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Taken as His Pet (Brides of Taar-Breck Book 3) by Sassa Daniels (5)

Chapter Five



Confusion was the first thing that struck Lucy when she woke in the morning. She stretched, yawned, and looked around. It took her a minute to recognize the room she was in and another few moments after that to realize that this bed was not where she’d fallen asleep last night. She’d been kneeling on the floor as Taryn had told her to, while she awaited his return. Tiredness must have overcome her. She supposed that Taryn must have found her sleeping and put her into the bed. That was surely an act of kindness that revealed something about the type of man he was.

Hoping that he would not be too disappointed that she’d ruined his plans for her last night, Lucy got up from the bed. In need of something to wear, she went to the wardrobe and rummaged through its contents. There were several dresses that Caroline had left behind, all in such pretty fabrics, she found it hard to select one.

Eventually, she decided to go with a pink floral dress that would suit her pale coloring. She was shorter than her friend, though, and when she slipped the dress on over her head, she discovered that it was far too long for her. Unless she held the skirts up as she walked, which was kind of a pain, she would end up tripping over the hem.

Taking the dress off and placing it back on its hanger, she looked for something else she could borrow. There was a pair of jeans folded neatly on the floor at the back of the wardrobe. She picked them up and studied them closely. Could she really bring herself to wear something that was forbidden? The High Council enforced a strict dress code for the citizens of New Cambridge and denim was most definitely not on the approved list. Women weren’t allowed to wear trousers, but Lucy knew that they had worn them at one time. Still, she wasn’t sure she could bring herself to put them on. It just seemed too scandalous. Unfortunately, the only other option was to wear one of Caroline’s shifts, which would be even less suitable.

Taking a deep breath, she slipped first one leg and then the other into the jeans and pulled them up over the curve of her bottom. As she fastened the zipper, the tight fabric seemed to mold to her body. The legs were bunched at the ankles as they were a bit too long, but otherwise they were a pretty good fit. Lucy was surprised by how alluring they made her feel. She popped a tight black t-shirt on over her head. It was a bit faded and it had a grotesque skull motif emblazoned on the front, but it was all she could find. Besides, she actually quite liked it.

She knew that Caroline had procured these garments from a dealer in twenty-first century merchandise. Her friend loved antique clothing and now Lucy understood why. The outfit flattered her curves but also kept her covered up, which she preferred to the idea of having her flesh exposed. As she looked in the mirror, Lucy barely recognized herself. She looked young, free, and sexy, as a woman of her age should.

Deciding to leave her hair untamed to complement the rebellious look, she headed down to the kitchen, wondering whether Taryn would approve of her appearance. As she made her way along the corridor, her toes sank into the deep pile of the carpet and she felt as though she was indulging in some forbidden pleasure. She couldn’t believe how powerful an effect the clothes were having on her. The dresses they were made to wear nowadays did not just restrict the body; they imprisoned the mind as well. These jeans gave her a sense of freedom she hadn’t anticipated.

As she walked down the stairs and along the corridor on the ground floor, she could smell something cooking. Following the tantalizing aroma, she came into the kitchen and stopped dead. There were two incredibly large males sitting at the table eating breakfast and neither of them was Taryn. Suddenly the increased confidence she’d felt deserted her and she thought about backing out of the room. It was too late, though. They’d seen her. Nerves fluttering in her stomach, she felt the breath catch at the back of her throat as they both rose from their seats. Like every other Taar-Breckian male she’d ever seen, they were impossibly tall and well-muscled. Lucy was not sure whether she should be afraid.

“Come and join us,” the older of the two men said, his tone welcoming. “There is plenty of food.”

Lucy hesitated. The rules of New Cambridge society were that a woman should not be alone with a man who was not her guardian. She’d already defied that dictate, of course, by being on her own with Taryn yesterday. However, she had no idea what he expected of her now that she was his. She had no clue what was acceptable on Taar-Breck. Would joining these two men at the table violate some moral code? If she sat with them when Taryn was not present, would she incur a punishment?

“There is nothing to fear.” The younger of the two men seemed to understand the source of her reluctance to join them. “Come, help yourself.”

Lucy still wasn’t sure. She sniffed the air and realized that what she’d been smelling was Taar-Breckian bacon. It was considered something of a delicacy and it smelled divine. The synthesized food they had here on Earth had absolutely no scent and no flavor. Her stomach rumbled, urging her to accept the invitation to eat with the men and her mind was made up. Whether Taryn would frown upon it or not, she went and joined them, taking a seat next to the older of the two men.

