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The Beastly Groom (Texas Titan Romances) by Cami Checketts (10)

Chapter Ten

Knox gave up on sleep around four a.m. He crept into Shelby’s room and studied his daughter in the dim light from the hallway. She always slept curled up onto one side, hugging the pink stuffed bear Tyler had bought when he found out Paris was having a girl. They’d been stationed in Afghanistan and Knox could still remember how happy Tyler was, even though Paris had recently been caught cheating on him with multiple men and broken his heart.

Tyler must’ve had intuition that he would be killed soon. Knox had hated it when Tyler implied that he wouldn’t be going home. His friend spent hours on the phone and emailing lawyers, finalizing his divorce from Paris, setting everything up to give Knox all his money and custody of his unborn child. When Shelby was born, Tyler had been gone for two months and Knox had taken an early retirement from the Army. Paris had no trouble signing the paperwork to give Knox her daughter in exchange for an insane amount of money. She left the hospital two days later without even visiting the nursery on her way out the door.

Knox pushed out a breath, so grateful Paris and Tyler had given him this gift. Paris had tried to come around a few times to exploit Knox and Shelby for more followers on Instagram. Knox had been able to shield Shelby from her mother so far. He hoped Tyler could watch them from above.

Knox leaned forward and softly kissed Shelby’s cheek, inhaling the sweetness of baby lotion. Padding out of Shelby’s suite, he hurried down the stairs to his gym. He studiously avoided going anywhere near Ema’s room, though he did notice her door was still open. What did that mean? An invitation for him to check on her while she slept? Fire raced through him. He rushed down the hallway to his gym and took several long drinks of water from the water cooler before he started warming up on the treadmill.

His legs felt like they were full of sludge, and he was having trouble regulating his breathing. What was wrong with him? A woman hadn’t affected him in a long time. Ema had stolen his heart quickly and completely, and then admitted her career came first. Not that he blamed her—he was grateful for her honesty. She’d worked hard, and just because he was so invested in her didn’t mean she had to return the favor. He shouldn’t have asked her to stay. He should’ve asked her to date him, to take it slow. He scowled. He hated slow.

For Ema, he’d take what he could get. His mind churned out ideas to make a relationship between them work and instantaneously rejected them as he went through sprint sets on the treadmill and then started lifting on shoulders and lats. By seven a.m., he was sweaty, exhausted, and his body was wishing it could crawl back into bed, but his mind had come up with an idea that might work. If only Ema would agree.

Draining a bunch of water, he grabbed a pre-made protein shake out of the mini-fridge and downed it, then sprinted up the stairs to his suite. He didn’t want to be sweaty when he presented his plan. Hurrying through his shower and brushing his teeth, he sprayed some cologne and studied himself in the mirror. Was he nuts? What if Ema’s career was simply an excuse? Maybe she had no desire to be serious with him. He took a long breath. He’d been brave in the military more times than he could count. He was brave to basically raise a daughter by himself. He was brave on the football field. He could be brave when facing the most intriguing woman he’d ever met.

Forcing himself to march out of his bathroom, he checked on Shelby. Usually he loved when she awoke early and wandered over to his workout room to play close by, but today he was relieved she was asleep and he could talk to Ema before breakfast. He might explode if he waited. He called Genevieve, and she was happy to come sit in Shelby’s room and stay with her for as long as he needed. He didn’t tell his adopted aunt much, but he could tell she was dying to know the details. Maybe he’d have good news soon, but then maybe not.

Bounding down the stairs, he arrived at Ema’s door only to find it was now shut. Crap. He knocked quietly and waited. No response. Knocking again, he sent up a quick prayer to the good Lord, his mama, his sister, and Tyler. He needed all their help right now.

Quiet footsteps approached and then Ema swung the door open. She was in a white tank top and black workout capris. Knox swayed, overwhelmed by not only how gorgeous she was with her dark skin and hair contrasting with the white material of her shirt and the sleek muscles of her shoulders and arms being revealed, but by how hard he’d fallen for her. Even as he steadied himself, though, peace and warmth filled him. It was quick and insane, but it was right.

“Good morning,” he said in a breathy rush.

