the one of Ryan, the sexy couple that reads Desire.

We start with the rose.

“Oh my God.” Her green eyes go wide. “That’s amazing.”

My cheeks flush. Kaylee is always earnest. There’s no way she’s messing with me.

“Like something I’d see on a New York Times bestseller.”

“Show her Ryan,” Dean calls.

She turns to me. “Ryan?”

“Yeah, I, uh… he makes a great model.” I tab to Ryan’s design.

Kaylee studies it carefully. “Yeah, he does. That first cover is gorgeous, but I think this one would sell more books.”

Ryan’s eyes go wide. “You’re not

“Can we?” I press my palms together. “Please.”

“Ryan, come on. You’re too beautiful to stay anonymous.” Dean nudges his brother.

“You’re indie publishing?” Walker asks.

“If I had a cover this hot, I’d have to.” She giggles as she studies the guys’ reactions.

I turn to Ryan. Push him with a bluff. “You wouldn’t deny a young woman her dreams?”

“You heard my fee,” he says.

“Let’s cut that down to a flat rate.” She motions show me the next one.

I do.

Her eyes glue to the screen. “This one is gorgeous too. Leighton, you’re good at this.”

My blush spreads over my cheeks.

“Really. I look at expensive covers sometimes. Consider how much it would cost to put a book together. This—this is top-tier.”

“I’m just…” I swallow hard. “Thanks.”

Dean interrupts my moment. “What do you say, Kay? Need a model for book two?”

“I’m not offering a fee,” she says.

He laughs. “Cold-blooded negotiator. I can see why Brendon likes you.”

“That must be it,” she says.

Dean turns back to Ryan. “You want more good news?”

“I’m terrified,” Ryan deadpans.

“I set up interviews for new artists. A few are coming in tomorrow.” Dean smiles wide. “Gonna be great.”

“Yeah.” Ryan runs his hand through his hair.

The shop quiets as Dean pulls him, and Walker, into a private conversation.

Kaylee settles onto a stool next to mine. Catches me staring at Ryan. “I’m not clear on your relationship with Ryan.”

“His ex is getting married. I offered to pretend to be his girlfriend.”

“Oh. That seems


“A little.”

It is.”

She looks to me. “You like him, huh?”

I clear my throat.

A lot.”


“It sucks, wanting someone you can’t have.”

“You have him now.”

“Yeah.” She pulls up something on her computer. “But I didn’t for a long time. And I hated every minute of it.”

“It would be worse, not having anything.”

“Yeah. It would.”

“He’s good to you?”

“He’s everything.”

I try to focus on my design, but I can’t. Ryan is whispering about something. And Kaylee is here.

She got Brendon to unlock his heart.

He’s not quite as miserable and brooding as Ryan.

But he’s in the same tier.

Fuck, it’s embarrassing asking an eighteen-year-old for advice. But I know when I’m outclassed.

“How did you do it?” I ask.


“Get him to open up to you?”

“I’m not sure. But I’m glad I did.” Her pink lips curl into a smile. “I wish I could be more helpful.”

“I think you might have been.”


“Yeah.” I tap my heels together. “He’s not coming in for another hour.”

“I know. I had to get out of the apartment. Emma was driving me bonkers.”

“Trouble in paradise?”

She laughs. “More like trouble with my headphones’ soundproofing.”

“She’s having sex this early?”

Kaylee laughs. “Her music was too loud.”

“Emma has great taste.”

“But I can only take so much of it.”

Ryan breaks from the conversation. Moves toward the counter. “You really gonna take Leighton’s cover?”

“Not this one. But I’d love if she designed one.” She looks to me. “I can pay you.”

“No. It’s on me.” My lips curl into a smile. It feels good, being appreciated.

“We should finish your portfolio tonight,” Ryan says.

I nod, even though it’s nearly finished.

“My place. At seven. We can walk over after work,” he says.

“I’ll be here.” I watch him return to his suite.

Kaylee turns to me. “You’re sure it’s one-way?”

“I was.” But now

Now it seems like there’s a chance.