“I’m Lucy,” she said as she sat down and began to fill her plate with an unseemly amount of food.

“We know.” The warrior beside her grinned. “I’m Bryn and that is Malken. We are pleased to meet Taryn’s mate.”

“I’m pleased to meet you too.” Lucy’s polite response came automatically, even though she was surprised that he had referred to her in that manner. She had not realized that others would know that the warrior intended to claim her for himself. She took a deep breath and relaxed her shoulders, feeling a little more at ease now that pleasantries had been exchanged. So far, Taar-Breckians were proving to be more courteous than she’d imagined they would be. It made her feel better about what lay ahead. “Have you seen Taryn this morning?”

“He had business at our embassy,” Malken told her. “Fear not, he will return soon.”

Lucy nodded and looked down at her plate as Bryn placed a large chunk of meat that looked like sausage on it.

“Taar-Breck produces the finest meat in the galaxy,” he told her. “This comes from Commander Rossingham’s land.”

“You know the commander well?” Lucy asked as she took a mouthful of the most succulent meat she’d ever tasted.

“Of course,” Bryn replied.

“What sort of man is he?” Lucy asked.

“He is honorable, a strong leader.”

“And?” Lucy prompted.

“He is fearless in battle, a good tactician.”

Lucy scrunched up her nose at the description, which told her nothing about the man beyond what she’d already gleaned from the evening newscasts.

“I suspect what she really wants to know,” Malken interjected, “is if he treats her friend well.”

Surprised that the alien had understood what it was she was really interested in, Lucy nodded. She was anxious to know whether Caroline was happy in her new life. If she was, then it meant there was some hope that she might live in contentment on Taar-Breck as well.

“He is kind to her,” Malken said. “She appears to be happy with her life.”

“As you will be happy with your new life on Taar-Breck,” Bryn said, almost as though he was issuing a decree. “Taryn is a good man. You should do your best to please him.”

“Of course.” Lucy inclined her head in a slight nod. If Taryn was the one who got her away from New Cambridge and the possible dangers that lay in store for her here, she would do all she could to make sure he had no cause to regret helping her.

“It will not be easy for you,” Malken said, not unkindly. “The lieutenant has high standards and he will expect you to live up to them.”

“I understand that,” Lucy replied. She’d already got a sense from the way he carried himself, that Taryn was a man who would demand a great deal from her.

“Good,” Bryn said pleasantly, as he piled yet more bacon onto her plate. “Then you will make the transition into your new life just fine.”

Lucy smiled in acknowledgement of his reassurance, but she remained nervous. Things had to work out for her on Taar-Breck because she’d been away from home for more than twenty-four hours now and in the company of alien males. There could be no going back now and the prospect of having such limited options was terrifying.


* * *


The sound of laughter that greeted Taryn as he returned to the Chatterton residence surprised him. Taar-Breckians were not known for their levity, but he immediately recognized the deep, throaty sounds of amusement coming from his colleagues. He also detected a lighter giggle that could only be coming from Lucy. He followed the laughter into the kitchen and found his little human sitting at the table with Bryn and Malken. It was a bizarrely domestic setting. The remnants of what looked to be a small feast lay on the table in front of them, suggesting that the three of them had been sitting there together for some time. Lucy was clearly more at ease with his colleagues than she was with him. Brushing aside a twinge of jealousy, he cleared his throat to alert the others to his presence.

Immediately, Malken got to his feet. Bryn, who was Taryn’s equal in rank and senior in age, simply rocked back in his chair and smirked at him.

“My colleagues have been entertaining you?” Taryn asked Lucy, hoping that the irritation was not too evident in his voice. He had no desire to come across to her as a jealous fool whose passions she could manipulate.

“Yes, they’ve been very friendly.” Lucy rose to her feet to greet him.

As she stepped away from the table, Taryn’s breath hitched. Wearing clothes of a type he had never seen on a woman before, she looked incredible. Tight fabric hugged her curves, putting her tiny waist, her gloriously full hips, on display. Her hair was tousled as though she’d just tumbled out of bed. He knew straight away that she was going to look amazing in the costumes he’d procured for her. As his eyes raked over her, he felt a sudden surge of possessiveness. He needed to get her away from the other men.

“Lucy, come with me.” He held his hand out to her.

A little frown formed on her face, telling him that she was puzzled by his brusqueness, but she quickly crossed the room to take his hand. Without saying a word, he led her through the house, up the stairs, and into the bedroom where he had left her the night before to sleep off her exhaustion.

