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Tequila Burn (The Tequila Duet Book 2) by Melissa Toppen (17)

Chapter Nineteen


“Don’t make me regret bringing you with me,” I tell Starr who is literally freaking the hell out as she waits to meet Annabelle, who’s signing autographs with Hudson backstage.

We’re standing off to the side, somewhat caddy corner behind the table they are sharing as to not get in the way of the hundreds of fans who paid a pretty penny to land their autographs. Hudson told Starr he’d make the introduction when they were done and my sister has been a basket case ever since.

I’ve been a bit of a basket case myself, but for entirely different reasons. Every time I see Annabelle reach over and touch Hudson’s arm or lean in and laugh I want to rip her head right off her shoulders.

It’s safe to say that I feel very threatened by Annabelle but I think just about anyone in my shoes would be. It’s hard to explain. I know I have nothing to worry about but deep down I can’t shake this feeling that I get every time I see the two of them together.

I know Hudson says that they are only friends, but I’m not blind to the fact that Annabelle wants to be more. Call it woman’s intuition or just a gut feeling, but I know if given her shot with Hudson, Annabelle would take it.

“She sure seems very handsy with your man,” Starr mutters into my ear, as if she was reading my mind at that very moment.

“So it’s not just me?” I question, feeling a little justified that someone else can see it too.

“Definitely not just you. Look at the way she keeps leaning into him and touching him. I’d be telling that bitch to keep her hands to herself.”

“I thought you loved Annabelle.” I raise a brow at her.

“Oh I do. But that doesn’t mean I won’t cut the bitch if she comes after my sister’s man.” She bobs her head.

I cover my mouth to keep my laughter in check, loving that my sister is so willing to throw down with a famous country artist to protect me. Of course, it wouldn’t be the first time she’s stepped up to have my back. Starr has always been a spitfire. Her freshman year in high school she throat punched Chad Hensley, who was a senior, for calling me a cunt.

“I appreciate you having my back. But I don’t think cutting will be necessary. At least I hope it won’t be.”

“I just can’t believe she flirts with him so openly knowing you’re standing right here.”

“A part of me feels like she’s doing it on purpose.”

“You think she’s trying to cause problems? Maybe create some doubt so she can make her move?” Starr asks, voicing my thoughts exactly.

“God I hope not. Just thinking it makes me feel like a paranoid crazy person.”

“This is show business, Lenny. They don’t play by the same rules that normal people do.”

“Known many famous people, have you?” I joke.

“Not personally, smart ass. But you’d be surprised how much you can learn about people on the internet.”

“You have way too much time on your hands.” I shake my head, laughing at my sister.

“Whatever.” She shoves my shoulder. “It would probably do you some good to learn a little more about celebrities considering your man is one.”

“Hudson isn’t a celebrity. He’s a country singer.”

“Same thing, genius.” She rolls her eyes. “Look, I get that he’s down to earth and cool and has this way of making you feel like he’s just another guy, but Lennon, he isn’t just a normal guy. The longer you live in la la land refusing to see that Hudson James is a big freaking deal, the harder it’s going to be for you to adjust once you’re forced to acknowledge it.”

“I’m not blind, Starr. I can see what’s happening.” I gesture around us.

“What’s happening?” Hudson’s voice washes over me.

I turn just as he slides in next to me, his hand instantly finding mine.

“Nothing. My sister is a nut job.” I shake my head, laughing when Starr sticks her tongue out at me. “You all done?” I glance behind him noticing a majority of the crowd has cleared out and Annabelle is now making her way toward us.

“Yep.” He nods.

“Thank goodness for that too,” Annabelle says in her smooth southern accent as she steps up on the other side of Hudson. “If I had to sign one more thing I think my hand might have fallen off.” She giggles and while most people probably find the sound endearing, I find it just as annoying as every other perfect little thing she does.

“Anna, you remember Lennon,” Hudson says, his gaze on the side of my face.

“Of course, good to see you again, Lennon.” She gives me a forced smile, or at least in my mind it’s forced.

“You as well.” I put my fake face on and pretend that being around her doesn’t make me want to throw myself down a flight of stairs. “This is my sister, Starr,” I say, gesturing to Starr who seems seconds away from fainting or puking I’m not sure which.

“I’m a huge fan,” my sister manages to choke out. “Your set tonight was amazing. And that song you and Hudson do together. Oh my god! Magic.”

Starr went from ready to cut her for flirting with Hudson to looking like she wants to make out with her.

“Thank you so much. I love that song. I was so excited when I found out Hudson was the one recording it with me.”

“Your voices are perfect together,” my sister continues.

“Well it doesn’t take much for me. I’m pretty sure this guy here can make anyone sound amazing. He’s just that good.” She smiles at Hudson and once again I’m stamping down the urge to tackle her like a wild animal.

“Do you think I could get a picture with you?” Starr asks, pulling her phone out of her purse.

“Of course,” Annabelle instantly agrees and Starr wastes no time shoving her phone into my hand. “Hudson, why don’t you get in here too?” Annabelle gestures for him to join them, but instead of stepping up next to Annabelle like she seemed to want him to, he hops on the other side of Starr and drops his arm over my sister’s shoulder.”

I snap a few pictures, doing my best not to look at Annabelle as I do. I’ve never had someone put me on edge the way this woman does. I hate it. I hate every second of being around her simply because she makes me feel like I have even less control on something I’m already struggling to keep my grasp on.

“So I was telling Hudson that a few of us are going to go grab some drinks. You all should come with us,” Annabelle says, her gaze focused on me as I hand my sister back her phone.

“I don’t...” I start to politely decline before Starr cuts me off.

