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Secrets and Solace (Love at Solace Lake Book 2) by Jana Richards (19)


By the time Scarlet woke, the sun was low in the western sky. She blinked a few times, struggling to return to full consciousness. Her eyes were gritty and swollen from crying, and her left arm, tucked against Cameron’s hard chest, had fallen asleep.

Cameron. He’d stayed with her. She tentatively laid her hand on his chest and felt the strong, reassuring beat of his heart.

He caught her hand and squeezed it. “You had a nice nap. Feel better?”

“Yeah.” She pushed away from him and slid off his lap. Pins and needles shot through her left arm and she winced.

“You okay?”

“My arm fell asleep, that’s all.” She turned away, and the memory of everything she’d told him came flooding back. She’d never been so exposed, so vulnerable.

But in a strange way, she’d never been so at peace either. She’d told him her most terrible secrets, and he didn’t run away. The world hadn’t ended. Instead, he’d defended her, told her she wasn’t to blame for her parents’ deaths. He’d held her and comforted her. She didn’t understand why he hadn’t run, but she was glad he didn’t.

He ran his hand up and down her frozen arm, gently kneading. “Are the pins and needles going away?

“Yes, it’s better now. Thank you.” She lifted her gaze to look into his face. A five o’clock shadow darkened his strong jaw, making him look even more handsome. Her heart gave an unexpected kick.

“Thank you for staying with me,” she whispered. “Those things I told you, like I said, I’ve never told anyone other than my therapist.”

He smoothed her hair, the movement gentle and soothing. “Don’t keep all that hurt inside, sweetheart. Talk to your sisters.”

She began shaking her head before he even finished speaking. The thought of telling Harper and Maggie about her part in their parents’ death caused her stomach to twist painfully. “I can’t do that.”

After all the years she’d kept the memory locked away, afraid to speak it, she was terrified her sisters would blame her as much as she blamed herself. She couldn’t bear the idea of losing them. They were all she had.

“A secret like that will eat you alive. Don’t give it the power to hurt you.”

She nodded, although she doubted she could ever reveal the truth to them. She got to her feet and Cameron did as well. “I should probably head back to the cottage. I’m sure everyone’s wondering where I am.”

“Yeah, I should get back to the job site. You sure you’re okay?”

She made herself smile for him. “I’m fine.” Unable to deny herself, she laid her hand on his cheek, needing to feel one last connection with him. More and more he was becoming a necessity in her life, no matter what she told herself about a relationship between them being too complicated. Cameron’s big hand covered hers and his dark eyes held a knowing look, as if he could hear the chaotic thoughts rolling through her brain. She could almost believe in that moment that he could hear the desires and hopes she was too afraid to give a voice to. She could almost believe he desired the same things she did.

Fear gripped her. If she wasn’t careful, she’d find herself needing him or, Dear God, loving him. Scarlet closed her eyes to break the spell, letting her hand drop from his face. She took a very deliberate step back. “I should go. Thank you. You’ve been very kind, especially with everything going on with Tessa.”

His hand fell away, his gaze now hooded. It was possible she wasn’t the only one in hiding. “If you ever want to talk, about anything, let me know.”

Scarlet nodded briefly before hurrying back down the trail that led to the cottages. A nagging sense of worry dogged her steps. Perhaps it was already too late. Perhaps she’d already fallen in love with Cameron.

Erin Cochrane’s law office was in an unpretentious building close to downtown Minneapolis. The offices, though pleasant enough, were crammed with desks and filing cabinets, giving the impression of being undersized for the amount of work being done there. Cam was comforted by the humbleness of the office. It made him believe the lawyer cared more about her clients than a fancy address or the view from a corner office.

Cam and his family huddled around a small table in Erin’s office and poured themselves coffee. Everyone had insisted on attending this meeting. Ethan had driven him to the city, and Lydia and Graham had been waiting outside the building when they’d arrived. He was grateful not to have to go through this alone.

Erin sipped her coffee and examined him over her mug. “So, Mr. Hainstock, I’ve heard from your sister why you’re looking to engage my services, but I want to hear the story directly from you.”

“What do you want to know?”

“Tell me about your daughter.”

Cam shifted on his plastic chair. Was this some kind of test? “Tessa is five years old. She’s a very bright and loving little girl. I’m concerned she’s not getting the stability she needs from her mother. That’s why we’re here.”

“Why do you think her mother isn’t supplying a stable environment for her?”

