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Silent Embrace by Hayley Cyrus (18)

Chapter Eighteen

“Did you talk to Leo?” Blythe asked Killian later that night. They’d spent most of the morning in bed and then Killian had taken her to one of his classes. She loved the way he moved and how he acted around the kids. They were a little wary of him and she wondered why. He was nothing but a complete gentleman to them. He didn’t patronize them or yell when they messed up. He asked them if they knew why they’d messed up and then explained how he saw it. He encouraged them. It almost made her want a kid of her own.

“No, I didn’t get a chance after I left you around lunch.”

“Can we go now?” Blythe asked.

“Why the sudden interest?”

“I just have a bad feeling,” Blythe admitted.

“What do you mean?” Killian asked, forcing her to look at him.

“She ends up in the infirmary a lot. I’m just saying that I think something’s wrong with the whole situation,” Blythe replied.

“Are you implying something?” Killian asked seriously.

“Yes. I think her mate abuses her,” Blythe snapped.

“That’s a serious accusation. You need to be careful who you tell that to,” Killian warned. “Hurting one’s own mate is against the law.”

“Your father never got in trouble,” Blythe reminded him.

“He never hurt my mother. Well, at least he never abused her. They didn’t do anything to him after he killed her because they were planning on killing him. There was a witness,” Killian explained. “And when he did get abusive, he hit me.”

“And hitting your kids is okay?” Blythe questioned.

“No, but it’s not as serious as hurting your mate.”

“That’s bullshit,” Blythe cursed.

“Mates are precious, Blythe. We only get one. Some don’t even get one. They bear our children and keep this race going. Without mates, we’d all die off.”

“That’s true, but children are keeping your race going. What happens if fathers start killing their children? It’s a lose-lose situation. And someone needs to stop it,” Blythe snapped.

“I didn’t say that it wasn’t punishable. I just said it wasn’t as serious. Normally, the child is taken away from the parents and given to someone else.”

“Good,” Blythe muttered.

“What makes you think Leo abuses her?” Killian asked.

“If you don’t believe me, don’t try to act like you care,” Blythe snapped.

“I just want to know where this is coming from,” Killian told her softly.

“When we were in the infirmary, he was downright rude to me. He was yelling at Shannon and basically ordered her not to talk to me. Then he came up with this story that she’d tripped over towels and fallen, breaking her arm.”

“Just because he was rude to you and didn’t want you talking to his mate, doesn’t mean he abuses her. And it’s very possible that she did slip and fall,” Killian pointed out.

“She told me that he hits her,” Blythe cried angrily.

“In those very words? She specifically said that he hits her?”

“She never admitted it. But she acknowledged it in her reactions and motions. She begged me not to tell anyone because she was afraid that he’d hurt me too,” Blythe told him.

“Let’s do this. Tomorrow you and I will go over to his room and see if he and his mate want to have lunch with us. Then we can see how they react and what state Shannon is in. Is that okay?” Killian placated.

“Fine,” Blythe sighed. “But promise me that you’ll look for the signs. Don’t just assume he’s not.”

“I promise,” Killian told her. “Let’s get some sleep. We’ve both had a long day. I’m sure Tank wants you to come back tomorrow.”

“I’m going down there for dinner to help him make a decent meal besides lasagna. I’ll have to see what kind of supplies he has in order to know what to make.”

“I’m sure he’s glad for the help.”

“How does he know you?” Blythe asked.

“Tomorrow. I’m tired,” Killian whispered. He turned off the light and cuddled her close. Blythe rolled her eyes, but let him get some sleep. She lay awake for a long time, her thoughts all over the place before she finally succumbed to sleep.


That night was worse than ever before. Shannon literally couldn’t move. She felt like her head was going to explode. Something was wrong with her and she didn’t know what it was. She felt feverish and thought it might be an infected scratch. She had plenty of those from Leo’s claws. She rolled over, wishing for some kind of air. The very air she breathed was hot.

“What’s wrong with you, woman?” Leo growled, kicking her out of the bed. She realized that she was wheezing. It was growing hard to breathe. She hit the hard floor and lay there, staring at the ceiling. This was it. He’d finally killed her. Closing her eyes, she gave into the darkness with a smile on her face.