“What exactly are you wearing?” he asked as he let go of her hand and ran an appraising eye over her.

“They’re Caroline’s,” Lucy explained. “I tried one of her dresses, but it was too long.”

“You have no need to borrow clothing,” Taryn said. “I will provide you with what you need.”

“Oh, okay.” Lucy looked as though she was trying to work out if she had done something wrong. “But I needed something to wear to go downstairs.”

“Yes, but I didn’t give you permission to leave the room,” Taryn replied.

“I’m sorry.” Lucy looked crestfallen.

“You didn’t know,” Taryn conceded, “so I will let it slide this time. In the future, I expect you to wait for instruction from me before you act, or you will face punishment.”

He knew he was being unreasonable as he hadn’t told her that last night and he wasn’t there when she woke this morning. Lucy could hardly be expected to know what his rules were unless he told her. Somehow, he couldn’t prevent himself from scolding her, though. Something about her brought out a pettiness in him that he hadn’t known he was capable of. He was at a loss to explain it.

“Are you angry that I was with your friends?” Lucy asked nervously.

“No.” Taryn trusted all the men he fought alongside and knew that, even though he and Lucy were not yet mated, none of them would attempt to lay claim to her before he did. They all knew that she had been chosen for him and that he was more than willing to take her. “But you need to exercise caution. Other men might not be so honorable.”

“What do you mean?” Her brow furrowed in apparent confusion.

“There are those who would take advantage of you,” he replied. “Until I make you mine, you are vulnerable to the attentions of other men.”

“You mean, until we are married,” Lucy said.

Now it was Taryn’s turn to look puzzled as marriage was not a concept he was particularly familiar with. Although he had recently attended the wedding ceremony for his commander and Lady Caroline, he assumed that the other men had gone through the process because he, himself, was half-human. Such exchanges of vows were not generally made between Taar-Breckian couples. They had no need of such displays. Still, he could see that in Lucy’s mind, the ritual of a wedding might equate with sealing a commitment to one another.

“You wish to marry?” he asked.

“Of course.” Lucy’s tone suggested it had been a ridiculous question. “It’s an important tradition.”

“Not where I come from.”

Lucy’s face fell. “It’s important to me. I would like to get married eventually.”

Now he thought he could see what she was up to. Bringing up marriage seemed to be a delaying tactic, but it was not one that would work with him. He did consider the idea, however. He’d already taken steps to accommodate her suggestion that she become his pet and there seemed to be no harm in agreeing to marry her. If it was something that really mattered to her, then adhering to the customs of her people could only be a good thing. It would help her to settle into her new life.

“Very well,” he said. “But I still intend to claim your body without delay.”

“Oh, okay.” Lucy’s tone was cautious.

“Good, we understand each other,” Taryn told her. “Now, remove your clothing.”

Lucy looked startled, but then a smile passed across her lips. There was a heady glint of desire in her eyes that told Taryn she was attracted to him. That was good. He wanted her to be a willing participant in what was about to happen. He had no stomach for using force against such a small, fragile female and no time to coax her with honeyed sentiments. It was essential that he made her his before they got on the transport ship to Taar-Breck, which would be full of unmated males.

Eyes narrowing, he watched as she reached for the hem of her shirt and pulled it slowly up over her head before discarding it on the floor. Her rosy nipples had already formed taut little peaks and he could see a pulse beating at her throat. Looking him directly in the eye, she unfastened her trousers, taking her time to draw the zipper down. There was a seductive quality to her, yet she exuded an air of innocence and uncertainty. As she shimmied out of the jeans, he realized that she had no panties on.

“You really are beautiful,” he complimented her as his eyes followed her curves down the length of her body.

Lucy’s cheeks turned an adorable shade of pink and she looked shyly at the floor. Taryn put his hand beneath her chin and lifted it until she met his gaze.

“I mean it,” he told her. “You are a real beauty.”

The gleam in her eyes told him that she had appreciated the compliment and also that she was not accustomed to receiving such praise. It defied belief. How could the men on this miserable planet not see what a jewel they had in their midst? He knew it was Allik’s intended mate, Victoria, who received all the adulation and he couldn’t understand why. When it came to grace and beauty, his little pet outshone all other women.

Looking at her now, knowing that the time had come to claim her, he felt something close to pain in his chest. There was an uncomfortable tightening around his heart as intense arousal flooded him, seeming to grip every part of his body. There was something else, though. Undercutting his desire was a fear that he might hurt her. Lucy was so small, so delicate and, of course, she was a virgin. He had to put such thoughts aside.

