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Ready For Him: A Single Dad Next Door Romance by Alyson Hale (15)



“Summons (Family)

Name of respondent: Anton Law

You have been sued.”

Blood rises into my neck. As a prominent lawyer in New York City, it isn’t the first time the word “sued” has been handed to me on a court petition. But from family court? And sent to my physical address? Surely there must be some mistake.

Glancing around, I search the house for my beautiful wife. No matter how late I work, she’s always sitting up somewhere with a book and a cup of green tea, waiting for me. My long hours at work, sometimes overnight, are taxing on our relationship, but she’s always patient and puts on a smile no matter how tired she is. A strong feminist living as a kept woman, I know this isn’t the life Lana always imagined for herself, but she keeps going no matter what. Her sweet compassion and listening ear are like a balm for my exhausted spirit.

“Lana! Lana, do you know what this is?”

While I wait for her to appear, I glance down at the paper again, still sure it’s some sort of mix-up. Family court is only for divorced people, I always thought.

My blood runs cold when I read the name in the “petitionerline.

“Lana Grace Law

All the strength leaves my limbs. My heartbeat pounds in my head as I crumple into a nearby chair in the entry hall of our lavish home. Sinking into the deep cushion, I scan my surroundings, unseeing of everything except the richness I’ve provided for my wife.

She isn’t just clothed; she is robed in whatever name brand attire she wants.

She isn’t just fed; she is served great food by the finest chefs.

And she doesn’t just have a roof over her head. It’s a domed ceiling with a painting reminiscent of the motherfucking Sistine Chapel’s on it.

Where the fuck did I go wrong? Was it something I missed? Was one of her needs not met in all the years we’ve been together? Is she upset that in five years of marriage, we’ve never had a child? I’ve begged her time and time again to have her IUD removed so I can fill that sweet cunt of hers with my cum and plant a baby inside her. I’ve longed for the day she’d surprise me at work with the call or sneak the news into a candlelit dinner.

Nothing I’ve ever done in our seven cumulative years together could have led to this. Tears burn in my eyes as the walls of my heart crumble in on me.

My wife, my world, my reason for getting up and going to work in the morning, wants to be rid of me, and I can’t for the life of me figure out what I’ve done to deserve it.

My deep bronze hand shakes as I hold up the offending piece of paper. I want nothing more than to rip it to shreds. To pretend I never saw it. I’m halfway to jumping up and throwing it in the living room fireplace when Lana descends the staircase with bloodshot eyes.

Her lovely dark hair is draped over her shoulder. Her full lips are parted, and her nose and cheeks are flushed. Even in her miserable state, she looks like a goddess at the top of that winding marble staircase. My goddess who wants to leave me and find another lowly mortal to service her needs.

I gulp and hold up the paper.


I choke, unable to form words. Scrunching my eyes shut, I block the moisture in my eyes with my thumb and forefinger. This is something I never saw coming. I want to lash out and fall at her feet in a sobbing heap all at once.

“I know this must come as a shock,” Lana starts in a quiet voice that once sounded like a soft lullaby to me. She continues down the stairs.

“What did I do?” My voice shakes. I register the pain buried in her deep brown eyes and the dark circles. It’s as if she’s stayed up crying for many nights. Why hadn’t I noticed it before? “What’s wrong?”

As she touches down on the floor, I stand and shake the paper in her face, demanding an answer. Lana pushes it down to look into my eyes. My blurred vision can only make out her form. She’s wearing a navy blue strapless dress I’ve always loved. It accentuates every curve, pushing up her voluptuous breasts and hugging her small waist. I’m surprised it’s still wearable after the number of times I’ve marked it with my cum.

“Listen, Anton…I’m just not happy anymore. You and I have been growing apart. We never talk about our lives. We never do anything together. It’s just…” She stops and swallows. “It’s just not working. I’m going to go see the world like I’ve always wanted to.”

“We could do that.” I try my best to keep the desperation out of my voice. “I can take vacation time and take you anywhere you want. Just name it.”

“That’s the thing…” Lana takes in a deep breath and sighs. The last remaining fragments of my heart shatter at her next words. “I want to go alone.”

“Why?” I reach for her hand, but she shakes her head and pulls it away.

“I need to find myself. This life?” She gestures around us. “It’s not…me. You’d be better off with someone who fits in here. Who gets along with your family.”

