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Ryder (Knights Corruption MC Series Book 5) by S. Nelson (14)


I saw him kill my mom. How do I ever get over something like that? Those words kept me awake for an hour after I’d left Ryder on the couch. Who did he see? How did his mother die? What happened to the man who did it? How old was he?

I wanted so desperately to push him to tell me more, but I knew in his state he’d either refuse or ignore me completely. Much like he’d do if he was sober. The only difference between him being intoxicated or lucid, however, was that in his oblivion, he’d let something personal slip through. I wasn’t even sure if he knew he’d said anything out loud.

His statement explained a lot, like the nightmares. Hell, even when he’d unknowingly attacked me in his sleep. In his dreams, was he trying to protect his mother? Had he tried when it happened for real? I was riddled with questions, but I knew enough about Ryder that no amount of persuasion would make him open up. Irritatingly, he had to come to that step all on his own; the more I pushed him, the more he’d shut down and distance himself.

Ryder was gone when I woke up. I tried his cell to make sure he was okay but it went straight to voice mail. Apparently, he’d stolen Jagger’s keys while he was sleeping and took off at God knew what hour of the morning. I prayed he had at least sobered up before he left.

Kena was off from work, so I gave Jagger a ride home before heading to work. He asked me to wait until one of the guys could pick him up so they could follow me to the salon, but I insisted I was fine. It was the middle of the day; what could possibly happen? He tried Ryder on his cell, and he also got his voice mail. After some reluctance, Jagger agreed to let me leave.

How gracious.

It was noon when I finally arrived, and since my first client of the day was waiting for me, I wasted no time diving right in. I could certainly use the much-needed distraction from all things Ryder.

“I’m sorry if I caused any kind of tension between you and your boyfriend,” George said, flashing me an apologetic smile while I worked on his hair later that afternoon.

“He’s not my boyfriend,” I blurted, slamming my mouth closed as soon as I’d spoken. It was the truth, but George didn’t need to know anything more about my personal business.

“Oh, I thought—”

“It’s complicated.” I kept my eyes down, pretending I was focusing on what I was doing, but the truth was I didn’t want to talk about Ryder with him. Or anyone for that matter. The topic only served to upset me.

“If you ever want to uncomplicate things, just let me know. I’ll be the first in line to take you out.” He chuckled, trying his best to lighten the mood. Too bad for him mine was already soured.

Five minutes later I was done. He came in so often it didn’t take long to shape up his hair. “All finished,” I announced, unsnapping the cape from behind his neck. “Did you want to make an appointment for next time or just call?”

“Just book me in two weeks.”

I should’ve known.

“Sure thing.” After he paid and left me a large tip as usual, Sia strolled out from the office, looking exhausted and a little unwell.

“Are you feeling okay?” She’d changed her hair from pink to light purple, and I swore she was one of the few women who could pull off the look.

“My stomach’s a little upset. I think I may be coming down with something. Do you mind closing up for me?”

“Not at all. Tammy and Michelle left already, and I don’t have any more clients. Do you mind if I finish what I’m doing, then close up early?” Please say yes. The last thing I wanted to do was wait around for another hour just in case someone decided to pop in.

“Of course,” Sia agreed. She slung her purse over her shoulder, gave me a weakened smile and walked out to her car.

Music was what I needed in order to make the mundane task of sweeping not so bad, so I flicked the switch for the sound system and got to work. Both Tammy and Michelle were great stylists, but when they were done for the day, they were done. Which meant that sometimes they didn’t sweep up their stations or put their used towels in the back room to be washed. And since I told my friend I would close up, I wanted to ensure the salon looked its best when opened the following day.

Ten minutes into my task, I heard the bell over the door ring, alerting me that someone had walked in. “I’m sorry but we’re closing early for the evening,” I called out over my shoulder.

No answer.


And the door’s bell didn’t ring again, indicating the person had left.

Maybe they didn’t hear me over the music, although I’d kept it a reasonable level. Resting the broom against one of the stations, I slowly turned around, goose bumps prickling my skin with the oddest sensation of unease. I wasn’t even fully facing the person before his hands were around my throat, my eyes popping wide in fear as he backed me against the nearest wall.

Looking into the face of a complete stranger, one who was intent on doing me harm, was the scariest thing I’d ever encountered.

Terror raced through every cell.

My lungs seized.

My heart raced.

My vision tunneled.

My body went on lockdown, all of my senses heightened in fear.

I had no idea who the man was or what he wanted. Well, I could guess what he wanted, but I hoped he was just there to rob the place. Maybe he was a drug addict looking for his next fix. Or maybe he was looking to do something a bit more sinister.

