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The Best Friend Bargain (Kisses in the Sand) by Robin Bielman (15)

Chapter Fifteen

Olivia stared up at the ceiling. When she was little and couldn’t sleep she’d had glow-in-the-dark stars to count and connect with imaginary lines to make pretty geometric shapes. They’d been a gift from her nana and the two of them had stuck them to the ceiling on one of nana’s rare visits. The best thing about them was that Olivia felt like she had a piece of her grandmother with her every time she crawled into bed.

Since leaving White Strand, the only person filling her head before she fell asleep was Danny. Tonight, more than ever, because she had no idea what to say to him when he showed up tomorrow morning.

Danny had left her. Just like Will. And just like her other boyfriends before him. But Danny’s leaving hurt a million times worse, and she didn’t know if she could be around him and not be resentful. She’d try, of course. Because no matter how many times she had a talk with herself, she couldn’t turn off any of her feelings for him.

His making the trip to San Francisco made her anxious and happy. It stirred up hope on the one hand and hate on the other. Could she see him again and not fall apart if things were weird between them?

Time and distance were of little consolation if being together hurt more than it healed. Two weeks ago, with nowhere else to go, Liv had gratefully accepted her old boss’s offer to stay with her for a little while and contemplate a job offer. If Liv didn’t want a full-time position with the new company, an offer to work freelance was on the table. This morning Liv had decided independence worked best for her and her baby, and the two women had struck a self-employment deal. Maybe Danny would help her find her own apartment this weekend, somewhere close enough to the city that she could drive in to the office when needed.

Which meant Liv had to tell him about the promise she’d made to Mrs. L. That sweet, little old woman could talk a vegetarian into eating an all-beef patty with special sauce. She’d gotten Liv to agree to consider renting the guesthouse from Danny for her place of business. Liv knew Mrs. L. was playing matchmaker and, at the time, Liv hadn’t known how much she’d like living in San Francisco. She owed a phone call to Mrs. L. now that she’d decided to stay up north.

A buzzing noise broke into the silence in the dark room. Happy for the interruption, she reached under the covers for her cell phone. “Honor, hi!”

“Hey, Olivia. I hope I’m not calling too late, but I have a quick question.”

“Is everything okay?” She and Honor had kept in touch over the past couple of weeks, Honor sworn to secrecy about Liv’s whereabouts.

“Everything’s fine, but Bryce is no help whatsoever.”

“Linc knows I’m helpful,” Bryce called out, his voice easy to hear in the background.

“We’ll just let him think that,” Honor said under her breath. “So, outside evening party. Would you rather have candles or hurricane lamps?”

Liv wasn’t sure why Honor needed her opinion instead of the hosts of the party. “Candles.”

“That’s what I thought, too. Thanks.”

“You’re… Oh,” she said, feeling little flutters from Baby Lincoln. She put her hand on her stomach, hoping to feel the movement again.

“Did the baby just kick?” Honor asked excitedly.

“How did you know?”

“The sound of your voice,” Honor said.

“I just started feeling little twitches this week.”

“That’s amazing. I can’t imagine how that must feel. Not yet anyway.”

“You’re doing it the right way,” Liv said. “Fall in love, get married, then have a baby.”

“Hey, there is nothing wrong with the way you’re doing it, girlfriend. Sometimes life throws us curveballs and there is no such thing as a right order. Normally, I’m a totally fly by the seat of my pants kind of girl.”

“You’re also a good friend,” Liv said as her phone beeped with another incoming call. She glanced at the screen. “Hey, I’ve got to go, but we’ll talk soon.” She couldn’t ignore her mother’s call, no matter how much she wanted to.

“For sure. Bye!” Honor said quickly before disconnecting.

“Hi, Mom.”

“Hi, Olivia.”

Liv paused. Her mom hadn’t said “hello” but “hi.” She couldn’t remember the last time her mom had offered the more casual greeting. Quiet lingered over the phone waves.

“I called to wish you a Merry Christmas next week.”

“Thanks. You, too.” Her mom and Jim were traveling out of town again, seemingly content to avoid Liv for all family holidays. Liv had foolishly hoped that when she’d told her mother the truth about the baby and that the wedding was off, her mom would find some decency and extend an invite to spend the holiday with her and Jim. It hadn’t happened. Probably never would.

“How is San Francisco?”

“It’s good,” Liv answered with extra enthusiasm to counter the dour tone of her mother’s voice. There would be no steps back for womankind because her mother didn’t approve of her choices. Single women had babies. They adopted babies. They worked and ran businesses at the same time they had babies. Olivia no longer needed anyone to fill the void she’d felt three months ago.