“Laura dragged her away to California after knowing her current boyfriend for only a short time. I heard from Laura’s parents that they spent a few days living out of their car when they first arrived because they hadn’t made any effort to find an apartment first. To my knowledge, Tessa hasn’t been enrolled in a school yet either.”

“And how does that make you feel, Mr. Hainstock?”

He gripped his coffee cup tighter. “Angry. It makes me angry. My daughter deserves better than that.”

“What do you want me to do about it?”

What the hell? “I want you to help her! I want you to bring Tessa home!”

“How do I know Tessa is any better off with you than she is with her mother?”

Erin’s question caught him off guard, but he tried to keep his expression neutral. “You probably already know I’ve got my own problems.”

Erin nodded. “Yes. Your sister told me you’re a recovering alcoholic. How long have you been sober?”

“Three years. I knew that if I was going to be any kind of father to Tessa, I had to stop drinking.” Cam glanced at his sister. “Our father was an alcoholic, so we grew up without a lot of security. I didn’t want that for Tessa.”

“Your sister also told me that there’s some question about Tessa’s paternity.”

Hearing the words out loud kicked him in the gut. “Yes. When Tessa was born, Laura claimed she was mine. But now she says otherwise.”

“What will you do if DNA testing proves conclusively that you did not father Tessa?”

“Even if she doesn’t have my DNA, Tessa is still my daughter. I would still want her to live with me in Minnewasta, to be close to her grandparents and to my family.” He paused and fought to keep calm. “You asked me if Tessa would be better off with me than with her mother. All I can tell you is that I love my daughter and I want her to have a happy, stable life. I’m not convinced her mother can provide that. Can you help us, Ms. Cochrane?”

Erin studied him for a moment. “It’s not going to be easy, but I think we have a shot. I want you to be prepared for a fight.”

Cam nodded, relieved by her answer. “I’m ready.”

When Cam pulled into his yard late that afternoon, Scarlet’s car was in his driveway. Since the day they’d made love, she’d been very careful about not being at his house when he came home. Maybe she thought he didn’t want her. It was also possible she’d decided he wasn’t worth the risk. Despite everything going on his life right now, he missed her. She was the one person in the world he really wanted to see, especially today.

He unlocked the back door and hung his keys on the hook. “Scarlet? I’m home.”

She came around the corner, her red hair wild and disheveled as if she’d been running her hands through it all day. She’d never looked more beautiful.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I lost track of the time. I’ll get my stuff together and go.”

“There’s no rush. Would you like a cup of tea or something?”

She blinked a couple of times before answering, as if surprised by his question. “Okay. A cup of tea would be nice.”


He filled the kettle with water and put it on the stovetop to boil before turning back to her. “How are you feeling? Last time I talked to you, you were pretty upset.”

She waved her hand in dismissal. “I’m fine. I’m more interested in hearing how your meeting with the lawyer went today.”

“It went pretty well, I think. She thinks we have a good chance of forcing Laura to give me visitation rights, especially since Tessa and I have such a strong bond, and I’ve been supporting her emotionally and financially since she was a baby.”

“That’s great news, but I thought your aim was to bring Tessa home for good.”

“One step at a time. Laura’s never going to win any mother of the year awards, but she’s not a drug addict or mentally unstable. The court would have no reason to take custody away from her. And as long as she has legal sole custody, she gets to decide where Tessa lives.”

“What is your lawyer going to do?”

“She’s going to file a petition with the court alleging that I’m the unwed father of the child and that access to me is in Tessa’s best interest. We’re also going to petition the court to have me named Tessa’s father. Laura didn’t name anyone as Tessa’s father on her birth certificate.”

“Do you think she’s going to deny to the court that you’re Tessa’s father?”

“I guess we’ll find out. Once the petition to declare me Tessa’s father is filed with the court, she’ll be served the papers and then she’ll have the opportunity to respond. She can either agree that I’m Tessa’s father, or deny it.”

“What happens if she denies it?”

“I’ll have to file a request with the court for DNA testing. We’ll find out for sure then.” The possibility that the test could prove conclusively he wasn’t Tessa’s biological father weighed heavily on his heart.

Scarlet touched his hand. “Don’t worry, Cameron. A DNA test is only going to prove you’re Tessa’s father. She looks so much like you. And there’s a connection between the two of you that goes marrow deep. Laura can say whatever she wants, but she can’t deny the truth.”

