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Rescue This Aching Heart (Falling Deep Into You Trilogy Book 3) by Terra Kelly (19)


“So, it’s confirmed that Alessandra was secretly dating Jason, right?” Ricky asked, picking up a note in Letizia’s file and leaning back in his seat. They took the first flight out of Toronto and would be arriving in Minnesota in a few hours.

“Yes, Alessandra kinda mentioned it. Then we found several letters in Jason’s office they had sent back and forth to each other.”

“Wow, okay. So, let’s think about this. We find him, then what?”

“We bring him back to the precinct for questioning.”

Ricky actually missed this life. He didn’t miss the loss that went along with the job, but he missed the investigations. He was good at it and he knew that. A part of him wanted this life back.

“Well, I only ask that because I’m willing to bet he will not go with us easily.”

“It think he will,” Miles said, grabbing a package of peanuts.

“Maybe, if we can guarantee his safety.”

“Which we can.”

“I hope.”

* * *

When they touched down in St. Cloud, it was raining to beat the bands. It was around ten at night, and the airport was packed. “This is the most time I have spent stateside ever in my life.”

“You and me both.”

“I may take a trip to Alberta with Vikki when things settle.”

“So, this thing between you two is official.”

“I know, I know, finally.”

“Well, yeah. Preslie and I had a wager going on how long it would take you to finally make a move.”

Ricky rolled his eyes. “Well, you both lost then.”

“What do you mean?”

“She made the first move.”


“Yeah, I know. I was dragging my ass too long. She finally gave up on the wait.”

Miles burst out laughing and slapped him on the back. “Well, at least she finally took control.”

“With that,” Ricky winked.

Miles plugged his ears. “La la la, I don’t want to know.”

“Oh come on, you know you want to know.” Ricky continued to mess with Miles on their way to their hotel.

They both decided to wait until the morning before they would head over to the home owned by Letizia’s family. The Emergency Task Force had seized control of the property while the investigation was still open. Cooper let them know earlier the home was supposed to be locked up; the local sheriff’s office had ensured everything was taken care of.

On the way over to the place, Ricky just felt like something was not right. Whenever he felt unease about something, it was usually big. The driveway was about a quarter mile long, and as they slowly approached, he mentally prepared himself for the worst.

“Something doesn’t feel right.”

“Yeah, I’m feeling it, too,” Ricky said, pulling his gun from his holster. “You said there is an attic. Do you know if there was a basement?”

“Yeah, there is.”

“Okay, so a good place to hide.” Ricky glanced around the property. “Do the local cops drive by once in a while and check on the place?”

“Well, they said they do. Not sure how much I believe that.”

Ricky agreed. Out of sight, out of mind. This house was not on their radar like it was for them. “Okay, we go in together. I think splitting up would be a horrible idea.”

“Yeah,” Miles said, getting his gun at the ready. “I agree.”

Ricky was behind Miles as they ascended the stairs. On the last step, there was a creak and Miles stopped. They both looked around for a trip-wire or anything that could detonate a bomb. It was empty on the porch. As Ricky turned the knob on the front door, he heard a crack behind him. He drew his gun and turned. There was an older man with graying hair holding a rifle, and it was pointed right at them.

“Jason?” Miles asked.

“You’re on private property. You need to leave.”

“Jason, we need to talk to you,” Miles said, slowly dropping his gun. “We’re from the Emergency Task Force. We just need to talk to you.”

“I don’t know a Jason,” the man said.

Ricky looked over at Miles. “That’s Johnny…I mean, Jason. I remember him from the restaurant.”

“I said get off my property.”

“This is Alessandra’s house, Jason.” Miles placed his gun back in his holster. “Put down your gun and let’s talk about this.”

“There’s nothing to talk about.”

Ricky still had his gun pointed at Jason. “There is plenty to discuss. Like your relationship with Alessandra or the kids you had. We know everything.”

“You don’t know anything.”

“Are you sure about that? We talked to Alessandra before she died.” Miles walked toward the first step. “How is it possible we don’t know everything? Tell us.”

“I’m not telling you anything.”

“Why not, Jason? You can trust us.” Miles stepped down one step.

“Trust. I can’t trust anyone.”

Ricky rolled his eyes. He could tell something happened to this guy because he seemed paranoid. He glanced around, checking to see if anyone else was watching them. There were several trees that lined the property; they gave a sniper the perfect vantage point. Which meant he and Miles were sitting ducks on the porch.

“Jason, how many of you are here?” Ricky blurted out.

“How many?” Jason asked. “No one is here. Unless you were followed.”

“How often do you talk to Giano?”

“What? I…I…don’t. I haven’t talked to him in years.”