“Jim and I thought we’d drive up next month.”

Liv’s heart stopped. From hope or worry that her mother would let her down, she didn’t know. Her mom had “thought” things before and not followed through. Stop. Take this olive branch and think the best of it. She had to accept she’d never have a close relationship with her mom, but this gesture meant something.

“I’d like that.”

Another awkward silence followed before they said their goodbyes and hung up. Liv tossed her phone onto the pillow beside her, rolled to her side, and tucked her hands under her cheek. She finally fell asleep around midnight.

The next morning she took one more glance at herself in the bathroom mirror before flipping off the light switch. The ivory shift dress fit comfortably with her new curves, the stretch corded lace overlay and scalloped hem classic and pretty. Her loose up-do looked effortless even though it had taken her twenty frustrating minutes to get it right. And her new Burt’s Bees lip gloss made her lips look a little plumper.

She was ready for whatever Danny threw at her today.

Glancing around her bedroom for her cell, she found it next to her overnight bag on the unmade bed. She picked up both and stepped over the clothes strewn about the floor on her way to the living room. A chirp alerted her to a text. She glanced down.

Expect a knock on the door in sixty seconds. Danny’s text said.

Okay, she texted back. Perfect timing. She quickly scribbled a note to her sleeping roommate to wish her a good weekend and left it on the kitchen counter.

When the soft knock sounded at the door, Liv’s legs trembled. Her nerves went all shaky and shy. He’s just a guy, she reminded herself. Chill out.

The quick pep talk lasted all of five seconds, though, because the man standing on the other side of her door when she opened it wasn’t Danny.

“Miss Lincoln?” Tall, dark, and mysterious asked.


“I’m Derek. I’ll be your driver today. You ready to go?”

Those quivery nerves of hers weren’t ready at all. She didn’t like surprises. Danny knew she didn’t like surprises. She held up her pointer finger. “Just a minute, please.” What’s going on? she texted. Where are you?

I’m waiting for you, he texted back. Like that told her anything. But the bubbles on her phone screen said he wasn’t finished. I’ve planned a scavenger hunt for you. Now stop wasting time and go with Derek.

She didn’t know whether to run back into her bedroom and hide or order Derek to make this fast so she could get her hands on Danny. Love game, his email had said the other day, but she hadn’t expected this. Was this about friendship…or more? She’d accepted feeling some worry about her future and had quit feeling regret about her past, but Danny still held power over both.

She looked up. Derek raised his brows in question. “I’m ready,” she said.

He took her bag and led her to a sleek, black town car where he made sure she was comfortable in the backseat before driving away from her building.

She eyed a Starbucks cup in the cup holder and paper bag on the seat. Lifting the cup, she inhaled the scent of hot chocolate before taking a sip. She’d eaten a bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios earlier so she left the baked treat in the bag for later. A tiny cream-colored notecard sat atop it, though. She opened it.

You really get my engine running.

She grinned at the sentiment. Was that her first clue? If so, she guessed they weren’t just driving around the block. “Can you give me a hint where we’re headed first?”

“I could. But then I’d be a dead man.” Derek’s friendly eyes briefly met hers in the rearview mirror. He turned on the radio, but Liv didn’t really hear the music over the musings in her head.

All too soon they left the city and continued heading south. This morning’s skies were blue, the leaves on the trees swayed in the cold breeze. A half hour passed, then an hour. Liv fidgeted. She’d anticipated the whole hunt taking an hour or so and being with Danny by now. Instead, she watched the ocean out her passenger window and debated on whether to text him.

He beat her to the punch. Enjoy your view until the next clue.

She settled against the leather seat and tried to relax. They had to be close to their destination. Maybe Danny had planned a stay in Carmel for the two of them. That was it, she thought, happy with her theory.

Sure enough, they parked in front of a cute little café in the small, stylish beach town. Derek opened her door, gave her his hand. “The code word is honey,” he said.

Liv wrinkled her nose. Derek did that chin lift thing guys do to indicate she should walk toward the entrance and presumably go inside, so she did. The hostess at the counter greeted her with a friendly “hello.”

“Hi. I think I’m supposed to give you the code word honey?”

“Oh, Olivia!” The woman’s face broke into a giant smile. “It’s nice to meet you.” She bent down, vanishing from sight for a moment, and popped back up holding an iced bundt cake beautifully wrapped in cellophane with a small card tied to the gold ribbon. “For you,” the hostess said.

Liv took the cake and turned for privacy to read the note.

Nothing is as sweet or delicious as you, Maybug…except maybe this.