He squeezed her hand. Somehow, she’d known the exact thing he needed to hear.

The kettle whistled and Cam placed tea bags in two mugs and filled them with hot water. He brought both mugs to the table and set one in front of Scarlet. “I hope we’re doing the right thing.”

“You absolutely are.”

He grinned. “You sound very confident.”

“I am. You and Tessa belong together.”

He wrapped his hands around his mug and let the warmth seep into his bones. Despite the assurances from his family, he needed a boost of confidence like this from someone firmly in his corner.

He needed Scarlet.

The knowledge took his breath away. It was the first time he’d acknowledged, even to himself, how much he needed her in his life. “Thank you.”

She smiled and sipped her tea. Cam removed the teabag from his mug and set it in a saucer.

“I have a confession to make,” she said. “I despised Laura back in high school.”

“Oh, really?”

“We competed over everything. Sports, class awards and especially boys. For some reason, Laura considered me her main rival.”

He could understand why. Scarlet was smart and beautiful and would take the attention that Laura craved away from her.

Scarlet drank some of her tea before continuing. “Laura brought out the worst in me. She always had an uncanny knack of uncovering my most vulnerable spot and then picking at it until I exploded. She figured out my parents’ deaths was an issue for me. She made sure everyone remembered their deaths were a murder/suicide.”

“That’s a cruel thing to do to a kid.” But it didn’t surprise him. Laura’s beauty couldn’t disguise the ugliness of her soul. He’d found that out the hard way.

“Yes. But that didn’t excuse some of the things I did.”

She told him about the schoolyard fights and name calling that eventually culminated in her stealing Laura’s boyfriend to get back at her. “That was the end for me. I hurt innocent people, including my own boyfriend, and I embarrassed my grandparents. I’d stooped to Laura’s level and I was ashamed. I’m still ashamed.”

“You learned from your mistakes. Laura never did. She just kept repeating them.”

“Bully for me. My point is, you’re a far better parent than Laura ever will be. You’re doing the right thing by fighting for Tessa. Don’t ever doubt it.” She set down her cup. “What’s the first thing you’re going to do when Tessa comes home?”

“The first thing I’m going to do, right after I give her a big hug and a kiss, is to cook her favorite meal. Spaghetti with red sauce and little meat balls. And you’re invited.” The exciting prospect of a welcome home dinner with Tessa and Scarlet made him grin.

Scarlet’s smile was wistful. “If I’m still at the lodge, I’d love to welcome her home.”

Her words wiped the grin from his face, and his excitement fizzled. He’d almost forgotten she was only in Minnewasta temporarily. He couldn’t imagine not seeing her every day. “When do you have to go back to Chicago?”

“Late October. My employer was only willing to give me a five month leave of absence, and I can’t really blame him. My co-workers can’t cover for me forever.”

Late October. About eight more weeks. Cam’s heart pounded. So little time left…

They sat quietly drinking their tea. Cam struggled with his thoughts. Though they’d only known each other a short time, he couldn’t imagine her not being in his life. It felt like he’d known Scarlet forever, like she was a part of him. He couldn’t believe he’d have to watch her walk away at the end of October.

But he didn’t have a choice. She had a career and a life to get back to. Time was running out. Maybe he should quit wasting it.

Scarlet finished the last of her tea and set her empty cup on the table as she got to her feet. “I should go. Thanks for the tea, Cameron.”

She picked up her purse and slung it over her shoulder. Cam rose to his feet and stood in front of her, blocking her escape. “Scarlet…”

Say it, Cam. Just say it.


“Scarlet, I…I don’t want you to go.”

She stood completely still. After a heartbeat, she whispered, “What are you asking, Cameron?”

He wasn’t entirely sure himself. Was he asking for one more night or did he want more than that?

For now, one more night had to be enough. He caught her hand, running his rough thumb over her impossibly soft skin. “I’m asking you to stay with me tonight. I’m asking you to make love with me.”

She stared into his eyes, with not so much as a blink to hint at her feelings. “I didn’t plan this. I didn’t deliberately hang around your house, waiting for you to come home.”

“I know.”

“I lose track of time when I’m working.”

He squeezed her fingers. “I know, Scarlet. I’m not accusing you of trying to manipulate me. That’s not your style. I’m asking because I want you.”

“Are you sure we’re not a bad idea? Especially after everything I’ve told you.”

He couldn’t let her believe the things she’d told him changed his feelings for her. “All I know is that when I’m with you, I’m happy.”