He was tall and lanky, but there was no doubt he was strong, his grip on my throat rendering me powerless. My fingers scratched at his hands but it only served to anger him more than he already was, so I dropped them to my sides, hoping and praying he’d let me go soon.

Looking at him was painful, and would no doubt give me nightmares for years to come, but I wanted to be able to describe him in case I made it out of there alive. Eyes the color of coal peered back at me while I struggled to breathe. His shoulder-length hair was light brown, but there were streaks of gray running through it. Scars riddled his face, one in particular standing out amongst the others—a long-since healed, jagged mutilation ran from the corner of his mouth all the way up to his hairline.

“You sure are a pretty one, aren’t ya?” he asked, leaning closer and inhaling the air around me. His breath smelled like garlic and smoke, one whiff of it enough to make me wanna pass out. “I think maybe I’ll take ya for a test drive as well.” I wanted to shout, ‘As well as what?’ but obviously I couldn’t.

Cocking his head ever so slightly, a menacing grin spread across his mouth, warning me something bad was about to happen. When his free hand shot out and seized my breast, I found my strength to struggle once more. If he was going to rape me, then I’d give him the fight of his life. Tightening his grip around my neck, he kicked my legs apart before lowering his hand to cup me between my thighs.

“You’re gonna like what I do to you, bitch. So much you’re gonna go runnin’ back to your boyfriend to tell him what a real man feels like inside your cunt.” Spittle hit my cheek as he tried to unbutton my jeans. I rocked my hips from side to side to try and escape his touch, but he was just too strong. “After I’ve had my fill of you, I’m gonna sample your little sister. Don’t think that fighter is gonna stop me,” he blurted, laughing when he saw the pure horror light up my face.

All of a sudden I didn’t care what he did to me, as long as he didn’t touch Kena. How did he even know about her, or me for that matter?

As he unzipped my jeans, the bell over the door sounded once more. It was then I mentally berated myself for not calling Ryder to see if he was going to meet me there to follow me home. I’d been so stubborn about him being my shadow that I’d inadvertently put myself in danger.

“We have to go,” another stranger shouted. I couldn’t see who it was because the man throttling me blocked my view of the front door.

“We have time,” my attacker said, pulling the waistband away from my jeans, his fingers fumbling with the material of my panties. I closed my eyes and tried to imagine I was somewhere else, but it didn’t work. I felt every callus on his fingers, smelled his breath as it hit my face and heard his breathing increase as he scraped his rough hand over my shivered skin.

“No we don’t,” the other guy warned, a touch of panic in his voice as he stood guard, openly allowing his friend to assault me. “We gotta get outta here before he shows up. You know he’s coming.”

Is he talking about Ryder?

Pulling his hand free from my jeans, thankfully not touching my most private of areas, he smirked before releasing me. My hands instantly shielded my neck, flinching at the already forming bruises.

Taking a step back, he spat, “Fuckin’ Knights. They took out our prez, and now we’ll stop at nothing until we wipe out every last one of ’em.”

Without another word, the evil bastard spun around and walked out of the salon as calm as could be. His partner in crime had already disappeared before I could get a good look at him, but I figured none of it mattered. All that was important was making sure that Kena was safe.

After my initial shock finally wore off, I grabbed my phone from the counter and texted my sister. No response. I sent her another message. Then another, and another. Still nothing. Before leaving the salon, I made sure the coast was clear, locking up before racing toward my car. I dialed Jagger’s number, but it only went to voice mail after a few rings. Leaving him a rushed message to call me back right away, I hung up and tried to call Ryder, but he wasn’t answering either.

What the hell?

Why isn’t anyone answering their phones?

Thankfully we lived close, but that didn’t stop me from speeding home so fast I swore I broke every traffic law. I barely put the car in Park and shut off the engine before I was racing toward the front of our house, keys in hand and fumbling with the lock before practically kicking open the door.

“Kena!” I shouted, running from room to room searching for her. But she wasn’t home. I tried texting her again, but again she didn’t respond. I called Jagger but still nothing.

Frustration fueled my emotions, switching from shock and fear for what I’d been through to an unbearable need to protect my sister from the man who’d attacked me.

Barreling out of the house, I jumped back in my car and took off toward Ryder’s, trying him again as well. When my calls continued to go unanswered, I tossed my cell on the passenger seat and concentrated on getting to Ryder’s as fast as possible.

As it turned out, he wasn’t home either. Slumping down on his front porch steps, I cradled my head in my hands and finally allowed myself to release what I’d been feeling as soon as that bastard had left the salon. Tears rushed down my cheeks, the adrenaline of trying to find Kena finally wearing off. My body trembled until I expelled every last bit of anxiety swirling inside me. Minutes later, I gathered myself, wiped away the rest of my tears and headed back toward my car.

There was only one other place I could check. I just hoped I remembered how to get there.