On the other side of the notecard it said “Honey Bun Cake.” Liv sucked in her bottom lip. The memory of falling into Midge’s birthday cake and Danny flirting with her danced through her mind.

Someone tapped Liv on the shoulder. She turned. “Derek is waiting,” the hostess said.

Olivia hurried back to the car.

Their next stop came an hour later in the quaint town of Los Gatos, still more miles away from San Francisco. Derek parked in front of a floral shop where ironwork and flowered vines decorated the storefront. Liv walked into the store and before she could say hello, a young woman presented her with a giant bouquet of yellow, pink, and white daisies.

A notecard sat nestled in the middle of the flowers.

They say flowers are sunshine and make people feel better, happier. But you are my sunshine, Olivia, the light when I see only dark.

Liv wiped at the tears in the corner of her eyes.

God, she wanted to see Danny already. If his goal was to make her yearn for him it was working. She got back in the car and sent a text. Tell me I’m close.

Not close enough. Relax and enjoy the ride. I’m not going anywhere.

Derek continued southbound on highway 101, heading somewhere halfway between San Francisco and White Strand, she guessed.

But halfway came and went. Derek stopped to get them sandwiches and bottles of water, which they ate while driving. She fell asleep for a little while. Her next “clue” came from a lovely older man who owned a gift shop in Solvang. He presented her with a large snow globe that held a yellow half moon, sparkling white stars, and the planet Earth inside it. On the bottom of the base were the words, You mean the world to me.

Her thoughts took flight. With each passing hour and each amazing, thoughtful sentiment, her heart pounded harder and faster.

And she felt more certain she knew where Derek was taking her: back to White Stand. The anticipation made it hard to sit still.

The time neared four o’clock when Derek pulled off the freeway in Santa Monica to get gasoline. Liv looked at her gifts and could barely breath. Excitement, gratitude, love filled her and she hoped the next hour went quickly.

Someone tapped on her window. She turned her head to find Derek holding a lovely ornate silver mirror. She opened the door and accepted it from him. Written at the bottom of the glass in Danny’s neat writing was, Who is the most beautiful person I’ve ever laid eyes on?

Liv looked at herself in the mirror. His choice of words meant everything to her. A text sounded on her phone. You.

When Derek got back behind the wheel Liv said, “Would you mind breaking the speed limit? I’m in a hurry.”

He looked over his shoulder and grinned. “Not at all.”

She smiled and rested her hands on her stomach, hoping to alleviate the queasiness. The nervous, crazy-about-you kind of queasy she felt only for Danny.

Butterflies kicked into high gear when the car pulled up in front of his house and she looked out the window. It had taken almost nine hours to get to the man standing curbside.

He’d brought her back home.

She took a moment to stare at his familiar, gorgeous face while her insides melted. When he opened the car door and helped her out, her hand shook. “Hi,” he said.

“Hi,” she said back, finding it hard to locate her voice. He was so handsome in a white button down, loose at the neck and black dress pants. His hair had that magazine cover style going on and his eyes…his eyes were warm, vulnerable, and yet wolfish, too.

“God, I’ve missed you.” He cupped her face with his warm hands, gave her a second to pull away, and when she didn’t, smashed his mouth to hers. No hesitation, no sweetness. This kiss said to hell with just being friends. The way he parted her lips and pushed his tongue inside took hot and animalistic to a whole new level.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and answered his kiss with her own longing. He tasted like mint and man, and she wanted to suck face with him until morning. He had other ideas and pulled back. His all too appealing smile beat every other smile in the history of smiles.

“You look beautiful.” He took her in from head to toe, lingering a few extra seconds on her abdomen.

“Thank you.”

“Of all the things I’ve seen in my life, the greatest and best thing by far is you.”

Her legs shook so badly at his sweet words she needed help staying upright. He put his hands on her waist.

“Danny,” she said, breathless. A cool breeze fanned over her cheeks, the smell of the sea and wood burning in a fireplace teased her nose. Her eyes drifted shut to take everything in.

She felt him staring and pictured that dimpled, confident expression of his that rendered her defenseless. Gah. Did he have to be so beautiful, too? Even behind her eyelids?

“Look at me, Maybug.” She did. “I want to stare into your eyes when I say the rest of what I need to say to you.”

Oh. Liv released a deep breath and held eye contact. “Okay.”

In her periphery she was vaguely aware of activity near the open side gate to the backyard. Voices. Bits and pieces of color and movement that didn’t belong. “But first,” she added, “thank you for getting me here like you did. I loved almost every minute of it.”

His impish grin told her he knew his game had worked its magic on her, but that it took a damn long time to get here. Sliding the back of his hand along her cheek, he dropped the playful attitude and said, “I’ve been going insane all day.”