“Hell yes! We’d love too, wouldn’t we, Lenny?” She gives me a look that says she will owe me forever if I do this.

“Up to you.” Hudson slides his arm around my waist and pulls me close when I look to him for some kind of guidance.

I chew the inside of my cheek, wanting so badly to say no, to tell him I just want to spend the next few hours locked away in the hotel room. Considering it’s already nearing midnight and they leave first thing tomorrow morning, our time together is very limited. Spending the night out with Annabelle is not exactly now I envisioned our evening.

It’s bad enough that I had to bring Starr with me. Not that I minded, but it hinders with the time I get alone with Hudson because I feel obligated to stay with her.

When I look around, all three sets of eyes are on me.

“Yeah. We can go for a little bit,” I agree, feeling put on the spot.

“Great. I’m gonna go get my stuff and I’ll meet you guys at the back exit.”

“Sounds good.” Starr grins from ear to ear, watching Annabelle walk away until she’s disappeared from view.

“Oh my god, you’re ridiculous. Sounds good,” I mock in the same sickly sweet voice she used with Annabelle.

“Oh shut up.” Starr laughs. “That’s freaking Annabelle.”

“I’m aware,” I tell her flatly.

“We don’t have to stay long. Just one drink.”

“You say that now.” I roll my eyes, knowing my sister better than that.

“Can you please tell my sister to relax?” she asks Hudson before pinning her gaze back on me. “It’s not every day that a girl gets to go out with Hudson James and Annabelle. Let me enjoy this.”

“I won’t stand in the way of your fun,” I reassure her, holding my hands up in surrender. “Though I can definitely think of a few better ways to spend the evening.” I give Hudson a sideways glance.

We haven’t seen each other since New Year’s and considering it’s nearing the end of February, it’s been a hell of a long time to go without feeling Hudson’s touch. Needless to say my body feels primed to explode. Every look he’s given me over the last six hours has only intensified how desperate I am for him.

“Perhaps we will stay for one drink and I can have Colton make sure Starr finds her way back to the hotel if she wants to stay longer. Last I heard he was planning on going,” Hudson suggests, his arm around my waist tightening.

“As appealing as that sounds, I’m not leaving my sister at a bar with a bunch of people that I don’t know.”

“What am I, twelve?” Starr huffs.

“Sometimes I wonder.” My gaze slides to her just in time to see her flip me off. “My point exactly.” I laugh.

“It’s Colton.” Hudson gives me a knowing look.

“Fine. But if he tries any funny business with my sister I will chop his nuts off,” I warn.

Hudson’s laughter rumbles through him seconds later. “Hey, they’re his balls not mine.” He shrugs, a wide smile lighting up his face.

“Need I remind you I’m a married woman?” Starr interjects. “Anyone touches me and my husband will do more than chop their balls off.”

“She’s probably right there.” Mark is fiercely protective over Starr.

“Colton will take good care of you. He’s like a brother to me.”

“Colton is good people. I wouldn’t leave you with him if I didn’t trust him,” I agree.

“If you didn’t trust me with what?” Colton steps up next to Hudson, clearly catching the ass end of my statement.

“You’re on sister duty tonight,” Hudson tells him. “Colton, this is Starr.” Hudson gestures to my sister. “I think you may have seen each other before but have likely not been formerly introduced.”

“Hey, Colton.” Starr takes the hand Colton extends to her.

“Nice to officially meet you, Starr.” He grins, releasing her hand before his gaze is back on Hudson. “Now what am I doing?”

“We’re gonna go have a drink with everyone, but Lennon and I would like a little time alone together and thought maybe you could keep Starr company at the bar until she’s ready to leave. Then see to it that she makes it to her hotel room safely.”

“I can do that.” He nods with zero hesitation. I’m starting to believe there isn’t a thing Colton wouldn’t do for Hudson.

“Perfect. Then it’s settled,” Starr interjects. “Can we go now?”

“Let’s do it.” Colton spins, leading the rest of us down a long corridor to the back entrance that’s still being guarded by security.

It becomes clear why when I see Annabelle standing off to the side, signing autographs for a few people who have been waiting, no doubt knowing this is where the artists exit. Two security guards flank her sides and keep the small crowd contained while Annabelle works to sign and snap pictures with each of them.

As much as I dislike her, I have to admit it’s a pretty sweet thing for her to do considering she could have let security sweep her off.

The door has no more than latched behind us when several gazes slide to Hudson and a few cries come from the crowd. Some of the fans shift in his direction.

He glances at me and I nod, giving him the go ahead he doesn’t actually need. As selfish as I want to be with him, I would never expect him to walk away from meeting his fans on my behalf. Most of these people will likely never get an opportunity like this again. While I’m lucky enough to call this amazing man mine.


That’s what I think about as I watch him sign autographs and snap pictures, getting a front row seat to what every artist should strive to be like. He isn’t stiff or forced. He’s natural, smiling, offering hugs, seeming just as happy to be there with them as they are to meet him.

That’s the thing about Hudson James. He’s one of a kind. Talent is the beginning with this man. He has so much more to offer than just his ability to play music and it’s clear his fans can see it to.

Starr stands off to the side next to me, seeming to really grasp the reality of her situation. I know the moment it sets in when she starts snapping pictures of Hudson signing autographs and then moments later I get a notification on Instagram where she tagged me in a post that reads ‘Just hanging out watching Hudson James do his thing’ under a candid shot of Hudson, pen in hand, smiling at a teenage girl probably no older than fourteen.

“I hope you know how lucky you are.” Starr leans in as I’m looking at the picture.

“Trust me, I do,” I say, my gaze going back to Hudson. “I really, really do.”