It’s no secret that Lana and my father, the senior partner at our law firm, don’t get along. She told him off at the last Christmas dinner because he wanted me to leave early and go back to the office. He wanted us to spend the last hours of our Christmas going over an important case that went to court the next day, but Lana would have none of it. She apparently doesn’t get that I loved her for that. She started a huge fight, but it was one hundred and ten percent worth it to spend the entire evening in her arms.

“I don’t need someone who gets along with the Laws. I need you. My wife. Don’t you know how much you mean to me, Gracie?”

A tear courses down her tanned cheek at the sound of my pet name for her. It’s a low blow, but I need every weapon in my arsenal right now. That nickname is her weakness. No one but her late mother ever called her “Gracie,” and hearing it from my lips has always done things to her emotions.

“Anton, please understand. I’m not a lap pet. Being in the house all the time doing nothing is driving me insane. I never wanted to be a housewife, but this is even worse. I’m useless. Nothing but a trophy for you to show off to your friends. When is my life going to start?”

A pang of guilt hits my chest. I know I’m guilty of showing her off too much, but who wouldn’t parade a woman with such sinful curves and scarlet lips? She’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on, and I’m proud to be the man who holds her heart. Never had the thought even occurred to me that I was making her feel worthless.

“You have the freedom to do anything you want, Gracie. You know that, right? Anything at all.”

“Yes, but I wouldn’t have earned it. I haven’t earned anything since the day you bought my engagement ring.” Her voice is rising and her skin is turning pink. Fire sparks from her eyes and sends blood rushing to my cock. This flame she keeps hidden inside her is the reason I fell in love with her in the first place. She is radiant. A dynamite blast waiting to be lit. I love setting her off. Sometimes I pick a fight with her just to see her turn like this so I can eat every inch of her.

“You should be grateful for that, you know. I slave for you sixty hours every week. Some women would kill to have what you have,” I shoot at her, not thinking about my words.

“Well then, why don’t you go off and marry one of them?” Lana’s words catch on a sob. Her body trembles with suppressed passion. “I know I’m a selfish, spoiled brat. I know I’m nothing but a strong-willed pain in the ass who doesn’t satisfy you nearly as much as some blonde bimbo who wants to sit around the house doing nothing all day.”

“Doesn’t satisfy me?” I shake my head, mind blown. This has gone far enough. Drastic measures need to be taken, and I am so far past caring how crazy I am for taking them.

I’ve been holding back with Lana for years out of fear of losing her, but tonight she’s going to taste my desire for her. Every last drop.

I grip the paper and take Lana’s arm with my free hand, yanking her up the stairs. I force her to follow me, despite her loud protests. Normally, I’d never lay a hand on her, but faced with the possibility of losing her, I’m completely out of my mind. My grip isn’t tight enough to hurt her, but it’s strong enough that she can’t get away.

I pull her inside the bedroom we share and lock the door behind us in case one of the staff members accidentally stumbles upon us. Tossing the paper on the bed, I turn Lana full-on to face me and lean down to look directly in her eyes.

“I’ll sign that paper on one condition.”

What’s that?”

Keeping eye contact with her, I lean in even further until I’m a mere inch from her lips. Our hot breath mingles between us.

“You’ll be mine tonight. Any way I want you. And you have to do exactly as I say.”

* * *


Anton’s words send a shiver down my spine. I try to stop the rush of fluid that coats my panties at his words, but it’s pointless. His black eyes narrow on me, and his smirk leaves a tantalizing crease in his left cheek. The heat of his rigid body is mere inches from mine. I feel its pull on me like never before.

Anton Law has always possessed my being like this. From the moment we met, my body has belonged to him. It comes to life at his touch. My pussy clenches and burns for his fingers, tongue, and cock. The feeling of being tangled up in him has kept me numbed for years to the emptiness inside, but the more he falls into bed exhausted without so much as a “good night,” the more the chasm in my heart grows.

It’s gotten to the point where I stay awake for him, let him fuck me, and then he falls asleep and I go back to my book. On and on that went over the past couple of years until I felt like nothing but a sex toy. It’s the only reason he even keeps me around; that, and his intense desire to become a father and pass on the family business.

If one more round with his toy is enough to satisfy him and let me go on my way, is it that big of a deal?

My hands are tied. If I want my freedom—to feel like a woman again instead of an owned and discarded fuck toy—I have to let him use me one more time.

And my body will enjoy every millisecond even if my deeply independent mind is screaming in protest.

