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The Marriage Bargain: A Marriage of Convenience Romance (A Love So Sweet Novel Book 4) by Mia Porter (12)


“Andy Gets a New Sister.” Kane read the title of Megan’s new book out loud to his audience of two. The words were slow and precise, but his voice was strong, clear and steady. He flipped open the book and showed the bright, colorful illustrations to the two kids sitting on either side of him before beginning the story about Andy’s newest adventure.

Megan leaned against the door frame to Andrew’s room and smiled at the cozy scene within, a content feeling adding to the love she harbored for her family. She’d received her advance copy of Andy Gets a New Sister that afternoon and was pleased with the book and the illustrations that depicted Andrew and his two-and-a-half-year-old sister, Emily.

While Kane read the story, Andrew interjected comments, explaining to his little sister about the exciting adventures Andy got himself into, and that when she got older, he’d show her his entire collection of books. And maybe he’d take her on an adventure all their own so their mother could write about it.

Emily, with her big blue eyes and silky raven hair, alternately stared in awe at her big brother, then Kane, clutching the teddy bear Andrew had given her the day she’d been born.

They were outgrowing their little house. Andrew shared his room with Emily, but they’d decided to expand another two rooms, one for Andrew and one for her office. She was quickly outgrowing her small corner in the bedroom and needed her own space, especially now that she’d received approval from her editor to start another children’s series, this one entitled Emily’s Escapades.

Life was good. The past three years had been a lot of hard work, filled with frustrating moments and arguments—Kane could be so stubborn!—but the love her family shared and the close bond they’d established more than made up for any hardship.

Kane read the last page, then closed the book and looked up, meeting her gaze. He gave her a private smile that still had the ability to make her feel sparks of excitement and anticipation, then he stood, his focus on the kids.

“Okay, kiddos, time for bed,” he said. “We’ve got church tomorrow.”

Andrew bounced off Emily’s bed and into his own. Megan kissed him and wished him sweet. dreams while Kane did the same to Emily, then they switched children.

Megan tucked the covers around Emily and kissed her brow.

“See Gama and Poppa Linden ’marrow, Mama?” Emily asked brightly.

Megan smiled. “Yes, sweetie, you’ll see Grandma and Grandpa Linden tomorrow after church.”

The Lindens had adopted Emily as another grandchild. Not only did Andrew and Emily spend Sundays with their grandparents, the Lindens dropped by regularly to visit. It had taken some time for Patricia to become comfortable with the family thing, but Megan had gone out of her way to make her welcome in their home. Her patience and persistence had paid off. Now, a couple times a week Patricia “found herself in the area” and dropped in to say hello. Megan saw through the woman’s ploy and thought it quite cute the way she made excuses for her visits. Funny how she always had a little something with her for the kids.

“’Night,” Megan said, and received two sleepy replies. She snapped off the light and closed the door halfway. She headed toward the living room, but as she passed Kane he snagged her hand and pulled her in the opposite direction…toward their bedroom. She didn’t protest.

“Emily’s growing so fast,” Megan said from the middle of the bedroom.

“And she’s just as beautiful as her mother.” He locked their door with a soft click and gave her a sexy smile that made her bare toes curl. Slowly, he approached her, and her heart raced at the predatory gleam in his eyes.

“Ready for another one?” he asked as his fingers deftly unbuttoned her blouse, revealing a champagne-colored satin bra and more satin skin. His mouth glanced off her shoulder as he pushed the garment down her arms to pool on the floor.

She gasped and let her head fall back so he could taste more of her. “Maybe one more,” she managed. “Once your shop gets established.”

Kane had finally succumbed to her urging to do what he loved. Learning to read had given him the confidence to reach for his dreams. With Harold’s help he acquired a business loan from the bank, then opened a small shop in town for cabinetry. So far, business had been steady. Twice a week in the evenings Kane attended adult education classes and planned to eventually get his high school diploma.

“Mmm.” It was Kane’s only response. He nibbled the tender flesh of her neck, little love bites that coaxed a series of shivers from her. “Mrs. Scheibe came in and ordered a custom-made hope chest for her daughter, and Billy Telman wants me to help him build a workbench and cupboards in his garage.”

She fisted his hair in her hands and gently pulled his head back until he was looking at her. She feigned a pout. “When are you going to find time for me?”

“I always find time for you.” His reply was a low, sexy growl.

She smiled and skimmed the hem of his shirt up and over his head, then reached for the buckle on his jeans. In less than ten seconds they lay in a heap on the floor, leaving him completely, gloriously naked.

“How about a lesson tonight?” she asked. The question had become their code for making love, because those late-night-lessons had inevitably ended up with them in bed discovering other pleasures.

He laughed throatily, then groaned as her fingers played along his belly. “Spelling test tonight?”

She nipped at his chin. “We haven’t had one in a while, have we?” She’d invented an enjoyable, amusing game for Kane to learn to spell—by spelling body parts and having him identify them, then giving him a body part and having him spell it. He’d been a quick learner and a very willing pupil. Three years ago it had been hard work, now it was just plain fun.

“Nope. I’ve missed them.” He shimmied her jeans and panties down her legs and off, then skimmed his palms up her calves to her thigh. Squeezing gently, he spelled it.

“Very good,” she said on a catch of breath. Those hands of his were incredible. He unsnapped her bra, her last article of clothing, and dropped it on the pile on the floor. He palmed the full weight, and her nipples peaked into aching buds.

“Breast,” he murmured, and spelled it, then lowered his mouth to swirl his tongue around the tip.

She moaned, reveling in the exquisite sensations rippling through her. “Very, very good,” she managed to say before she lost the ability to think beyond what he was doing to her.

He kissed her then, deep and wild and drugging. Walking her backward to the bed, he followed her onto the soft comforter, his hard, muscular body pressing into soft, feminine curves. Automatically, she made room for him, waiting for that first thrust that irrevocably made her unravel into a million different pieces.

But instead of taking her, he braced on his elbows on either side of her and gently smoothed wispy strands of hair from her face. Her lashes fluttered open, and she gazed at him curiously.

His eyes turned a smoky green color, brimming with emotion. “I-L-U-V-U,” he spelled.

A crooked smile tipped her mouth. “I think we need to practice that one a bit more,” she whispered.

“That’s what I was hoping you’d say.” He grinned wickedly, leaving no doubt in Megan’s mind that his spelling error was a ploy to steal her heart and soul for the millionth time. “Why don’t I just show you how much I love you…?”


All books available in the “A Love So Sweet” Series are stand-alone stories and can be read in any order.