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The Beard (Haylee Thorne) by Haylee Thorne (8)

Today is the big day.

I’ve invited friends, family, and industry professionals to come and taste my new menu. I am as excited as I am sick to my stomach. It is nearly noon, and people are supposed to start to arriving in just a half-hour.

“Breathe,” Amber tells me as she banishes me to my office to get ready. “I have got this under control. Now get.”

I chuckle. “Really? ‘Now get?’”

“You heard me,” she says sassily, hand on hip and all.

“Yes, ma’am.”

I have been cooking all day and my uniform is a hot mess, and desperately need to change into a new one. There is a small bathroom with a shower and a little built-in closet stocked with a couple of uniforms and emergency outfits, just in case I get stuck at work. Mikaela has thought of everything. Speaking of Mikaela thinking of everything, she is a freaking design genius; the dining area looks incredible. Paintings in vibrant colors grace the walls, looking a lot like small windows depicting stunning sceneries. I absolutely love the fact that we managed to have a wine bar at one end and a whiskey bar at the other. The walls behind each are lined with bottle after amazing bottle of whiskey and wine, the collection impressive enough to be appreciated by connoisseurs. I originally planned on just a wine bar, but the whiskey bar is an homage to when Brock and I met. I also have several wine and whiskey-based dishes and desserts added to the menu.

Mikaela has forgone any traditional restaurant dining room ideas, so instead of matching tables and chairs, each table is different. For some strange reason it matches perfectly, as if each piece was made to be there. I can’t believe this place is mine. We are opening at the end of the month, and I have yet to reveal the name I picked. I haven’t even told Amber. I shrug out of my filthy uniform and step into the shower and let the hot water run over me. I stand here for a moment, perfectly still, eyes closed. And, just like every other time I’ve closed my eyes since the day I met him, my thoughts drift to Ashton Walker.

I hate that he’s Brock’s brother and that I have an attraction to him I cannot fathom. I also hate the sad truth that we will never be, and know I need to put him out of my mind. While I usually try to banish him from my thoughts immediately, today, right now, I let myself—just for a moment—think of him as the warmth of the water envelops me. The thought of his smile, the one that tugs at the corners of his mouth, soothes me. I’m not sure if it’s the mere thought of him or the heat of the shower that has me lightheaded. I finish the shower, put on a fresh uniform, and put on a minimal amount of makeup before I head back to the kitchen to do my final run-through.

I have worked on the new menu for a while now, and I hope it will be well-received. People have already started to arrive, and my stomach is rolling.

“Are you ready to greet the masses? Or are you planning your escape?” Amber jokes behind me.

“I feel like I am about to hurl.” I groan.

“You’ll be fine, I promise.”

I peek out the little window in the kitchen door that looks out into the dining area, and that’s when I see him come in. He looks annoyed as he bursts through the door, but the change in his demeanor is immediate and undeniable when he’s greeted by Gigi. A warmth spreads through my chest.

“Okay, I’m ready,” I tell her as I push the doors open and step out into the dining area.

I try to avoid immediate eye contact with anyone, but when I scan the room, my gaze lands upon Ashton. He’s all the way across the room, but he sees me too. He smiles, and it calms me. I can’t help but smile back. How is it, that in just a second, with no words, he’s calmed my nerves? I know I should look away, but I don’t want to. I want to hold on to this feeling for just a second longer. It’s like we are having a wordless conversation from across the room. Brock appears next to him with Mikaela in tow. She looks stunning, of course, and for some reason I feel a pang of displeasure. I watch his head snap toward Brock, and the moment is effectively broken. I quickly walk off and start making my rounds. Every time I glance over at the table in the center, I see him talking to her or smiling at her, and it’s annoying me. What the hell? I reach the head of the table where there are two seats instead of the traditional one, and Brock joins me. He leans in and kisses my temple.

“It looks incredible in here, and if the smells in the kitchen are any indication, you will blow their minds.”

I look up at him and smile. Brock and I have become close over the past few weeks. Pretending to be a couple in love has forced us to get to know each other quickly. I loudly clear my throat.

“May I please have everyone’s attention?” I say, loud enough to be heard over the chatter in the room.

My cheeks redden as every single person in the room fixes their eyes on me.

“If everyone would be so kind as to take their place at their assigned seats, we are about to get started!”

I smile to the crowd and wait a few beats before I continue.

“We want to thank everyone for coming today. I know you all have very busy schedules and made the time to be here, so thank you,” I say as I look around the room. “Now, I hope that you’ll all enjoy the food prepared for you today, but I need total honesty. There is a card atop every plate, so if there is a dish you do not like, please tell us and why. Every table will have different meals. For those of you who have food allergies or certain dislikes, those were taken into consideration when we placed you at a table. If you have any concerns, please let me know.”

The servers all start coming out, right on cue. Amber has coached them perfectly; I knew she was the right woman for the job. I look over at Gigi and see her beaming with pride. I think she really has accepted me as part of the family, and while that has always been our goal, I feel bad. I want to include her in today’s celebration, so I make a last-minute decision.

“Now, before we get to start to dig in, I would like ask Gigi to lead us in prayer.”

I watch her rise to her feet and smile brightly. She is in her element; the woman seems comfortable speaking to a crowd, and I know for a fact that she loves her some Jesus. Every person present in the restaurant closes their eyes and bows their heads. Gigi says a prayer, and when she closes her prayer with amen, the sentiment echoes throughout the room.

