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Shakedown (Gridiron Book 1) by Lea Hart (2)



It’s not how you start, but how you finish.


Jack walked into Ronnie’s office with Clark and was surprised when Nelson stood and shook his head. Usually, the former linebacker was friendly, but the crossed arms and frown told him something had changed. “Hey, man, what up?”

“Don’t play innocent with me. I know you dragged your skinny white ass down here so you could harass my girl, Ana, and I’m not going to have it.”

Letting out a bark of laughter, Clark rocked back on his heels. “No way, the woman is here?”

“Yes, Samson, the girls are having lunch, and I’m not letting you two in.”

Clark shook out his long blond locks and grinned. “Don’t be hatin’ on my hair just because you’re bald.”

Nelson ran his hand over his shiny dome and grinned. “Ain’t nothing wrong with my vibe. I have to peel the men off whenever I’m out, so your Goldilocks curls don’t mean shit.”

Feeling sweat trickle down his back, Jack tried to pull himself together and think of which play would gain him the most advantage. He decided that ending the run she’d eventually try was his best bet and took in a long breath. Sometimes stopping play was the best move and he knew keeping her in the game was the most important thing he could do. “Ronnie told me to come by today to sign some papers, so you better tell her I’m here.”

Nelson glanced over his shoulder at the closed door and then bounced his eyes back to Jack. “Maybe boss lady is keeping the playbook to herself because there’s no way you and Ana being here on the same day is a coincidence.”

“Damn right,” Jack replied as he smoothed his hand down his shirt. “I bet she wouldn’t mind a bit if Ana and I spent some time together.”

Clark elbowed him and shook his head. “Too much, man. You go in like the cock of the walk and any chance you have will disappear faster than rain on the sidewalk in the middle of July.”

Before more could be said, Ronnie’s office door opened, and Ana walked out dabbing her dress with a napkin. Fuck, she’s ten times more adorable than I remembered, Jack thought as he took a step forward.

“Nelson, do you have a stain stick in your desk?”

“Hey, Ana.”

Head flying up, she stopped. “Jack, what are you doing here?”

“Just signing some papers.”

“Oh, well that’s…”

“Amazing,” he finished as he took another step closer. Hearing Clark clear his throat, he stopped and told himself that scooping her up into a hug wasn’t an option. No matter how badly he wanted one. “It’s good luck we ran into each other today because we need to come up with a date for the dinner I promised you.”

“Oh, that’s not necessary.” Turning, she took the stain stick out of Nelson’s hand and uncapped it. “I’m sure you’re very busy with the season and whatever else you do.”

“I’ve got all the time in the world for you.”

“Is that him?”

Looking up, he saw an attractive woman with long blonde hair walk out of the office and assumed she was the other best friend. “Hi, I’m Jack.”

“Wow, Ana was right, you are big, and apparently more determined than a bull since she’s been rejecting your invitations for two weeks.”

Ronnie walked out, looked around, and sighed. “Ella, be nice.”

“I’m always nice,” she replied with a shrug. “My mama wouldn’t allow anything else.” Walking over to Clark, she looked up and narrowed her eyes. “If you tell me your secret to having no frizz in Miami, I’ll make you a peach pie.” Lifting her long hair, she twisted it up. “I can’t seem to keep mine under control.”

Laughing, Clark threw his head back. “Women want a lot of things from me, but hair secrets isn’t one of them.”

“Well, that’s the only thing I’m interested in.” Stepping back, she let her eyes roll over him slowly. “You’re attractive, but in no way my type, and spending more than five minutes in your company would probably give me a stress headache.”

“I can relate,” Ana said quietly.

“Why?” Jack asked quietly as he bent down and ignored the beginning of an argument between Ella, Ronnie, and Clark. “I thought we hit it off when we met in San Diego.”

“A fifteen-minute civil conversation is not hitting it off, Jack.”

“It felt like we had some chemistry,” he replied stubbornly as he took the stain stick out of her hand and rubbed it on the spot on her dress. “I bet if you give yourself a minute, you’ll feel it too.” Hearing her stifle a laugh, he wondered if she was pleased or pissed. “One meal together isn’t going to kill you.”

“It might, but I’m starting to think you’re not going to give up until I agree.”

Lifting his eyes, he grinned. “Yeah, you’ve got that right.”

“Fine,” she replied quietly.

Rubbing the fabric of her dress together, he nodded and then kissed her head. “Stain is gone, and I’ll pick you up tonight at seven.”

“You don’t want to wait a couple of days?”

Snorting, he let out a laugh. “And give you time to change your mind or skip the country?” He took her hand and grinned. “Not a chance, honey.”

Groaning, she stepped back. “Fine, let’s just get this over with.”

He took a step closer and bent down so their faces were close. “Years from now, when we’re happily married, I’m going to remind you of your words, and I bet we’ll have a good laugh.”

Running her hand over his head, she narrowed her eyes. “Maybe I should arrange for an MRI because, clearly, the hits you’ve been taking have scrambled your brain.”