“Get on the bed,” he instructed in a firm tone. “By the edge, on all fours.”

He watched as she clambered up onto the bed and positioned herself on her hands and knees. She looked back over her shoulder at him and he almost exploded with desire as she tentatively ran her tongue across her top lip. Did she know how incredibly seductive the expression on her face was? He doubted it. Fearing he would be overcome with the need to claim her before she was fully prepared to take a man of his size, he swallowed hard and turned away.

“I will be back in a moment,” he said as he walked toward the door. “Do not move from that spot.”


* * *


Lucy waited silently on the bed for Taryn to come back. She had no idea where he’d gone, but she hoped he wouldn’t leave her here like this for too long. Her heart was racing, her palms sweating, and it was only getting worse as the anticipation built. It was strange that she felt this way. Only a moment ago, she’d tried to stall him by bringing up the subject of marriage, but now she was eager for him to fuck her. Warring emotions rumbled around in her mind as she moved from fear to excitement and back again within the blink of an eye. It was hard to get her head on straight when she was on the verge of something momentous. Life was about to change forever, and the thought was strangely exhilarating.

Positioned there on the bed, completely naked and on all fours made her feel a little vulnerable but there was also power in knowing that Taryn was attracted to her. She’d seen how he looked at her before he hurried from the room. It was not revulsion that had made him turn away. She’d sensed his need to prevent himself from losing control and that was why he’d left the room.

As she waited, she was more conscious of her body than she had ever been before. She enjoyed the way her breasts hung down beneath her, swaying seductively if she moved her hips. She liked how the slight draft wafted over her skin to bring every nerve to life. With her legs parted, she felt open and exposed and she found that exciting. There was an urge within her to slip her hand between her legs, so she could tease her clitoris, the way she so often did when she was alone in bed at night. Such self-abuse was shameful in the eyes of her society, but that was not what held her back from pleasuring herself now. Somehow, she knew that it would only stoke the flames building inside her and that she would not find release. She needed Taryn to take her to that peak of ecstasy and she doubted he would be pleased if she took matters into her own hands.

As she felt moisture pooling in her feminine cleft, she wriggled her hips, trying to cope with the growing heat. Just thinking about what was going to happen was driving her mad with need. This might not be how she had imagined losing her virginity, but there was no denying that Taryn was a much more attractive prospect for her first lover than any of the men her father was likely to have matched her with.

When he returned to the room, she looked back at him and her breath hitched. He was now totally, magnificently naked. She tried to avert her gaze, but her eyes drifted downward with a will of their own, to study his manhood. It jutted out from his body, proud and erect. As she might have guessed from his impressive physique, he was incredibly well-endowed. A frisson of fear ran through her. She was so small next to him. How the hell was this going to work?

“Don’t worry,” Taryn said with a cocky grin. “It will fit.”

Lucy blushed and turned away, embarrassed that he had known exactly what she was thinking. She felt his presence as he moved closer behind her and, suddenly, his hand was on her back. His fingers trailed along her spine as they moved to caress her bottom. The barely perceptible brush of his fingertips against her skin sent a shiver through her and Lucy sighed with pleasure. The merest whisper of his touch made her desperate for more.

Suddenly, he removed his hand and Lucy groaned in disappointment. She looked back over her shoulder to see what he was doing. In his hand was a small vial containing a clear liquid. She had no idea what it was, but the moment he opened the bottle, a strong floral scent struck her. The aroma was pleasant and brought a new sensation to her that she couldn’t describe. A peace settled over her and she felt more than ready for what was about to happen.

“Face forward,” Taryn instructed.

Straight away, Lucy did as she was told. A moment later, she felt something cold and wet on her throbbing pussy as his fingers skimmed over her heated flesh.

“This oil will help prepare you to take me,” Taryn told her as he rubbed the fragrant oil over her already sensitized clit.

Lucy gasped as the engorged bud became even more swollen. She whimpered with need as first one and then two of his long, thick fingers slipped inside her, coating her virgin channel with the oil. It made her flesh tingle, but there was no discomfort. He slid his fingers in and out of her in a slow, rhythmic movement. Before she could catch hold of the scintillating sensations that were beginning to blossom as he penetrated her there, he withdrew, leaving her desperate for his touch. As she rocked her hips and whimpered, she felt something strange happening. It was as though her body was opening up to him.

“You are ready for me.” Taryn sounded pleased.

