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The Beta's Love Song (Hobson Hills Omegas) by C.W. Gray (2)

Chapter Two

Sawyer Gregor could have cheered and danced a jig when the plane finally landed. California to Maine was a long flight, especially with three kids.

“Dad, do you think Mo is okay?” Harry looked worried. Mo was their border collie and currently slept in a large carrier with the baggage.

“Mo is all drugged up. He’ll be fine,” Sadie answered before he could. His eldest packed her headphones into her bag. “Daisy and Chunky are okay too. Don’t worry, buddy.”

“We’ll see them all in just a bit, sweetheart,” Sawyer told his youngest. “Get your bag ready.” He looked behind them. “You ready Ryder?”

Sawyer’s twelve-year-old popped his head over the seat. “I’m good. Do you think Uncle David will remember us? I remember him.”

“I know he will,” Sawyer said. He just hoped David let him in the door. The thought that he’d get to see his best friend again after five years made the horrible flight seem like nothing. He could already see David’s dark eyes dancing with humor and that mouth of his grinning. His mouth had haunted Sawyer’s dreams since the day they’d met.

“What’s the wooing plan,” Sadie asked. She held her arms out for the carrier with Daisy and Chunky. He handed it to her, then grabbed Sadie and Harry’s bags. Ryder already has his strapped on. His omega son waited on them all, grinning and bouncing in the aisle.

“I guess that’s up to David,” Sawyer said. “I haven’t spoken with him in five years. I don’t know what he’ll think about us.”

“He’ll love us, Dad,” Harry said, green eyes full of innocent certainty. “We’re great.”

Sawyer laughed and grabbed his son in a hug. He tried to wiggle away, but Sawyer hugged him tight. “We are great, son.”

It was late when they finally rented the car and got on the road. Their three pets were situated in their carriers in the back of the jeep with the baggage, and the kids snuggled together in the backseat. It was time for their weekly videocall with their mother.

“Hey guys.” Gina’s voice came through the tablet. “How’s it going?”

“Hi Mom,” Ryder said. “We’re in Maine! We flew here, and Mo, Chunky, and Daisy are okay. We’re going to the inn now.”

“It’s called Hobson Hills Inn, Mom,” Harry added. “They have Wi-Fi and cable and they let pets stay for free.”

“That sounds nice,” Gina said, vaguely. “I have to go now, guys. Work needs me. Have a good time.”

Well, that was a short call, Sawyer thought. It seemed like they got shorter and shorter, but he shouldn’t be surprised. Gina had never been one to spend time with the kids in person. Now that it was more complicated, she put in even less effort. Sawyer also noticed that Sadie hadn’t said a damn thing during the call. His eldest wasn’t adjusting well like the other two. She had already resented her mom’s obsession with work. After the divorce and Gina’s move to France, it was much worse.

“Dad, there’s so much snow,” Ryder said. “Do you think we’ll be able to sled?”

“I want to make a snowman,” Harry said. “Why didn’t we get to have snow back at our old house?”

“Because California doesn’t get snow,” Sadie said. “This is really pretty, though, isn’t it? Even at night. You’ll love it here, Harry.”

Three hours later, they stopped for gas. They were only about thirty minutes from the inn and the boys were out cold, so Sadie moved up front. “Dad, I think you should buy a ring for Uncle David. You need to let him know you’re serious, that you’re committed to making it work.”

“Why are you so worried about this, baby girl? You know your Uncle David will be happy to see you. He may not want to be with me, but he always loved you kids.”

“I want you to be happy. The boys don’t remember it, but you were so… I don’t know, light and happy, when Uncle David was around. When he left, you changed, got quieter. It never affected us, so the boys didn’t notice.”

“I hope he wants me too, Sadie, but we’ll have to wait and see.”

“You want to marry him, right?”

He wanted David anyway he could get him. “It’s been five years. It may be slow going.”

“You didn’t answer my question.”

He gritted his teeth. He hated being so vulnerable in front of anyone, little less his daughter. “Yes, I would love to marry him.” Even after five years of no contact. Even without knowing a damn thing about his new life. His dream was to have David beside him, not as a best friend, but as his husband, his partner. “Are you sure you’ll be okay if we move here? You won’t be able to go to the academy anymore.”

“Trust me,” she said. “That’ll make me the happiest person in the world. I hate only seeing you guys on the weekends and holidays. That was Mom’s idea anyway. We’ll get a house here soon, right?”

“We’ll know more in the morning, after I talk with him.”

“I think Ryder, Harry, and I should stay at the inn while you talk. I know Ryder’s excited to see him, but you need time to woo him.”

“What’s with all the wooing?”

“I may have been reading romance novels back to back. I think it’s soaking into my brain.”

Sawyer laughed. God, he loved his kids. They pulled into the inn and a man ran out to help them with their luggage. The tall man smiled and held his hand out. “I’m Ray. We’ve talked on the phone.”

“Yes,” Sawyer said, happy to see the man who had given him the best Christmas present in the world. “You didn’t have to meet us this late.”

“Mr. Green goes to bed early, so I knew no one would be able to help with your bags. I got your keys already. Come on.” He picked up three of the suitcases and headed for the building.