“Ana, I don’t take hits, I inflict them.” Pressing her hand against his mouth, he kissed her palm. “When I see something I want, there is nothing that stops me, and if you Google some of my games, you’ll see exactly how determined I can be.”

Sliding her hand away, she stepped back. “I’m definitely scheduling an MRI.”

“Let’s save that for our second date.” When she smiled and shook her head in response, he knew the yard he gained had made his next move that much easier.

And that was a hell of an accomplishment.




Nelson closed the office door and let out a long breath. “Ronnie Du Mond, you are up to something, and I hope your friends forgive you.”

“I’m innocent,” Ronnie replied as she slipped out of her heels. “In case y’all have forgotten, this is my place of business, and those two men who just left are some of my biggest clients. They each have portfolios over fifty million dollars, and I’m not about to kick them out because one of them has a crush on Ana.”

“That’s a whole lot of explaining for someone who’s allegedly innocent,” Ella commented.

Ronnie bent over, picked up her shoes, and gave everyone a saucy smile. “Innocent until proven guilty.”

“And that’s exactly what you are: guilty,” Ana shouted as she followed Ronnie into the office. “I have to go to dinner with Jack tonight.”

Sliding into her chair, Ronnie shrugged. “I didn’t see him holdin’ a gun to your head, so the ‘have to’ might be a slight exaggeration.”

“Which means I lost the bet with Clark because I told him the only way we would be sharing food was if Ana went out with Jack,” Ella added as she pulled out her phone.

“What are you looking at on your phone?” Ana asked as she leaned over.

“I’m Googling him, so I can prepare myself.” Whistling loudly, she held up her phone. “Hot damn, look at this naked picture of him.”

Ana grabbed the phone and studied it. “I think dinner is going to be a lot more fun than you thought.”

“Good thing he’s got no long-term potential, or I’d be in a heap of trouble.”

Ana handed the phone back. “Maybe under all that blond hair and muscles, he’s hiding some boyfriend potential.”

Smoothing out her hair, Ella laughed. “The last time I checked, the brainy and brawny thing never worked, and I can’t imagine we’re going to be the exception.”

“Opposites often work,” Ronnie commented. “Your doctorate in economics could be the perfect complement to his ability to smash into men the size of refrigerators, just like Ana’s doctorate in Neurophysiology could be for Jack’s.”

“You have lost your mind,” Ana replied. “I’m a challenge for Jack and nothing more. Once he feels like he’s conquered me, he’s going to return to his usual string of blonde models and not even remember my name.”

“And how do you know he has a string of anything?” Ella asked.

“Because I Googled him after his tenth phone call and saw way too many pictures of him with models draped over him.”

“That’s window dressing and nothing more,” Ronnie said as she sat forward. “Do you find him attractive in the least bit?”

“If overly large men with big muscles and green eyes were my type, then, yes, of course, I would. But he’s a football player and doesn’t match the picture I have in my head of my future boyfriend.”

“I get that, but he’s actually a decent man and doesn’t involve himself with the usual sport star shenanigans,” Ronnie responded. “He’s one of the best defensive ends in the country and dedicates himself to training almost exclusively.”

“And harassing me,” Ana added. “He sends me at least one text a day with a funny picture or an amusing sentence with his word of the day.”

“How awful, how do you stand it?” Ronnie replied. “A man who’s entertaining and interesting is so difficult to endure.”

Ana stuck out her tongue and sat back. “I still don’t understand why he’s interested.”

Ella put down her phone and turned. “I don’t either since you have sexy curves, silky hair, and a smile that lights up your whole face.” She scrunched up her nose and shivered. “And, you’re a doctor with a prestigious position in a top research university; who’d want that?”

“He’s really slumming,” Ronnie added. “I bet it’ll take no time for him to figure it out and go after a bimbo who wants him for his fame and money.”

Throwing up her hands, she let out a silent scream. “You know what I mean.”

“No, we don’t,” Ella replied as she patted down her hair. “This humidity is killing me, and I feel like I’m destined to have bad hair days forever.”

Ana tried to pat Ella’s hair down and found it didn’t help. “I think you should just give in to your curls and embrace them.”

“My mama can hear you all the way from Texas and is not amused. You know that women from my home state believe that your day is only as good as your hair and right now my hair is a tragedy.” Patting her head again, she let out another sigh. “I have to get this disaster under control.”

Ana heard her phone buzz and dug it out of her purse, seeing Jack had sent her a picture of a blobfish. “Dear Lord,” she mumbled as she lifted her phone and let out a laugh. “Meet Bob the blobfish; he’s from Tasmania.”

Ronnie grabbed the phone and smiled. “A man who sends pictures of a gelatinous mass is going to be hard to resist, no matter what you tell yourself.”

Closing her eyes, she knew there was more truth to those words than she wanted to admit because she wasn’t totally dreading the date they had later.

Which might very well mean the trouble rolling in her direction was bigger than she could conceive.