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The King's Virgin Bride: A Royal Wedding Novella (Royal Weddings Book 1) by Natalie Knight (110)


I drive fast down the streets of the city.

It feels good to get away from the mansion and from all that fucking drama. With Percy there, it's like a race to see who will get father's money. And that, to me…it's just fucking despicable, and a horrible thing to focus on after his death. 

I want to commemorate his memory for the amazing person that he was, not fight for the scraps of his fortune. The problem is, if Raine's Petroleum goes to the wrong hands then father's legacy will end forever.

It's an absolute disaster.

I know Stacy is a key component to all this but I still don't know why. So that’s the reason I'm racing to get to her side. Percy’s allowed her out of the house for once, and I've taken the opportunity to meet her for lunch.

The girl deserves to be wine and dined.

I can't wait to get Percy out of the equation so that I can turn the full force of my attention towards Stacy.

I miss her. I really do. I feel like I haven't seen her in days. Strange for me to miss someone, but it feels good.

I pull up to Don Juan's Tequila Bar and toss my keys to the valet. I figure this place is perfect to help take her mind off of everything. And, if anything, the tequila will get her talking.

I want this girl.

My cock is twitching at the thought of getting to fuck her at least one more time. And something tells me she'll be down with it. I made her come hard before, and hopefully she's looking for that again. 

I stride in and scan the room for the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. She sitting at a corner booth, already brooding over her margarita. 

"Margarita time, huh?” I ask her, taking the seat in front of her.

She grins. "Yup, with sugar, not salt, and extra lime."

"I'll have what she's having." I say to the waiter, who disappears just as quickly as he appeared. "Let me taste it."

I take the glass and glide my tongue over the sugary rim before taking a long sip of the lime-infused tequila. She stares at me, and her eyes reveal everything I need to know.

"Not nearly as good as you are," I say, and I notice her cheeks flushing.

"Funny," she says, managing a weak smile.

"Why so broody?" I lean onto the table, sitting as close to her as possible so that I have all access just in case I decide to finger her under this table or smooth my hands over her tight little body as I try to comfort her. "Something is obviously wrong."

I kiss her cheek, her neck. I take in the fucking awesome view of her tits that peek out from her tiny tank top.

She’s perfect. So sexy. Even when she’s got something bothering her.

"Everything’s wrong, Kieran. My life’s a total mess, that's what. There's almost too much to tell. I don't even know where to start."

"Okay, start from the top. What’s the most pressing thing you need to tell me?"

She sizes me up, trying to determine if she can confide in me.

I give her a disarming smile, the one that works every time.

"Come on, I’m an excellent secret keeper."

She laughs a little, but sobers quickly as she takes a breath, preparing to let me in.

"Well, this first secret might make you mad. I hope it doesn't, but it might."

"Okay, what is it?" My margarita arrives just in time. I have no idea what she's about to tell me but it can't be good with all this anticipation. I knock the whole thing back like it’s a fucking shot.

"Alright, well…I think you should know that I didn’t just sleep with you, but I also slept with Carter...and with Nolan."

It takes me a minute to process, but when I do, the news blows me away. But for some reason, I’m less angry than I would expect in this situation.

In fact, it kind of makes me even hornier. I want this girl. She knows what she wants and she’s not afraid to go after it. And if what she wants is both of my brothers—and me, of course—well, the more the merrier, I guess.

At least she's not lusting after fucking Percy or some other creep.

"That’s okay. Really. I can handle it. As long as I can have you, I can compartmentalize the rest."

"Really? Because I was sure you'd be so angry." Her expression is hopeful. So hopeful that it makes me want to do whatever she wants if she’ll just keep looking at me like I’m some kind of hero.

"I'm not. It's okay. I promise." I actually mean it.

"Okay,” she sighs, relief washing over her face. “Well, that was the worst of it. I'm so glad you're not mad."

"And what’s the rest?"

"I think I need a shot for this," she says, and I'm happy to oblige.

"Okay." I signal the waiter, and he brings over two shots of Patron Silver. 

She knocks hers back quickly, and it's as if she's summoning courage. Watching her sweet face makes my cock hard. I want to get this conversation over with so that I can bring her back to my bed and make it all better. 

"Better?" I ask. 

"Yes. Much. It's liquid courage."

"You can tell me, baby. I promise I won't bite."

"Well, I know you’ve been wondering about me and Percy, and I think it's time for me to confess. I need to tell someone the truth."

I am all ears on this one. Anything to understand Percy's motives and position will help me. 

"Tell me everything. I want to know."

"He's been blackmailing me. He's also been blackmailing my family. He read the will, Kieran. He got a hold of it before any of you did, and it says that your father's estate will go to whoever can continue the line."

Now it all makes sense to me.


I feel nothing but rage for my so-called brother.

"Thus, the pregnancy."

"Yeah, he's been making me pretend about the whole thing. He has my father's company in his clutches, and he could destroy it on a whim."

"Fuck," I whisper under my breath.

Now I see all the heartache she's been through. Obviously, I knew she was never pregnant, but this shit from Percy is on a whole new level.

I hold her hand and she squeezes mine back. I know she's afraid of what Percy can do to her family, but at the same time, I’m so fucking glad that she trusts me. She’s not feeling hopeless anymore. 

I give her an encouraging smile.

"You're strong, baby. Telling me is the first step. Now we can work on fixing it together."

"You think I'm strong?"

Who could ever resist those blue eyes? They're like Caribbean blue, the perfect match to the ocean. And it looks like she's been containing an ocean of hurt all by herself. 