Scarlet searched his face, as if looking for the truth of his words. Finally, one corner of her mouth turned up in a lopsided smile. “Okay.”


“Okay, I’ll stay with you tonight. I’ll make love with you.” She stepped closer and touched his face. “I’m happy when I’m with you, too.”

At her words, Cam’s heart expanded, lightened, floated. He pressed a kiss into her palm, his lips lingering over the smooth skin. If this was the only night they had, he wanted to make it special for her.

He led her to his bedroom. When they were standing next to the bed, he cupped her face between his hands and kissed her. Her sigh against his mouth suggested she’d been waiting for his kiss, as if she wanted him as much as he wanted her.

As if she needed him as much as he needed her.

He pushed the thought away and concentrated on unbuttoning her shirt. He didn’t want to think right now. He only wanted to feel.

When he finished undressing her, he stepped back and studied her. She was perfect, from her tousled hair to her pink painted toenails. An urge to draw her hit him with unexpected strength. He hadn’t experienced such an urge since…he couldn’t remember. He wanted to capture that look in her eyes, that combination of desire and vulnerability.

“You’re staring.” She crossed her arms over her breasts and lifted her chin. “Do I have spinach between my teeth, or something?”

Cam stifled a laugh. “No, your teeth are perfect. Just like the rest of you.”

She rolled her eyes. “Hardly. Are you going to get undressed, or are we going to stand here talking all night?”

“Maybe you can help me.”

She stepped toward him, a little grin on her face, as she pulled his t-shirt from his jeans. “Have you suddenly forgotten how to undress yourself?”

“No, but I think I’ll like it better if you do it.”

“Well, then. Let’s find out if your theory is correct.”

He helped her slip his t-shirt over his head. As her clever hands worked to unbuckle his belt, she leaned forward to lick one flat nipple and then the other. Her breasts teased his chest, her taut nipples lightly grazing his skin and driving him wild. Then, she rubbed her palm over the zipper of his jeans. His cock strained against the denim and he had to take a deep breath to keep from losing it right there. His libido hadn’t been so out of control since he was a sixteen-year-old with a raging case of the hots for a cute cheerleader.

“Wench.” He unzipped his jeans and quickly pushed them out of the way. In one quick move, he lifted Scarlet into his arms and deposited her in the middle of the bed before covering her with his body. He braced himself on his forearms to take some of his weight off her. Her eyes were lit with amusement.

“So, have you decided if you like me undressing you?”

“You’re a terrible tease.”

“But you like it.”

He couldn’t help laughing at that. “Yeah, I do.”

She caressed the side of his face. “I’m glad.”

The tenderness in her blue eyes nearly undid him. “I don’t think I can wait very long.”

“Then don’t.”

It was all the invitation he needed. He pushed at the opening to her body with his cock, then pulled away, teasing her as she’d teased him. She whimpered, her body writhing.


She lifted her hips again, panting a little as she did so. “Yes!”

“Let me help you with that.”

He inserted a finger inside her and she gasped, her eyes going wide. Her muscles tightened around his finger as her orgasm hit.

“Oh!” Her voice was breathless. “Oh, God!”

His own release was close. When her spasms eased, he left the bed briefly to affix a condom, then returned and covered her with his body once again. Her long legs wrapped around his waist and her arms encircled him, holding him close. He slipped easily inside her and for a moment, he remained still as he savored the exquisite feeling of being surrounded by her slick warmth.

But his impatient body demanded release. He began to move and she moved with him, matching every thrust.

Deeper, harder, faster.


Her voice was barely a whisper, but he heard the wonder, the need.

The wanting.

He lost all control, all sense of time and space. There was only Scarlet, here in this bed. In this moment, she was his.

All mine.


Her body stiffened with her climax. He followed her over the edge, his release slamming him with the force of a freight train. Wave after wave of raw pleasure rolled over him, making his body shake uncontrollably. He clung to her, needing an anchor. Needing her.

His heart rate slowed by degrees, as did his breathing. Gradually, he returned to his body. For a short time, he’d been somewhere else with Scarlet, on a journey together to a faraway place. A place only they could go.

Cam chuckled at the notion. Sometimes his mind took weird flights of fancy.

“What are you laughing about?”

“I think I had an out of body experience.”

Scarlet kissed his shoulder. “Funny, I was thinking the same thing.”

He nestled her close against his side and kissed her hair, glad they’d made the journey together.