Ema smiled up at him. “Is it?”

“I sure hope so.”

Her smile grew, but her eyes were apprehensive. “I was just going to go for a walk around your property. Is that okay?”

“Of course.” But instead of stepping back and letting her go, he moved closer. “Could I come with you?”

She searched his face and his pulse quickened. She was going to say no. Then Shelby would wake up and they wouldn’t be alone until late tonight, and then what if Ema was feeling better and she left him today? Was she feeling better? This woman made his brain spin.

“Should you be walking? How’s your head and your ankle?”

She grinned. “I’m okay.”

Knox was happy she was okay, but terrified that meant she was leaving him, moving on to her next show. He didn’t even care what they aired about him anymore. He didn’t even care about the Wheaties box. He only wanted to tell Ema his plan, lay bare his heart, and then pray all of his angels and the Lord would convince her to give him a chance.

“I’ll walk slow.” She winked.

“And I’m definitely coming with you.”

“Big Mr. Demanding,” she teased.

Knox grinned. He called Shelby Little Miss Demanding, and he liked that Ema had picked up on it. He offered his hand. “Shall we?”

Ema looked down at his hand, then up at him. Was holding hands too much like a couple for her? Did that mean she didn’t want to be a couple with him? Finally, she placed her palm against his. He wrapped his fingers around hers and peace settled over him. This was right. She was right. He’d waited a long time to find the right woman, and now he simply had to be patient and make it work. He hated patience.

They walked down the stairs and outside without saying anything. They walked past the horses and barns and angled toward the lake. Knox’s heart was pounding so fast, he didn’t know if he could get a word out. They reached the lake and their steps slowed as they ambled along the bank. Knox wanted to stop and face her as he opened the floodgates to her, but he wasn’t that brave.

“Ema,” he ventured. “I had some ideas this morning.”

“Okay.” Her voice didn’t give anything away, but she squeezed his hand and that gave him a shot of courage.

“I think you’re amazing, all that you’ve accomplished, and I would never want to take away from your career.”

“Thank you,” she said.

“But I still want to get to know you better, date you. I want to be with you.” The words rushed out, and with them went his courage.

Ema stopped, and he would rather have kept walking than face her right now, but he turned to her and glanced down. The morning sun made her dark hair sparkle. Her eyes were interested, he thought. “Knox, I don’t think you can do a casual relationship, and I travel. Every week I’m in a different spot. I don’t see how we can grow a relationship—”

“I know, but I have an idea.” He took in a breath and said quickly, “I have my own jet and pilot. What if when you need to fly to different states, he takes you there for the two or three days that you’re filming and then he brings you back to Dallas? To me?”

Ema’s eyes widened. “You’re pretty serious about dating me.”

“Yeah, I am.” He swallowed and continued, “I also know a lot of famous people right here in Texas. Would you be opposed to filming as many of them as you feel is beneficial for your show, and then you wouldn’t have to travel at all for a while?”

Ema released his hand and took a step back. She looked torn, uncertain, and it ripped at Knox. He wasn’t demanding a lifelong commitment, just a chance to date. Was he being too strong? No, dang it, he wanted her and this was right. He knew it.

“The next few months are already scheduled out,” she stated.

“Okay, that’s okay. You can fly back and forth. It’s so much easier with your own jet, not going through security, waiting for the flight, layovers. And Shelby and I can come with you sometimes.” He lit up at the idea. He could watch her work, be right there. He could show her that he had some social skills and wasn’t a complete beast. With Ema and Shelby next to him, he could probably even be friendly with people, as long as they kept Shelby off the camera.

“Whoa, Knox, you really need to slow down.”

All his hopes deflated. She was saying no?

“Knox.” Ema laughed weakly, and it grated at him. “I’m not saying no.”

How did she know his ultimate fear? Losing her. “What are you saying, then?” he ground out.

“I’m saying … maybe, probably. But can you give me some time to think about it?”

He hated maybe. Probably was a little better. Thinking about it, in his limited experience with women, meant no. He was a soldier, a warrior. You didn’t stop and think about it; you attacked, you moved, and you fought.