“Well, now that you’ve got me here, please tell me what’s going on.”

He took a deep breath, lifted both her hands into his. “I love you, Maybug. Your smile, your frown, your messiness, your humor, your body, your accents, the list goes on and on, and I don’t want to fight these feelings anymore.”

Goose bumps sprang up on her skin.

“I’ve been looking for my happiness for a long time and it wasn’t complete until you. I don’t want to miss another day of seeing you, looking at your beautiful face and knowing you’re mine. With every sunrise I want to watch your eyes open to greet the day, and when I can only feel, I want to kiss you awake and whisper how much I love you.”

A tear slid down her cheek. “Oh, Danny. I love you, too, so, so much, and I promise I’m going to be by your side for every sunrise so I can whisper back that I adore and cherish you, too.”

“That’s an awfully big promise when—”

“Shh.” She lifted his hands and put them on her face. Held them there beneath her own. “You already see so much, Danny, and you’ll always, always be able to touch me whenever you want.” A flash of lust sparked in his eyes, and she was pretty sure he saw the same in hers. “Besides, I kind of like the idea of you not seeing my wrinkles. You’ll always see me as youngish.”

He moved his hands to her belly. “I love this baby, too, and I want to have more with you.”

“I would love that.” Holy shit, this was really happening. “But we—”

He cut her off with a finger pressed to her lips. Then he got down on one knee and pulled a small velvet box out of his pocket. Her heart raced.

“Olivia May Lincoln”—he opened the box to reveal the prettiest diamond ring Liv had ever seen—“will you marry me?”

She nodded. She grinned so hard her face hurt. She refrained from tackle hugging him so he could lift the ring out of the box. “Yes! Yes, I’ll marry you.”

Danny slid the ring onto her finger. They both stared at it as she flexed her hand for a good look. “It’s beautiful.”

He swept a strand of hair away from her face. “The most beautiful thing in my world is you. So, you ready to do this?”


“Close your eyes?”

She complied without thought, linked her arm with his.

After a few steps, Danny paused, turned her, and tipped her chin up with a soft press of his fingers. His lips brushed hers. “I love you.”

“Love you back,” she said, eyes still shut.

“Ready for one last clue?”

She sensed him lifting his arm and waving over her shoulder. Was he signaling someone? “Very ready. And Danny?”


“I love you, and I’m apologizing now because those are my new favorite words and I think I’m going to be saying them a lot.”

“How about for the next sixty years?”

“I like that plan.”

“Excellent.” He tucked her into his side and walked her toward the backyard. They stopped, by her estimation inside the gate, and he said, “You can open your eyes now.”

What she saw made her heart sing a symphony. She glanced at him, glanced back at the incredible sight before her, glanced at him again. He’d planned their wedding! The most perfect, most beautiful wedding she’d ever seen.

The backyard transformation from simple to simply stunning took her breath away. Family and friends, including her mom and stepdad, sat in white chairs on either side of an aisle decorated with baby’s breath. A striking wedding arch with pink, red, and white daisies, ivy, and tulle, stood at the end of the aisle, and Pastor Michael waited beneath it with a smile on his face. Bryce and Zane, wearing black dress pants and blue button downs, flanked the pastor. Candles were everywhere, casting a breathtaking glow on the yard, and her conversation last night with Honor made perfect sense now.

She glanced around some more. Everyone who meant something was here to watch them tie the knot.

“What do you say, Maybug? Ready to get hitched?” Danny asked.

“Well, I’d hate to disappoint everyone, so I guess so.”

He brushed a kiss to the shell of her ear. “You’ve just made me the happiest, luckiest man alive.”

Squeezing his arm, she said, “You make me happier than I ever dreamed.”

“I thought we’d walk down the aisle together,” he continued softly. “Then later on I plan to accidentally smear buttercream frosting across your mouth and kiss it off you.”

“There’s no one else I’d rather walk or eat cake with. Oh!” She quickly picked up Danny’s hand and brought it to her stomach. “Someone else wants to be a part of this, too.”

With his palm flat on her belly, Danny concentrated on where their hands rested.

Baby Lincoln-Ellis moved again.

“Holy shit. I felt that,” Danny said, awe in his grin. Lifting his head, his eyes met hers. “Thank you, Liv. For bringing me back to life. I love you.”

A clear, high-pitched whistle sounded from across the yard. “You guys going to stand there all day?” Bryce called out.

She and Danny dropped their arms and side-by-side, linked fingers. “You ready to do this?” Liv asked.

“I’m ready for it all,” Danny said.




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