“Is that Ray?” Harry grabbed his Star Wars BB-8 backpack and ran after him. Sawyer shook his head. Harry had taken a liking to the private detective, stealing the phone to talk to him almost every time he called. Sadie opened Mo’s crate and the Border Collie clumsily hoped down. His medicine packed a punch. Sawyer handed Chunky and Daisy’s carrier to Ryder and the boy rolled the sleepy cats into the inn. He grabbed the remaining bags and locked up the jeep.

He met the rest of them in front of three doors on the ground floor. “I only reserved one room,” he said, frowning.

“Oh, Mr. Green made it three rooms since you’ll be here just for tonight and tomorrow morning.”

“What? We’re here for two weeks.”

“You’ll either be staying with David or you’ll be staying at this nice little rental house Gramps found. He didn’t like the idea of you all crammed into a room for two weeks. Mr. Green already refunded the money for the other days.”

“Gramps? Is that your grandpa, Ray?” Harry stared up at the man adoringly.

“He’s kind of like my adopted grandpa. He’s the head of the Wilson family. They’re all over the place here. They’re also the reason I hunted down your dad.”

“I like them, then,” Harry said, nodding. It was done. He’d like the Wilson family forever now.

“You boys go in here,” Ray said, pointing to the middle room. Ryder and Harry rolled the cats in with them. “Ms. Sadie, you have this room. It has a nice view of the woods behind the inn.” Sadie smiled and carried her bags inside, Mo at her heels. “Sawyer, this is your room. Come on, let’s talk.”

“Is there something wrong?”

“I’ve heard some things since the last time we talked.”

“Okay?” They entered the large room and Sawyer promptly plopped in one of the chairs, exhausted. The last few days had been crazy.

“You love David, right?”

“More than anything. I wish I would have realized it before he left.”

“You know he’s always wanted kids.”

“Yeah. He loves my three, and he’ll be a good dad.”

“He’s having a baby.”

“What?” Sawyer sat up straight. “David is in a relationship? I thought you said he was single and that his friend, Grey, would keep it that way.”

“He is single. He hired a surrogate,” Ray said, watching him carefully.

Sawyer breathed a sigh of relief, slumping in his chair. “Fuck, man. You scared me.”

“Did you hear me? He’s having a baby. Are you alright with that?”

“Of course.” David had wanted kids so much. “If things go the way I want them to, we’ll raise the baby together, right alongside my three.”

Ray grinned. “Glad to hear it. Now I won’t have to chase you out of town.” He stood. “I’ll let you get some sleep. You’ll go and see him in the morning. He’s supposed to go with me to a New Year’s Eve party, but, assuming you don’t screw it up, that date is all yours.” He headed toward the door but turned back. “Oh, yeah. There’s a bakery right across the street. Zoe Wilson owns it and insists you send the kids over there for breakfast in the morning while you talk with David. She’s good people.”

“Thanks, Ray.” The man left, and Sawyer looked around his room, the quiet eerie. He closed his eyes, thinking about his life. He’d spent sixteen years with a woman that he didn’t especially like. He had three great kids, yes, but sixteen years with a workaholic who cared about her job more than her family was hard. He’d been free of her for two years now but hadn’t found what he’d been looking for until Ray called him Christmas morning. In the modern age, it shouldn’t have taken this long to find one man.


After a restless night of sleep, Sawyer wrangled the kids and fed the pets. “You’re sure you three will be okay at the bakery?” All three nodded. “You know not to talk to strangers, and Sadie is in charge.”

“Why does she always get to be in charge?” Ryder wrinkled his nose, trying to look displeased, but only looking adorable.

“Because she’s fifteen and you’re twelve. You have my number and I’ll be back as soon as I can. Hopefully with David.”

A young blond in an apron popped up behind him, scaring the shit out of him. “Hi! You must be Sawyer Gregor. I’m Zoe Wilson.”

“Hi,” Harry said, waving. “Ray told us you were really nice. Are you going to have breakfast with us while Dad goes and woos Uncle David?”

“I sure am,” she said, walking them to a table right next to the front counter. Three plates of bacon, eggs, and sourdough toast sat on the table. Ray sat eating his own plate of food. Zoe bounced from foot to foot. “Here’s your breakfast kids. I hope you like scrambled eggs. Can they have sweets, Sawyer?”

“They can, but in moderation,” he answered, blown away by her consideration.

“Perfect! I got this. Go get your man,” she said, pointing to the door and handing him a carrier with two steaming cups of coffee.

“Good luck,” Ray said, smiling when Harry sat beside him and started rambling.

Sawyer marched out the door and walked the two blocks to David’s house. The town of Hobson Hills was in lovely, but it was in transition. Christmas was over and with it all the magic and wonder. Decorations were in the slow process of disappearing now that the New Year was about to begin, and the windows and doors looked bare. Sawyer could sympathize. He was in transition himself.

David’s house was a huge, pale blue Victorian with white gingerbread trim. He noted the small balcony over the attached gazebo, the bow windows on the second floor, and the spacious wraparound porch. The front yard was small, but he could see a white vinyl fence, hiding a backyard. It was a house meant for a family. His family. He took a deep breath and walked up the steps. For a few moments, he stared at the wooden door. The glass panels revealed a blurred, warm look inside. He closed his eyes and knocked.




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