Leo waited for a response, or for Shannon to get back into the bed. She didn’t move. He listened intently and heard the exact moment she stopped breathing. He jumped out of the bed, his face panicked. He picked Shannon up in his arms and ran toward the door. He didn’t care that he was only in his boxers. He needed to find Seth.

“Seth!” he started shouting as soon as he was in the hallway. Seth’s room was at the other end of their floor.

It was the middle of the night and most people were sleeping. He was probably waking a bunch of them up, but he didn’t care. He needed Seth to wake up. His mate wasn’t breathing and he couldn’t let her die. He needed her.

“Seth!” he shouted again.

“What’s all the commotion? We’re trying to sleep,” someone poked their head out of their door. Their eyes widened and they slammed their door when they saw who it was and who was in his arms.

“You there, what are you yelling about?” a guard asked. He had a hand on his gun.

“My mate’s not breathing. I need the doctor,” Leo snarled. He pushed past the guard and kept running toward Seth.

He was about to beat on Seth’s door when it opened. Seth looked exhausted, but he quickly turned into a professional as soon as he saw the situation.

“Take her to the infirmary. I’m right behind you. Hurry.”

Five minutes later, Seth had Shannon breathing, but just barely.

“You have to turn her. It’s the only way she’ll survive this.”

“No,” Leo shook his head. “She stays human. I need a son.”

“Leo, if you don’t turn her, she’s going to die,” Seth snarled. “She’s more important.”

“I said no!” Leo slammed his hand into Seth’s chest, sending him backward. He slammed into the table next to Shannon’s and knocked it over. Seth got up off the ground and surveyed the mess.

“What the fuck is your problem? That’s your mate! She’s dying. What the hell happened to her, anyway?”

“Nothing. She fell.”

“That’s a lie and you know it. I’ve let this go long enough, Leo. Tomorrow I’m taking this before Joel. The pride leaders will decide how to handle this. You’re abusing your mate. She doesn’t deserve to stay with you.”

A roar was heard and then Leo attacked Seth. Seth managed to dodge Leo’s form and jerked his arms out to his sides. His claws popped out of his fingers and he growled at Leo, daring him forward.

“What is going on in here?” a guard walked through the doors. He took in the scene and pulled out his gun. “We’ll have none of that, boys.”

“Get out of my infirmary,” Seth growled, shifting back to complete human. He glared at the guard. “This doesn’t concern you.”

“I think I’ll stay. Need to keep an eye on you two.”

Seth glared at Leo. They couldn’t talk openly in front of the guard.

“Do it,” Seth commanded.


“If you don’t, I will. Then you’ll have a bear for a mate.”

“What are you two going on about?” the guard called. He apparently couldn’t hear them. Seth ignored him.

“Fine,” Leo snarled. He walked over to Shannon and forced her neck to the side.

“Be gentle,” Seth snapped. He saw Leo glare at him and heard the growl that emitted from his chest.

Leo took a breath and then sunk his teeth into Shannon’s neck. Shannon’s eyes came open and she screamed.


“Good morning, Seth,” Blythe called, finding him sitting alone in the cafeteria. He was up early. None of the guards had even made it to the cafeteria yet and they were always the first ones there.

“Morning,” Seth said tiredly.

“What’s wrong?” Blythe asked.

“I’m so sure of something, but now I can’t prove it,” Seth muttered.

“What was that?” Blythe sat down beside him.

“There was a problem last night. Leo’s mate, Shannon, was going to die. She was in really bad shape,” Seth snapped. “He had to turn her to save her. Now, this morning, all the marks and bruises are gone. I can’t prove that he’s been abusing her.”

“It’s true.”

“What?” Seth glanced up at her.

“She didn’t admit it, but she was scared, Seth. She told me not to tell anyone after I’d guessed it because she was afraid Leo would hurt me,” Blythe explained.

“Did you tell anyone?” Seth asked.

“Just Killian. We talked about it just last night, actually.”

“You didn’t hear all the screaming?” Seth asked.

“We were both worn out,” Blythe answered. “Who was screaming?”

