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Seducing Bran (Cade Brothers Book 3) by Jules Barnard (32)

Chapter 31

Cali peered into the full-length mirror, wearing the most gorgeous gown Ireland had ever seen. The dress was a column shape with a halter-top and a beaded waist, and it fit Cali’s petite frame to perfection. “I’m going to throw up.”

Ireland grabbed the bridal bouquet. “You’re not going to throw up. You’re going to marry your man.”

Cali turned and looked at her. “For real. I might pass out.”

“I know what you need.” Ireland glanced around, searching the room.

“A barf bucket?”

“A shot of tequila.”

“Are you crazy?” Cali said. “That’ll for sure make me hurl.”

Ireland’s mouth twisted. “You’re right, not tequila. Bad hangover reputation. But something else.” She pointed at Cali. “Don’t go anywhere, I’ll be right back.”

“Wait! Don’t leave me.” Cali held Gen, who was watching Cali’s freak-out with familiar stoicism.

“I’ll pin her down if I need to,” Gen said. “Just make sure you get something strong.”

“Make sure you get enough for all of us,” Kerstin, Jaeg’s sister, chimed in.

“On it!” Ireland ran out the door of the bridal suite, also known as Jaeg and Kerstin’s parents’ bedroom.

She scanned the hallway of the large three-story house, and caught sight of Gabe flirting with a beautiful blonde. “Gabe,” she stage-whispered.

He looked over, said something to the woman, then sauntered toward Ireland like he was on a Sunday stroll.

“You need something, dear sister?”

“Why are you flirting with another woman? What about Jennifer?”

Gabe glanced away. “We broke up.”


“It was time,” he said, but he looked angry.

Ireland shook her head. She couldn’t deal with this and Cali’s freak-out too. “Okay, well, Cali needs a stiff drink right away. Will you have the bartender put together a tray of peppermint brandy shots?”

Gabe cringed. “Why peppermint?”

“So her breath doesn’t smell when she greets guests.”

“Have you seen the line at the open bar? No one will be able to tell she’s been drinking. They’re all half-soused.”

Ireland crossed her arms. “What do you recommend?”

“Don’t you worry about it.” He patted her head annoyingly. “I’ll take care of everything. You work on keeping Cali calm.”

“Wait,” she said, as he turned to walk away. “How’s Jaeg doing?”

“Cool as a cucumber,” Gabe said.


Gabe chuckled. “No. He’s performing lunges to keep his anxiety level down while Adam frets over the big guy splitting a seam.”

That could happen, Ireland thought. Who knew weddings were so stressful?

Several minutes later, a knock sounded at the bridal suite. Ireland ran over and opened the door.

“Your shots have arrived.” Gabe tried to peek his head into the room.

Ireland grabbed the tray and shoved him out. “No seeing the bride before the wedding.”

Gabe rolled his eyes. “That’s for the groom. Cousins don’t count.” He seemed to be eyeing Jaeg’s sister, who was just Gabe’s type and in danger now that Gabe was single.

Ireland stared at the tray of glasses. “What are these?”

“Lemon drops. They go down smooth. Just don’t give Cali too many.”

“Thanks,” Ireland said, and blocked his view once more by shutting the door in his nosy face.

Ireland handed out the shots and held up her own. “To a beautiful day.”

“To my best friend finding her match,” Gen said.

“To my daughter and Jaeg,” Cali’s mom, Maddie, said. She’d snuck in after Gen had sent an SOS text to help calm Cali’s nerves.

“To my brother finding the perfect woman for him,” Kerstin said.

“To not passing out,” Cali said, and threw back her glass. She cringed then grinned. “Better give me another.”

Ireland had limited Cali’s alcohol consumption to two shots, which worked out perfectly. Cali’s nerves simmered down and color returned to her face. She beamed as they made their way to Jaeg’s parents’ backyard, where the ceremony was to be held.

And that was when Ireland glimpsed Bran.

He sat with three of his strapping brothers and their significant others near the front of the groom’s side of the wedding aisle. The wedding was black tie, and she could only glimpse his dark blond hair and that his broad shoulders fit in a tux to perfection, but that was all she needed to see. She’d recognize him anywhere.

Hello, nerves. Good thing Ireland had taken two shots as well.

She, Gen, and Kerstin made their way slowly down the aisle to the pastor at the front. Hundreds of white chairs had been placed on the family’s large lawn overlooking the lake.

Purple flower arrangements decorated chairs at the end of each row, and there was an arch of more purple flowers where Jaeg and Cali would say their vows. The sky was blue, and the air smelled of pine trees and roses. In short, the view and the setting were breathtaking.

Cali had made the right decision to have her wedding at Jaeg’s parents’ house. The home was massive and the grounds were spectacular—large enough for them to set up a huge tent for the two-hundred-plus guests who’d made it.

Ireland passed the back row of guests, and Bran looked up and immediately caught her eye. She shook and plastered on a forced smile.

This was Cali’s wedding, not about her and Bran.

