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Stranded Temptation: A Flaming Romance by Milly Taiden (2)


Max was going straight to hell. He had a first-class ticket with his name on it to the pits of the damned. Guilt assailed him over making Kara miss her cruise just so he wouldn’t have to take the South American trip without her. If his mother knew, she’d beat his ass for being so selfish. Remorse nagged him, so he pushed it out of his mind. He needed her.

Some other time, when things weren’t so crazy, he’d pay for another vacation for her. Shame ate at his conscience. He’d said that before, but never attempted to allow her time away from the office unless he was traveling with her. No wonder she hated his guts.

He passed her as close as he dare on the way to his desk. Just catching her perfume made him content, calmed any anger or worries.

“Were you born an ass or did you grow into it?”

Whoa. She was pissed more than shit at him. Fuck. Should he play dumb or fess up to knowing what he did to ruin her vacation?

With a deadpan expression, he said, “I believe I was born with it. Hereditary and all. But we should ask my mother to be sure.”

His comment pissed her off even more if a slight nose flare and fisted hands were indications. He almost laughed at how cute she was when riled. Her eyes sparkled with their own light. A slight blush covered her cheeks giving her that freshly fucked look. Shit. His pants were getting uncomfortable. What was it about this damn woman that got to him? She was dressed like a librarian, no skin showing. No bling. No messing around. Hardly ever a smile. And still...

He put up his hands, palms forward. “Calm down, Kara. I didn’t purposely plan the meeting on your vacation.” Liar. Going to hell. “It was the only time available for them.” When he overheard Meghan talking about her and Kara’s cruise and hooking up with a different male each day, he about grabbed Kara to chain her to his desk. No way could he let that happen. Then he remembered she wouldn’t give him the time of day.

He had no claim on her and it irritated the hell out of him. Since when had women not fallen for his charms? Even as a kid, all he had to do was smile at the girls and they’d want to be his “girlfriend.” Maybe he was losing his mojo. Maybe he was just being stupid. Maybe he should keep it professional and work on getting her to like him, at least.

“The only time available for them?” she repeated. “You expect me to believe that?”

He looked up at her, softening his eyes, which the women always loved, and said, “Yes.”

She dropped her forehead into her hand. “Fine,” she said. “I can control my actions. You’re on your own with Meghan. If she claws your eyes out, don’t come whining to me. This was her vacation also.”

His heart lightened. He wasn’t worried about the secretary. Meghan was a great person. Willing to help any time. He stood, shoving his hands into his pockets, fingers touching the pocketknife he carried with him. Never knew when you’d need one to pry up staples or slice down the side of sexy underwear.

His dick twitched in his pants thinking of the kind of panties Kara had on under her ever-professional clothing. And tearing them off her. He returned to his chair where everything was safely hidden.

A knock came from the open door behind Kara. Jane, his father’s much-too-young wife, poked her head in. “Hey, guys. Dan wants us all to do lunch now.”

He hadn’t had lunch with his father in some time. This would be good. They could discuss things without the rest of the board. “I’ll be out in a minute, Jane. Thanks.”

Kara turned away from his desk, headed for the door. “I’ll be working on the contracts while you’re out—” When she reached the door, Jane moved into her path.

“You’re invited, too, Kara,” Jane said.

Kara’s eyes popped wide. “Why me?” She looked back to him. He didn’t know why and shrugged. “I mean, isn’t this a family thing?” He covered the grin trying to break free on his face at her blushed cheeks.

Jane huffed. “The men will be talking business. I need someone to talk about girl stuff with.”

A laugh burst from Max’s throat. He covered it with a cough. Kara’s narrowed eyes told him he didn’t succeed in his deception. She turned back to Jane. “Thank you very much for asking, Jane, but—”

Jane wrapped an arm around his assistant’s. “I insist,” she said. “This slave driver probably never lets you have time off.”

Kara grinned and pivoted toward him. “How did you know? He does have a tendency to schedule required events when I plan to be off.” Her smug expression irked him. He hadn’t done that on purpose...the first time, anyway.

All right. He’d had enough of being ganged up on. “Good. Kara, you drive. I’ll be down in a minute.”

Jane pulled her out of his office into the hall. Great. With his dad and brother sitting at the same table, Max couldn’t dare look at the siren leaving his office. He breathed in deeply. Her perfume still lingered.

During lunch, he’d have to completely ignore her and her sexy gestures if he hoped to not have a hard-on all the way through the meal. But the way she sipped her drinks through a straw. Plump, luscious lips encircling the tube and sucking on it. A jolt of desire ripped through him. He wanted his cock to be her next straw. He had it right here and waiting.

He stood and adjusted his damn pants again. This would be hard. Literally. At least with her driving, they wouldn’t wreck because he was staring at her instead of the road.