“Without further ado, please enjoy your meals.”

Applause breaks out, and I cannot help the smile that brightens my face. Brock pulls me against him and squeezes my arm. We look at each other, and he flashes me his pearly whites as he pulls out my chair. I sit down and give him a grateful look. The servers start to deliver the food, and I scan the room for everyone’s reactions. My gaze keeps being pulled toward Ashton, who is in deep conversation with Mikaela. I don’t like it, not one bit. When he smiles at her, bile rises in my throat and an irrational anger toward Mikaela awakens. Ashton looks my way and raises a brow. I’m being ridiculous. I have zero claim on that man, and I like her. Mikaela is one of the sweetest and funniest people I have met in a long time. A tap on my shoulder forces me to turn away. It’s a food critic I invited, raving about the food and we talk for a few moments before she heads back to her table just as the servers start to bring dessert. Brock leans in.

“I think you’ve pulled it off, wifey,” Brock mutters in my ear.

I smile at him, genuinely pleased.

“We haven’t read any of the comment cards yet, but so far everyone is cleaning their plates.”

“Have you tasted this?” he says as he takes another bite of his dessert. “It’s incredible.”

“Hi, Mackenzie?”

I turn around and find Faye Blah standing next to me.

“Oh, hi!” I say, a bit surprised.

“I know you are really busy, but I was hoping we could have a quick word?” she says as she nervously scans the room.

She definitely has my attention.

“Sure,” I tell her. “Follow me.”

I turn to Brock, who is deep in conversation with one of the food critics. I excuse myself and lead Faye toward my office.

“I’m so sorry,” she says again as we make our way through the crowd. “But my boss is asking a lot of…” her voice trails off, and her eyes bug out as I open the door and step into my office.

I look at her, confused for a split second.


Ashton’s voice startles me half to death, and I grab my chest.

“Oh, Ashton. You scared the crap out of me. What are you doing in here?”

“Sorry, I had to take a phone call, and it was loud out there. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Oh, um. No, of course not,” I stammer.

He smiles, almost awkwardly.

“That call was very important, and I have to leave. Can you find your way back, Faye?”

She nods.

“Yes, Mr. Walker.”

“Good,” he grumbles.

He walks toward me and kisses my cheek.

“Thank you for lunch. It was incredible, as always.”

I want to tell him that he’s welcome, but I am flabbergasted, completely rendered silent by a simple brush of his lips against my cheek. He doesn’t wait for a response as he turns on his heel and stalks out.

Faye lets out a breath, and I snap out of it.

“Oh, my god,” she whispers. “That was close.”

I raise my brow.

“What’s going on, Faye?”

She rakes a hand through her hair.

“Ashton is asking questions about how we know each other, and I don’t know what to tell him. I know you don’t owe me anything, and when we told him that lie, I didn’t know you were engaged to his brother. I...” she sighs again. “I just don’t want to lose my job.”

Clearly, she wasn’t counting on ever having to see me again after that first night. And to be fair, neither had I. I smile at her.

“You have nothing to worry about. I won’t say a word, I promise. Honestly, that night I wasn’t engaged yet, and I hadn’t met Brock’s family, so I had no idea Ashton was his brother.”

Her brow furrows, and I chuckle.

“It’s weird, I know, but Brock and I have kept our relationship very private. We are private people,” I lie smoothly.

Clearly relieved, Faye thanks me once more and leaves. Once she closes the door behind her, I sag into my desk chair. I can’t believe a little kiss on the cheek has me off-kilter.

“Great,” I mutter out loud. “What am I going to do about this?”

* * *

The tasting, a little less than a week ago, was a great success. The consensus was unanimous: everyone loved the food. We still have a little bit of time before the grand opening and some details to iron out, but all in all, I am pretty happy. Today, Brock and I are going to a few local vineyards to try and decide on the house wines. I am meeting him at his office since he had a meeting he couldn’t get out of. It is pretty nice out today, so I’m rocking a sundress and really cute wedges. I’ve even put in some effort with my hair and slapped on some makeup. We hired a driver for the day so we can drink and not worry about having to drive. I am more than ready for some wine tasting.

I take a cab into Manhattan and head to Walker Inc. The high-rise that houses the company is grand and extravagant, so much so that I almost feel underdressed when I walk in. After a lukewarm greeting at the reception desk, that changes into an over the top game of ass-kissing when the girl finds out who I am, I make my way up the elevators and head to the thirty-eighth floor. When I arrive, I am greeted by a very attractive Asian girl who introduces herself as May, Brock’s assistant. He surrounds himself with a lot of beautiful females, and I find myself wondering if that is on purpose. She politely asks me to follow her, and I oblige. We walk to his office and find the door closed. May knocks, waits a beat, and then opens the door. Brock, who is talking on the phone, smiles brightly when he sees me. He holds up a finger to indicate he will be just be a moment. I return his smile and take a seat in the chair across from his desk. He hangs up just a few minutes later.

“So sorry about that,” he says with an apologetic smile. “I wish I could tell you I am done for the day, but it turns out I am needed here, so I won’t be able to go with you today.”

“Oh, well, I have to admit I am a little disappointed, but of course your job comes first. I totally get that.”

Brock rises and buttons his suit jacket.

“I’m glad you understand. Luckily though, I have found you a great replacement.”

“You have?”

“Pffft, great. The perfect replacement, you mean.”

I turn my head to look at him.

Oh crap, I think to myself

“Ready to go taste some wine, Mac?”