Ricky noticed Miles look back toward him. They both were having a silent laugh at that admission. “Years? I find that hard to believe.”

Jason dropped his rifle a fraction. “I haven’t talked to him. I loved Alessandra.” He dropped his gun to his side. “It was hard trying to protect her and my boy. Never getting to see him grow up was the hardest thing for me.”

“Jason, let’s talk without any guns. Can we do that?” Miles asked.

“You need to go.” Jason pulled his rifle back up.

“No, we can’t do that,” Ricky said, ensuring his gun was pointed directly at Jason’s arm. “Let’s go inside and talk.” He was grasping at straws. “We have Ella in our custody back in Toronto.”

Jason dropped his rifle to his side again. “My baby. Is she okay?”

“Let’s talk about it inside.” Ricky dropped his gun to his side. He knew the suspect was not a threat and most likely would not shoot at either of them. “Come on. Do you have some of your amazing ravioli you love to make inside?”


“Jason, why are you acting like you don’t know me?” Miles asked, stepping down another two steps.

Ricky holstered his gun and stepped forward. “Would you rather we call you, Johnny?” Jason still had a good grip on his rifle. “Come on, let’s go inside and talk.”

“You both really shouldn’t have come here,” Jason finally said.

“Why?” Ricky took his hand off his gun.

“I know they will come back here. Giano is smart.”

“Then go back to the precinct in Toronto with us,” Miles said, stepping closer to Jason. “We all are staying there for now, until we can take down Giano and Dego.”

Jason laughed. “Take down Giano and his men. That will never happen.”

“Oh, fuck yeah it will,” Ricky said, leaning against the porch railing. “I’m done with all this shit. How many more need to die?”

“A lot,” Jason said, heading up the stairs. “I have brisket ravioli in the fridge.”

“And I just shed a tear.” Miles followed behind him.

* * *

“What gave you the idea to come back here?” Jason asked, reaching for a bottle of wine on the kitchen counter.

“A hunch,” Miles said, sitting down at the kitchen island.

When they entered the house, Jason rested the rifle against the wall by the front door. Ricky followed them into the kitchen and sat down on a barstool at the island. The place was quiet, almost eerie. There was about an inch of dust on every unused surface.

“How long have you been here, Jason?” Ricky asked.

“Six days.”

“Have you seen anyone from Giano’s inner circle?” Ricky rested his arm on the island. “I feel like you are a sitting duck right now.”

“I’m staying down in the basement. It’s not ideal but safer at the moment.”

Ricky leaned forward. “Jason…”

“I do prefer, Johnny.”

“Johnny. Is there something here you’re looking for?”

“A book.”

Miles sat up. “The ledger?”

“Yeah, how do you know about it?”

Miles lightly laughed. “Letizia remembered there were items of her dad’s in the attic. We found it several months ago.”

“Where is it now?”

“At the precinct.” Ricky said, turning his head to the side. “Johnny, why do you need the ledger?”

“It will prove my innocence to Giano.”


“That was Lando’s ledger, not mine.”

“But you included Alessandra’s address in the ledger. So at some point you had it, maybe after Lando died.”

“I gave it to Ali to keep safe.”

“Johnny, you’re not telling us something. What does Giano have on you?”

“My daughter.”

Ricky scowled. “Ella?” He sat there for a moment. “When I mentioned who you were, Ella was adamant that Giano was her dad. Why did she believe that?”

Johnny pulled out a container from the refrigerator and set it on the counter. “Because she was made to believe that.” He held up the container. “Brisket ravioli while we talk?”

Miles actually moaned. “I hope there is enough for you all because I am putting a dent in those.”

“There’s another container.” Johnny smiled. “Did you ever order anything else on my menu?”

“Was there anything else?”

Johnny laughed. “Fair enough.” He sighed. “Listen, it was a long time ago. I’m not proud of my past, and I miss my best friends. Lando lived on the edge. He was the perfect associate for Giano. I still regret to this day introducing Lando to Giano. It’s my biggest regret.”

“It sounds like you have a lot of regrets.” Ricky said.

“The list is endless. Alessandra. Ella. Cristiano. My restaurant. Lando and Dani. If there was a way to go back in time and change anything, I would.”

“Then help us take Giano down,” Ricky said, leaning forward in his chair. “We need your help, Johnny. I know we can do this. We have enough to send him to prison for the rest of his sorry life.”

“I don’t know.”

“Then do it for Cris and Letizia,” Miles begged. “They are on the run and have been since Giano discovered them. Give them the life they both deserve. You know Ali would want them safe and happy.”

“If he finds me, I’m dead.”

Ricky stood up. “He won’t find you.”