“Please, Knox? I know you don’t do casual, and I don’t want to commit to something, then hurt you if it doesn’t work out. Please give me some time?”

Knox’s shoulders lowered. Please. How could he ever resist a please from her? The thing she didn’t seem to understand was that if she left him now, she would devastate him. Her worry about committing and then hurting him later was stupid. He was already committed. He nodded shortly.

Her lip quirked up in a smile, and she started to walk away.

“Where are you going?” he demanded.

Glancing back over her shoulder, her smile broadened. “To think about it.”

“Can I come with you?” He was such a needy little boy around this woman.

“No. Thinking about it means I need some space.”

“Like ten minutes?”

She laughed. “Maybe fifteen.” Shaking her head, she walked away from him, across the open space toward the trees.

Knox stood there, watching her go. He clenched and unclenched his fists. That hadn’t gone the way he’d planned at all. In his mind as he worked out this morning, she’d flung herself against him and told him of course she wanted a chance to date him and be with him and Shelby, and then they’d kissed longer than they had last night. He rubbed at his beard and forced himself to turn to the lake as Ema disappeared behind some trees. All his bravery was probably just stupidity.

* * *

Ema slowly walked through the trees on Knox’s property. Her ankle was still tender, but her head had felt much better this morning … until Knox confused her with his ideas. She loved that he’d come up with a plan to get to know each other better, to date, but there was something so intense about Knox. She didn’t want to hurt him or Shelby, ever. If she committed to dating him, flying back and forth on his plane to spend time with them or having the two of them come with her, that was like full-on dating and a seriously committed relationship. Did they know each other well enough to go for that? Every minute spent with him pulled her in deeper. What happened when football season started and he was busier than she was? What happened when their demanding careers pulled them completely apart? She was trying to think logically about this so she didn’t hurt Knox, but emotionally she was already too invested.

“Ema!” Mike’s voice pulled her from her contemplation.

She glanced up in time to see him jog from behind a tree. “Mike? What are you still doing here?”

He grinned. “I stayed in Knox’s guesthouse last night and I did a bit more filming of the ranch and Knox’s staff to flesh out the show. I’ve sent everything over to editing; they’ll get it ready for this weekend’s release.”

“Oh, great. But why are you still here?”

“Ema.” Mike’s voice deepened. In a burst of motion, he grasped her arms and pushed her up against the rough bark of a huge pecan tree. “I couldn’t leave you alone with the Beast.”

Ema stared at him. “He’s not a beast.”

Mike shook his head and moved in closer, his body overshadowing hers.

“You need to back up,” she said sternly. Why couldn’t Mike give up on the idea of them being a couple? How many times did she have to reject the guy?

“Ema, I’ve been in love with you for years. I won’t let you go without a fight.”

“I don’t—”

Mike cut off her protest by smashing his lips against hers and pushing her even harder into the tree. The bark scratched at her back, but the pressure of his lips and teeth grinding against hers was even worse.

Ema finally wrenched her head free. “Mike!” she yelled at him, wiping the wetness of him off her lips. “Get away from me!”

Mike glared down at her. “No. He can’t have you. You’re meant to be mine.”

He tried to kiss her again, but she yanked her head to the side and screamed, “Stop!” But words obviously weren’t working. Bringing her knee up quickly, she caught him in the groin and he released his grip and cried out in pain.

Ema slipped out from the small space between him and the tree, running toward what she hoped was the spot she’d left Knox. Her foot came down on a rock and her already sore ankle twisted. Ema screamed and went down, slamming her knees and hands into the rock-and-twig-strewn ground. She gasped in pain and fear traced through her as she heard Mike’s footfalls coming toward her. “Leave me alone,” she begged.

“Ema.” He pulled in a fast breath. “I wouldn’t hurt you. You didn’t need to knee me.”

“Just get away from me,” she said. She’d never thought he would hurt her, but he’d kissed her forcefully without her consent and she just wanted to be far away from him.

Footsteps pounded toward them through the trees. Ema looked up to see Knox sprinting at them. He looked glorious and terrifying. He zeroed in on Mike, and as Mike straightened to face him, Knox slammed his fist into Mike’s abdomen, lifting Mike off the ground and flinging him back into a tree. The momentum Knox had from his sprint and the strength of his punch could’ve killed someone.