Kerstin, Gen, and Ireland took their places on the left side of the pastor, while Jaeg, Adam, Gen’s boyfriend Lewis, and Cali’s brother Tyler stood on the right.

Jaeg looked across the lawn, seemingly eager to catch sight of his bride. Ireland knew the moment he did, because an incredible smile spread across his face.

The guests looked back and stood as Cali made her way down the aisle on the arm of her mother, whose hair was close to Ireland’s red tone. Cali’s dad, Ireland’s paternal uncle, didn’t have red hair, but it ran in the family, as Ireland could attest. With redheads on both sides, Cali and Tyler had been screwed, yet somehow they each had a more toned-down version than Ireland. Cali’s father wasn’t in her life, and Maddie walking Cali down the aisle was the perfect way to honor Maddie’s devotion to her daughter.

Ireland glanced at Bran, but instead of watching the beautiful bride, he was staring at Ireland, and he didn’t look happy.

After Ireland had sent the text last night, Bran had messaged her back and said he wanted to talk. But Ireland was too emotionally raw, and she wanted to be there for Cali the night before her wedding. She hadn’t texted him back, thinking she’d reach out sometime after the wedding.

Gabe had taken Jaeg out to drink and do man things, and the guys had stayed out all night while Ireland and Cali had spent the evening sipping wine and watching eighties movies with Gen and a few of Cali’s friends. But Ireland had thought about Bran.

She didn’t know why he wanted to talk or what more there was to say. They’d broken up and they weren’t having a kid. Done and done.

Ireland swallowed the ball in the back of her throat and smiled through the pain as Jaeg said his vows.

“I promise to love our dog Buddy as much as a human child, though I hope to have one of those someday too.” The audience chuckled. “And I promise to love, protect, and care for you all the days of my life.”

Damn tears came to Ireland’s eyes. Jaeg’s words were so sweet and sincere. He saw Cali, and he loved her and all her idiosyncrasies. That was what Ireland wanted.

“I promise to care for you when you have a man cold,” Cali said during her vows, and the guests laughed more. “And to support you in all your creative endeavors.”

Cali finished her vows, the pastor said a few more words, and then Jaeg was kissing the bride.

Cali and Jaeg were married. Married.

Cali wasn’t Ireland’s first cousin to tie the knot, but she was her favorite. And Ireland couldn’t be happier for her sweet, wannabe-matchmaker cousin.

The entire wedding party beamed as Cali and Jaeg made their way down the aisle, the guests cheering.

The wedding party spent a half-hour taking pictures they couldn’t take together before the wedding, then everyone headed into the tent to celebrate.


Ireland’s shoulders stiffened, her heart fluttering. She’d know Bran’s voice anywhere. And it sent tingles down her spine. The kind that turned her bones into jelly. Would he always have this effect on her?

She turned around. “Hi there. Sorry I didn’t get back to you yesterday. I was busy helping Cali.”

Helping her drink wine and watch movies, Ireland thought. Truth be told, that was important business, because Ireland was going to be there for her cousin the night before her wedding no matter what.

He shoved his hand in the pants pocket of his tux. “I wanted to talk to you about what happened.”

“I’m not pregnant, so there’s nothing to worry about,” she said low, trying to smile, but it came out shaky.

“Not that—well, that too—but I wanted to talk about the night we forgot to use protection. I made it about me, and it was about us. I should have been there for you.”

She wasn’t going to argue there. “You should have been. But you’ve made it clear you have other priorities.”

“That’s another thing. That was a dick maneuver and me returning to old habits when the going got rough. I want to be there for my family, but not at your expense. Ever.” He ran a hand down his face. “From the moment we kissed, I’ve considered you mine. I’m no good at relationships. I fucked up and hurt you, but I’ll do whatever I need to do to make it up to you.”

Ireland was smiling at Gen as she passed, but at Bran’s words, her head swung back. “What?”

Bran grabbed her hand, linking their fingers. “I don’t know what I was thinking throwing away what we have.”

“But…what if you’re an idiot again and change your mind?”

“I have no doubt I’ll be an idiot from time to time, but I promise, I won’t change my mind. I’m hoping you’ll let me know the next time I’m being an ass and knock me over the head with your feisty words.”

“It’s my specialty.”

He laughed. “Don’t I know it. So what do you say? Give me a second chance?”

Ireland stared at her hand in his. “This isn’t what I thought we’d talk about. I thought you’d tell me how happy you are I’m not pregnant.”

“I am.”

“Excuse me?”

“I’m happy you’re not pregnant, because when we decide to have children, I don’t want it to be an accident. I want you to know how much I want kids with you and how hard I’ll work to be the best dad I can.”

Holy shit. “You want to have children?”

“With you?” he said. “Yes. Especially if we have a brainy, redheaded spitfire.”

Ireland swallowed. Was this really happening?

Everything he’d said was exactly what she’d ever wanted to hear from him. Yet he’d crushed her hopes for them only days ago. “You hurt me, and I don’t know if I can trust you.”