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Regretfully Yours by Sunniva Dee (78)

16. WEAK


“Sorry,” he mumbles.

I see Dominic’s back move away from me and get swallowed by the crowd as he shoves through to the exit. Between what just happened, my drunken state, and the thumping music, I’m dazed.

Where’s he going?

“Are you all right?” Leon’s rich voice hums at my ear. When I turn, he’s standing next to me, his forearm supporting his weight on the counter. “I tried to get here earlier—” He waves a hand at the packed room, and I know what he means.

Dominic didn’t even say goodbye.

“It’s okay—I’m fine.”

Leon stares down at people. I’m a head shorter than him, but he still carries his chin tilted upward in the subtlest way while he studies me. The always-erect posture adds to the general impression of sexy arrogance.

Leon’s eyes flicker over my face, studying me. His expression doesn’t betray his findings. “You know him well?”

I nod but feel the urge to explain. “Yeah, although we’re not dating.”

“He shouldn’t have done that if you’re not his.”

Leon has a strange way of expressing himself. I look up, and for a moment, I can’t move. His eyes, a hazy sapphire, contrast with the creamy tan of his skin. The two don’t match up. Sure, I’ve noticed his intensity before, it’s hard not to, but he’s so close and he is focused! Now that I meet his gaze, he has me trapped.

“Um.” I’m a toad croaking stuff out.

Christian deserts a customer to hunch over the counter. “Boss, she’s Shannon’s friend, and—”

“I know who she is. Pandora.” My name sounds ridiculously pretty with Leon playing with it, swirling the vowels and consonants in his mouth.

“Give her another of whatever she’s having. And some water.”

Christian works quickly. Scoops up ice and jets the beverage into a glass.

“Bottled, Christian. VOSS.”

“Right, one sec.”

I wonder if I’m expected to pay for this. I’m done drinking alcohol for the night, though, I realize. Leon relieves Christian of the designer water and hands it to me. As I take a sip, he watches a stray twirl of hair sneak in front of my nose before tucking it behind my ear.

“I don’t know why Dominic left,” I think out loud.

“Hush, don’t worry about it.”

I take another swig, considering the phone I’ve got in my pocket. I can call him. Although I’m supposed to leave him alone. Not disturb him anymore.

Perfect Dominic.

I laugh, and a hint of curiosity colors Leon’s gaze. “What’s so funny?” he asks.

“Just him. The guy who kissed me,” I start.

Leon waits for me to continue.

“He’s so perfect. I’m a total deadbeat and he’s, like…”

“Pandora.” Shannon’s at my side, tugging at my arm. “Let’s go to the ladies’ room.”

“Nope, I’m talking with Leon. Go on—you tell him how perfect Dominic is, and how I’m not!” Woozy and amused, I slap my hands together at the irony.

“Fuck ‘perfect,’” Leon says, and it’s hot and different and it makes my stomach bounce.

“Christian?” Shannon shouts for him to hear her. “Pandora and I are leaving. Call a taxi.”

I’m groggy, my head is pounding, and I want to throw up. In addition to the physical discomfort, the guilt from procrastinating on homework churns until I can’t lie still any longer.

Even with Destiny trying to shake me awake in the mornings, the only days I manage to get up early is when I have a hangover.

Today, though, once I’m out of the shower, I’ll start fresh. I swear I’m studying. And the subjects are easy too, I remind myself. Again.

I wonder if any of the messages lighting up my phone are from Dominic.

Shannon’s voice carries from the living room. “Yes, but why didn’t you come up with something? Like say you don’t know where she lives? You’re the one who insists she should run for cover when it comes to him.”

“Ah, Shannon—you’re real frustrating sometimes. He wouldn’t have believed me. I practically live here, and he knows you’re roommates. Smother is my livelihood. I won’t jeopardize my job to try and stall something that’s going to happen either way. You talk with her.”

“Me?” Shannon mocks. “Like that does any good.”

“What do you want me to say?”

No need to be a genius to get the gist of this; Leon must have asked where I live. A flutter of nerves rises and sinks in me as I wonder about Leon’s plans.

My thoughts drift back to the club last night. I’d been doing a great job of ignoring Dominic. I had an awesome time too, dancing, staying out of trouble and out of Dominic’s life.

Still, whenever we’re both at Smother, I sense him watching me. Last night was no different, and he’d been in his regular seat over by the bend of the bar. Illuminated by dim overhead lights, he dipped into his glass with eyes trained on me.

But then I crossed some unknown line he’d set in his head, so he shot over, ripped me off the counter, yelled at me, and freaking kissed me.

I’m weak. So weak. I should have kept fighting instead of absorbing his kisses like a cat in heat. I crush the sudden realization that he would have been in my bed right now if he hadn’t left.

My phone flashes white again over at my desk. Most of the messages are from my mom, I’m sure, but Dominic has my number.

I hope he’s okay.

I hope he’s got a damn good reason for dropping me like a fucking—

No. I’m an idiot, because this is what I want, to not screw with his life. I did well last night until he grabbed me.

Even so, in the murky recesses of my heart, my ego is hiding. It’s hurt and hissing. There are other fish in the sea. Less perfect guys to hang with.

I move to sit up, and a searing jolt shoots up my spine. The yelp I emit sounds like a wounded animal’s, but I choke on it when the agony floods my entire body.

Please, no. Not today. I have to study!

I need the pain meds, but I can’t move. I can’t utter the sounds I need to call for help. Water pools in my eyes as I try to remain frozen on the mattress. The slightest movement is enough to drive me insane.

Please, God. Please!

At the corner of my eye, the door creaks open, and Shannon’s voice reaches me. “Was that you, Pan? Are you okay?”

A smothered sob escapes me at her question, and in two leaps she’s at my side.


“Yeah,” I whisper. “It’s bad this time.”

“Damn it, Pandora—that human bridge stunt you pulled yesterday? Dominic was right.”

If I weren’t in agony, I’d be mad at her for stating the obvious. I hear the drawer of my nightstand open, my meds rattling inside. Then she holds a handful of bottles up in front of me.

I can’t talk anymore because I’m hurting, hurting, so I point instead, and she shakes out two pills as the label recommends. “Here, water. I’m calling Dominic,” she says.


“No, Pandora, don’t even start with me. He always fixes you, and he’ll definitely want to come today.”


And suddenly I’m not so noble anymore. Suddenly I don’t care as long as he’s here, as long as he helps me, because I can’t take this even for a moment. I’m dying.

“Ah…” I strangle my gasp before I surrender. “Yeah, okay.” Just the thought of his skilled hands searching over my back, finding, healing, makes me want to cry with relief.

I can stay away from him later.

Frozen on my back with eyes closed, I wait, wait, while he takes forever to pick up Shannon’s call. She paces as she talks, her voice low and concerned. She fades into the kitchen, but I still catch her telling him how I’m worse than she’s ever seen me before.

Soon, the medicine dulls my pain into a clammy sheet that stretches from my shoulders to my knees. Through the onslaught of drowsiness, I know it—I know. Then, I allow myself to think it.

Dominic. I need you.