I can only manage a nod as my husband’s lips connect with mine, filling and breaking my heart all at once. I had heard of trophy wives before and even scorned them in my mind, but when I became one, I finally understood how much it hurts. Anton is considerably older than me, almost twelve years, but that has never mattered to me. His hard, stony body, rugged jaw, and dark curls that touch his creased forehead don’t even have anything to do with it. It’s his laugh. His slow smile. The way he kisses my neck from behind and makes tingles shiver down my spine.

My love for him is unquestionable, but over time it’s become clear that love is the furthest thing from his mind. What he feels for me is pure lust. He can’t keep his hands off me. Even in front of his parents at Christmas, he kept feeling his way up my leg and whispering heinous things in my ear all night. Instead of feeling like part of the family, I feel like an outcast. Like they all know why I’m there, and they despise me for it.

I’m only twenty-six-years-old. We’ve been together since I was nineteen. There has never been another man in my life, and in my heart I know there will never be another one after him. He’s it for me. He holds my entire heart. Yet if I want to know freedom, to feel like a woman again, I have to give myself over one more time and let him go.

“Deal,” I whisper against his lips, which are soft in contrast to every other part of him. I get lost in him again as he lowers me to the bed. His weight pushes the air from my lungs, and as my mouth opens, I’m swept away by his tongue. He curls it around and around mine.

“God, you taste incredible,” he gushes into my mouth. “Even better than the day I met you.”

I secretly admit to myself he tastes incredible, too. His flavor is spearmint with just a hint of cigar. When we first met, I noticed him popping gum in his mouth every time he finished a cigar, and one time I asked him about it. He said he’d started doing that the day we met because he wanted to taste good for me.

At least some things never change.

Anton lifts my arms above my head, and I relish the out of control feeling it gives me one last time. I don’t notice him bringing a set of handcuffs around my wrists until it’s too late.

I yank against the handcuffs, but my wrists are bound tightly against the mahogany post and wouldn’t budge. Panic builds up in my lungs. I can’t get free. We’ve done bondage before, usually with scarves, but I’ve always been sure I could escape if I needed to.

When Anton lifts his weight off of me, I buck on the mattress and whimper. He clamps his hand over my mouth and a wicked grin curls his lips upward.

“Easy, my darling. We wouldn’t want anyone interrupting this little arrangement, would we? It would be a shame if those papers could never get signed. Rest assured, I would make sure that could never happen if you were to back out now.”

Tears build up in my eyes. I shudder against his hand, which once felt so reassuring and now feels threatening. Anton seems to sense the real fear in me, and alarm sparks in his eyes. He removes his hand from my mouth.

“Shh, shh, I’ll never hurt you, Gracie.” Anton kisses my protests away. “But I’ve been taking it easy on you for far too long, and that’s not fair to you. It’s time you felt the intensity of my desire for you. The way I crave you all the way down to the core of your being.”

Sweat builds up in my pores. I’m not sure what to expect as Anton pulls down from my lips and kisses over my collarbone. I’ve never felt completely out of control during sex. In fact, I usually prefer being on top. Being at his mercy is terrifying, yet exhilarating somehow. Squirming underneath his touch, I fight him, but that only seems to turn him on even more.

* * *


I pull my wife’s zipper down and yank her dress off, ignoring her kicking against me. With her dark hair fanned out over the pillow and her full, round breasts splayed for my pleasure, I’ve never seen anything more tantalizing. Before I do anything to her, I need to make sure she wants this, but I’m certain she does. Her moans and the obvious hardness of her round, small nipples mean more to me than the fruitless jabs of her knees into my hardened core. When I steal a glance at her pussy, I can’t help but grin at the way it glistens. No matter how hard she fights, she can’t hide her desire for me. It’s written all over every inch of her body. She is still mine.

Easing into my planned night of debauchery, I run my rough hand over her smooth, naked flesh and capture her lips in another kiss.

“Lana Grace Law, you are mine, body, and soul,” I whisper softly between kisses. “Trying to escape me is futile.”

“You’re a bastard,” she growls, her brows drawn down in anger.

I shoot her a grin that makes her pelvis quiver. “I think you’ll come to forgive me enough times.”

Clicking my tongue, I kiss my way down her body without another word. When I reach her nipple, I bite down just hard enough to draw a reaction. Lana screams.