"You are.” I nod. “And telling me was the best thing you could have done. We’ll put a stop to all of this."

She breathes a sigh of relief, and it's like a huge weight has been lifted.

I lean in, kissing her lovingly and surprising myself with the gentleness of the act.

Normally, I'm not into kissing at all. Usually, I don't care. I’m all about the fucking. Get in, then get the fuck out. But something about Stacy makes me want to care, and I feel myself having a change of heart.

More than just fucking her, I want to have her, to possess her.

Stacy…she’s like an addiction. And I’m ready for my next fix.


I've been driving my father's Range Rover and I pull it up to the estate after having run some errands. I’m surprised to see Kieran in the driveway, apparently waiting for me.

Is this about Stacy? Does he know that I fucked her?

That must be it.

I think about what I’ll say. There's no way I'm giving Stacy up, not yet anyway. She's the best lay I've had in a very long while.

Kieran and I, while we used to be close, things have been cold between us. Percy's conniving ways have drawn a rift throughout the entire family. Where once we stood firmly as three brothers united against the world, now there’s distrust in the air. Nobody knows what's going on, and it's all his fault.

"Hey, man, what's up?"

"Carter, we have a problem."

"Let me guess, it's about Stacy, right? I was going to bring that up. I was just waiting for the right moment."

"No. It's not about her. I mean, I know you fucked her. And I did too. And I am planning to continue that,” he tells me with a quick shrug.

Well, okay then. At least that much is clear.

“But that's beside the point. We have a bigger problem at large."


"Yup. And guess what the slimy little bastard has been up to?"

"I've been trying to find that out." No luck so far. Maybe Kieran’s done better at figuring it out.

We walk inside so that we can have more privacy, through the house and back out to the pool area where Percy's ears can’t reach.

Kieran looks around, then leans forward. "He's been like a cancer to this family, eating away at everything our father built. I know we’re not blood, Carter, but we spent all those years having each other's back, and you’re the closest thing I have to family now. We need to stick together."

I consider what he's saying. I get it. We need to unite against Percy instead of letting him divide and conquer.

"So what's he done? What's his angle?"

"I met with Stacy, and we had a very revealing conversation. She told me some things about Percy."

"Things? Like what?"

"Well, I'm sure you could see that their marriage is based on lies. He would never touch her."

"Of course." I shudder at the idea of Percy putting his hands on her body.

"It looks like he's holding something over her family,” Kieran continues. “He's blackmailing her in some way and I'm not sure how, but it's bad. She's really torn about it, and she feels like one wrong move could leave her family in total collapse."

Now it all makes sense to me.

I knew something was wrong. I instinctively knew that Stacy hasn’t been happy, no matter how well she tries to hide it. The girl is a great fuck, sure, but she's also really kind and I find that endearing. I want to protect her from Percy – she doesn't deserve to deal with his manipulations. 

"So that's what’s been going on. I knew she wasn't pregnant. But she never breathed one word of it to me."

He takes a seat on one of the lounge chairs and we watch the setting sun in the distance.

"I'm surprised she told me, Carter. I think she's finally had enough of his abuse. But I also think she's still terrified of what might happen to her family."

I scrape my hand across my jaw. "Fuck, I know. That's not good, not at all. She must really feel like a prisoner here."

"Oh, she is. She’s definitely a prisoner. He has her by the throat, figuratively. It sounds like we’re the only ones who have touched her." He smirks.

After hearing this depressing news about what my brother's done, I just want to go to Stacy and fuck the living daylights out of her to remind her that she has nothing to worry about as long as she's with me.

I’ll protect her.

Especially now that I know what’s going on. 

"I'm so glad she confided in you, Kieran. Otherwise, where would we be? With Nolan acting all crazy I have no idea who to trust anymore. I didn't think I could even trust you." Though I still can’t as far as Stacy’s concerned. Kieran fucking my girl makes me feel a little crazy.

"Yeah, same here,” he breathes out, frustration dripping from his words. “Our father's house hasn't been the same since he died."

"It puts everything into perspective, doesn't it?"

And that also makes me think of Stacy. She must have been feeling so vulnerable and alone. I've been with her without even knowing what she's been going through, and some part of me wants to make that up to her.

She's worth caring about. At least, I think I’m starting to care. It’s not something I’m familiar with.

"So," he says, "I think we need to put aside our distrust for now, and work together to solve this thing. Percy has nothing now that we’re beginning to unravel his plan. Agreed?"

"Yes, agreed. I'm glad to have at least one ally. I was beginning to feel like there was nothing to do except wait."

I feel better knowing that Percy’s on his way down – and by our hands. I've had to deal with him for so long and I'm just done with it. He's never been a true man, and he has nothing but deception on his hands. I feel hopeful about things now – maybe we’ll be able to keep our father's fortune entrusted to the right people. 

"So, what's our next move?"

"Not sure, but I know that we need to work together until father's true wishes are accomplished."

He holds out his hand and we shake on it. 

And then I see her. As I stare, Kieran turns his head, and we both look up towards Stacy's balcony, where she's come out in the skimpiest of lingerie. I smirk, remembering how I stole her lingerie when I fucked her the first time. Call it a souvenir.

Fuck, she looks tasty standing there – and if I know anything about my brother, he’s thinking exactly the same thing.

My cock is rock hard now, just watching her from a distance.

“Let’s go,” I tell Kieran, and we both stand up at the same time and start making our way toward the house. It might make me crazy to think about Kieran and Stacy, but right now I want her so much that I’m willing to share. If she wants both of us, she can have us.

And right now, I’m ready to show Stacy just how much we care about her.