“Well, Leo was, at first, while he was looking for me. Then, after he turned Shannon, she started screaming. It took a lot of sedatives to knock her out. We’re getting low on morphine and I really need to get more, but the guards won’t give it to me.” Seth beat his fist on the table. “It’s getting ridiculous.”

“Wait a minute,” Blythe started. “Leo turned Shannon?”

“Yes. It was that or she was going to die.”

“And now all of the bruises are gone?”


“What are we going to do?” Blythe asked.

“We are going to do nothing. You don’t need to get pulled into this.”

“Oh, no! You’re not going to tell me to sit back and let some innocent woman be abused.” Blythe’s fists clenched. “I’m going to help.”

“If something happens to you, Killian will kill me.”

“I’ll be careful.”

“Promise,” Seth commanded.

“I promise to be careful. Now, does Leo have a task or job? When would he be away from the room?”

“He’s a guard in the trade room. He makes sure no one steals anything and everyone gets treated fair. He works the morning shift and gets off at lunch to come eat. Then he’s back in his room.”

“Okay, thanks,” Blythe got to her feet.

“Wait a minute. What are you going to do?” Seth called.

“I’m going to visit Shannon.”

“She’s in the infirmary until tomorrow.”

“Okay, thanks,” Blythe called, entering the kitchen. She started preparing breakfast, a million different thoughts on her mind.


Blythe waited two days before making her move. She got up early enough to get an early start on breakfast and had it ready and waiting for the guards before they even got there. She snuck out of the kitchen, keeping an eye out for Seth or Killian. She definitely didn’t need to run into them right then.

“Where are you sneaking off to?”

Blythe gasped and spun around. She placed a hand over her racing heart and glared at the man before her. “What’s the big idea? Trying to give me a heart attack?”

Tristan laughed.

“No, but what are you doing up this early?” he asked.

“Nothing, I just finished breakfast and now I’m headed to visit a friend,” Blythe admitted. None of that was a lie.

“I’ll walk with you.” Tristan motioned for her to lead the way.

“That’s okay. I can walk by myself,” Blythe smiled, trying to get rid of him.

“I’m in no hurry and I can make sure you get there safely,” Tristan told her. Blythe sighed and let him walk with her.

She hadn’t talked to Tristan or seen him since she tried to get him to mate her. It was kind of awkward for Blythe, but Tristan acted like nothing happened. They walked in silence and then Tristan spoke.

“How have you been? Everything okay between you and Killian?” he inquired.

“Yes, we’re great. Thanks for pushing us back together and for not mating me,” Blythe told him, wanting to get it out there.

“No problem. You’re not my type,” Tristan teased her. Blythe rolled her eyes.

“Yea, whatever,” she snapped. “I can’t wait for you to find a girl. Are you up for the next Running?”

“I’m not sure. We don’t find out till a month before,” Tristan admitted.

“Do you want to be?” Blythe questioned. She studied his face as he answered.

“I’m not sure, honestly.” As far as she could tell he wasn’t lying.

“Well, if you decide you want to be in the Running, I hope you find your type,” Blythe teased him back. Tristan laughed and then stopped when Blythe did. He glanced at the door and then back at her.

“This is my stop. Thanks for walking with me,” Blythe told him.

“You take care, Blythe,” Tristan warned. Blythe smiled and waved at him as he walked off. She let out a deep breath and knocked on the door. When no one answered, she knocked again.

“Who is it?” Shannon’s voice sounded weak and worried.

“It’s Blythe. Open up,” Blythe called.

“Please go away,” Shannon returned.

“Come on Shannon, we need to talk. Open the door.”

Blythe honestly thought she wasn’t going to let her in. Then, Shannon suddenly pulled the door open and Blythe squeezed through the narrow gap. She took in the room, noticing it looked a lot like Killian’s. It was simple and had only what Leo would need.

“Why are you here?” Shannon asked, eyeing the door warily.

“I came to check on you,” Blythe told her. “I heard what happened the other night. I wanted to see how the change was affecting you.”

“Nothing’s really changed. I don’t even know how to shift,” Shannon muttered.

“He didn’t show you how?” Blythe asked, incredulous, but she shouldn’t have been surprised.


“How are you, really?” Blythe pressed.