“Fuck,” I mumble against her round breast, kissing around its wide circumference. I pinch the other nipple, pulling another cry from her body. Then I move to another area of her body where my fingers can get lost.

My fingers slide into her warm wetness, making her shiver with repressed delight. I bring my thumb up to rub her clit, wringing a soft moan out of her. My touch is her weakness, and I know it. She melts underneath me.

Leaning down even further, I replace my thumb with my tongue. Her warm skin closes around mine and I groan against her, the vibrations of my voice pulling a deep moan out of my wife’s chest. I know every ridge and curve of her sex, and tonight I’ll be using that knowledge to my advantage. Interchanging my tongue and my thumb, I lick around the edges of her pussy’s lips and back up to her clit. Reaching up with my free hand, I feel for a hard nipple and squeeze it, savoring her cries of delight.

“Oh, Anton! Fuck! I’m getting close,” she screams, bucking her hips.

“Give me what I’m owed,” I command deeply against her skin, keeping my rhythm inside her pussy.

Lana screams and whimpers as the walls of her sex close around my fingers, pulsing with pleasure. I lick the palm of my hand as her sweet, honey-like juices coat it. The mere smell of my wife’s pleasure is almost enough to make me come undone.

I wait until the right moment to remove my fingers from her lush oasis and take her ass firmly in my large hands, flipping her over to her stomach. I tear off my black suit, tie, and white shirt while she lays naked and helpless in front of me, looking back over her shoulder.

“Anton?” she whimpers nervously.

As I remove my last article of clothing, I chuckle darkly. “You thought we were done? That was an appetizer.”

When I take hold of her hips, I feel Lana tense underneath me. I pull her ass up to sheath my cock and run my length up and down the tightness between her cheeks, gnawing on my lower lip at how perfectly it fits me. Holding her firmly with one hand, I give a resounding smack to one ass cheek, leaving it red.

“Ow!” Lana’s cry of pain is overlaid with passionate breath. She bucks her pussy against my cock, unconsciously begging for more. I’ve never spanked her that hard before, but it looks like she likes it.

“That’s for leaving me to find the ‘petition for dissolution’ in the mail.” My voice is hard with anger. I smack her again, a little harder. “That’s for never telling me you wanted to travel and see the world.”

That particularly hurt me. She never talks about her dreams. I knew she wanted to see places, but I never knew the desire was so strong. It kills me to be so clueless about my own wife and what she wants.

Lana continues to taunt me with her ripe pussy lips, rubbing them against my pulsing cock. I peek at her face and see her mouth open, so I shove the fingers inside it that had been in her sweet, delicious pussy. Her lips close around my fingers, and I’m jealous that she gets to taste herself and I don’t, so I pull my fingers back for a taste before spanking her again. Lana gives a loud cry, but I no longer care if anyone hears. This is our bed. Our home. Our sanctuary. And so help me God, by the time I’m done, she’s going to believe that.

“That’s for never telling me you don’t believe I love you.”

* * *


Pain clenches my heart like a vise, even stronger than the sweet pain and pleasure that’s rocking my lower body.

“What did you say?”

“You don’t believe I love you.” Anton grips my hips with a power that shocks me speechless. “I saw it in your eyes just now. You think I see you as a sexual plaything. A trophy wife. Am I right or wrong?”

With a lump forming in my throat, I nod. I wish he’d just punish me some more. Make both of us feel worse and better all at once. It would make the pain of this horrible confession go away. We could forget about the divorce and get lost in each other one last time.

Before I know what’s happening, I’m flat on my back again underneath my husband. He hovers over me like a powerful airship preparing to land. I read the hurt and anger in his eyes, but also see something I haven’t seen in months because he’s been falling asleep out of pure exhaustion so quickly every night.

Love. Pouring over me and into me. Filling every crevice in my cavernous heart. It spills over and floods my body, blanking out the sting of his discipline and filling me with need for him.

“Mrs. Law, I love you more than the air I breathe. I would give it all up for you. I’d live on a street corner if it meant I got to keep you.”

My tears spill over, coating my cheeks. Since I’m not able to wipe my own tears, Anton takes both his thumbs and runs them over my cheeks. He kisses my nose and pulls back to examine my face.

“What’s wrong, sweetheart? What’s really wrong?”

“I can’t have children.” The tears pour uninhibited, dripping down onto my hair and the pillow behind me. Anton immediately reaches up and loosens the handcuffs. As soon as my hands are free, I roll over and hide my breasts from him with my arms, feeling exposed.