Lucy barely had time to register his words before he pushed inside her. His hands grasped her shoulders as his massive cock glided effortlessly into her slick channel. He held her so close, she could feel the warmth of his breath on her neck. She wasn’t entirely sure what she’d expected, but it wasn’t this. The pain she had anticipated did not come. Instead, there was a feeling of fullness, a stretching that was surprisingly pleasurable.

“Still so tight,” Taryn said, his voice strained.

As he slowly withdrew and then slammed back into her, a pulse began to throb in her pussy. She whimpered as the beat became stronger. Seeming to sense her growing arousal, Taryn’s movements became rougher. His hands seized her hips, his fingers digging almost painfully into her flesh as he thrust into her untried body at an increasingly furious pace. As he fucked her relentlessly, Lucy felt the pressure inside her growing. Her womb clenched almost unbearably tightly, and a wave of heat scorched her pussy. As new and powerful sensations began to take hold, she panicked and tried to scramble forward.

“Uh-uh,” Taryn admonished as he dragged her back toward him, impaling her fully on his enormous shaft once more.

He grunted as his cock pummeled her mercilessly. Panting wildly, Lucy clutched at the sheets, trying to find some way to anchor herself as her mind threatened to float away on a mist of euphoria. As she whined with need for something she couldn’t articulate, expert fingers reached between her legs to tease her engorged clitoris. The sparks of ecstasy it caused were more than she’d ever imagined and yet it wasn’t quite enough.

“Come for me,” Taryn commanded.

As much as she wanted to obey, Lucy wasn’t quite there yet. She answered his demand with an incoherent moan. Seeming to understand there was something else she needed, some other stimulus to push her over the edge, he struck her hard across the bottom. With a cry of agonized pleasure, Lucy came violently, her entire body shaking with the force of her release. A mere moment later, Taryn spilled his seed inside her. As he pulled out of her, Lucy slumped forward, onto the bed, her whole body trembling.

There was barely time to get her breath back before someone knocked at the bedroom door. Lucy sat up, startled, and looked for something to cover herself with.

“Stay exactly as you are,” Taryn said as he turned to answer the door.

Lucy was a little shocked by his command. As he let a man she had not seen before into the room, she had to resist the urge to dive under the bedcovers.

“Place the box on the bed,” Taryn instructed the other man.

Lucy’s stomach lurched as the unknown male came into the room. Although he was clearly making an effort not to stare at her, she was acutely aware of his interest as she lay naked on the bed, utterly exposed, before him. It surprised her that Taryn would allow another man to see her like this, especially when she was sure she had detected some jealousy when he found her speaking to his friends. Confused, she frowned as the man placed a large white box on the bed before quickly withdrawing from the room.

“You do not look happy,” Taryn observed as the door clicked shut.

“I’m not,” Lucy confirmed. “Why did you let him see me like this?”

“You are mine now and if I wish to show you off, I will do so.” The firm tone with which he spoke seemed at odds with the tenderness of his touch as he reached out and stroked her hair back from her face. “Do you understand?”

“Yes,” Lucy replied sullenly.

“Yes, what?”

Her brow crumpled as she tried to think of the correct response.

“Yes, Taryn.”

He shook his head. “Try again.”

Her frown deepened as she tried to work out exactly what he wanted from her. Did he expect her to show some deference to his rank?

“Yes, Lieutenant.”

Taryn barked out a laugh.

“No, pet, you are not one of my men.” His eyes raked over her naked form, searing her flesh with the intensity of the desire they held. “No, definitely not one of my men.”

“Yes, sir?” Lucy tried.

“That is a little more like it, but no,” Taryn replied. “Pets have masters, Lucy. From now on, I wish for you to address me as Master.”

A wave of shock went through Lucy. That was the last thing she’d expected. She studied Taryn carefully and realized that she’d been deluding herself if she thought he might see her as anything more than an inferior being. Perhaps giving a man like this the opening she had when she offered to become his pet was not the best idea after all.

As much as she hated the idea of calling him Master, she chose not to argue. If that was what it took to demonstrate that she was truly grateful to him for helping her get away from here, then she was prepared to play along. Hopefully, once they had the chance to get to know one another better, she would find a way to persuade him to relax that rule because she was quite sure she wouldn’t get used to addressing him in that manner.

“Yes, Master,” she responded, really not liking the way the word felt on her lips.

“Good girl.” Taryn bestowed a smile on her that warmed her with the knowledge that she’d pleased him. “Now, let’s get you dressed. We have a shuttle to catch.”




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