“Please don’t ask me questions. I’ll get in trouble for your presence alone,” Shannon shivered.

“Why haven’t you gone to anyone?” Blythe asked softly. “I’d be willing to help you. If you came with me, my mate would protect you.”

“No, I’m not safe anywhere. He’ll find me and he’ll hurt me. He may even kill me this time. He almost succeeded last time,” Shannon whispered harshly. It was almost as if she’d forgotten how to speak normally.

“He can’t hurt you if he’s locked up,” Blythe told her.

“They won’t believe me.”

“They can smell lies, can’t they? If you tell the whole truth, they will know that you aren’t lying,” Blythe reminded her.

“I can’t take any chances. Please leave,” Shannon started walking toward the door. Before she reached it, the door opened. Her face turned into one of horror. Leo stepped into the room and shut the door behind him. He opened his mouth to speak and then realized that Blythe was in the room. His entire body hardened and he turned his eyes toward Shannon.

“What is going on here?”

“Blythe stopped in to see how I was doing after the transition. Her mate is thinking of turning her and she wanted some tips. She was just leaving,” Shannon said softly, not looking Leo in the eye. Blythe turned to glare at Leo, but a look from Shannon had her turning her face into a smile.

“Hello again. I hope I’m not intruding. I’m a little worried about the change,” Blythe said. That was true. Though she hadn’t given it much thought, she was really worried. Leo wouldn’t be able to tell that she was sort of lying. “I was just going to get some breakfast. Would you two like to join me?”

“No, thank you. We eat in here,” Leo said dismissively. He moved and opened the door, allowing Blythe to slip out. She turned to say goodbye, but was met with the door closing in her face. She jumped back and then glared at the door. She was going to do something. She had to. There was no way she was leaving Shannon with that man. Spinning on her heels, she started walking briskly back down the hallway.


“Guess what day it is,” Killian woke Blythe up.

“What day?” she yawned, sitting up in bed and stretching. She turned to face him with a smile on her face. Then it hit her. “Oh my gosh! It’s Friday! We get to go to the roof today!”

“We better hurry and get ready. Don’t want to be late or the guard might forget about it,” Killian hurried her.

“You’re as excited as I am,” she teased.

Killian shrugged. “What can I say? It’s been years.”

“I can’t believe this is actually happening,” she muttered as she quickly pulled a shirt on and then some jeans. “I’m ready.”

“That was fast,” Killian laughed. He was still struggling to get his head through the wrong hole in his shirt. Blythe laughed and walked over to help him. They both went into the bathroom and brushed their teeth. Blythe used the bathroom and then they were ready to go.

“I hope Carrie remembered.”

“I’m sure she did. She’s probably already there.”

Blythe still hadn’t told Killian about her visiting Shannon yesterday. She told Seth, but that was it. She was kind of nervous. Since Killian and Leo were friends, she thought Leo might say something to Killian, but apparently he hadn’t because Killian hadn’t mentioned anything.

They walked into the cafeteria right at 8:25. Killian spotted Ben first. Carrie was sitting beside him. She looked excited and Ben just looked bored. He stood up when they approached.

“Are you ready?” he asked.

“Yes!” Blythe shouted, and then covered her mouth with a laugh escaping. “Sorry.”

“Let’s go,” Ben sighed. He led them out of the cafeteria and down the hall toward the stairs. This time, they went up instead of down. Blythe had never been on the fifth floor before. Every time she’d been in here, she’d gone right past the third-floor door. Ben led them up and past the fifth-floor door. They came to the top of the stairwell. It ended with a slight platform and then a locked door. It had three locks on it and looked thick and heavy.

“Here we go,” Ben said, pulling out a key ring and unlocking the door one lock at a time. Finally he had all of the locks unlocked and pulled the door open. He motioned the girls out first. Just as they walked through, a shout sounded from down the stairs. Killian glanced over the rail and didn’t notice Ben taking advantage of the distraction and stepping out onto the roof as well. Killian spun around and snarled as a smile flashed on Ben’s face, and then Ben pulled the door closed. A resounding click sounded as each lock was secured, the sound echoing around Killian. He tilted his head back and roared. Blythe was on the other side of that door without him.





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