“I’ve been off birth control for two years,” I sob pathetically. “I haven’t been to the doctor yet, but I think something’s wrong with my uterus. You’ve always said how much you want kids, you’ve begged me for them, and I just…” I can’t form any more words.

Strong arms wrap around me from behind, and warm lips press against my neck, followed by the sparks they always gave me. Anton holds me gently and wipes away my tears. It’s a while before I can speak.

“Please forgive me,” I whisper. “I thought it would be easier to give you your dream by leaving and letting you find the true love of your life.”

“That’s ridiculous, because you are the true love of my life. I, however, have failed as a husband if you feel you can’t come to me with something like this.”

“I don’t feel worthy of you.” I bat a tear away. “I’m just a poor girl from the Bronx, and you’re Anton Law. I still don’t know what you saw in me. And now that I’m barren, I’m definitely not the girl you always wanted.”

“That’s bullshit.” Anton’s body tenses behind me. He grits out the words, making my pussy clench for him again. “If someone’s been telling you this, you need to tell them to fuck off. If it’s just in your head, I’ll fuck those thoughts right out of you.”

“It’s your parents. They’re always pestering us about children. I know they mean well, they want grandchildren, but still…it’s so hard seeing the disapproval in their eyes and knowing this is only going to make it worse.”

“Lana, sweetheart, look at me.” Anton turns me around to face him. My hair falls in my face, and he tenderly brushes it away. “You leave my parents to me. They’re my problem to handle. I will always take your side no matter what. Nothing about you could ever make me stop loving you or want someone else. We are eternally bound together. If this is what you think it is, we’ll work it out, I promise. I could live with just you and me forever and be in my own definition of paradise.”

Relaxing against him, I feel my heartrate spike again. “I love you, Anton Law.”

Anton responds by pressing a quick kiss to my lips, then pulling me back up to all fours. He grips both ass cheeks and buries his face in me, making contact with my pussy with his magic tongue.

“So you think you can’t have a baby, huh?”

“Yeah,” I gasp between moans of pleasure.

“Challenge accepted,” Anton growls as he returns to feasting on me.

* * *


Lana quivers around me as I thrust my tongue inside her warm sweetness. My favorite flavor in the world has always been my wife’s beautiful, untouched pussy. She was a virgin when we met, and I was the first and only man to touch her. There is no way in hell I’m going to release her to possibly fall into another man’s arms. I also don’t believe for a second that anything is wrong with this perfect, sensual woman or her womb.

I’m going to breed her fast and deep, shooting my semen so far inside her that my swimmers will have their prime pick of the litter.

After rubbing her pussy’s lips nice and scarlet, I take a minute to cuff her to the bedpost again. Then I pick up my discarded tie and wrap it around her left leg. Lana’s big brown eyes pop wide open as she looks over her shoulder at me.

“What are you doing?”

I connect the tie to the other bedpost at the head of the bed and glare at her, my gaze hot with need. “I’m not done punishing you yet, my sweet.”

She whimpers as I tighten the tie around her leg and lean down to pull something out of my nightstand drawer. It’s something I’ve been saving for a special occasion. The small whip was formed with leather strips that are only slightly longer than my stiff, ready shaft. I feel a tight burn in my loins just looking at it. Now that I finally have something to discipline her for, I’m going to make the most of it. Lana Grace Law needs to be taught a lesson, and that lesson is that leaving her husband will never be an option.

I pull her hips level with my cock and tease her entrance, holding the whip behind my back.

“You want this cock, Gracie?”

“Oh yes, please.”

I pull the whip around and snap it across the tender skin of her ass cheek, leaving it red and ripe. Lana cries out in shock.

“Swear you’ll never pull a stunt like this again,” I seethe, equal parts angry and crazed for her.

“I swear,” Lana promises, half-sobbing. “I’m so sorry, Anton.”

I crack the whip on the other side. Lana hisses and rocks her hips against me.

“Swear you’ll never open this cunt for anyone but me.”

“I swear.” Lana gasps as my tip enters her sanctum.

“Swear you’ll soak up every drop of the cum that’s about to explode inside this cunt and give me a baby.”

She hesitates. I let the tendrils of the whip graze her skin as a warning.

“Anton, I can’t

The whip cracks across the raw skin of her ass again.

“Promise me,” I growl darkly. Lana shudders and nods.