Ema gasped out, “Knox.”

Deaf to anything but his rage, Knox picked Mike up by his clothes and hurled him forward through a bush. Mike slid along the ground on the other side. Knox stood over Mike, who was cowering on the ground.

“Don’t hurt me,” Mike begged, staring up into Knox’s clenched fist. “It was just a kiss!”

“You kissed her?” Knox growled.

Mike nodded, whimpering.

Ema could practically hear the muscles of Knox’s hand creaking as his fist squeezed tighter. “Knox. Please,” she said.

Knox looked like he might lay into Mike again, but instead he ground out, “Why did she scream?”

“I-I didn’t mean to scare her.”

Knox glanced over his shoulder at Ema. “Are you okay?”

She nodded, not sure how to respond. Mike had definitely gone too far pushing her into that tree and forcing her to kiss him, but she’d already kneed him. He didn’t deserve a thumping for it.

Knox reached down and grasped both of Mike’s arms, ripping him to his feet. “I want you off my property … Now!” he roared.

Mike’s head bobbed up and down. “Okay.”

Knox released him and Mike scampered away, not looking back.

Ema was still on her hands and knees as she watched the terrifying interaction. Was this really the man she wanted to love and commit to date seriously? He told her he’d turn back into the Beast if Ema or Shelby were threatened. On one hand, she loved that he would and could protect her from anything, but on the other hand, why hadn’t he stopped and asked her what was happening before he went into beast mode and thumped her film guy? Mike was a horrible kisser and didn’t have a clue about women, but as the horror of him kissing her faded away she thought he was telling the truth that he wouldn’t have hurt her.

Knox’s chest was heaving with emotion. He strode to her side and gently lifted her to her feet. Ema pulled from his grasp and backed away.

“Ema,” he murmured. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.” She wrapped her arms around her stomach and shook her head. “That was overboard, Knox.”

His eyes widened and he pointed toward the direction Mike had escaped. “That?”

“He wasn’t going to hurt me, and you could’ve killed him coming at him with your speed and strength. He was helpless on the ground and you wouldn’t quit. This isn’t some football game or war.”

Knox reared back. “You screamed, Ema. Twice. Then when I saw you, you were on the ground and he was bent over you. Did you really expect me to stop and say, ‘Hey, this looks like an uncomfortable situation, how should we work it out?’”

Ema could see his point, but her body was trembling from the adrenaline rush settling. She was confused by Knox sweetly asking so much from her earlier and now seeing him go into full-on beast mode. It was all too much.

“I don’t know, Knox.” She shook her head. “I don’t think you and I are going to work. You want some pledge of a committed relationship after knowing each other four days? You don’t do casual, and right now casual is all I have time or energy for. You have a commitment to your daughter that is much bigger than the two of us. And honestly, you’re just too … intense for me. I don’t know that I want a boyfriend who’s going to slaughter some guy for trying to kiss me.” Her Hawaiian heritage was all about no worries and being chill. Knox definitely wasn’t chill.

Knox’s lips got thinner as she talked and his brows drew tighter together. He didn’t say anything when she finished, and she could hardly meet his gaze. A muscle worked in his jaw and his shoulders bunched together as he clenched his hands into fists. She knew he would never hurt her, but he looked like he needed to punch something, or somebody. Hopefully Mike had already vacated the property, for his own sake.

Ema waited, wanting him to acknowledge her fears, maybe talk through them with her. She’d laid it all out there and it was ugly. Some of it was unfair to him, but it was all legitimate worries she needed to work through. Part of her had fallen for him harder and faster than he’d fallen for her, but most of her was very scared and uncertain and needed to escape the Beast’s lair and have a few days, or maybe years, to think this all through.

Knox’s mouth opened, then closed. Finally he shook his head and simply turned and walked away from her.

Ema didn’t move as his broad shoulders disappeared through the trees. She sank onto the ground and rested her back against the rough wood of a pine tree. Tears pricked her eyes, then started flowing down her cheeks. She thought she might be in love with Knox Sherman, and that scared her more than anything.