“I promise, Mr. Law.”

I set the whip down beside me, unable to resist what I’ve created any longer. Holding her bright crimson, ample ass in my hands, I inch my cock inside her tight, wet entrance. I groan as I sink in all the way to my balls and pull out, covering every inch of her walls with my slick pre-cum as I go.

“Tell me you’re sorry,” I hiss, holding the tip at her entrance as a promise of what won’t happen until she apologizes.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Law.” Lana moves backward, but I pull my cock away. “I’m so sorry.”

I pull her puffy pussy lips aside and sink in even further until every inch of me is covered by her sweet wetness.

“Fuck,” I whisper. There’s nowhere else to go. I’m as deep inside her as I can get, yet I still long to be closer to her.

I curl my body over hers one more time before I reel back to plunge into her again and whisper in her ear, “Petition denied.”

* * *


Leaning over my body, Anton pumps in and out of me, filling me completely and leaving me breathless. One of his hands is plastered to my ass and the other is pinching my nipple, rolling it between his thumb and forefinger. In all our years, I’ve never felt so dominated, so under his control. He’s never whipped me before or even mentioned he had one, but strangely enough, my skin is already missing the long, punishing fingers of the instrument.

When Anton runs his hand down the length of my abdomen, I shudder with pleasure. In this moment, I feel like so much more than a trophy wife. I’m a goddess, the object of his deepest craving and desire. I know those papers aren’t going to get signed after this, but I’m finding there isn’t a shred of my being that cares. The thought of leaving my husband’s strong arms, the home he built for us, and the life we share seems ridiculous now.

The thought of ever being bereft of his cock has my pussy crying out for his touch, and he’s filling me to the brim with sheer bliss.

His tip rakes up and down my walls, gaining friction. As his pace picks up, he fans my flame of lust into a blaze. I can feel my need for him all the way up in my teeth. Tension mounts in my core.

“Whip me again.”

Anton snaps the whip over both ass cheeks in a one-two motion and rubs my clit in a slow circle. He lines my pussy with his finger and brings it up again, making a tornado of euphoria spin to life inside me.

“I’m gonna come,” I whine softly.

“Give me that sweet nectar,” Anton commands me. His whip smacks across my ass one final time.

Finally, I come over the edge, howling like a crying puppy.

“Yes, that’s it.” Anton swipes his finger around me and I hear the smack of his lips closing around it. “Delicious. I love your juices, baby.”

My muscles squeeze around his cock for what seems like forever. A beautiful lifted feeling settles in my chest. Anton continues to pummel me from behind, not missing a beat. He jams my ass into his cock until he follows me into paradise, groaning in the most seductive way. Nothing turns me on like the sound of my husband groaning because of me.

“Fuck, Gracie. Take all that cum.”

“Every last drop,” I promise, pressing into him as far as I can go. For the first time in years, I’m hopeful. Maybe we haven’t had a baby because we weren’t ready yet. Or maybe my fear kept me from conceiving.

Either way, the feeling of his warm fluid flowing up toward my womb has me tingling with pleasure. I will my body to receive it. I long to be bred by Anton Law.

When Anton’s body finally loses its tension, he melts on top of me, kissing and suckling on my neck in a way that makes me feel utterly loved and cherished. I lean into him as he reaches over me to uncuff my hands. After my foot is untied, I turn to lie on my back, letting his cum travel as far inside me as it can go. Anton leans down on top of me, supporting his weight with his hands on the mattress, and kisses my last remaining fears away.

“I love you, Mrs. Law.” The corners of his eyes crinkle with a blissful smile.

“I love you, Mr. Law.”

Anton lays a hand on my belly and flicks his thumb over it. “Baby Law, now all we need is you.”

My heart melts into a puddle when my husband moves down on me and kisses the smooth skin of my belly. I am so lucky. Why did I ever think he wouldn’t want me anymore if I never got pregnant?

Even if I don’t conceive, there can be no doubt that Anton is determined to bind me to him forever. Somehow, even with my lingering craving for freedom and adventure, I don’t mind that at all.

* * *


I survey the city of Venice from my place against the wall on the balcony of our newly purchased, Tuscan-inspired, lavishly furnished condo. Vines grow from cement pots up the warm metal bars in front of me and curl up over the railing. The song of the gondoliers wafts up on the evening breeze to serenade my ears. It’s been a nearly perfect evening, one that’s been a long time in coming. The first night of the first real vacation I’ve allowed myself in five long years.

Now that I’ve left the bustle of New York City and agreements and court dates, the cloud over my head has dissipated and my eyes have been opened to what really matters in life. My beautiful wife is inside, resting with her feet up after a long day of travel and touring the city. Ironically, I seem to be enjoying the long-awaited trip even more than Lana is, and she was the only reason we came here in the first place. If it had been up to me, we could have stayed in our perfect New York paradise forever, but Lana has a burning desire to see all the world has to offer, and as long as she takes me with her, I won’t deny my queen a single desire of her heart.

Lana groans from her place on the chaise in the living room. She’s been nauseous off and on since the plane ride and isn’t her normal self at all. When we went out to eat for dinner, she barely touched her food and insisted it was because of the peanuts she ate on the plane. I desperately hope there’s nothing wrong with my angel. I could never handle life without her.

After finishing my cigar, I reenter the condo and find that Lana has left her place on the chaise. Alarmed, I rush out the front door and down the hallway to look for her. It’s been my fear since we first left on the trip that she would use it as a way to escape from me. After all, I’ve been acting like an asshole lately, monitoring her every move and making sure she comes home every time she leaves the house. I can’t help being paranoid. She’s my life and breath. When I thought she was going to leave me, it was as if my whole world stopped turning. I won’t let that happen again.

Calling out her name, I search the entire top floor for her and came back with nothing. My face is flushed and my eyes are sparking flames when I burst back in through our front door. If I find her, I swear to God she’ll be punished until she can’t walk on her own and feels like she’s going to split wide open. It isn’t fair of her to


The call came from back inside our bedroom. I would recognize that voice no matter how much distance is between us. I bolt to the master bedroom and into the bathroom, where I’m met with a sight that makes my knees buckle.

Lana looks a bit peaked and worse for wear, but her eyes glow with radiant happiness when she pulls a plastic apparatus I’ve only seen online and in the movies from behind her back. Her voice trembles with emotion.

“Two lines, baby.” A tear slides down her cheek, meeting the crease of her smile. “You did it.”

I fall to my knees in front of her, wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her into me. Kissing her t-shirt-covered belly over and over, I whisper a “thank you” to whatever miracle worker brought this woman to me years ago. The sound of her delighted giggle is better than a million gondolier songs.

I’ve always known she was meant to be the mother of my children, and now she’ll never get away, no matter how hard she tries.

Standing up, I pull her into a deep kiss and press her body so far into mine it feels like we’re melded into one. My cock grows when my hands find the curve of her ass and squeeze so deep it makes her moan.

“Feeling better?” I check before tossing her on the bed. Lana nods, giggles, and squeals with delight as her body flies onto the soft mattress.

I settle down on top of her and gently undress her, burying my face in her chest as soon as she’s bare for me. The feeling of her small hands reaching up to unbutton my shirt sends a wave of relief through me. She wants this as much as I do.

Seconds later, we’re skin to skin and my cock is teasing her entrance. Lana rocks against me, trying to get me inside of her, but I shake my head.

“Say it,” I command.

Her eyes meet mine with honesty. “I’ll never leave you.”

“What else?” I growl.

Lana sighs with a slight roll of her eyes. “Do I have to?”


“You... you own me, Anton,” she breathes.

My cock plunges inside her, and I hiss through clenched teeth. She is so unbelievably tight. I now realize she’s been even tighter since she was impregnated only a month ago.

Lust burns through me at the thought of this woman round with my child. As I pump into her, rolling my thumb around her clit simultaneously, I feel like pounding my chest. My wife is carrying my baby. No other accomplishment or achievement in my life has made me this proud or made me feel more like a man.

“I love you,” Lana whispers in a breathy voice. I feel the rhythm of her muscles pulsing around my cock and know she’s close.

“I love you too, darling,” I reply and close my lips over hers. When I pull back, I know I only need a couple more good thrusts and we’ll be over the moon together.

I pummel into her and stop, balls deep, when pleasure coils in them and shoots up my shaft, sending my semen in long streams to the back of her pussy. She clamps around me and releases, shaking and screaming my name. We grip each other, and I lower myself over her, pressing my chest down to hers.

One look into her eyes, and I know I’ve won her over for good. I kiss her until the last wave of our pleasure melts away. Denying her petition was the smartest move I’ve ever made.

The End